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1、12019年中考(人教)英语:阅读理解基础优题(3)及答案Passage A(2019 中考科普环保类选练)Apple has entered the textbook market. The tech giant(科技巨头) introduced iBooks textbooks a couple of weeks ago when it announced its iBooks 2 platform.(平台)They are digital books in a variety of subjects taking in science, maths, history and geogra

2、phy.Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in conjunction(连接)with major textbook publishers. The company offers a collection of textbooks for high school students.Apple claims it offers a “new textbook experience” and suggests its interactive iBooks textbooks are “the next chapter in learning”.It

3、sounds like good news for pupils and students. Think of it. No more carrying heavy backpacks full of textbooks. Every textbook you require can be stored on your iPad. No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or give away.Of course theres a cat

4、ch. You need to own an iPad and as you know, it is not cheap. You also need to buy digital textbooks, mostly priced each at $14.99 (94.74 yuan) or less. Textbook publishing was worth $8.7 billion in the US alone last year. Will digital books take over completely in education?1. What can we find this

5、 kind of passage?A. In a magazine B. In a science book C. In the newspaper D. In a textbook2. According to the passage above, why iPads are better than our traditional textbooks?A. Because students dont need to carry heavy books. B. Because they can store many subjects.C. Because we dont need to do

6、homework.D. Both A and B.23. The underlined sentence “theres a catch” in the sixth paragraph means _.A. Every coin has two sides B. There is some good news C. There is some bad news C. We have to catch it.4. Whats the writers opinion toward this new technology?A. He completely agreed with it B. He t

7、hinks high school students like it.C. He likes it so much that he buys one. D. He doesnt tell us.5. How will the writer continue this passage?A. To talk about the disadvantages and advantages about iPads.B. To introduce the history about the paper making and see if iPads will enter the new market.C.

8、 To tell us how the high school students use iPads.D. To ask people to use their traditional textbooks instead of iPads.参考答案 CDADBPassage B【*江苏省大丰市】Some students, parents and teachers in Shanghai were surveyed last month. According to the result of the survey, the generation gap (代沟) between student

9、s and parents as well as teachers is becoming wider. Here is what they said.Voice of the students:“Our parents hold too high expectations(期望)which put us under lots of pressure. They care too much about our lives and studies,” one student said.“Its impolite that some students parents read their chil

10、drens diaries without permission!” one student said angrily.“Some of our teachers are so serious that we cant make friends with them at all,” another student said sadly.Voice of the parents:One mother said, “After school, my daughter usually locks herself into her room and spends lots of time talkin

11、g with others on the phone. And I cant stand(忍3受) her clothes and hairstyle!”“I thought my son was doing very well in his studies. I didnt realize I was being cheated by him until I got a call from his teacher,” said a father.Voice of the teachers:An English teacher said, “Today, the role of the tea

12、cher is to put knowledge into students brain. The power (权力) teachers have kept students away from them.”“Some parents pay too much attention to their childrens grades instead of creating a lively and colorful environment at home,” another teacher said.“In the past, teachers and students often playe

13、d games together or talked with each other. Today, only studies and grades are talked about,” said a teacher. “A school should be a place where students can learn not only knowledge, but also how to face failure and frustration(挫折) bravely enough.” 42. What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?A.

14、 Students like telling how they feel to their classmates.B. More and more students dont like to be surveyed. C. Some parents dont like their childrens clothes and hairstyle. teachers.D. There has been a great distance between students and parents as well as43. The underlined word “cheated” in the pa

15、ssage means _.A. 欺骗 B. 批评 C. 表扬 D. 揭露44. What can we infer (推断) from the teachers who were surveyed?A. Teachers feel what they are doing for students is good.B. Parents, teachers and educational rules all influence students greatly.C. Teachers should care more about excellent students. D. Now teache

16、rs and students communicate better than before.45. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A. Unhappy Teenagers B. Educational RulesC. The Generation Gap D. Serious Parents参考答案 4245、DABC4Passage C【*惠州市惠城区七校联考】 Famous MuseumsName The Palace Museum British Museum New York Museum

17、Country China The UK The USAAddress Changan Street,BeijingNew Oxford Street, LondonChestnut Street, New YorkFeature The largest ancient palace buildings with many kinds of collections in China.One of the largest museums with collections of any time and any area(地区) in the world.Americas largest muse

18、um in American history.Ticket ¥60(Spring &Summer)¥40(Autumn &Winter)Free Monday free56. As one of the largest museums in the world, British Museum is in _A. Beijing B. London C. New York D. Canada57. New York Museum is Americas largest museum in American_.A. buildings B. collections C. history D. ro

19、oms58. The Palace Museum , which is in the center of Beijing, is also called “Forbidden City(紫禁城)”in China. It lies in _.A. Changan Street B. New Oxford StreetC.Chestnut Street D. London 559. According to the form, if you want to see ancient Chinese collections, you can visit _at most.A. one museum

20、B. two museums C. three museums D. four museums60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?A. Each ticket for the Palace Museum costs the same in the whole year. B. You dont have to pay for tickets if you visit New York Museum on Monday.C. British Museum is the largest muse

21、um in the world.D. British Museum lies in Chestnut Street, London. 参考答案 56.B 57.C 58.A 59.B 60.B Passage D飓 风Anyone who has experienced a cyclone(飓风) will tell you how scary it can be. High winds and lots of rain can destroy a city in less than an hour. A big cyclone, named cyclone Debbie, hit Austr

22、alias east coast at the end of March. The wind was as fast as 236 km/h and destroyed houses, trees, cars and boats. Sea levels rose and flooded coastal towns. While rivers also flooded. Many cities near rivers went underwater. Hundreds of thousands of people had to leave their homes and farms, at le

23、ast 8 people died, reported Courier Mail. The cyclone lasted for about 3 days. But the flooding was still happening 2 weeks later. Some cities never recover from a cyclone, while it takes years to rebuild. A tropical cyclone begins when a group of thunderstorms meet over warm, tropical waters. Lots

24、of air and water is sucked into clouds from the ocean. Because the earth is rotating, the clouds start to spiral(螺旋式上升). That is why tropical cyclone has curved(使成弧形) shape when you see it on a map. For this reason, tropical cyclone can not form near Equator(赤道) because earths rotation is not strong

25、 enough there. When the wind speed increases to 120 km/h, it changes from a tropical cyclone to a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone. 6So what is the difference between a cyclone, a hurricane, a typhoon?The answer is actually quite simple. All three are the same. We just use different names for these sto

26、rms in different places. In the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific Ocean around the US, the term hurricane is used. The same type of storm in the North Pacific Ocean near China is called typhoon. Cyclones occur in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean near Australia. 1. When the wind speed increases to _,

27、it changes from a tropical cyclone to a hurricane. A. 2 km/m B. 3 km/m C. 4 km/s D. 5 km/s2. The underlined word “recover” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_” in Chinese.A. 恢复 B. 康复 C. 痊愈 D. 建造3. Australian hurricanes caused _. A. many people lost their home B. trees, cars and boats were destroyedC. s

28、ea levels rose D. including A,B and C4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. When the wind speed increases to 125 km/h, it changes from a tropical cyclone to a hurricane. B. A group of thunderstorms meet over cold, tropical waters.C. The earth can rotate. D. Tropical cyclones can be seen near Equator.5

29、. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. A terrible hurricaneDebbie. B. The earths rotation.C. The formation of cyclone. D. A terrible hurricane and how a hurricane forms.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了可怕的飓风袭击了澳大利亚,以及它形成的原因。1. A 【解析】数字计算题。题干意为:当风速增加到_时,它将从热带气旋转变成飓风。根据第四段最后一句中“120km/h”计算得出 2 km/m,故选 A。72. A

30、 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:第三段中划线单词“recover”的汉语意思可能是“_”。根据第三段最后一句“Some cities never recover from a cyclone,while it takes years to rebuild.有些城市永远不会从飓风中恢复过来,而重建则需要几年时间。”可知选 A。3. D 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:澳大利亚的飓风造成了_。A 项:许多人失去家园;B 项:树、车和船被毁;C 项:海平面上升;D 项:包含 A、B 和 C。根据第二、三段中的内容可知 A、B 和 C项中所提到的都有发生。故选 D。4. C 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为

31、:下列哪一项是正确的?A 项:当风速增加至 125 km/h,它会从热带气旋变成飓风;B 项:一组雷暴会遇到寒冷的热带水汽;C 项:地球会旋转;D项:热带气旋可以在赤道附近看到。根据文章第四段内容可知只有 C项正确。故选 C。5. D 【解析】主旨大意题。题干意为:文章主要谈论的是什么?根据文章的主旨大意归纳总结,A、B、C 项都只说到了一个方面,只有 D项全面概括了文意,故选 D。Passage EThe “Chinese First Lady”, Peng Liyuan is a very famous Chinese folk (族的) singer and performing art

32、ist. Peng is the Dean (系主任) of the Peoples Liberation Army Art Academy. She became very popular as a woman sopranosinger, because she appeared on the CCTV New Years Gala (央视春晚)almost every year. Almost everybody in China enjoy watching this television program at the same time during the Chinese New

33、Year. She is quite good at singing the songs. She has won many prizes in singing competitions all over China. Everybody in China likes her songs. Her most famous songs includePeople from Our Village (父老乡亲),Zhumulangma (珠穆朗玛) and In the Field of Hope. Peng is a member of Chinas Peoples Liberation Arm

34、y and holds the rank equivalent to major general (相当于大将军衔). She was the first in China toobtain a Masters degree (硕士学位) in traditional folk music when the degree was started in the 1980s.( ) 1. Peng Liyuan is a _.A. soprano singer B. famous actressC. university student D. worker( ) 2. Peng Liyuan ha

35、s won lots of honors in _.8A. university competitions B. singing matchesC. acting competitions D. speech matches( ) 3. Which one is TRUE?A. Peng is the head of the Peoples Liberation Army.B. Her most famous singles include In the Field of Sad.C. Pengs rank of Peoples Liberation Army equivalent to Major general.D. She obtained a Singings degree.( ) 4. What does the underline word “obtain” mean?A. 拿走 B. 获得 C. 流行 D. 录取( ) 5. What is the best title of this?A. Peng Liyuan B. Obtain Degrees C. Peoples Liberation Army D. Famous Songs【参考答案】1-5 ABCBA

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