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本文(SSPC QP 9-2008 Standard for Evaluating Qualifications of Painting Contractors Who Apply Architectural Paints and Coatings《使用建筑漆料和涂料的涂料承包商资格评估标准》.pdf)为本站会员(eventdump275)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

SSPC QP 9-2008 Standard for Evaluating Qualifications of Painting Contractors Who Apply Architectural Paints and Coatings《使用建筑漆料和涂料的涂料承包商资格评估标准》.pdf

1、SSPC-QP 9August 1, 20081SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsQualifiCaTion ProCedure no. 9Standard for Evaluating Qualifications of Painting Contractors Who apply architectural Paints and Coatings1. Scope1.1 This standard procedure contains requirements for evaluating the qualifications of paint

2、ing contractors who apply architectural coatings on commercial or institutional structures, and defines a minimum standard for qualification.1.2 The objective of this procedure is to determine if a painting contractor has the management structure; organiza-tion structure; qualified personnel; techni

3、cal capability; quality management system; and safety and environmental compli-ance programs in order to perform surface preparation and architectural coating application of the required quality under the conditions and restrictions specified by the owner. 1.3 In addition to the evaluation criteria

4、outlined in this procedure, the owner is advised to review items not covered by this procedure. Examples include, but are not limited to, the applicants financial stability; performance history; bonding capacity; and ability to successfully complete a specific project in the time frame required.1.4

5、The procedure encompasses the application of archi-tectural coatings in the commercial and institutional sectors only. Field industrial or marine protective coating applications on steel structures is covered by the requirements of SSPC-QP 1, “Standard Procedure for Evaluating Qualifications of Pain

6、ting Contractors.” Painting of steel and miscellaneous metal parts in the shop is covered by SSPC-QP 3, “Standard Procedures for Evaluating the Qualifications of Shop Painting Applicators.” The residential painting and decorating finishing markets are covered by the Painting and Decorating Contracto

7、rs of America (PDCA) Accreditation Program1.2. description2.1 definiTionSContractor: The individual or entity with which the owner or customer has entered into an agreement to provide surface preparation and architectural paint and coating application services. 1 For information on PDCA accreditatio

8、n, contact the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America, 1801 Park 270 Drive, Suite 220, St. Louis, MO 63146,or visit http:/ architectural Coatings: Paints and coatings applied on-site to new and existing commercial, institutional and industrial buildings. auditor: The person tech

9、nically qualified to perform audits of a contractors management structure; organization structure; personnel, technical capability; quality management system; and safety, health and environmental compliance programs on behalf of the Qualifying Agency and report findings to the Qualifying Agencys aud

10、it program manager. owner: The owner (or owners legal representative) of the building/structure/facility to be painted.Customer: Entity (e.g., the building owner, developer, property manager or leasing agent, general contractor, or architect/designer) having the agreement with the painting contracto

11、r for architectural coating application.Procedure: The sequence of steps taken to carry out a particular course of action.Qualification: The objective evidence by which written assurance is given that an applicant conforms to the prescribed set of conditions or requirements of this procedure. Qualif

12、ying agency: The organization responsible for development, maintenance, sponsorship, and operation of a program to ensure uniform compliance with the provisions of this procedure.2.2 TYPeS of STruCTureS: Commercial and institu-tional structures encompass a wide range of building types and interior a

13、nd exterior configurations. Architectural coatings are normally applied for aesthetic purposes, protection, or signage. Examples include but are not limited to: retail stores, shopping centers; office buildings; schools, colleges and universities; libraries, institutional buildings, public and milit

14、ary housing; apartment buildings; warehouses and product storage and distribution centers, medical and dental facilities; sports and recreational facilities; airports, rail and bus stations. Although the required evaluation functions are similar for all commercial and institutional structures, the s

15、pecific skills (e.g., scaffolding; hazardous paint removal) are often quite different for painting a particular office building and painting a particular military or public housing project.2.3 funCTionS To Be eValuaTed: There are four qualification categories to be evaluated: Management Procedures,

16、Technical Capabilities, Job Quality Procedures, and Safety, Health and Environmental Compliance. General SSPC-QP 9August 1, 20082requirements for each of these categories are presented in Section 3.2.4 eValuaTion CriTeria: The Qualifying Agency shall develop criteria or rating plans to initially eva

17、luate and monitor each applicant against the established criteria. The Qualifying Agency shall also determine which of the specific evaluation items within the four categories are to be reviewed during follow-up audits, ensuring the items evaluated are the same for all applicants. 2.5 QualifiCaTion

18、CaTeGorieS: This standard is composed of four qualification categories described below. Where no Category is specified in a contracting document, requirements for Category 1 shall apply. Contractors who are qualified to Categories 4, 3 or 2 are expected to progress to the next highest qualification

19、category within a time frame established by the qualifying agency.Category 1: Contractor has demonstrated a minimum of five years of successful experience applying architectural paints and coatings in the commercial or institutional property markets and is found to be in compliance with all requirem

20、ents of this procedure. Category 1 qualification requires both an office and a jobsite audit.Category 2: Contractor has demonstrated a minimum of three years of successful experience applying architectural paints and coatings, in the commercial or institutional property markets and is found to be in

21、 compliance with all requirements of this procedure with the exception of full implementation of a Job Quality Monitoring System in the field. Category 2 qualification requires an office audit only. Category 3: Contractor has a minimum of two years of successful experience applying architectural pai

22、nts and coatings in the commercial or institutional property markets and is found to be in compliance with all requirements of this procedure with the exception of development and implementa-tion of a Job Quality Monitoring System and an Environmental Compliance Program in accordance with requiremen

23、ts of Sections 3.3.3 and 3.4.2. No site audit is required to qualify for this Category.Category 4: Contractor has minimal experience (0-2 years) but has established programs to comply with the Management requirements of this procedure as a result of a review and acceptance of submittals by the Quali

24、fying Agency. No site audit is required for this Category.A comparison of the requirements for each of the catego-ries is shown in Table 1.To qualify for any category in the leftmost column, the contractor shall meet all of the requirements listed in the corresponding row. For example, to qualify fo

25、r Category 1, the contractor shall: 1) have greater than five years experi-ence; 2) have implemented a formal Quality Monitoring (QM) program; 3) have implemented formal Safety and Environmental Compliance programs; 4) have submitted an application for certification accepted by the qualifying agency

26、; and 5) have passed an external audit at both its headquarters and one or more representative job sites.In another example, a contractor who has 10 years experience in the commercial painting industry and a written and field-implemented Safety and Environmental Compliance program but who lacks a wr

27、itten QM program will not qualify for Category 1. That contractor shall enter the program in Category 3, and cannot move into Category 2 until a written QM program has been developed and an on-site audit has been passed. To move into Category 1, the contractor shall be able to demonstrate field impl

28、ementation of the written QM program and pass a field and headquarters audit.TaBle 1SuMMarY of reQuireMenTS for CoMMerCial PainTinG ConTraCTor QualifiCaTion CaTeGorieSCategoryMinimum Years experienceformal QM Programformal Safety/ environmental Compliance Programapplication Workers Compen-sation; ve

29、hicle insurance).g. Procedures for filing tax returns and other IRS (or equivalent organization outside the USA) financial reporting requirements.h. Procedures for filing proper business documents (e.g. incorporation papers: Employment eligibility verifica-tions, vehicle registrations, building perm

30、its, etc).3.2 TeCHniCal CaPaBiliTieS: The applicant shall show evidence of having qualified craft workers, adequate technical resources, suitable job conversion procedures, and appropriate equipment, facilities, and experience as follows:3.2.1 Production Personnel Qualifications: a. The contractor s

31、hall provide documented evidence that technicians/craft workers are trained and quali-fied and their performance evaluated according to the requirements of Appendix A.b. The contractor shall provide evidence that all techni-cians/craft workers are either formally trained or are in the process of bei

32、ng formally trained in the inter-pretation and use of standard industry specifications and standards acceptable to the Qualifying Agency.3.2.2 Technical resources:a. The contractor shall provide a list of technical soci-eties, trade associations, or other industry groups (e.g., universities, major m

33、anufacturers, consultants) with which contractor is associated in order to keep abreast of industry standards, technology, product information, etc.b. The contractor has current or specified versions of technical standards and references (e.g., manu-facturers product data sheets and manufacturers ma

34、terial safety data sheets-MSDS; PDCA standards; MPI Standards) applicable to the work it performs. Project-specific references and standards shall be available to production personnel at the job site.3.2.3 Procedures: Description of implemented procedures that are used to convert job specifications

35、into field work orders, job plans, etc., including: a. Written records of receipt and internal processing of job specifications and revisions.b. Procedures for formally clarifying ambiguous, errone-ous, omitted, or conflicting specification and contract requirements.c. Procedures for communicating s

36、pecifications and work procedures, revisions and change orders to quality control personnel and production supervi-sors.d. Procedures for requesting and obtaining approval from the owner for deviations from contract require-ments, including technical or logistical justification for the request to de

37、viate.3.2.4 Experience, Equipment, and Facilities (Certification Categories 1, 2, 3 only)experience: The contractor maintains a list of examples of current and recently completed projects performed under the applicants name which support companys capabilities to perform work for the category of cert

38、ification sought. List shall include the following:SSPC-QP 9August 1, 20084a. Owners name, address, principal contact persons and their telephone numbers, email addresses, fax numbers, etc.b. Description of work performed, including: generic types of architectural paints/thinners applied with name a

39、nd address of manufacturers; equipment used; project and shift supervisors name(s) and number of painters required per shift; special safety or envi-ronmental requirements or provisions; approximate volume of product applied.Equipment: The contractor shall have in place:a. A system for making and do

40、cumenting repairs to equipment and vehicles that limit disruption of pro-duction.b. Written preventive maintenance plans for major equipment (e.g., compressors, paint pumps; pres-sure washing units; spray equipment; ventilation equipment) and evidence of use of such plans.facilities: The contractor

41、shall maintain proper storage of coating materials in accordance with manufacturers require-ments and governing safety regulations. At a minimum, flammable materials shall be stored in approved containers; storage area temperature shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendations

42、or overriding safety regulations; paint and solvent shall be stored under cover and out of direct sunlight; storage area shall have operable fire extinguishers and explosion-proof lighting (if applicable); smoking shall be prohibited; mixing of paints shall be prohib-ited in the storage area; paint

43、with expired shelf life shall be segregated from current material; storage area is to be kept neat and orderly, free of accumulation of empty paint cans, combustibles, and other debris.3.3 JoB QualiTY MoniTorinG: The contractor shall demonstrate the existence of inspection equipment and quali-fied p

44、ersonnel within the organization who are responsible for the job quality monitoring procedures. Quality monitoring personnel shall demonstrate knowledge of proper maintenance and use of inspection equipment. Quality monitoring personnel are responsible for inspecting work performed, documenting insp

45、ections, and maintaining document control procedures to ensure conformance with contract requirements. The Qualifying Agency shall establish the criteria for monitoring and has the option, at its own discretion, to recognize third party certification as a means of qualifying monitoring personnel.3.3

46、.1 Personnel Qualifications (Certification Categories 1 thinners used and amount; mixing; tinting done; de-tergent washers or other cleaning agents used during surface preparation; repair materials used; moisture on the surface or transmitting to and from the surface; wet film thickness of paint app

47、lied; equipment used (e.g. roller size and type; brush size and type; spray pressure and tip size). In all instances, the contractor shall document objective evidence of compliance with contract requirements, including referenced technical documents.c. Documenting that quality control personnel repo

48、rt results directly to the designated level of authority in a timely manner.d. Ensuring contractor has formal process control procedures (PCPs) in place to ensure that repairs, surface preparation, painting and related work is done in accordance with customer and material supplier requirements.2A tr

49、aining program equivalent to the program offered by The Master Painters Institute (604) 298-7578; http:/) will satisfy this requirement.SSPC-QP 9August 1, 20085e. Stopping work not conforming to specification and manufacturers requirements and identifying, isolat-ing, and documenting non-conforming product.f. Documenting successful completion of corrective rework.g. Documenting receipt and resolution of customer complaints.3.3.4 Corrective b. Verify the qualifications of existing technicians/craft workers;c. Train inexperienced technicians/craft workers (train-ee

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