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1、1Unit58 复习案重点单词 Unit 51_beautiful_ (adj.)美丽的;美好的beautifully(adv.)漂亮地beauty(n.)美丽;美2sleep(v.& n)睡觉slept(过去式/过去分词)sleepy(adj.)困倦的asleep(adj.)睡着的3forget(v.)遗忘;忘记forgot(过去式)forgotten(过去分词)4danger(n.)危险dangerous(adj.)危险的5cut(v.)切cutting(现在分词)cut(过去式/过去分词)6shy(adj.)害羞的shyness(n.)羞怯7Australia(n.)澳大利亚Austra

2、lian(adj.&n.)澳大利亚人的;澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人8Africa(n.)非洲African(adj.&n.)非洲人的;非洲的;非洲人Unit 69drink(v.& n)喝;饮料drinking(现在分词)drank(过去式)drunk (过去分词)10child(n.)孩子children(pl.) 高 频11man(n.)男人men(pl.) 高 频12America(n.)美国American(adj.&n.)美国人的;美国的;美国人Unit 713rain(n.&v.)雨水;下雨rainy(adj.)多雨的14windy(adj.)多风的wind(n.)风15cloudy(

3、adj.)多云的cloud(n.)云16sunny(adj.)晴朗的sun(n.) 太阳17snow(v.& n)下雪;雪snowy(adj.)多雪的重点单词 18.visit(v.)参观;拜访visitor(n.)访问者;参观者19hard(adv.& adj.)努力地;困难的hardly(adv.)几乎不23.Europe(n.)欧洲European(adj.&n.)欧洲人的;欧洲的;欧洲人24Russia(n.)俄国Russian(adj.&n.)俄国人的;俄国的;俄国人220bad(adj.)坏的worse(比较级)更坏的(地);更差的(地);worst(最高级)最坏的(地);最差的(

4、地) 高 频21sit(v.)坐sitting(现在分词)sat(过去式/过去分词)22Canada(n.)加拿大Canadian(adj.&n.)加拿大人的;加拿大的;加拿大人Unit 825north(n.& adj.)北;北方;北方的northern (adj.)北方的26spend(v.)花(时间、钱等)spent(过去式/过去分词) 高 频27enjoy(v.)享受;喜爱enjoyable(adj.)有趣的;令人愉快的高 频重点短语 1.kind_of 稍微;有点儿2be_friendly_to_sb.对某人友好3get_lost 迷路4be_in_(great)_danger 处于

5、(极大)危险之中5cut_down 砍伐6(be)_made_of 由制成的7read_a_newspaper 看报纸8take_a_message 捎个口信;传话9.call_(sb.)back(给某人)回电话10on_(a)_vacation 度假11across_from 在对面12next_to 挨着;靠近13in_front_of 在前面14go_along_(the_street)沿着(这条街)走15turn_right_/_left 向右/左转16spend_time 花时间重点句型 1.What are you doing?你在做什么?Im watching TV.我在看电视。

6、2Hows_it going?近况怎么样?Not bad,thanks.不错,谢谢。3Hows the weather?天气怎么样?Its cloudy.多云。4.Is there a hospital near here?这儿附近有医院吗?Yes,there isIts on Bridge Street.是的,有。它在大桥街上。5Why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫?Because theyre kind of interesting因为它们有点有趣。3考点 辨析 another,other,the other,others 与 the othersBut ther

7、e isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US,so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.但是在美国没有端午节,因此,这一晚对朱辉和他的寄宿家庭来说就像其他任何晚上一样。 Unit 6 P35another“再一个;另一个” (泛指三者或三者以上的人或物中的另一个)。如:Would you like to show me another one?您给我看另一个好吗?other“别的” (泛指,可修饰名词)。如:We will study Chinese,English,math,geo

8、graphy and other lessons this term.我们这学期将学习语文、英语、数学、地理和其他课程。the other“另一个”(特指,两者中的另一个)。如 I have two pens.One is old,the other is new.我有两支笔。一支是旧的,另一支是新的。others“其余的人或物”(泛指,表示除去一部分后的另一些,但不是剩下的全体)。如:There are many students on the playground.Some are running,others are playing.操场上有很多同学,有的在跑步,其他的在玩耍。the o

9、thers“其余的人或物”(特指,指一定范围内除去一部分后,剩余的全部人或物)。如:Shanghai is bigger than the others in China.在中国上海比别的城市都大。1.I dont like the red coat.Do you have Bone?Aother BanotherCothers Dthe other42Some people like to stay at home in their spare time.Clike to travel.AThe others BOtherCOthers DAnother3There is a booksho

10、p on Cside of the street in our town.Aother BanotherCthe other Dothers4There are fortytwo students in our class.Twenty students are girls, and B are boys.Aother Bthe othersCthe other Dothers5If you cant work out the math problem, try to do it in Aways.Aother BanotherCthe other Dothers考点 辨析 across 与

11、throughThe pay phone is across from the library.公用电话在图书馆的对面。 Unit 8 P44across介词,常与 go/walk 连用表示“横穿;穿过” ,着重指从一边到另一边,指从表面通过。如:He helped the old man go across the road.他帮老人穿过马路。through介词,常与 go/walk 连用表示“穿过;通过;经过” ,指从空间内部通过。如:The moon shone through the window.月亮通过窗户照进来。6.The moonlight gets into my room

12、Cthe window every night.Across BacrossCthrough Dover57You should look carefully before you walk A the road.Aacross BpastCcross Dthrough考点 辨析 in front of 与 in the front ofThe pay phone is in front of the library.公用电话在图书馆的前面。 Unit 8 P44in front of表示“在(外部)的前面” 。如:There is a park in front of our school.

13、我们学校前面有一个公园。in the front of表示“在(内部)的前面” 。如:The teacher often stands in the front of the classroom.老师通常站在教室的前面。8.A woman driver is driving A the bus.Ain the front of Bin front ofCat the back of Din the back of9Lily is shy.She isnt afraid to speak C the class.Ain front Bin the front ofCin front of Don

14、 the front考点 spend 的用法 I like to spend time there on weekends.我喜欢在那儿度过周末时光。 Unit 8 P47(1)spend 作及物动词,此处意为“度过” 。其过去式和过去分词为 spent;其常见短语为“spend时间with sb.” ,意为“和某人一起度过时间” 。如:He likes spending his free time with his grandma.他喜欢和他奶奶一起度过休闲时间。(2)辨析 spend,take,cost 与 pay用法 固定搭配 例句spend 主语是人 spend time/money

15、on He spends much money 6sth.或 spend time/money (in) doing sth.“某人花时间/金钱做某事”on clothes.他将很多钱用在买衣服上。take 常用 it 作形式主语It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.“做某事花费某人多长时间”It took me 30 minutes to do housework.做家务用了我 30 分钟。cost 主语是物sth.cost(s) sb.some money“某物花费某人多少钱”It cost me 10 dollars to buy the cake.买

16、这个蛋糕花了我 10 美元。pay 主语是人 some money for sth.“某人为某物付多少钱”或 for sth.某人为某物付钱He paid 50 yuan for the flowers.他花了50 元买花。10.My mother likes wearing new clothes.She Dmuch money on it.Acosts Btakes Cpays Dspends711.It Bme half an hour to go to school every day.Acosts Btakes Cpays Dspends12My pet d

17、og Ame $ 50.Acost Btook Cpaid Dspent13I Ctwo yuan for the nice picture.Acost Bspent Cpaid Dtook20132018 年河北中考 2019 年备考看点近六年河北中考考查本讲单词 easy(2016 年), wish(2015 年), sun(2013 年), place(2016 年)各 1 次,考查语法 there be 句型2013、2015、2016、2017 年各 1 次。年份 题型题号2018 未涉及本讲考点2017 连词成句:T832016词语运用:T77;T78 连词成句:T832015词语

18、运用:T80连词成句:T842014 未涉及本讲考点2013词语运用:T82连词成句:T90, 基础点:单词 beautiful, forget, sleep, spend 等词及其变形可能出现在完形及词语运用中。语法点:there be 句型仍是未来考试的多频考点,why,what, where 及 because 句8型也是考试的重点内容。话题:日常活动及居住社区是将来的热点话题。12016河北T77First , we decided on a goodplace to go, and then we talked about what food to bring.22016河北T78E

19、veryone cooked the dishes that could be carried_easily (easy)32015河北T80Mum and Dad send their best wishes (wish)42013河北T82It is a sunny (sun) day.Lets go outside and play.52017河北T83five, in our group, there, students, areThere_are_five_students_in_our_group_.62016河北T83under the tree, some, there are

20、, childThere_are_some_children_under_the_tree_.72015河北T84interesting activity, many, there wereThere_were_many_interesting_activities_.82013河北T90match, a, now, be, TV, football, there, onThere_is_a_football_match_on_TV_now_.根据所给单词及汉语提示填写正确的单词1There are five Europeans (Europe) visiting our school.2Tu

21、rn left at the third crossing (cross) and then you can find it.3Some animals are in danger(危险)People should save them.4May I ask you some questions(问题),please? 5The supermarket is across_from (在对面) the post office.6There are many countries(国家)in the world.97Our English teacher is very_friendly to (对

22、友好) us.单项选择8Please cut DThey are old.Adown them Bdown itCit down Dthem down92018邯郸模拟Do you know that there are many different Aanimals in the zoo?Yes, I do.And I also know that some of them are _ scaring.Akinds of;kind of Bkinds of;kinds ofCkind of;kinds of Dkind of;kind of10Where B lions _?They are

23、 from Africa.Ais;from Bare;fromCdo;from Dare;come from11D?Its snowy.AWhats the weather thereBHows the weather thereCWhats the weather like thereDB and C12Is there a library in your school?CAYes,it is. BNo,it isnt.CYes,there is. DNo,there arent.13Would you like to have Ccake?No,thanks.Ive had two.Tha

24、ts enough.Aother BothersCanother Dthe other1014Before stamps,people didnt A for the letters they sent,but for the letters they received.Apay Bcost Cspend Dtake15Can a plane fly A the Atlantic Ocean?Yes,but it needs to go_the clouds for hours.Aacross;through Bthrough;acrossCacross;across Dthrough;thr

25、ough16ICthe whole afternoon in shopping _a birthday present.Aspent;in Bpaid;forCspent;for Dcost;of17How much will the phone B?The same as you said,eight hundred dollars each.Aspend BcostCpay Dafford18It will A the workers ten days to finish the work.Atake Bspend Cpay Dcost192017威县模拟There are a lot o

26、f people in the park in the morning.Some are running,Bare dancing.Aother BothersCanother Dthe other202017淮安Lily, where is my dog?Look! ItCunder the bed.Aslept Bwas sleeping Cis sleeping Dwill sleep212017上海The two companies decided to work together Athey had common interest.Abecause Bunless Cbut Dor11

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