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本文(SSPC QP 6-2004 Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifi cations of Contractors Who Apply Thermal Spray (Metallizing) for Corrosion Protection of Steel and Concrete Structures《.pdf)为本站会员(eventdump275)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

SSPC QP 6-2004 Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifi cations of Contractors Who Apply Thermal Spray (Metallizing) for Corrosion Protection of Steel and Concrete Structures《.pdf

1、1. Scope1.1 This procedure describes a method for evaluating the qualifications of industrial thermal spray (metallizing) contractors and defines a minimum standard to evaluate the contractors capability to evaluate and accept the preparation of the surface to be metallized and to thermally spray (1

2、) coatings of aluminum, zinc, and their alloys for corrosion protection of steel and/or (2) zinc anodes on steel reinforced concrete.1.2 The contractor shall be qualified for steel, concrete, or both steel and concrete. The QP 6 certificate/designation will indicate the qualification category.1.3 Th

3、e objective of this procedure is to determine if a thermal spray contractor or shop has the personnel, organiza-tion, qualifications, procedures, and knowledge, to determine acceptability of surface preparation, apply thermal spray (metal-lized) coatings, and apply sealing of the required quality un

4、der the conditions and restrictions specified by the owner.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, QP 6 requires the contractor to be QP 1certified for field surface preparation and coating application or QP 3 certified for shop surface preparation and coating application to supplement the requirements of t

5、his procedure.2. DefinitionsAuditor: 1) The person or persons who perform audits on behalf of the qualifying agency. 2) The person or persons possessing the necessary technical competence to review applicant submittals, conduct on-site shop and field audits of applicants, and report results to the q

6、ualifying agency in compliance with the requirements of this procedure and the written requirements of the formal audit program. Owner: The person, company or organization that owns the item or structure to be metallized. Procedure: The sequence of steps taken to carry out a particular course of act

7、ion.Qualification: The procedure by which written assurance is given that an applicant conforms to the prescribed set of conditions or requirements of this standard procedure. Qualifying Agency: The body responsible for develop-ment, maintenance, sponsorship, and operation of a program to ensure uni

8、form compliance with the provisions of this procedure.Thermal Spray Contractor: A firm that provides thermally sprayed coating application services (surface preparation evaluation and acceptance through thermal spray application, sealing, and topcoating) in a shop facility or in the field.Thermal Sp

9、ray Inspector (TSI): A person who has training and experience to conduct inspections in accordance with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS 2.23M/C2:23 /NACE No. 12 and the applicable inspections of ASTM D 3276.Thermal Spray Operator (TSO): A worker who has been qualified in general accordance with AWS C2.16/C2.16M:2

10、000 to apply thermal spray coatings. The qualification is documented by a signed and dated certificate indicating the type of equip-ment, type of thermal spray coating, and type of thermal spray application performed.Thermal Spray Supervisor (TSS): The applicants employee who has responsibility and

11、authority to ensure that thermal spray applications are applied to meet project specifica-tions. This employee will be involved in material and equipment decisions and be onsite during all quality hold points, surface preparation acceptance, and all thermal spray application. Qualifications, evaluat

12、ion, and certification of the supervisor are described in Section 6.Thermal Spraying (Metallizing): A process for applying metallic feedstock or metallic powder. The material is melted and sprayed onto the substrate to produce a uniform coating. Thermal Spray Supervisor Qualification (TSS Qualificat

13、ion): A qualification required by SSPC-QP 6 for the TSS. The TSS Qualification shall be for the steel category, the concrete category, or both steel and concrete categories.3. QP 6 Qualification and Categories 3.1 TYPES OF STRUCTURES: Complex structures encompass a wide range of structural types and

14、 configura-tions. Although the required evaluation functions are similar for all complex structures, the specific skills (e.g., rigging or pollution controls) are sometimes quite different for painting a bridge and painting a process facility.This procedure does not differentiate between contrac-tor

15、s engaged in work in different industries and on different structures. Owners will often select contractors with the specific skills and experience required for the particular job at hand. Some industrial subcategories with which specific skills are often associated are listed below:SSPC-QP 6July 1,

16、 2004Editorial Revisions July 1, 2007SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsQUAlIFICATIOn PROCEDURE nO. 6Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifications of ContractorsWho Apply Thermal Spray (Metallizing)for Corrosion Protection of Steel and Concrete Structures2 Marine/splash zone: These incl

17、ude structures such as waterfront structures, locks, dams, ship hulls, bulk-heads, piers, and offshore platforms and structures. Bridges and towers Manufacturing facilities Chemical and processing facilities: These include chemical and petrochemical plants, pulp and paper mills, food and beverage pl

18、ants, and water and waste facilities. Power generation facilities and distribution structures3.2 FUnCTIOnS TO BE EVAlUATED: This procedure identifies four functional areas to be evaluated: Management Procedures, Technical Capabilities, Quality Control, and Safety and Health. General requirements for

19、 each of these function areas are presented in Section 5.3.3 QUAlIFICATIOn CATEGORIES: This standard estab-lishes two categories for thermal spray qualification. a. Steel Category: The QP 6 steel category is for quali-fication of a thermal spray contractor (shop or field) performing acceptance of su

20、rface preparation of new and existing steel structures followed by thermal spray application in accordance with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/C2:23/NACE No. 12.b. Concrete Category: The QP 6 concrete category is for qualification of a thermal spray contractor determining acceptability of surface preparat

21、ion of existing concrete followed by thermal spray applica-tion in order to provide cathodic protection of existing steel reinforced concrete in accordance with AWS C2.20/C2.20M. 4. Referenced Standards4.1 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the referenced standards in effect shall govern, u

22、nless otherwise specified. 4.2 If there is a conflict between the requirements of any of the cited referenced standards and this procedure, the requirements of this procedure shall prevail.4.3 SSPC AnD JOInT STAnDARDS:SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/C2:23/nACE no. 121 Application of Thermal Spray Coatings

23、(Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys have adequate technical resources; have suitable job conversion procedures; and have appropriate equipment, facilities, and experience. The contractor shall provide the following:5.2.1 Qualified Personnel:a. Documentation of training, experience and

24、work history of qualified workers, including thermal spray supervisor (TSS), thermal spray operators (TSO), and thermal spray inspectors (TSI).b. A method for monitoring proficiency of workers accepting surface preparation, performing thermal spray metallizing, application of seal coating, and inspe

25、ction.c. Qualified site personnel, including personnel deter-mining acceptability of surface preparation and personnel applying thermal spray coatings. 5.2.2 Technical Resources:a. A list of technical societies, trade bodies, or other industry groups with which the contractor is associated that prov

26、ide technical information relevant to thermal spraying (e.g., universities, major manufacturers, consultants). Current membership certificates or correspondence shall be maintained to verify the association.b. Verification that the company maintains a library of current technical standards appropria

27、te for types of work performed. 5.2.3 Procedures: Formal procedures that are used to convert job specifications into field work orders, job plans, etc., including procedures for:a. Logging receipt of specifications and revisions, and recording recipients of copies, as well as removing obsolete or su

28、perseded documents from the work-place.b. Documenting communication that notes exceptions to specifications or other clarifications.c. Communicating specification requirements to site personnel.d. Quality assurance programs (where used). Work procedures shall specifically define quality control meth

29、ods and criteria. e. Project-specific safety and health compliance. 5.2.4 Work History and Equipment Maintenancea. Listing of current (site based) jobs and jobs recently completed on complex structures within the previous 18 months which support the contractors suitability for certification. The lis

30、t shall include the following: Client name, address, and principal contact Description of the work performed Any special requirements or provisions (e.g., safety or environmental)b. Formal description of maintenance and repair procedures utilized for equipment used to do thermal spraying/metallizing

31、, including repair logs.5.3. QUAlITY COnTROl (QC): The contractor must demonstrate that it uses qualified personnel and proper inspec-tion and recording procedures for job quality control. 5.3.1 Personnel Qualifications: Documentation that personnel performing QC-related functions are qualified, inc

32、luding records of training and experience of qualified TSS, TSI, and TSO, and a description of qualification requirements for personnel as well as a detailed job description.5.3.2 Inspection Procedures and Recording Systems: The contractor must demonstrate that:a. Standards and specifications for co

33、ating inspection work are available and properly utilized.b. It has implemented a system for maintaining and filing inspection reports.c. Inspection equipment and calibration standards and procedures are available and properly utilized.d. Procedures to stop non-conforming work are properly utilized.

34、 e. Procedures for verifying proper thermal spray applica-tion and sealing are properly utilizedf. Procedures are properly utilized to ensure that each major operation (e.g., surface preparation accep-tance, thermal spray (primer) application, sealer and subsequent coating application,) is inspected

35、 and documented.5.4 SAFETY AnD HEAlTH: The contractor must operate a compliant safety and health program, maintain safety records and have access to safety resource material.5.4.1 Safety Procedures and Record-Keeping Systemsa. Safety education meetings and related activities shall be held and minute

36、s and attendees shall be documented.b. Pre-job safety meetings shall be held and documented.c. Accidents shall be reported in accordance with regula-tions and insurance requirements.d. A formal procedure for annually determining the proficiency of the safety and loss control program shall be in plac

37、e.e. Formal safety procedures and training for operating equipment shall be provided.SSPC-QP 6July 1, 2004Editorial Revisions July 1, 20074f. Adequate personal protective equipment and a formal system to check the effectiveness and maintenance of that equipment shall be provided.g. Employees trained

38、 in first aid shall be available on all sites where work is performed.h. All safety rules shall be enforced.i. Records shall be kept of non-compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Documentation shall be kept of the corrective actions taken to correct any violations cited and prevent r

39、epeat violations.5.4.2 Resource Materials: The contractor shall:a. Maintain a list of available safety resource materials.b. Operate a formal procedure for acquiring safety information and materials.c. Operate a formal procedure to ensure that safety information and materials referenced in submittal

40、s are available to on-site personnel.6. Thermal Spray Specific Program Requirements6.1 Personnel Qualifications6.1.1 Thermal Spray Supervisor (TSS)a. TSS, Steel Category: The TSS shall demonstrate knowledge of thermal spraying of steel components and/or complex structures in accordance with SSPC 23.

41、00, SSPC-QP 1, and SSPC-QP 3.b. TSS, Concrete Category: The TSS shall demonstrate knowledge of thermal spraying of concrete in accor-dance with SSPC QP 8 and AWS C2.20/C2.20M for concrete. Experience: a. The TSS steel category experience requirements shall include documented evidence of at le

42、ast 2 years satisfactory performance in managing and supervising abrasive blast cleaning projects of steel surfaces in conformance with the requirements of SSPC-SP 5 and SSPC-SP 10. Alternately, the supervisor shall have 1 year of experience and successful completion of the SSPC C-7 Fundamentals of

43、Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning training and qualification program. b. The TSS concrete category experience requirements shall include at least 1 year of satisfactory performance in managing and supervising abrasive blast cleaning projects of concrete surfaces. Training: The TSS shall participate

44、 in an SSPC Thermal Spray Training Course or equivalent, or provide documentation of at least two years of experience in thermal spray application.a. Steel Category: The training course shall consist of 16 hours of theoretical and quality related training in general accordance with the requirements

45、of SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS 2.23M/C2:23/NACE No. 12.b. Concrete Category: The training course shall consist of 16 hours of theoretical and quality related training in general accordance with the requirements of AWS C2.20/C2.20M.c. Both Categories: The TSS shall provide documenta-tion by the thermal spray e

46、quipment supplier as having participated and exhibited knowledge (theoretical and practical) in the use of specific thermal spray equip-ment to be used on the thermal spray contractors project. This practical training shall be 8 hours and include the use of quality control instruments. Alternately,

47、the TSS with 2 years of documented experience in thermal spray application shall be qualified on specific equip-ment through equipment manufacturer training or through a separate formally documented training procedure (8 hours). Additional Equipment: The TSS shall be qualified for additional pieces

48、of thermal spray application equipment through equipment manufacturer training or through a formal training procedure (8 hours). Certification of satisfactory completion of training is required for each specific piece of thermal spray application equipment. Qualification:a. The TSS shall be q

49、ualified under the contractors program as a (TSO).b. Steel Category: Specific testing requirements for the TSS for steel category include the following from AWS C2.16/C2.16M:1. TSOQT No. JK-1 Job Knowledge 2. TSOQT No. AS-1 Arc Spraying: Zn, Al, and Their Alloys for Corrosion Protection 3. TSOQT No. FS-1 - Flame Spraying: Zn, Al, and Their Alloys for Corrosion Protection4. Annex A Safety Information for Thermal Spraying5. The TSS shall be tested and re-qualified every two years per the requirements of Section 8 of AWS C2.16/C2.16M and the job requirements of SSPC-CS 23.00/

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