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1、12019年中考英语:完形填空精优练题(8)及答案【实战训练】 AAndrew was a smart boy. He was interested in different things. He liked doing things in a way that he thought to be clever. But sometimes he made wrong choices. One day, his father gave him some _1_ and asked him to buy some goldfish. When he got to the market, he fo

2、und that the killifish looked like small goldfish, and they were much _2_. So he bought some killifish and kept the rest of the money for himself. When he got home, his father _3_ what Andrew did at once. He put the fish in the tank(鱼缸) without _4_ anything at first. He knew his son didnt buy the ri

3、ght fish. At the same time, he thought his son might have an advantage in marketing(市场营销). And he should _5_ a way to help his son grow well. He had an idea. Then he said to his son, “Andrew, do you know _6_ you have bought? Are they goldfish?” Andrew felt shy and said in a _7_ voice, “Er, no, but.

4、” His father continued, “Well, Im glad you know how to _8_ money. I also know you are good at watching things around you. But its not right to be dishonest. You should do things honestly, _9_ others wont trust you. ” Then he helped Andrew start with some chores(琐事), like buying daily things, managin

5、g his own pocket money and helping his uncle in his store. Later, Andrew worked as a salesman. He felt himself strong in marketing and kept working hard at it. Finally, he became a successful _10_. Several years later, when talking about the key to his success, Andrew said, “Thanks to my father, I g

6、ot to know myself well and developed in a right way. ”1. A. paper B. money C. gifts D. flowers2. A. cheaper B. more expensive C. uglier D. more beautiful13. A. refused B. forgot C. remembered D. realized4. A. knowing B. saying C. giving D. tasting5. A. talk about B. care about C. think of D. hear of

7、26. A. that B. where C. what D. which7. A. low B. loud C. good D. bad8. A. lend B. lose C. save D. raise9. A. and B. but C. so D. or10. A. postman B. businessman C. fisherman D. sportsman110、BADBC CACDB【实战训练】 B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案人物传记/故事阅读类根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。Ben is a 14-year-old

8、school boy. His life is full of exams(考试)and studies on weekdays. He has _free time. He thinks playing computer games is the _ way to make him relax.When he is free, he sits in front of the computer. Just like that way, he doesnt eat _ drink for hours.Last weekend, he played games on the computer ag

9、ain. He was too _ and didnt want to move. He had _ for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor told him that he should have a good rest and _ more.After _ back from the hospital, Ben follows the doctors advice(建议). He often p

10、lays basketball with his friends. _ sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends, he _ does it for long. Now he lives a happy and _ life.【小题 1】 Afew Ba few Cmuch Dlittle【小题 2】 Abest Bworst Cleast Dmost【小题 3】 Afor Band Cor Dbut【小题 4】 Aexcite Bexcites Cexciting Dexcited【小题 5】 Asomething Banythi

11、ng Cnothing Deverything【小题 6】 Aeat Bsing Csmile Dexercise【小题 7】 Acoming Bcome Ccomes Dcame3【小题 8】 AUnless(除非) BIf CAlthough DBecause【小题 9】 Aever Boften Cnever Dalways【小题 10】 Ahard Bhealthy Csad Dkind【实战训练】 C话题:育人故事 词数:199 参考用时:7 分钟Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told the

12、m to fill it with water from a well. After they _1_ their work, he left them, saying, “When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.”At last one of them said, “Whats the use of doing this foolish work? We can _2_ fill the basket.” _3_ man answered, “That is none of your business.” The first m

13、an said, “You may do as you like, but I am going to work at _4_ so foolish.” He _5_ his bucket(桶)and went away. The other man said no word, and kept on carrying _6_. At last the well was almost _7_.As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a right thing in it. He picked it up. It

14、 was a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king came. _8_ he saw the ring, he knew that he had found the king of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself. “You_9_ so well in this little thing,” he said, “_10_ now I knew I can believe you with many things.”1. A. finished B. did C. began

15、 D. had2. A. ever B. never C. easily D. no43. A. The other B. Another C. One D. A second4. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything5. A. picked up B. put away C. took away D. threw down6. A. water B. basket C. well D. work7. A. full B. empty C. filled D. clean8. A. While B. As soon as C. Be

16、fore D. Since9. A. have done B. will do C. do D. are doing10.A. what B. why C. when D. that【答案详解】1-5 CBACD 6-10ABBAD1.C. 根据国王走时说的话“When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.” 可知在他们开始工作后,国王才离开。2.B. 根据上句“Whats the use of doing this foolish work?” 可知这个人认为决不会用水把篮子装满的。3.A. 文章已经告诉我们是两个人在做这件事,前面已

17、经说到 one of them, 后面当然就是the other 了。4.C. 由句中的 but 可以看出 the first man 是不会做这种事情的。5.D. 根据后面的 went away 可知 the first man 在仍下水桶之后才走的。6.A. 由于另一个人没有说话,而且句中的 kept on carrying 告诉我们他还在一直打水。7.B. 由于他在不停地打水,最后肯定会把井水打干的。8.B. while 表示“当 时候”时往往与进行时态连用。before 则是“在之前” ,根据文章的前后关系,只有国王先看到戒指,才能发现谁是国王的继承人。since 表示“自从”的含义,

18、与它连用的主句应用完成时。因此只有 as soon as 比较合适。9.A. 打水的事情已经做完了才有了现在的结果,所以动词应用完成时态。10.D. 根据所给的四个词的意思,填入 that 最为合理。【实战训练】 D阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。One night in November, Itzhak Perlman gave a concert in a theatre. If you have ever been to a Perlman concert, you know that becoming a violinist is not a sm

19、all 16 for him. He had to walk 17 the help of two walking sticks as a result of 5the disease he caught as a child.People sat 18 while he made his way to his chair and began his play. But this time, something went 19 . Just as he finished the first few parts of the music, one of the wrings(弦) on his

20、violin 20 . We thought that he would have to stop the concert. But he didnt. 21 , he waited a moment, closed his eyes and then 22 the conductor (指挥) to begin again. The orchestra(管弦乐队) began and he played with such strong feeling and purity as they had 23 heard before.Of course, everyone knows that

21、it is 24 for a violinist to play a pleasant work with just three strings. I know that, and you know that, 25 that night Itzhak Perlman didnt want to accept that.When he finished, there was a terrible 26 in the room. And then people rose and 27 from every corner of the theatre.Perlman was excited. He

22、 smiled and said, “You know, sometimes it is the artists task to 28 how much music you can still make with what you have left.”So, suppose our task in this fast-changing world is to make 29 , at first we should try out best with all that we have. And then, 30 it is no longer possible, try to play it

23、 with what we have left.16. A. achievement B. advantage C. accident D. application17. A. for B. by C. to D. with18. A. widely B. closely C. quietly D. noisily19. A. wrong B. well C. smoothly D. slowly20. A. fixed B. broke C. burned D. lost21. A. Instead B. Anyway C. Indeed D. Otherwise22. A. followe

24、d B. asked C. directed D. forced23. A. often B. usually C. already D. never624. A. comfortable B. possible C. uncomfortable D. impossible25. A. so B. and C. but D. or26. A. fear B. silence C. thought D. thunder27. A. cheered B. left C. smiled D. whispered28. A. hand out B. carry out C. find out D. p

25、ut out29. A. fun B. music C. progress D. money30. A. unless B. before C. until D. when【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了发生在一位身残志坚的小提琴演奏家伊扎克帕尔曼身上的故事。在一次演奏时,在断了一根琴弦的情况下,他坚持演奏到结束。这件事向我们展示了伊扎克帕尔曼作为小提琴演奏家对音乐执着追求的精神。16. A 根据后一句中的“He had to walk the help of two walking sticks as a result of the disease he caught as a chil

26、d.”可知对于他来说,成为一名小提琴演奏家不是一个小的成就了。A 意为:“成就” ;B 意为:“优点” ;C 意为:“事故” ;D 意为:“申请” 。故选 A。17. D 根据横线前的 walk和横线后的 two walking sticks可知他是在两根拐棍的帮助下行走。with the help of 意为:在帮助之下。固定搭配。故选 D。18. C 根据上下文可知人们对身残志坚的帕尔曼很尊重,分析选项中 A意为:“宽广地” ;B意为:“紧密地” ;C 意为:“静静地” ;D 意为:“吵杂地”可知当他上台准备开始演奏时,观众是安静地坐着。 故选 C。19. A 根据下文可知这次演奏中出了点

27、叉子。A 意为:“出错” ;B 意为:“顺利” ;C 意为:“平滑地” ;D 意为:“慢慢地” 。go wrong 意为:出岔子,出问题,故选 A。20. B 结合上下文可知,一根琴弦断了。A 意为:“修好了” ;B 意为:“断了” ;C 意为:“燃烧的” ;D 意为:“丢失的” 。故选 B。21. A 根据前面的我们认为他会停止演奏,但他没有,以及后面的他闭上眼睛等了一会儿,继续开始可知这里用相反的,代替的是。A 意为:“反而,代替” ;B 意为:“总之” ;C 意为:“真正地” ;D 意为:“否则” 。故选 A。22. B 根据上下文可知,他请求指挥再次指挥让他开始演奏。A 意为:“按照”

28、 ;B 意为:“请求” ;C 意为:“导演” ;D 意为:“强迫” 。故选 B。723. D 根据语可知他演奏出了他们以前从未听过的具有强烈的感情和纯洁的乐曲。A 意为:“经常” ;B 意为:“通常” ;C 意为:“已经” ;D 意为:“从不” 。故选 D。24. D 根据语境可知,正如每个都知道的,用三根琴弦演奏出如此美妙的乐曲是不可能的。A意为:“舒服的” ;B 意为:“可能的” ;C 意为:“不舒服的” ;D 意为:“不可能的” 。故选 D。25. C 根据上句中大家都知道的事实,以及下句中伊扎克帕尔曼不接受这个情况,可知它们之间是转折关系。A 是表示结果,所以;B 是连接两个并列关系的

29、,和;C 是表转折,但是;D是表选择,或者。故选 C。26. B 根据上下文可以分析句意是:当他演奏结束,演奏厅里出现了可怕的寂静。A 意为:“恐惧” ;B 意为:“寂静” ;C 意为:“想法” ;D 意为:“雷声” 。故选 B。27. A 根据上下文分析,句意是:然后人们站起来,从剧院里各个角落传来了人们的欢呼。A意为:“欢呼” ;B 意为:“离开” ;C 意为:“微笑” ;D 意为:“嘀咕” 。故选 A。28. C 根据上下文分析可知句意是:有时一个艺术家的任务就是发现用你所遗弃的东西能创造多少音乐。A 意为:“分发” ;B 意为:“执行” ;C 意为:“发现” ;D 意为:“扑灭” 。故选 C。29. B 根据上下文分析可知句意是:设想一下我们的任务就是在这变幻莫测的世界里来制作音乐。A 意为:“乐趣” ;B 意为:“音乐” ;C 意为:“进步” ;D 意为:“金钱” 。故选B。30. D 根据上下文分析可知句意是:当这种情况成为不可能的时候,就试着用你认为所遗弃的东西来演奏它。A 意为:“除非” ;B 意为:“在之前” ;C 意为:“直到” ;D 意为:“当时候” 。故选 D。

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