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1、1(阅读理解+完形填空+任务型阅读+首字母)(限时:20 分钟)一、阅读理解。AFound Sports ClubApril 15th,2016 A dictionary was found in the library on the afternoon of April 15th.Please call 07352169338 or come to the Lost and Found to get it.TimFor young people from 13 to 18 years oldEvery Sunday 7:30 am.8:30 pm.Renmin Road 32Tel:0735

2、2351683/2351782Just 10 yuan a timeBasketball,swimming,badminton and skatingChinese CafMondaySaturday Lunch12:0014:00Lunch $6 (Under 10 $4)Take away$5 Each Box(Put whatever you want into one box)FridaySaturday Evening17:0023:00Dinner $12 (Under 10 $6)Free Bottle of Wine For Each Table of Four(Evening

3、 and over 18 only)Sunday Lunch12:0015:00Lunch $7 (Under 10 $4)Enjoy your meal!Tel:4655 9651Green Avenue,Londbridge( A )1.Where did Tim find a dictionary?AIn the library.BIn the classroom.2CAt the Lost and Found.( C )2.What can we do in the Sports Club?ASwim and dance.BPlay volleyball and skate.CPlay

4、 basketball and swim.( A )3.You can have lunch in this Chinese Caf _.Aat 12:30 on TuesdayBat 14:30 on ThursdayCat 11:30 on Sunday( C )4.Steven and his nineyearold son go to have dinner in this Chinese Caf on Friday evening.They should pay _.A$6 B$12 C$18( B )5._sitting at one table can enjoy a free

5、bottle of wine for dinner.AFour 12yearold boysBFour adultsCA couple with their childBDid you travel abroad during the summer holiday? As it is becoming easier to get visas(签证)to foreign countries, more and more Chinese people are traveling abroad during the holidays. However, some countries are not

6、so welcoming to Chinese tourists.A recent survey of 5,600 people from five countries showed that the Chinese people are the second most unpopular tourists, just behind the US citizens. Whats wrong with us ?“The Chinese always like staying together and talking very loudly,” Dai Bin of the China Touri

7、sm Academy told Chinese media .In fact ,this is just the tip of the 3iceberg(冰山) .Chinese tourists have a bad reputation(名声)abroad for many reasons .Zhang Minjie, a tour guide, was embarrassed when he led a group of Chinese tourists to Singapore . “A young man spit his gum out .When he was about to

8、leave, the police caught him and fined(罚款) him 20 Singapore dollars(102 yuan) ,” Zhang told Qianjiang Evening News.Some Chinese also litter everywhere and jump queues(插队) .Some like to write on famous buildings .In Hong Kong ,many local people complain that tourists from the Chinese mainland spit an

9、d smoke in non-smoking areas .None of these problems help the reputation of Chinese people traveling abroad .However, there are still plenty of thoughtful Chinese tourists ,who behave respectfully when visiting famous places ,taking a few photos before moving on to the next spot .Although we spend m

10、oney to enjoy ourselves, it doesnt mean we can do anything we want .All travelers should respect local customs and take care of the environment .21. According to the survey, the citizens of which country are the least popular tourists?(考查细节理解题,改编)A. Canadians. B. English. C. Americans. D. Chinese.22

11、. What does the underlined sentence “this is just the tip of the iceberg” mean?(考查推理判断)A. this is only the beginning of the problem B. this happens on the top of the ice mountain C. the Chinese get together and talk loudly D. the Chinese have a bad reputation abroad23. What are Paragraphs 4 and 5 ma

12、inly about? (考查主旨大意,原创)A. The police caught a young man spit his gum out B. Chinese tourists behaviors abroadC. Smoking problems in different countries D. How to have good manners24. Which is not the reason why Chinese tourists have a bad reputation abroad? 4(考查细节理解题,改编) A. Chinese always like stayi

13、ng together and talking very loudlyB. Some Chinese litter everywhereC. Chinese all like to write on famous buildingsD. Some Chinese smoke in non-smoking areas25. In which category can people most probably watch this passage on Qianjiang Evening News? (考查推理判断,原创)A. Education B. Manners C. Science D.

14、Stories参考答案 2125 CABCB 二、完形填空When I was 13, my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant beating out Miller King, who was the best 1 at our school. Football season started in September and all summer long I worked hard. I carried my football everywhere for 2 . Just before

15、September, Miller was hit 3 a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from hospital. He looked very pale, but he didnt cry. That season, I 4 all of Millers records while he could only sat on a chair and watched all the games. We went 10-1 and I was named the most valuable pl

16、ayer. 5 , I often had nightmares at that time. In the crazy dreams I was to 6 Millers accident. One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller stopped in front of a fence(栅栏)which wasnt 7 to climb if you had both arms. Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to 8 . Bu

17、t although difficult, he accepted the challenge. I helped him move 9 over the fence. When we were finally safe on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didnt tell you this during the season, 5but you did 10 . Thank you for taking the place of me.” His words freed me from my bad 11 . I thought

18、to 12 , even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was still 13 me. I was right to have 14 him. From that day on, I grew 15 and a little more real. 1. B.student C.teacher D.player2. A.practice C.comfort D.pleasure3. C.on D.by4. A.held B.broke C

19、.set D.tried5. A.Therefore B.However C.OtherwiseD.Moreover6. for B.blame for C.look forD.ask for7. A.easy B.hard D.fit8. A.come across B.come up C.come back D.come to9. A.quietly B.quickly C.slowlyD.lonely10. A.fine B.wrong C.quickly D.normally11. A.memories B.ideas C.attitudesD.dreams1

20、2. A.herself B.yourself C.myselfD.himself13. front of B.ahead of control ofD.instead of14. A.challenged B.cured C.invitedD.admired15. A.healthier B.bigger C.cleverer6D.cooler主旨大意 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者十三岁时的梦想是成为校足球队明星,后来校足球队一名种子选手发生意外,失去了一只手臂,作者因此实现了梦想。但之后作者心情复杂。经过对方的开导,作者走出了困境。1.D 考查名词。由后文内容可知 Mi

21、ller King是学校足球队最棒的“运动员” 。作者要想成为学校足球队的明星,就必须要战胜他。2.A 考查名词。由上文“all summer long I worked hard.”可知,为了实现梦想,“我”随身带着足球随时 “练习”, 故选 practice。3.D4.B 考查动词。 “我”打破了 Miller所保持的全部纪录。break a record 意为“打破纪录” 。5.B 考查连词。虽然“我”被称为最有价值球员,却经常做噩梦,梦见自己被指责。因此此处表示转折,故选 however。6.B 考查动词短语。梦中“我”常常因 Miller的事故受到责备。此处表明“我”虽然成为校足球队

22、的明星,可是“我”心里并不好过。如果不是 Miller因车祸失去了右臂,也许“我”不会有今天的成功。be to blame for sth.意为“对某事负有责任” 。7.B 8.A 考查动词短语。句意:我确定我是 Miller此时最不想遇见的人。根据句意可知选 come across。9.C10.A 考查副词。由“I was named the most valuable player.”可知,Miller夸“我”这个赛季表现得好。do fine 意为“做得不错” 。11.D 考查名词。由“I often had nightmares”可知“我”经常做噩梦,现在他的话使“我”在精神上得以解脱。

23、12.C13.B 考查介词短语。句意:虽然身体受伤,但心灵却没有被打败,他仍然胜过我。根据句意可知选 ahead of。14.D 考查动词。 “我”对 Miller这位校足球队最优秀的队员一直是崇拜的。所以这里表达的意思是“我”钦佩他是对的。故选 D。715.B 考查形容词比较级。通过这些经历,“我”更加成熟,内心更加强大,即“长大了” 。故选 bigger。三、2018武汉改编 任务型阅读阅读下面广告,完成信息记录表。(每空限填两词)1.The Great Wall of China Trek 2018 lasts for . 2.The advertisement page may app

24、ear in a . 3.The service is mainly provided for . 4.If you want to learn about an event pack, you need to to 82727. 5.You can sign up by visiting the website, calling at the office or . 参考答案1.9/nine days 2.magazine/guidebook/travel website 3.children 4.text CHINA/send messages 5.sending emails四、首字母填

25、空。(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):Carla was riding the bus with her elder brother, Brian. It was pretty hot outside, so they decided to get o 1 the bus and buy some cold drinks. They got their refreshments(活力恢复) and took a walk down the street.As they waited at the crosswalk, they saw a wonderf

26、ul new car come up. As they admired(羡慕) the car, the passenger door opened a bit and an empty juice b 2 rolled out. Then the light turned green and the car sped off.8Carla and Brain could hardly believe it. Who would put trash(垃圾) in the middle of the street? Brian n 3 all the other trash in the str

27、eet and on sidewalks. He explained to Carla how muchhe hated litter and how lazy it was to be a “Jitterbug“ (垃圾虫). They decided that they had to get their neighbourhood cleaned up.When they got home, Carla and Brian wrote a letter.They suggested that the city put p 4 trash cans in every comer. They

28、described how they felt about people littering in their town. They wrote that they wanted to see the streets and sidewalks cleaned up. They e 5 asked everyone in the neighbourhood to sign the letter. Then Brian sent it to the mayor (市长).A few weeks later, Brian told Carla he wanted to s 6 her someth

29、ing. He took his sister for a walk up the street. What do you think they saw? There were new trash cans on every corner and hardly any litter on the sidewalks!The mayor had listened to them. Carla and Brian were happy and p 7 They decided they would always help keep their town clean.青浦区参考答案1. off 2. bottle 3. noticed 4. public 5. even 6. show 7. Proud

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