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1、1(阅读理解+完形填空+任务型阅读)(限时:20 分钟)一、阅读理解。AOne morning,a blind boy sat on the steps on a building with a hat by his feet.He held a sign which said,I am blind.Please help me.There were only a few coins in the hat.A man was walking by.He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.He t

2、hen took the sign,turned it around,and wrote some words on it.He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could see the new words.Soon the hat began to fill up.A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.The

3、 boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Are you the one who changed my sign in the morning? What did you write?”The man said, “I only wrote the truth,I said what you said,but in a different way.”What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day,but I cant see it.”Do you think the first sign and t

4、he second sign were saying the same thing?Of course both signs told people the boy was blind.But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat.The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day,but the boy could not enjoy it because he was bli

5、nd.The first sign simply said the boy was blind,while the second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.There are at least two lessons we can learn from this simple story.The first is: Treasure what you have.Someone else has less.Try your best to help those who need your help.T

6、he second is: Be creative.Think differently.There is always a better way.2( C )1.From the passage we know that_Athe boy is the mans sonBthe man is one of the boys neighborsCthe boy is blind and needs help( C )2.On the sign what the man wrote was, “_ ”ATreasure what we have already hadBToday is a bea

7、utiful day,but I cant see itCWe are so lucky that we are not blind( A )3.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?AThe hat began to fill up after the man wrote some words on the sign.BThe man took away all the few coins from the hat.CThe boy wanted to get enough money to go to school.

8、( B )4.The underlined word“Treasure”here in Chinese means“_”A承认 B珍惜 C允许( B )5.The best title for his story is_AGiving makes receivingBBe kind and creativeCBe kind to the blindBI lost both of my parents in a car accident when I was five. Fortunately, at that age a child doesnt understand the finality

9、 of such an event.Many years later, at the age of twenty-three, I was planning my wedding to Sheldon, who came from a complete loving family, the type I expect. Sheldon and I had already bought our first home with a large, beautifully landscaped yard. As the date grew closer and we owned our home.Th

10、e day before our wedding we were working on the yard. We were so pleased with everything there. But one plant puzzled us. A rosebush which stood just outside our front door looked like it might be dead, but since neither of us could be sure, we decided to keep it for some time.3That same evening, af

11、ter the dinner, I was too excited to sleep. So I decided I needed some quiet time to reflect on the next day. I went to the backyard and sat in the warm, clear, star-filled night. It was there that I realized the only thing missing from my wedding day would be my parents. There had been no time to t

12、hink of this until now and the thought filled me with sadness. After all, every girl dreams of having her father wait her down the aisle and her mother there to comfort her. Alone in the yard, I began speaking to my mom and dad, just as I had known they were listening.“Give me a sign on my wedding d

13、ay to let me know youre with me.”The next day Sheldons excited voice repeatedly called my name. I rushed to join him at the front door.“I cant believe what Im about to show you!”The barren rosebush had two huge roses in full bloom.There was no doubt in my mind that we were witnessing a miraclea mira

14、cle of love.16. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that _.A. the writer expected to organize a complete familyB. the writer was experienced in managing a yardC. the writer could celebrate her parentsD. the writer hoped to be loved by her parents17. Why did the rosebush trouble the writer?A

15、. Because it had a sign of dying away B. Because it grew in a wrong place C. Because it was difficult to take care of D. Because its leaves were always falling18. The writer came to the yard that night to_A. see whether the rose grew B. think about her wedding carefullyC. pray for her parents D. cal

16、m herself down before sleeping19. The two huge roses are a sign of _A. life B. bad weather C. love D. pity420. What might be the main idea of the passage?A. A miracle in life B. A boys love for rosesC. Loving parents D. Roses for wedding参考答案 16-20 D A B C C 二、完形填空It does not always come easy to disc

17、over oneself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I was to become, 1 an accident made me redefine(重审) myself. To me, skating was above all. There was 2 in this world that filled my heart with such joy. I spent twenty-four hours a week practising my 3 . Having no social life or interests bu

18、t skating, my devotion(挚爱) brought me first place medals in nearly every 4 . Unfortunately, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself 5 . After several X-rays and MRI(磁共振) scans, the 6 told me that I couldnt return to my sport any more. The pain in my back was hard to bear and even the 7 daily tasks

19、became difficult. As my passion(激情) was 8 , I had little sense of who I was to become. After eight months of suffering, something had to 9 . Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my 10 into local community service projects. By volunteering 11 a swimming teacher and summ

20、er reading assistant for kids, I got an idea of who I 12 to become. After a few months, I devoted time to my interest in the arts. Little by little, I 13 out of the shadow(阴影) and rebuilt my confidence. Sometimes, some 14 rocks block(阻碍) our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My

21、 accident was a rock that 15 to stop me from reaching success. Today Im a very confident and optimistic person. 1.A.and B.but C.or 2.A.everything B.somethingC.nothing D.anything 53.A.skills B.behaviors C.thoughts D.habits4.A.meeting C.concert D.competition 5.A.quickly B.softly C.badly D

22、.slowly 6.A.waiter C.teacher D.policeman 7.A.useful B.basic C.proper D.busy 8.A.found out B.brought backC.waken up D.taken away9.A.change B.remain C.leave D.arrive B.duty C.wealth D.spirit 11.A.with B.for 12.A.wanted B.started C.promised D.lived 13.A.ran B.jumped C.sto

23、od D.stepped 14.A.small B.large C.ugly D.round 15.A.managed B.helped C.failed D.continued 参考答案:主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。作者从小就挚爱滑冰,对他来说,滑冰就是他人生的全部。但不幸的是,在一次表演中他摔倒了,并且伤得很严重,再也不能进行他心爱的滑冰运动。 在几个月的痛苦煎熬之后,他开始重新审视自己的人生道路。几个月后,作者开始对美术感兴趣,并逐渐走出了心理阴影并重新获得自信。他的人生经历让我们明白:当人生之路上有巨石挡路时,我们不能选择后退而是要设法爬过去。1.B 考查连词辨析。分析上文“从很小的时

24、候,我对自己想成为一名什么样的人就有很强烈的意识”以及下文“一次事故让我重新审视自己”之间应是转折关系,故选 B。2.C 考查不定代词辨析。根据上文“对我来说,滑冰是最重要的” 。推测下文应意为“没有什么事情能像滑冰那样令我心中充满欢乐”,nothing 意为“没有什么事情”,故选 C。3.A 考查名词辨析。skill 意为“技巧”;behavior 意为“行为”;thought 意为“想法”;habit意为“习惯” 。句意:我一周要花费 24个小时来练习滑冰技巧。由常识可知滑冰运动需要练习提高技巧,故选 A。4.D 考查名词辨析。meeting 意为“会议”;party 意为“聚会”;con

25、cert 意为“音乐会”;competition意为“比赛” 。句意:没有其他的社会生活及爱好,只是滑冰,我对滑冰的挚爱让我几乎在每次竞赛中都能得第一名。可知空白处应意为“竞赛”,故选 D。65.C 考查副词辨析。quickly 意为“迅速地”;softly 意为“柔软地”;badly 意为“严重地”;slowly意为“缓慢地” 。由下文作者进行了 X光及磁共振的检查,并且以后不能再回归滑冰运动了,可推测其受到的伤害很严重,故选 C。6.B 考查名词辨析。理解上下文语境可知,作者在进行了 X光及磁共振的检查之后,是“医生”告诉他以后不能再回归滑冰运动了。故选 B。7.B 考查形容词辨析。use

26、ful 意为“有用的”;basic 意为“基本的”;proper 意为“适当的”;busy 意为“忙碌的” 。由句中关键词“daily tasks (日常活动)”,可推测作者不但背部疼痛难忍,甚至连“基本的”日常活动都变得很困难,故选 B。8.D 考查动词短语辨析。find out 意为“查明”;bring back 意为“恢复”;wake up 意为“唤醒”;take away 意为“带走” 。由下文“我对要成为一名什么的人几乎没有意识了”,可推测上文应意为“随着我对滑冰的激情被带走”,空白处意为“带走”,故选 D。9.A 考查动词辨析。change 意为“改变”;remain 意为“保留”

27、;leave 意为“离开”;arrive意为“到达” 。由下文“与其每天痛苦地到处坐着浪费时光,我开始把我的精力投入到当地社会服务活动项目中去” 。句意:在八个月的痛苦煎熬之后,事情必须要进行一些改变了,故选 A。10.A 考查名词辨析。energy 意为“精力”;duty 意为“职责”;wealth 意为“财富”;sprit意为“精神” 。由下文作者所述的活动“投入到当地社会服务活动项目中去”,可知空白处应意为“精力”,故选 A。11.C 考查连词用法辨析。句意:通过在志愿者活动中作游泳老师和暑期儿童阅读助理老师。空白后面是两个表示职业的名词,因此空白处应用介词 as,故选 C。12.A 考

28、查动词辨析。want 意为“想要”;start 意为“开始”;promise 意为“许诺”;live意为“居住,生活” 。句意:通过在志愿者活动中作游泳老师和暑期儿童阅读助理老师,我有了想成为一个什么样的人的想法。空白处意为“想要”,故选 A。13.D 考查动词辨析。run 意为“跑”;jump 意为“跳”;stand 意为“站立”;step 意为“走出” 。由句中关键短语“Little by little (逐渐地)”,可知作者逐渐地从心理阴影中走出了并重新树立了自信,空白处意为“走出”,故选 D。14.B 考查形容词辨析。small 意为“小的”;large 意为“大的”;ugly 意为“

29、丑陋的”;round意为“圆的” 。理解语境可知,本句意为“有时候,一些巨石阻碍了我们的道路”,空白处应意为“巨大的”,故选 B。15.C 考查动词辨析。manage 意为“设法”;help 意为“帮助”;fail 意为“失败”;7continue意为“继续” 。由下文“今天我是一名很自信和乐观的人”,可推测上文应意为“我的事故是一块没有阻碍我走向人生成功的巨石”,空白处意为“失败”,故选 C。三、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,用英语完成思维导图。Did you have any interesting dreams last night? Do you know everyone dreams?

30、But not everyone remembers their dreams. A person can usually have up to seven dreams a night, and each dream usually lasts from 10 to 40 minutes.Why do we dream? Scientists believe that we dream to remember because dreams come from our memories and they tell us a lot about ourselves. They also help

31、 us learn from the past and even help us solve problems.Different dreams mean differently to people. For example, if you dream about flying, you are probably quite happy. This is a good time in your life. You may feel that other people see you as a leader. And when you dream that you didnt study for a test, it usually means you are worried about an important thing coming in your life.参考答案:1、remember 2、seven/7 3、reason(s) 4、dream(s) 5、happy

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