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1、1课后练习 17 九年级 Units 56一、完形填空(30 分) (2018宁波市北仑区模拟)I am a poet. People often ask me how I started writing poems. Here is my 1 .That year I was thirteen years old. Back then, although I loved reading 2 , I hadnt tried writing one myself. One day, I 3 that the President was coming to my city. My parents

2、often 4 the President at home. And I learned he had brought many great changes to the country, so I 5 to write a poem to praise the President for what he had done.After finishing the poem, I gave it to my 6 , who loved it and said it was good. Then I said to him, “I want to read the poem to the Pres

3、ident.” Hearing that, my father laughed and said it was 7 for a child to meet the President. But I didnt give up.That day when the President came to my city, I went to the City Hall. An official saw 8 and asked what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to read a poem 9 by myself to the President. The off

4、icial was 10 . I gave him my poem and he read it. He liked the poem. He then made a phone call and said a 11 wanted to read a poem to the President. 12 hanging up the phone, he added, “Its a good poem.”I was then taken to where the President was. The President 13 at me and asked me to read the poem

5、to him. After I read the poem, the President gave a 14 to the public. To my surprise, he began it with my poem. I was 15 encouraged and decided to become a poet one day.( )1. A. story B. advice C. idea D. dream( )2. A. suggestions B. books C. reports D. poems2( )3. A. promised B. heard C. guessed D.

6、 explained( )4. A. thought of B. cared about C. talked about D. looked for( )5. A. allowed B. decided C. stopped D. refused( )6. A. grandpa B. brother C. friend D. father( )7. A. believable B. impossible C. impolite D. harmful( )8. A. him B. them C. me D. us( )9. A. written B. recalled C. collected

7、D. remembered( )10. A. tired B. calm C. interested D. angry( )11. A. member B. teacher C. poet D. child( )12. A. Before B. When C. After D. Once( )13. A. looked B. shouted C. pointed D. smiled( )14. A. change B. call C. speech D. gift( )15. A. slowly B. greatly C. gradually D. hardly二、阅读理解(18 分) (20

8、18杭州市西湖区模拟)Internet BoomToday the Internet is wi-dely used in homes, schools, and businesses around the world. However, that hasnt always been the case. The In-ternet was first developed in the 1960s and 1970s by U.S. government scientists as a way of sharing information. The earliest Internet was c

9、alled ARPAnet. In 1969, only four computers were connected to ARPAnet. Just 20 years later, though, 3as computers became more commonly developed, over 80,000 computers were connected.Use of the Internet has continued to grow rapidly. Experts think that about 1% of the worlds population used the Inte

10、rnet in 1996. By 2008, that percentage grew to nearly 24%.How do scientists count more than 1 billion users? Programs called Web Crawlers look through the Internet to see how many people are using the Internet and which pages they are visiting. They also make copies of webpages, which are stored by

11、search engines. Web Crawlers work and collect information once they are started. These programs are sometimes called “spiders” because they “crawl” around the web.These programs collect and send information 24 hours a day. So if everyone stops using the Internet for one day, the Internet will still

12、be a pretty busy place. Even when people are not online, these programs travel the Internet.( )1. The information in the first paragraph shows the idea that the Internet_ .A. is available mainly in the United StatesB. has a wider use today than it did in the pastC. is seldom used by people in other

13、countriesD. is used mainly by government scientists today( )2. From the third paragraph, we can know that scientists use Web Crawlers to_ .A. clean the web B. catch the spidersC. find the Internet D. count the users4( )3. According to the chart, which one of the statements is TRUE?A. There were much

14、 fewer people who used the Internet in 2000.B. There were more than 500 million Internet users in 2000.C. The number of the Internet users became less from 2000 to 2008.D. Use of the Internet grows slowly between 2000 and 2005.( )4. The underlined word “Boom” in the title means “_”.A. a loud noise B

15、. a government jobC. a rapid increase D. a computer program三、词汇运用(15 分)A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。balloon heat leaf French compete 1. When autumn comes, the_ on the trees begin to turn yellow and fall down.2. My young sister stopped crying when she saw the two_ in the sky.3._ is a romantic(浪漫的) country

16、 which is famous for its modern clothes and wine.4. Every_ must obey(遵守) the rules of the game.5. In cold winter, my mother_ the water to wash clothes.B)根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Some students are talking about the inventions.Lucy: I think small inventions have changed the world. For exampl

17、e, the zipper is really such a great invention. Just think about how often its used 5in our 6_(日常的) life. You can see zippers on dresses, trousers, shoes, bags. almost everywhere. I saw a 7_(网站) last week. The 8_(先锋) of different inventions were listed there. It mentioned that the zipper was invente

18、d by Whitcomb Judson in 1893. But at that time, it wasnt used9_(广泛地). And it became popular in around 1917.Zhang Hao: The shoes with lights are very interesting. They are used for 10_(看见) in the dark. And the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. He was 11_(出生) in 1847. In 1875, Mr. Bell

19、learned how to send 12_(音乐的) notes through an instrument similar to a telephone. Finally, the telephone was invented in 1876.Zhao Zhanyi: I think the invention of basketball is the best. It is an 13_(积极的) sport. When we play it, we should be 14_(分开)into two teams. Players on the same team must work

20、together to get the ball into the other teams basket. At the same time, they need to stop the 15_(对抗的) team from getting the ball into their own basket.四、语法填空(20 分) (2018绍兴市新晖联考模拟)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于 3个单词) 。David had always wanted to study kungfu. He heard th

21、at there was a kungfu school on the mountain, so one day, he went and found 1_ school. David told the headmaster he wanted to study there. The headmaster agreed.But the school has a strange rule. David 2(tell) that all the students need to be silent. They can only speak two words every three 3_(year

22、). That means students have a long time to think about the only thing 4_ they really want to say. They must use their two words wisely.Three years went by and it was Davids 5(one) chance to speak. There 6were lots of things he wanted to say. He thought 6_ a second before saying, “Food bad.” But afte

23、r that, the food at the school 7_(not change) at all.8_ three years passed and David got another chance to speak. He said, “Bed hard.” But still, nothing was getting 9_(good). David felt very disappointed. So after another three years, he went 10_(see) the headmaster and said, “I quit(退学).” “Im not

24、surprised,” his master replied. “You only ever complain.”五、书面表达(17 分) (2017余姚模拟)假设你们英语老师在九年级班上做了一个“网上阅读”和“纸质阅读”的阅读对比调查。请根据自己的立场和观点,选择其中一种你比较喜欢的阅读方式,并结合表格中的相应要点提示,写一篇英语短文。Online Reading read by phones and computersbe easy to get knowledge and information.Paper Reading less harmful to eyesborrow books

25、 from libraries.Your Opinions 注意:(1)文中应包含表格中所提供的要点,并做相应观点的发挥;(2)文中不能出现真实姓名和校名;(3)词数:100 左右。短文开头已给出,仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。Our English teacher made a survey about online reading and paper reading among the students in Grade 79._8参考答案一、15. ADBCB 610. DBCAC 1114. DADC15. B 【解析】句意为:我受到极大的鼓舞,决定将来成为一名诗人。二、13. BDA4

26、. C 【解析】由全文的内容和图表可知“Boom”意为“快速增长” 。三、A)1. leaves 2. balloons 3. France 4. competitor 5. heatsB)6. daily/everyday 7. website 8. pioneers 9. widely 10. seeing 11. born 12. musical 13. active 14. divided 15. competing四、1. the 2. was told 3. years 4. that 5. First 6. for 7. didnt change 8. Another 9. be

27、tter 10. to see五、One possible version:Our English teacher made a survey about online reading and paper reading among the students in Grade 9. I like online reading better.On the one hand, the Internet is developing so fast that online reading becomes more and more popular. For example, people can re

28、ad by phones and computers. Its easier for us to get knowledge and information when we need.On the other hand, online reading wont make us lose interest in learning. 9In fact, it can open up our minds and make our life more wonderful, but we shouldnt spend too much time on it after class. I usually read online for half an hour before I fall asleep.Im sure online reading can make a difference to my life.

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