1、EIA TSBb4 94 3?34b00 0554l11b 4T7 E Reproduced By GLOBAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS Wlh Thr PWitsion of EIA Under Royalty Agreement i. d rg v) c m TIA/EIA TELEC0“I CATIONS SYSTEMS BULLETIN I IS-41-B Support for Dual-Mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Mobile Stations JANUARY 1994 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY AS
2、SOCIATION EIA TSBb4 94 3I234f300 0554117 333 NOTICE Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in
3、 selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of TIA/= from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall
4、the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than TLA/EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. O Recommended Standards, miblcations and Bulletins are adopted by WEIA in accordance with the American Nationa
5、l Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action. TINEIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recommended Standard, Publication or Bulletin. Technical Bulletins are distinguished from TIAIEIA Recommended Stand
6、ards or Interim Standards, in that they contain a compilation of engineering data or information useful to the technical community, and represent approaches to good engineering practices that are suggested by the formulating committee. This Builetin is not intended to preclude or discourage other ap
7、proaches that similarly represent good engineering practice, or that may be acceptable to, or have been accepted by, appropriate bodies. Parties who wish to bring other approaches to the attention of the formulating committee to be considered for inclusion in future revisions of this Builetin are en
8、couraged to do so. It is the intention of the formulating committee to revise and update this Bulletin from time to time as may be occasioned by changes in technology, industry practice, or government regulations, or for other appropriate reasons. O (Formulated under the cognizance of the TIA TR-45.
9、2 Subcommittee on Cellular Intersystem Operations) Published by mECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATiOIS 1994 Standards and Technology Department 2001 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 PRICE: Please refer to the current Catalog of EM, JEDEC and TIA STANDARDS and ENGWERTNG PUBLICATIONS or
10、ca Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179) International (303-397-7956) Ali rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. EIA TSBb4 94 3234600 0554119 1Ob I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 a 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4
12、PHASE 12 4.1.1 Handoff Measurement Request . 12 4.1.2 Handoff Measurement Reply 13 4.2 HANDOFF PHASE . 14 4.2.1 Serving MSC Initiation of a Handoff . 14 4.2.1 . 1 Serving MSC initiation of a Handoff-Back . 14 Serving MSC Initiation of a Handoff-Forward 16 4.2.3 Anchor MSC Acceptance of a Han
13、doff-To-Third 18 4.2.4 Tandem MSC Acceptance of a Handoff-To-Third . 19 4.2.5 MSC Initiation of Path Minimization 21 4.2.6 Target MSC Acceptance of a Handoff-Forward 22 Target MSC Handoff-Forward Task . 23 4.6 CSSs Signaling Message Encryption and Digital Traffic Channel Voice Privacy 23 MOD
14、IFICATIONS TO IS-41.3-B AUTOMATIC ROAMING 26 2 . CONFIGURATION 26 2.3 EIAITIA.553. IS-54 and IS-95 PARAMETERS . . 26 MODIFICATIONS TO IS-41.4-B OPERATIONS. ADMINISTRATION. AND MAINTENANCE 27 . 27 4.1.3 Other Actions on Receipt of a Blocking INVOKE 31 4.1.4 State Transition Table . . 31 . 37
15、Unguarded Interval . . 37 Detection of Dual Seizure 37 Action To Be Taken On Detection Of Dual Seizure 37 Serving MSC Initiation of a Handoff-To-Third . 15 4.2.2 Target MSC Acceptance of a Handoff-Back . 18 4.1.2 Blocking and Unblocking of Circuits . 4.2 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS 4
16、.2.3 Failure in the Blocking and Unblocking Sequences 4.2.4 Receipt Of Unreasonable Signalling Information . 4.2.5 Loss of Messages in the Release Sequence . 40 Failure to Receive a FACREL RETURN RESULT . 40 4.2.6 Other Failure Conditions 40 Inability to Release in Response to a FACR
17、EL INVOKE 40 7.2.1 Message Transfer Part (MTP) . 41 8.1.1 TCAP Formats . 41 Mapping of Operations onto Package Types . 42 8.1.2 intersystem Handoff Message Descriptions . 43 HandoffMeasurementRequest2 . 44 8.1 . 2.9 FacilitiesDirective2 . 45 HandoffBack2 . 47 MODIFICATIONS T
18、O IS-41.5-B DATA COMMUNICATIONS . 41 Parameter Identifier Encoding 43 See restrictions inside the cover page . 1 EIA TSBb4 94 3234600 0554120 928 I TIAIEIMSB-64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 HandoffToThird2 . 49 MODIFICATIONS TO IS-41.5-
19、B PARAMETERS 51 8.2.38 ConfidentialityModes (CMODES) . 51 8.2.44 SignalingMessageEncryptionKey (SMEKEY) 51 8.2.46 TerminalType CrERMYP) 52 8.2.47 Voice Privacy Mask (VPM ASK) 52 8.2.52 WidebandStationClassMark . 54 8.2.53 ServingOneWayDelay or TargetneWayDelay 54 8.2.54 WidebandCallMode . 55 8.2.55
20、CDMAChannelData . 55 8.2.56 CDMASignalQuality . 56 8.2.57 CDMAPilotStreng th . 56 8.2.58 WidebandMOB-P-REV 57 8.2.59 PrivateLong CodeMask 57 8.2.60 CDMACodeChannel 57 8.2.61 Searchwindow 58 8.2.62 CSSLocation 58 APPENDIX A: Examples of Duai-Mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Intersystem Handoff Operation
21、s (This Appendix is Informative) . 60 1 . HandoffMeasurernentRequesQ 60 1.1 Signai Quality Measurement of a Dual-Mode CDMA CSS using an Analog Traffic Channel 60 1.2 Signal Quality Measurement of a Duai-Mode CDMA CSS using a CDMA Traffic Channel 61 2 . FacilitiesDirective2 62 2.1 Dual-Mode CDMA CSS
22、Analog-to-Analog Handoff Forward . 62 2.2 Dual-Mode CDMA CSS CDMA-to-CDMA Handoff Forward . 63 REQUIRED NEW IS-41.5 PARAMETERS 54 See resmctions inside he cover page . 2 KIA TSBb4 94 3234600 0554121 Ab4 I TIA/EIA/TSB-64 i LIST OF FIGURES z Figure 8. Visiting CSS with SME and VP Supported . 24 See re
23、strictions inside the aver page. 3 EIA TSBb4 94 IICI 3234600 0554322 TO I TINEIMSB-64 i REVISION HISTORY 2 3 4 I Revision II Date II Remarks I 1 ii 12/93 it initial Publication I 5 6 7 8 9 (Editors note: TSB-51 (Authentication TSB) is used as the baseline to mark the changes to IS-41-B that are requ
24、ired to support duai-mode CDMA CSSs. The changes are indicated by change bars.) 10 11 12 13 See restrictions inside the cover page. 4 EIA TSBb4 94 I 3234bO 0554323 637 TIA/EIATTSB-64 0 i INTRODUCTION 2 3 4 5 This document identifies the modifications and additions to EIMiA 15-41 Rev. B and TIAEIA TS
25、B-57 (Authentication, Signaling Message Encryption and Voice Privacy) that are required to 6 Support duai-mode CDMA CSSS. See restrictions inside the cova page. 5 EIA TSBb4 94 I 3234600 0554324 573 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
26、38 39 40 41 42 43 TIA/EIA/TSB-64 ASSUMPTIONS AND ISSUES This section describes the assumptions and issues used to govern changes to IS-47-B and TSB- 57 that are required to support dual-mode CDMA CSSs (as per TIMINIS-95). Assumptions for dual-mode CDMA intersystem handoff: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. a. 9.
27、1 o. This document addresses intersystem analog-to-analog handoff, CDMA-to-analog handoff and CDMA-to-CDMA hard handoff. For CDMA-to-CDMA hard handoff, the CSS can be handed off to the same or to a different CDMA frequency assignment. Intersystem CDMA-to-CDMA soft handoff and analog-to-CDMA handoff
28、are for further study. The assumptions made in TSB-57 (Authentication, Signaling Message Encryption and Voice Privacy) apply to this document. Authentication related parameters that were identified in TSB-57 (Authentication, Signaling Message Encryption and Voice Privacy) are included in this docume
29、nt. CDMA uses all of the TSB-57 authentication related parameters with the exception of the VPMASK. An MSC must store the System ID (SID) of adjacent systems. The SID of the target system is passed in the IS-95Analog Handoff Direction Message that is sent from the Serving MSC to the dual-mode CDMA C
30、SS during intersystem CDMA-to-analog handoff. A CDMA system may store the location (latitude and longitude) of border Cell Sites in adjacent CDMA systems. If Mobile Assisted Handoff (MAHO) is used to select the target CDMA Cell Site) for handoff, the Serving MSC shall store the Pilot PN Sequence Off
31、set Index of each border Cell Site in adjacent CDMA systems. The Serving MSC can translate from Pilot PN Sequence Offset Index to CelllD. Ali channels transmitted from a Cell Site (on ali CDMA frequency assignments) use the same Pilot PN Sequence Offset Index. The pilot PN sequence is used by the CD
32、MA air interface to distinguish Ceii Sites. Each Cell Site uses a different shift of the same pilot PN sequence. The length of the pilot PN sequence is 215 chips. Each chip of the sequence has a duration of 813.802 ns. The Pilot PN Sequence Offset Index ranges from O to 511 and defines the actual sh
33、ifi (offset) of this sequence in units of 64 chips. The Handoff Measurement procedure is not required for MAHO because the pilot signal quality is measured by the dual-mode CDMA CSS. New intersystem handoff messages (e.g., FacilitiesDirective2) shall be used to fully support dual-mode CDMA CSSs. The
34、 new intersystem handoff messages can also be used for analog or dual-mode TDMA CSSs. For analog-to-analog handoff of dual-mode CDMA CSSs, the new intersystem handoff messages should be used when the candidateltarget system supports the new messages. For MAHO, the FacilitiesDirective2, HandoffBack2,
35、 and HandoffToThird2 INVOKE messages shall include the TargetCelllD, TargetOneWayDelay, and CDMAPilotStrength parameters for each target Cell Site that is expected to be in the new Active Set after completion of intersystem handoff. See restrictions inside the cover page. 6 EIA TSBb4 94 3234b00 0554
36、125 40T TIA/EIA/TSB-64 1 a2 3 4 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1s 20 21 22 23 24 25 a :; 213 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. If MAHO is not used, the FacilitiesDirective2, HandoffBack2, and HandoffToThird2 INVOKE messages shall include th
37、e TargetCelllD, TargetOneWay Delay (if available), and CDMASignalQuality parameters for each target Cell Site designated in the HandoffMeasurementRequest2 RETURN RESULT message received from the Target MSC. The ServingCelllD parameter that is sent to candidate/target CDMA systems in intersystem hand
38、off messages, shall contain the CDMA reference Cell Site ID. The CDMA reference Cell Site is the Active Set member having the shortest signal path to the CSS. The CSS derives its time reference from this Cell Site. If other Cell Sites are in the serving systems Active Set, these Cell Site IDS shall
39、not be sent to the candidatehrget systems. The ServingOneWayDelay parameter shall be sent to the candidateharget CDMA systems in intersystem handoff INVOKE messages to provide the delay between the CSS and the Cell Site indicated by the ServingCelllD. This information is used by the candidate/target
40、 system to acquire the CSS. The CSSLocation parameter shall be sent in intersystem handoff INVOKE messages to candidate/target CDMA systems only when the CSSs location can be estimated. Multiple TargetCelllDs and associated parameters may be sent in intersystem handoff messages. This permits the dua
41、l-mode CDMA CSS to immediately have multiple Active Set members in the new serving CDMA system after completion of the intersystem handoff. The EdNo value used for the CDMASignalQuality parameter is a value used in digital communications systems as a measure of performance. The serving system measur
42、es the 3 4 MSCs internal algorithms. 6 4) li timer (LMMRT) expires: 8 2 Exit this task and process the measurement response in accordance with the 5 7 a) Exit this task and process in accordance with the MSCs internal algorithms. 9 10 11 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 For an analog or TDMA traffic channel, co
43、nvert the location quality values to the appropriate “signal quality“ parameter values with respect to the maximum power levels allowed in the candidate cell sites, the current CSS power level (VMACmMAC) in the serving cell site and station class mark. For a CDMA traffic channel, convert the locatio
44、n quality values to the CDMASignaiQuality parameter values. If available, include the TargetOneWayDelay parameter. See restrictions inside the cover page. 12 EIA TSBb4 94 3234600 0554131 703 TIA/EIA/TSB-64 i 4.2 HANDOFFPHASE 2 4.2.1 Serving MSC Initiation of a Handoff 3 4 5 1) If the Signaling Messa
45、ge Encryption Key is available: Serving MSC Initiation of a Handoff-Back a) b) Include the SignalingMessageEncryptionKey (SMEKEY) parameter. Include the Confidentiality Modes (CMODES-Desired) parameter and set the CMODES-Desired parameter based on the CSSs Signaling Message Encryption 61 7 8
46、 9 mode. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2) If the CSS supports TDMA and is authorized to have Voice Privacy and the VoicePrivacyMask (VPMASK) is available: a) b) c) Include the VoicePrivacyMask (VPMASK) parameter. Include the ConfidentialityModes (CMODES-Desired) parameter if it has not been included. Set the
47、 CMODES-Desired parameter based on the CSSs preferred Voice Privacy mode. 3) If the CSS supports CDMA and is authorized to have Voice Privacy and the PrivateLongCodeMask (PLCMASK) is available: 19 O 20 21 22 23 24 25 a) b) c) d) Include the PrivateLongCodeMask (PLCMASK) parameter. Include the Confid
48、entialityModes (CMODES-Desired) parameter if it has not been in cl uded . Set the CMODES-Desired parameter based on the CSSs preferred Voice Privacy mode. Set the Long Code Mask field in the CDMAChannelData parameter to the long code mask in use at the Serving MSC. 26 4) Set the Handoff Order Timer
49、(HOT). 27 5) Send a HANDBACK INVOKE to the Target MSC. 28 6) 29 I 30 31 32 33 I 34 35 36 37 38 39 While Timer (HOT) has not expired: a) If a HANDBACK RETURN ERROR is received: Stop timer (HOT). Exit this task. Stop timer (HOT). Execute recovery procedures for the Serving MSC. b) If a HANDBACK RETURN RESULT is received: Set the Mobile Handoff Timer (MHOT). If the ConfidentialityModes (CMODES-Actual) parameter is provided, send the CSS a Handoff Order and indicate the Voice Privacy and Signaling Message Encryption modes as requested. Otherwise send the CSS a Handoff
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