1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULJANUARY 13, 20151UL 827AOutline of Investigation for Hosted Central Station ServicesIssue Number: 1January 13, 2015Summary of TopicsThis first issue of the Outline of Investigation for Hosted Cen
2、tral StationService, UL 827A, covers a category for Central Station Service Providers(CSSPs) to partner with 3rd parties specializing in IT assets and/or servicemanagement on delivery of hosted central station services.The effective date for this first issue Outline is being determined.ULs Outlines
3、of Investigation are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed norelectronic copy of an Outline of Investigation should be altered in any way. All ofULs Outlines of Investigation and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regardingthose Outlines of Investigation shall remain the sole and exclusive proper
5、 FROM ULCONTENTS1 Scope .42 Technical Requirements .43 Requirements applicable to a Hosted Central Station Service Provider 44 Secondary Power Sources 45 Engine driven generator testing .56 Redundant Site Options Sec 17.8 .57 Virtualization .58 Equipment Sharing 69 Notifications in the Operating Roo
6、m 610 Requirements applicable to Central Station Service Provider (CSSP) partnering with a HostedService Provider 6JANUARY 13, 2015 UL 827A 3UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL1 ScopeThe Hosted Central Station Services category pr
7、ovides a way for Central Station Service Providers(CSSPs) to partner with 3rd parties specializing in IT assets and/or service management on delivery ofhosted central station services. Hosted services could cover a spectrum that runs from data centerequipment co-location to Automation System as a Se
8、rvice (an alarm industry specific version ofSoftware/Solution as a Service).Hosted Central Station Services enables CSSPs to make use of available Hosted Services without needfor individual “start from scratch” compliance evaluation of those services.Each Hosted Central Station Certification is tail
9、ored to the particular services elements provided.2 Technical RequirementsTwo sections follow:1. Requirements applicable to a Hosted Central Station Service Provider2. Requirements applicable to a Central Station Service Provider (CSSP) partnering with aHosted Service Provider3 Requirements applicab
10、le to a Hosted Central Station Service ProviderTechnical requirements for Hosted Central Station Services (providers) are contained in UL 827, TheStandard for Central Station Services, Eighth Edition, Dated October 29, 2014, Sections. 1 17, exceptas noted or modified below.4 Secondary Power SourcesP
11、ar. 11.5.1 d) (NEW) Other equivalent technologies, such as diesel rotary uninterruptible power supplydevices (DRUPS) deployed in an N+1 configuration and controlled so that regardless of engine starttiming or sequencing, minimum power levels are maintained and maximum system power handlingcapacity i
12、s not exceeded.JANUARY 13, 2015UL 827A4UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL5 Engine driven generator testingPar. 11.12.11A (New) A Hosted Central Station service provider, configured as described in 17.8.3A 17.8.3A.2, where both lo
13、cations employ a full N+1 power system should conduct engine-driven generatortesting as described in 11.12.11 with a frequency of 30 days or less (sooner).6 Redundant Site Options Sec 17.817.8.3A (New) A Hosted Central Station service provider configured for MEW greater than 100,000 shallmaintain a
14、minimum of 3 powered and mirrored computer systems in 2 geographically diverse locations.17.8.3A.1 (New) A Hosted Central Station service provider configured as in 17.8.3 should designate acomputer system in one location as the Primary and a computer system in the other location as theRedundant prov
15、ided that all signal handling performance requirements of this Standard are met, includingthose specific to loss of the Primary computer system.17.8.3A.2 (New) When a Hosted Central Station service provider is configured as in 17.8.4, the Tertiarycomputer system may be in either location.7 Virtualiz
16、ationPar, last paragraph . Utilizing software to create a virtual machine (VM) or similar techniquesshall not be used as a substitute for the requirement of having separate computer systems described in(a) and (c). replaced with17. Virtualization may be used in a central station prov
17、ided that:a) The automation system is guaranteed resources within the system provisioning;b) Additional partitions may not have a higher priority than the automation system; andc) When redundancy is required of the monitoring system and/or software receiver, theredundant system shall reside on a sep
18、arate whole hardware system that has sufficient capacityto provide the same or greater alarm monitoring performance as the primary hardware.(Replacement text source is from UL 1981, Central Station Automation Systems, Par. 7.5.1)JANUARY 13, 2015 UL 827A 5UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FU
19、RTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL8 Equipment SharingPar. 17.8.4 Not applicable when a Hosted Service Provider enters into a service level agreement ofacknowledgement of shared resources, with each of its CSSP customers, and is not itself in the businessof delivering Centra
20、l Station Services to protected properties/end user subscribers.9 Notifications in the Operating RoomFor Hosted Central Station service providers, references to notifications in or to the operating room arereplaced with notification to designated responsible parties within the Hosted Service Provide
21、rorganization11. Requirements applicable to Central Station Service Provider (CSSP) partnering with a HostedService ProviderCentral Station Service Providers that partner with providers of Hosted CS Services in the delivery of FireAlarm, Burglar Alarm or Residential
22、Monitoring Services shall comply with the requirements of UL 827,Sections 18 50 and with Sections 1 17, except as noted below.Note At this time, CSSPs partnering with Hosted CS Service providers are not eligible to providemonitoring services for National Industrial Security Systems (CRZH) certificat
23、ed to UL 2050Sec 6 Building Construction Requirements apply to the CSSPs operating room &supporting facilitiesSec 7 Physical Protection applies to the CSSPs operating room & supporting facilitiesSec 8 Fire Protection applies to the CSSPs operating facility8.1.2, 8.2 only applicable to automation sys
24、tems or receivers located in the CSSPsfacilitySec 9 Standby Lighting applies to the CSSPs operating facilitySec 10 Clocks applies to the CSSPs operating facilitySec 11 Power Supply applies to the CSSPs operating facilityParameters & specifications is derived from power needs of CSSP operating room &
25、supporting facilities equipment necessary for the delivery of Central Station ServicesPar 11.6.2 MEW calculation uses the number of accounts of the CSSPJANUARY 13, 2015UL 827A6UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULSec 12 Communicatio
26、n Infrastructure applies to the CSSPs operating facilitySpecific applicability is dependent on whether receivers are located on CSSP premiseor in a Hosted Services facility12.1.6 applies if CSSP houses receiversSec 13 Subsidiary Stations not applicableSec 14 While titled “Remote Signal Management Ce
27、nter” the following requirements apply asthey address issues relevant to a CSSP that are not addressed in other parts of this Standard14.2 14.3, 14.4 applies to the connection between CSSP and Hosted Central StationService Provider14.5, 14.6, .7, .9, .10, .11 Not Applicable or covered else where14.8
28、, 14.12, .13, .14, .15 Superseded by the requirements for Fire Alarm, BurglarAlarm or Residential Monitoring Services, as applicable to the CSSPs ListingsSec 15 Equipment applies to the CSSPs operating facilitySec 16 Receiver Units applies if the CSSPs operating facility houses receiversSec 17 Alarm
29、 Monitoring Automation Systems does not apply to the CSSPs operating facilityif provided by Hosted Central Station Service Provider. References to “operating room” and staffor management are applicable to the Hosted CS Service Providers system administrationcenter and staff or managementExceptions &
30、 notes:17.1.2 (Add the underlined) Automation systems that comply with 17.1.1 (a) or (b)shall be configured in accordance with the manufacturers instruction manual and theHosted Central Station Service Providers certification17.3.4 Equipment designated as “related” in par. 17.3.3 (workstations, rout
31、ers, etc)not be subject to this requirement17.5 MEW calculation Calculation methods described here are to be used as requiredto apply requirements in other sections that are MEW dependent. “Number of accounts”shall be the specific CSSPs accounts., .3, .4, .5 - if MEW factor of CSSP itself is
32、 100k, CSSP shall have a separatestaffed and operational “Redundant” site to use for providing central station services17.9 Site Specific Data sheets (effective 10/31/2016)Automation Check out to be provided by Hosted Service provider andincludes items appropriate for the CSSP, given the services be
33、ing hostedSite Data MEW calculations and Operator Staffing Levels, others asappropriate given the services being hostedJANUARY 13, 2015 UL 827A 7UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULSystem Suppliers Equipment Requirements as appropr
34、iate given the servicesbeing hostedLocal Systems as appropriate given the services being hosted17.11.2 Applies to the CSSP operating facility17.14.2 May apply to the CSSP operating facility, depending on configuration detailsand location of receivers. Circuits interconnected within the Hosted Servic
35、es providersfacility evaluated as part of the Hosted Services Certification 17.14.2 May apply tothe CSSP operating facility, depending on configuration details and location ofreceivers. Circuits interconnected within the Hosted Services providers facilityevaluated as part of the Hosted Services CertificationJANUARY 13, 2015UL 827A8
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