1、5-1SSPC-PS COMNovember 1, 2004SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsCOMMENTARY ON PAINTING SYSTEMS1. IntroductionSSPC has three types of painting system documents:complete painting systems, painting system guides, and per-formance-based painting system material specifi cations. The SSPC documents
2、 of this type were developed only for steel, not for wood or concrete. Painting System: Each of these painting systems combines in a single specifi cation all of the require-ments necessary for a complete paint job. It therefore includes by reference all of the specifi cations for surface preparatio
3、n, paint application, paint thickness measurement, primer, mid-coat, topcoat, safety, and inspection. In most cases it is recommended that the particular painting system is specifi ed by number. Painting System Guides: The painting system guides are to be used to prepare modifi ed systems for specia
4、l cases. Unlike the other guides in this sec-tion, SSPC-Guide 8.00 does not address the surface preparation of a steel substrate, but rather provides guidance in selecting the proper topcoat for use over a zinc-rich primer. Painting System Material Specifi cations Per-formance-based: These documents
5、 specify the performance requirements for a multi-coat system based on a particular generic class of coatings, e.g., aluminum epoxy. These documents serve only to qualify a coating material and do not address other items such as surface preparation and thickness measurement. Hence, these painting sy
6、stem mate-rial specifi cations serve only to specify the coating material to be used in a complete painting system specifi cation.By disregarding the more unusual combinations and circumstances, the SSPC Painting Systems are able to of-fer in complete but compact form the minimum number of combinati
7、ons necessary to paint the great preponderance of steel structures. For unusual circumstances, users of the specifi cations may devise their own painting systems by choosing from among the alternative specifi cations listed in the Painting System Guides. These models offer a large number of compatib
8、le combinations of surface preparations, primers, intermediates, and fi nish paints.SSPC Painting Systems and Guides were originally pub-lished in 1955. They were revised and expanded to incorporate improvements in concept and in technology. The Painting System Material Specifi cations Performance-B
9、ased were fi rst introduced in 2000. The descriptions of painting systems are listed in Table 1. Within each generic type, there may be several systems, each a complete paint scheme in itself. Each scheme is designed for a specifi c application where a particular combination of durability, drying ti
10、me, tolerance for surface preparation, cost, color, etc., is desired.2. Using SSPC Painting Systems by NumberThe preferred method of using the SSPC Painting Systems is simply to specify, for example, that the steel or the structure shall be painted in accordance with the SSPC-PS 1.09 “Three Coat Oil
11、 Base Zinc Oxide Painting System.” This is similar to the procedure that would be used in specifying the steel.By using this method, the specifi er can procure a standard painting system consisting of a surface preparation suitable for the priming paint; the specifi cation for an intermediate coat (
12、sometimes a primer or top-coat tinted to contrasting shade); usually one standard fi nish coat, often offering an option of colors and a specifi ed thickness for each coat. Use of the standard painting system will generally result in satisfactory performance if the recommendations are followed.Withi
13、n each general type of painting system (Table 1) an exceedingly large number of combinations would be pos-sible. As an aid in selecting a specifi c system for a specifi c need, some general types are divided into a limited number of proven SSPC Painting Systems. (See Tables 2 and 3 of this commentar
14、y and the descriptions accompanying them.)3. Using SSPC Painting System GuidesRather than using the SSPC Painting System Specifi ca-tions, the specifi er may wish to employ the SSPC Painting System Guides. These worksheets (or models) are useful for special painting problems not covered by the stand
15、ard painting systems. To use them, one fi rst decides what generic type of coating is to be used - oil base, alkyd, zinc-rich, coal tar, etc. For each of these types there is usually a corresponding painting system guide. For example, the oil base painting system guide is numbered SSPC-PS Guide 1.00
16、, the alkyd guide is numbered PS Guide 2.00, and so on. In these guides are descriptions of each specifi cation, including the principal public specifi cations of SSPC, the government, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi cials (AASHTO), and others. A complete painting s
17、ystem can therefore be made up by choos-ing, from one of these worksheets, the desired stipulations on surface preparation, application, primer, topcoat, etc.5-2SSPC-PS COMNovember 1, 2004By using this alternative, painting systems may be pre-pared to cover special requirements. It should be emphasi
18、zed, however, that judgment must be used in selecting the proper painting systems, the surface preparations, and priming and fi nish paints. The recommended systems are completely com-patible and should result in satisfactory paint life from both the protective and decorative viewpoint. Volume 1, SS
19、PC Good Painting Practice should also be consulted for further detailed information.The painting systems are occasionally used in a third way. This method is similar to the preceding one, but the users may vary any of the surface preparations, primer, etc., that are listed by substituting proprietar
20、y products or other specifi cations as desired. A painting system is then a model for the preparation of the users own painting system, which may be more suitable for particular requirements. Here, the user must be extremely careful that compatible surface preparations, paints, and meth-ods are spec
21、ifi ed. The use of proprietary priming and fi nish paints is highly recommended provided the user has suffi cient experience to know that they will perform satisfactorily.4. Using SSPC Painting System Material Specifi cations Performance-BasedThese specifi cations are used to specify only the coat-i
22、ng material, i.e., the paints, in a complete painting system specifi cation. One of the SSPC Painting Systems or Painting System Guides can be used as a template in preparing the job specifi cation incorporating the performance-based coat-ing material specifi cation. This approach allows the coating
23、 manufacturer to custom match each coat of a multi-coat system with the adjacent coating layer.TABLE 1OUTLINE OF SSPC PAINTING SYSTEMS AND GUIDESSystem Number Code Description1 SSPC-PS 1.00-1.13 Oil Base Painting Systems2 SSPC-PS 2.00-2.05 Alkyd Painting Systems4 SSPC-PS 4.00-4.04 Vinyl Painting Sys
24、tems7 SSPC-PS Guide 7.00 Guide for Selecting One-Coat Shop Painting Systems8 SSPC-PS Guide 8.00 Guide to Topcoating Zinc-Rich Primers10 SSPC-PS 10.01-10.02 Hot- and Cold-Applied Coal Tar Painting Systems11 SSPC-PS 11.01 Black (or Dark Red) Coal Tar Epoxy Polyamide Painting System12 SSPC-PS 12.00-12.
25、01 Zinc-Rich Painting Systems13 SSPC-PS 13.01 Epoxy Polyamide Painting System14 SSPC-PS 14.01 Steel Joist Shop Painting System15 SSPC-PS 15.00-15.04 Chlorinated Rubber Painting System16 SSPC-PS 16.01 Silicone Alkyd Painting System for New Steel17 SSPC-PS Guide 17.00 Guide for Selecting Urethane Pain
26、ting Systems18 SSPC-PS 18.01 Three-Coat Latex Painting System19 SSPC-PS Guide 19.00 Guide for Selecting Painting Systems for Ship Bottoms20 SSPC-PS Guide 20.00 Guide for Selecting Painting Systems for Boottoppings21 SSPC-PS Guide 21.00 Guide for Selecting Painting Systems for Topsides22 SSPC-PS Guid
27、e 22.00Guide for Selecting One-Coat, Pre-Construction or Pre-Fabrication Painting Systems for Ships23 SSPC-CS 23.00Specifi cation for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel24 SSPC-PS 24.00 Latex
28、 Painting System for Industrial and Marine Atmospheres, Performance Based26 SSPC-PS 26.00Aluminum Pigmented Epoxy Coating System for Steel Surfaces, Performance-Based27 SSPC-PS 27.00 Alkyd Coating System, Performance-Based5-3SSPC-PS COMNovember 1, 20045. LimitationsThe use of specifi cations alone c
29、annot guarantee perfor-mance; neither can strict compliance with the recommenda-tions of the specifi cations prevent all future paint failures. For example, when hand cleaning is used as a method of surface preparation, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no lifting of mill scale. Even
30、when blast cleaning is used as a method of surface preparation, and the proper paints are used, paints may fail due to the great number of factors that cannot be controlled in every case. One can be safely assured, however, that if this good practice has been followed, the possibility of failure is
31、reduced to the minimum consistent with the present state of the art.Regulations governing the content of volatile organic com-pounds (VOC) of coatings vary from state to state and among districts within a state. Before choosing a painting system it is therefore imperative that all applicable federal
32、, state, and local regulations and restrictions are known so that the appropriate surface preparation and coatings can be specifi ed.6. Summary of SSPC Painting Systems6.1 OIL BASE PAINTING SYSTEMS (NO. 1): Oil base painting systems are summarized in Table 2, which shows three basic oil base paint s
33、ystems. These are numbered SSPC-PS 1.09, 1.10, and 1.13. For special paint problems not covered by the standard paint systems, an oil base painting system guide SSPC-PS Guide 1.00 is also presented.6.1.1 Use: The oil base painting systems do not neces-sarily require complete removal of intact mill s
34、cale by blast cleaning or pickling. However, thorough surface preparation by hand tool or power tool cleaning is mandatory. The primers in these systems are based chiefl y upon linseed oil vehicles with good surface wetting properties and upon rust-inhibitive pigmentation.These painting systems are
35、intended primarily for structural steel exposed to atmospheric conditions. They are particularly suitable for outdoor weather exposure, but may also be used for the interior of buildings subjected to moderately corrosive conditions. They have only limited resistance to chemical ex-posure, immersion,
36、 brine, condensation, high humidity, burial, very corrosive environments, high temperatures, or abrasion. Blast cleaning or pickling may be used to prolong expected paint life, to counteract severe exposures, or to assure adequate cleaning of badly rusted steel surfaces.These painting systems have b
37、een used successfully on a wide variety of weather-exposed structural steel constituting the major surface areas of many structures. They are satis-factory for structural steel in industrial, rural, or mild marine atmospheres. Typical structures are highway, railroad, and ore bridges; tank exteriors
38、; building exteriors; interiors exposed to occasional condensation and fumes; bandstands, grandstand frames, and platforms; bin exteriors; belt conveyors; unheated parts of blast furnaces; catenary poles and towers; industrial plant yard areas; cranes, derricks, runways, and heavy equip-ment; dock a
39、nd dam superstructures; fences, posts, guard rails, iron railings; fi re escapes, door frames, window sills and coamings.6.1.2 Description: Primer vehicles made up of raw linseed oil only are very slow drying (at least 48 hours to handle). Ad-ditions of boiled oil reduce the drying time but also red
40、uce the wetting effi ciency. Additions of alkyd resins further reduce the drying time but also reduce the wetting effi ciency. Inhibitive pigments help retard corrosion. Other pigments enhance the functionality (hardness, UV stability, etc.) of the coating.Each of these oil base painting systems rep
41、resents a proven combination selected for specifi c properties and uses. System PS 2.05 provides some alkyd in the primer and is especially good for steel that is thoroughly wire brushed. Systems PS 1.09 and 1.10, three and four coat systems, respectively, use zinc oxide primers that are free of lea
42、d and chromate pigments. System PS 1.13 consists of a single coat of a slow drying maintenance primer.If this alternate fi nish coat is used, then the intermediate coat shall consist of one coat of SSPC-Paint 101, Alkyd Alu-minum Paint, Type II, Non-Leafi ng.6.2 ALKYD PAINTING SYSTEMS (NO. 2)6.2.1 U
43、se: Alkyd painting systems are satisfactory for structural steel in industrial, rural, or marine atmospheres, particularly those that are too severe for oil base paints, such as high humidity, industrial fumes, etc. Typical structures are plants and refi neries; moderately heated parts of blast furn
44、aces; industrial buildings; chemical plants, yard areas or mild interiors; interiors of buildings of high humidity but not continuous condensation; bins, belt conveyors, platforms; grandstands; highway, railroad, and ore bridges; dam and dock superstructures; topsides and superstructures of vessels;
45、 cranes and derricks; guard posts and rails; and railings.An alkyd painting system may be used for production items such as siding, door and window frames and sash, or for equipment used in highway construction, mining, and ex-cavating. For such items, hot phosphate pretreatment or wash primer is re
46、commended. Colored high gloss enamel fi nishes may be selected from proprietary sources. Where conditions are more severe than normally encountered, or faster drying topcoats are desired, alkyd fi nish paints should be selected rather than oil paints.Generally, linseed oil paints or alkyds are not c
47、onsidered satisfactory for continuous water immersion. When very short oil alkyds are specifi ed for use over softer paints, it is important that at least one week of drying be allowed before application of the alkyd paint.A performance-based alkyd system is described in PS Description:
48、Alkyd painting systems are intended primarily for structural steel exposed to atmospheric condi-5-4SSPC-PS COMNovember 1, 2004tions, but they may be used for infrequent immersion in fresh or salt water, or infrequent exposure to condensation. They are particularly suited for severe weather exposure,
49、 but they may also be used for the interiors of buildings subjected to corrosive conditions such as mild chemical exposure, high humidity, or infrequent condensation. They have only limited resistance to strongly chemical environments, complete immersion, burial, or severe abrasion. Because of the reduced performance of the primers on dirty, oily, or rusting steel, it is recommended that blast cleaning or pickling of steel be used as the surface preparation for new work.6.3 VINYL PAINTING SYSTEMS (NO. 4)6.3.1 Use: SSPC vinyl painting systems are intended for very severe exposures. Th
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