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本文(2019年春七年级英语下册Unit10I’dlikesomenoodles(第1课时)SectionA(1a_2d)课堂练习(新版)人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(explodesoak291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1Unit 10 Id like some noodles.第 1 课时 Section A(1a2d)1面条 n_noodle_2牛肉 n_beef_3土豆;马铃薯 n_potato_4特色菜;特价品 n特别的;特殊的 adj_special_5(表示意愿)愿意 modal v_would_6(常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然 adv_yet_7大号的;大的 adj_large_8点菜;命令 n hero(英雄)heroes; potato(土豆)potatoes; tomato(西红柿)tomatoes。【助记】黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿。2yet adv(常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然【辨析

2、】yet 和 stillyet 意为“已经”时,用于疑问句句末;意为“还”时,用于否定句句末still 意为“还;仍然” ,多用于肯定句或疑问句,强调原有的状态没有改变3.size n大小;尺码size 常与 what 一起构成 what size,用来询问物体的大小、尺寸。常用句型为:What size(名词)一般疑问句?回答时常用以下词汇:Llarge 大号的;Mmedium 中号的;Ssmall 小号的。4one (large) bowl of 一(大)碗bowl 为可数名词,意为“碗” 。one bowl of 意为“一碗” ,其后通常接不可数名词,强调容量而不是数量。表示复数概念时,

3、直接把 bowl 变为复数形式即可。【拓展】 “冠词 a/an/数词表示量的名词of不可数名词”结构常用来表示不可数名词的量。如:a piece of paper 一张纸;a pair of glasses 一副眼镜;a pair of trousers 一条裤子。重点句型1What would you like?您需要什么?这是服务人员询问对方有什么具体要求或需要的句子。would like 相当于 want,但比2want 语气委婉。2What kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef noodles, please.你想要哪种面条?我想要牛肉

4、面。(1)在口语中,当询问某人想要哪种类型的东西时,用 What kind ofwould you like?(2)beef noodles 牛肉面。相当于 noodles with beef。句中的 beef 作 noodles 的定语。当一个名词在另一个名词前充当定语,即当名词修饰名词时,起修饰作用的名词一般用其单数形式。如:two apple trees 两棵苹果树。【拓展】 当 man 和 woman 作定语修饰另一个名词时,要与所修饰的名词的单复数保持一致。如: two men workers 两名男工人; a man doctor 一名男医生。sport 常用复数形式作定语。如:s

5、ports shoes 运动鞋;sports meeting 运动会。3May I take your order?你们可以点餐了吗?这是点餐常用语。用于服务员咨询客人是否可以点餐了。类似的还有: Can I help you? /What can I do for you?回答时一般先说“Yes, please.” ,然后再说“Id like”说明点什么餐。.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1May I take your_order_(点菜), sir?Yes, Id like gongbao chicken with rice.2The cake is too small.Id like a

6、_large_(大的) one.3Jenny buys a dress for her mother, but the_size_(尺寸) is too small.4Id like two small_bowls_(碗) of mutton noodles.5There are two_specials_(特色菜) in the restaurant today.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Hed like some _carrots_(carrot)2What would you like?Some _potatoes_(potato), please.3What about _eatin

7、g_(eat) some noodles for lunch?4There _is_(be) some chicken on the table.5They would like _to_buy_(buy) some tomatoes.单项选择。(C)1.Would you like a glass of milk?_ANo, I dont want anything to eat.BWhy not have some cakes?CYes, please.DNo, I dont.(A)2.What would you like?Im not sure _Ayet BstillCtoo Dal

8、ready3(D)3.Hed like a hamburger _ chicken.Ain BonCfor Dwith(A)4.Its sports time.Most _ students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.Aboy BboysCboys Dboys(B)5.What _ movies do you like?I like action movies because theyre _ interesting.Akind; kind of Bkind of; kind ofCkind; kind Dkind of

9、; kind.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1Hed like a cup of tea.(改为一般疑问句)_Would_ _he_ _like_ a cup of tea?2Id like a small bowl of rice.(对画线部分提问)_What_ _size_ bowl of rice would you like?3My brother would like cabbage_and_egg noodles.(对画线部分提问)_What_ _kind_ _of_ noodles would your brother like?4Jack wants to eat some a

10、pples.(改为同义句)Jack _would_ _like_ _to_ eat some apples.5There are some oranges on the table.(用 meat 改为一般疑问句)_Is_ _there_ _any_ _meat_ on the table?.完形填空。Peter is a Chinese boy.But now he _1_ in the UK.He lives and _2_ with Mr.and Mrs.Green in London.They are very nice to him.But they like different _

11、3_For breakfast, Mr.and Mrs.Green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables.Sometimes they have fruit.Peter would like milk and eggs, but he wouldnt like vegetables _4_ the breakfast time.Lunch is at one _5_Mr.and Mrs.Green usually have large hamburgers.Peter doesnt like _6_He thinks theyre _7_He wo

12、uld like some rice.After that, _8_ like some fruit._9_ Mr.and Mrs.Green usually have afternoon tea.For dinner, Mr.and Mrs.Green have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit.Peter wouldnt like _10_ beef.Hed like some noodles.(B) BisCam Dare(C) BhaveCeats Dhas(D)3.A.drink BfruitCvegetables Dfo

13、od(C) BofCat Don4(C)5.A.clock BtimeCoclock Dtimes(A)6.A.them BtheyCit Done(B)7.A.good BbadChealthy Dinteresting(D)8.A.shes BshedChes Dhed(D)9.A.Or BSoCBecause DBut(A)10.A.any BsomeCmany Dmuch.任务型阅读。The food in the UK is very different from our Chinese food.They eat a lot of potatoes.And they e

14、at them every day.They eat bread for breakfast with butter(黄油 ), cheese(奶酪), jam(果酱 ) or other things.We dont eat these things much in China.Cheese and butter are made from milk.They drink lots of milk, too.They dont drink hot milk but cold milk, and they put it in their tea.The UK is the worlds big

15、gest tea drinker.They dont eat much rice.For their dinner, they like meat or fish with potatoes and vegetables.And they always eat something sweet(甜的) after dinner.They call this dessert.They dont have dumplings.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1What do people in the UK eat every day?_They_eat_potatoes_every_day._2Wha

16、t do people in the UK eat for breakfast?_They_eat_bread_for_breakfast_with_butter,_cheese,_jam_or_other_things._3Do people in the UK drink hot or cold milk?_They_drink_cold_milk._4What do people in the UK like for dinner?_For_dinner,_they_like_meat_or_fish_with_potatoes_and_vegetables._5Do people in the UK have dumplings?_No,_they_dont._

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