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1、1第 16课 九年级 Units 34课前预热中考词汇拓展重点易错单词1. stamp 邮票2. beside 在旁边3. postcard 明信片4. rush 仓促;急促5. grape 葡萄6. mail 邮件7. fascinating 迷人的8. convenient 方便的9. corner 角落10. politely 礼貌地11. request 要求;请求12. direction 方向;方位13. correct 正确的;恰当的14. speaker 发言者15. impolite 不礼貌的16. address 地址17. underground 地下的;地铁18. co

2、urse 课程;学科19. humorous 有幽默感的20. interview 采访;面试21. dare 敢于22. private 私人的23. public 民众;公开的24. influence 影响25. seldom 不常;很少26. proud 自豪的27. pride 自豪;骄傲28. absent 缺席的;不在的29. exactly 确切地;精确地30. general 普遍的;总的;将军词汇拓1. suggest(v.) suggestion (n.)建议;提议2. center(n.) central (adj.)中心的;12. interview(v. for e

3、xample, he donated100,000 yuan to the charity yesterday.18他是个乐于助人的人,例如,昨天他给慈善机构捐了 10万元。2. I like many subjects at school, such as English, math, science and so on.在学校,我喜欢许多学科,比如英语、数学、科学等。3. I like drinks like/such as tea and soda.我喜欢饮料,如茶和苏打汽水。【辨异突破】三者都可以表示列举。for example一般只列举同类人或物中的“一个” ,可置于句首、句中、句末

4、。作为插入语,用逗号隔开;such as常列举同类人或物中的多个例子,可与 and so on连用,也可与 like(像;比方说)互换。但 such as用于举例时可分开用,此时不与 like互换。在阅读理解时,可以通过列举的事例对所解释的词进行进一步理解。【活学活用】用 for example, such as或 like填空。1. Some warm-blooded animals,_ the cat, the dog, dont need to hibernate(冬眠).2._, air is invisible(看不见的).四、between 与 among【例句展示】1. The

5、drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore.药店在家具店与书店之间。2. The teacher is among his students.老师在学生们之间。【辨异突破】191. between是介词,意为“(两者)之间” ,常用结构为 between.and.。2. among是介词,意为“(三者或三者以上)之间” 。【活学活用】用 between或 among填空。1. Do you know the man_ those trees?2. The boy_ Mr. Red and Mrs. Red is Nick

6、, their son.五、until 与 till【例句展示】1. He watched TV until/till midnight last night. 他昨天晚上看电视一直到半夜。2. I waited for him until/till he came back. 我一直等到他回来。3. He didnt go home until/till ten oclock.他直到 10点才回家。4. I hadnt realized the thing was so serious until/till she told me about it.=Until she told me ab

7、out it, I hadnt realized the thing was so serious. (第二句不能用 till代替 until)20直到她告诉我,我才意识到这件事如此严重。【辨异突破】1. until可以放在句首,till 不能。till 多用于口语中。两个词都可以用作介词,也可以用作连词。作介词时,后接名词或短语,在句子中作状语;作连词时引导时间状语从句。2. until/till用于肯定句中,句子或主句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,表示这一动作或状态一直延续到 until/till所表示的时间为止。这样的动词有 live, wait, last, work等。3. until

8、/till用于否定句中,其句型为 not.until/till.,意为“直到才”或“在之前不(没有) ”,通常与非延续性动词连用,强调句子或主句所表示的状态或动作从 until/till所表示的时间才发生,句子或主句必须是否定句。表示非延续性的动词有 come, go, leave, meet, realize, understand, reach, get, arrive等。【活学活用】用 till或 until填空。1. My father didnt go to bed_ I returned home.2._ his teacher told him about it, he hadn

9、t realized his mistake.当堂检测一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Have you ever read books on_(Africa) culture?2. He is good at making_(speech) in English.3. He has been to many_(Europe) countries.214. I like fruit, especially_(grape).5. Its not enough to answer the questions_(correct). You should be polite as well.6. A

10、ll of us felt very_(pride) when we won the soccer match.7. The man asked_(polite), “Could you please tell me where the bank is?”8. Sometimes it is_(help) to make a list of everything you have to do.9. Visitors are_(request) not to touch the exhibitions and take pictures in the museum.10. At the begi

11、nning, the_(speak) thought his topic was very boring, but the ending was very moving.二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。shy silence fail ton introduce 1. After hearing the news of his fathers death, the man kept_ for a long time and cried suddenly.2. After hearing the words, the girls face turned red because o

12、f_.3. The man was interested in the_ about the book and decided to buy it.4. Mike is busy these days because hes got_ of work to do.5. The boy who was often absent from classes_again.三、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。There is a kind of pretty popular transportation in every big city. Its 1 (地铁).

13、No matter how far you are from the 2 (中心的) part of the 22city, you can take it to many places in your city. Its very 3 (方便的) for everyone to get everywhere. Its just like a 4 (明信片) of a big city. If you want to take it, you must know something about it. First, you must know the right 5 (方向), and the

14、n you are able to get on it. Or you may go to wrong places. Next, you should learn to be 6 (礼貌的)to let others get on or off first. There are some signs that 7 (引导)you to wait for it. That means you should wait for it at the 8 (正确的) places. However, some people complain that there are no 9 (洗手间) on i

15、t. Experts say that there is no need to set them up. After all, people dont 10 (花费) much time on it.23参考答案课堂突破【中考重点单词与短语】 一、1. to waste 2. waste 3. waste二、dared to三、1. be worried about/worry about 2. biggest worry 3. worries about 四、1. to do 2. to practice English with五、1. suggestions 2. suggested【中

16、考重点句型】 一、1. how to get 2. the way to二、have taken三、used to, is used to walking四、since【中考词语辨析】 一、1. lonely, alone, lonely 2. alone 3. alone 二、1. of 2. pride 三、1. such as 2. For example四、1. among 2. between五、1. until/till 2. Until当堂检测1一、1. African 2. speeches 3. European 4. grapes5. correctly 6. proud 7. politely 8. helpful9. requested 10. speaker二、1. silent 2. shyness 3. introduction 4. tons5. failed 三、1. underground 2. central 3. convenient 4. postcard 6. direction 6. polite 7. lead 8. correct 9. restrooms 10. spend

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