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1、1Module 8 Time off单词闯关1.唤醒;醒来(v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词)_2淡水的(adj.) _3千米;公里(n.) _4.外形;形状(n.) _5人(n.) _(复数)_6某人;有人(pron.) _7小路,路径(n.) _8(用手)拉,牵,扯(v.) _(反义词)_短语互译1.看起来像 _2制造噪声 _3唤醒某人 _4四处走动 _5agree on sightseeing _7the secondlargest freshwater lake_8play the guitar _9be popular with _10pulloff _连词成句1.yo

2、u, to, promised, write, to, I(我答应要写信给你们。)_2look like, some, while, them, wild animals, of, look like, others, humans(它们一些看起来像人,而另一些看起来像野生动物。)_3.without, we, looking for, just, came out, monkey, and, found, any, was, making, it, noise, a, hungry, food(我们悄悄地出来,发现原来是一只饥饿的猴子在寻找食物。)_4said, wrong, Linglin

3、gs, that, pull, to,uncle, it, plants, off, was, leaves(玲玲的叔叔说从植物上扯下叶子是不对的。)2_课文初探根据课文内容判断正误,正确的填 A,错误的填 B。( )1.Zhangjiajie is in Hunan Province.( )2.Last night, they camped on the mountain.( )3.A loud noise woke them up during that night.( )4.They found a hungry monkey was looking for food.( )5.Dong

4、ting Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. wake v. 唤醒;醒来 观察 It woke everybody up. 它把大家都吵醒了。探究 wake 常与副词 up 连用,构成动副结构短语 wake up,意为“使醒来;叫醒”。当宾语是代词时,须放在 wake 和 up 中间;当宾语是名词时,放在 up 的前面或后面均可。wake up 的反义词组是 fall asleep,意为“睡着,入睡” 。拓展 常见的 up 短语:活学活用(1)Mum, whats for breakfast?Shh! Your dad slept lat

5、e last night. Dont_Awake up herBwake him upCwake up him3Dwake her up(2)2016泰安Dont _ too late; you will feel tired in class.I wont, Mum.Acall up Bwake up Cstay up Dget up1 I promised to write, so我答应要写信(给你们),所以探究 promise to do sth.意为“_” 。promise 也可接双宾语,即 promise sb. sth.promise sth. to sb.,意为“_” 。My f

6、ather promised me a computer.My father promised a computer to me.我爸爸答应给我买一台电脑。活学活用1(1)单项填空Mike promises _ harder this term.Astudy BstudyingCto study Dto studying (2)改为同义句My father has promised me a smartphone.My father has _ a smartphone _ me.2 Last night we camped by a small lake.昨晚,我们在一个小湖边露营。探究 介

7、词 by 在句中译为“在旁边” 。Our teacher was sitting by the window.我们的老师正坐在窗户旁边。拓展 介词 by 常见的意思:含义 例句靠;通过 They can read by touch/touching.他们可以通过触摸来阅读。不迟于 I shall be back by 5 oclock. 最迟五点我一定回来。被;由 This bridge was built by the soldiers.这座桥是那些士兵建造的。乘;用 The man came by bus. 那个人是乘公共汽车来的。2(1)_ the time I got to the b

8、us stop, the bus had already left.AOn BInCBy DWith(2)My friend Betty improves her English by _ English songs.Alistening to Blisten toCto listen Dlistening3 We came out without making any noise, and found it was just a hungry monkey looking for food. 4我们悄悄地出来,发现原来是一只饥饿的猴子在寻找食物。探究 (1)without 为介词,意为“_”

9、 。其后可以接名词、代词或动名词。Youll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella. 如果雨天外出不带伞,你会被淋湿的。(2)现在分词短语“looking for food”作“a hungry monkey”的后置定语,表示所修饰的名词正在进行的动作,两者是逻辑上的主谓关系。There is an old man fishing by the lake.湖边有一位老人在钓鱼。3.(1)2016德州 Nobody could solve this difficult problem alone _ others help.A

10、with BforCwithout Dfrom(2)Yesterday she went to school without _ breakfast.Ahave Bto haveChaving Dhad (3)2016恩施There are some boys _ basketball over there.Lets go and join them.Aare playing Bplaying Cto play4 Tomorrow were going to Dongting Lake, the secondlargest freshwater lake inChina. 明天我们打算去中国第

11、二大淡水湖洞庭湖。探究 “the序数词形容词/副词最高级”意为“第几的” ,后接单数可数名词。The Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world. 长江是世界上第三长河。42016广东 Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second _Adeep Bdeeper Cdeepest Dthe deepest5 Wish you were here! 要是你们在这里该有多好啊!探究 本句中 wish 后面的宾语从句使用了虚拟语气。wish

12、 一般用来表示“不能实现或没有把握实现的愿望” ,所以其宾语从句使用虚拟语气,翻译成汉语时,意为“要是就好了;但愿” 。拓展 (1)wish 作动词时,意为“希望,祝愿” ,常见用法如下:wish sb.名词 祝某人wish to do sth.希望做某事wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事She wishes me to win the chess match.5她希望我赢得国际象棋比赛。(2)wish 作名词时,意为“愿望,希望” ,为可数名词。His wish came true. 他的愿望实现了。5(1)单项填空What are you going to do when

13、 you grow up?A singer, but my parents wish me _ a teacher. Aam Bto be Cwill be Dbe (2)翻译句子我要是一只鸟儿就好了。_Wonderful time in ZhangjiajieWhere is Zhangjiajie andwhat is it famous for? Its in 1. Province, and itsfamous for the 2. ofits tall rocks.What happened last night? They found a hungry 3. looking for

14、 food.What did they do this morning? They climbed Mount 4. .What will theydo tomorrow? Theyll visit Dongting Lake, the 5. freshwater lake in China.Theyll be back home next 6. . )6第 16 课时分层训练Unit 2 _ (other) are planting trees.3His father wishes him_ (become) an artist but he hopes_ (be) a teacher.4L

15、ittle Jack promised _ (play) the piano for two hours. 5My sister was the _ (two) girl to arrive at the classroom this morning. 6Autumn comes, and _ (leaf) begin to fall off the trees.7We found that it was a hungry bear_ (look) for food.8Would you like to learn more about how_ (take) good photos? .用方

16、框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空somebody, fall asleep, move about,make a noise, agree on 1. Look! Two boys are _ in the park.2We have _ when and where we meet.3Mike _ in the room and this woke his father up. 4_ called your name just now. Really? I didnt hear it. 5My father was so tired that he _ soon.单项填空 ( )1.Lanzh

17、ou is the only capital city that the Yellow River, the _ river in China, passes through.Atwolongest BtwolongerCsecondlongest Dsecondlong( )2.The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun.Ago 7Bgoes Cwent Dgoing( )3.2016东营 At the farewell party,Kobe Bryant said, “_ the support of my fans, it wo

18、uld be hard for me to achieve such great success.”AWith BUnderCThrough DWithout( )4.I wish I_ young again one day.Aam Bwill be Cwas Dwere( )5.China is famous_ china(瓷器)Afor Bas Cof Dto( )6.I live with my brother, and I _ every day.Awake up them Bwake them upCwake up him Dwake him up( )7.My father pr

19、omised _ me to swim.Ato teach BteachingCto teaching Dteach( )8.I am going to Sydney for a trip next month. _!AThats all right BWhat a pityCHave a good time DThats too bad .连词成句根据括号内的中文提示, 将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1reading books, some, are, and, students, something, are, others, writing(一些学生在看书, 另一些在写东西。)_2p

20、lace, summer camp, is, kids, a, make, for, good, to, have fun, new, things, new, experience, and, friends (夏令营是让孩子们玩耍、交新朋友、体验新事物的一个好地方。)_3mother, up, yesterday, me, woke, my, morning(昨天早上妈妈叫醒了我。)_4use, to, knew, in the end, I, a, how, computer(最后, 我知道了如何使用电脑。)_5Olympic Games, in, take part in, allow

21、, games, to, women, the, didnt, ancient(在古代奥运会上, 这些比赛不允许妇女参加。)_.按要求完成下列各题12016乐山 He hopes that he will be an astronaut in the future.(改为同义句)He _ _ be an astronaut in the future.2Many cars cross the bridge every day.(改为同义句)8Many cars _ _ the bridge every day.3Zhangjiajie is about_480_square_kilometre

22、s(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ Zhangjiajie?4My sister went to school yesterday. She didnt have breakfast.(合并为一句)My sister went to school _ breakfast yesterday.5The teacher told us. Dont forget to bring your homework to school. (合并为一句)The teacher told us _ _ forget to bring our homework to school.选词填空根据短文内容, 从方框中选择

23、适当的单词填空, 使短文意思完整。每个单词只能用一次, 每空一词。hardly, top, thirsty, woke, kilometre, pulled, take, sights, shape, pathMount Tai is very famous in the world. Last Sunday, my parents took me there. In the morning, they 1._ me up early at about 5 oclock, because we didnt want the traffic to 2._ up too much time. Wh

24、en we got there by bus, we climbed along the 3._ at once. I felt 4._ and drank some water. I could 5._ walk any more after about one 6._. My mother said, “Come on, my dear! Please look at the 7._. Theyre very beautiful. They look even more beautiful at the 8._ of the mountain.” Four hours later, we

25、reached the top. From there we saw the strange 9._ of large rocks. How beautiful the Mount Tai is! My father said that it was wrong when I 10._ a leaf off a plant. We should protect everything there. I think what my father said is right.阅读理解Philip is 55 years old now and has been blind (瞎的) since he

26、 was born. However, he thinks he is missing nothing because he can imagine all the things. He can smell a flower and enjoy the beauty of the smell. People sometimes feel a pity about him, but he doesnt think so. He tells them that he loves life a lot.Life is difficult for him, however. At home, he c

27、ant look out of the window to see what the weather is like, and then decide what to wear. He cant look at the clock on the wall to see what time it is. He uses his special watch or a radio for that. He must put everything in the same place in his house after using it. “If I dont, Ill spend a long ti

28、me looking for it, ” he laughs.Philip is a musician. He plays the saxophone (萨克斯管), but not in a band. He sometimes goes to The Cap, a hat store. On the sidewalk in front of The Cap he sits down. “I usually spend about four hours here. Ill earn from $10 to $30. One evening I made almost $100. Anothe

29、r evening, someone stole(偷) everything. I guess he needed it more than I did, ” he says. ( )1.What does Philip think of his blindness?AIts a pity.BHe is happy about it.CIt doesnt matter to him.9DHe thinks he can also smell the flowers.( )2.How does Philip know the time?AHe looks at the clock on the

30、wall.BHe hears the bird singing.CHe feels the sun moving in the sky.DHe uses his special watch.( )3.Why does Philip put everything in the same place in his house?ABecause he can find it easily next time.BBecause he doesnt want to make a mess in the house.CBecause thats his family rule.DBecause he ca

31、nt find other places to put things. ( )4.Where does Philip play the saxophone?AIn a band.BAt home. CIn front of a hat store.DAt The Cap.( )5.Which of the following is TRUE about Philip?AHe cant go to any places.BHe loves life, although he is blind.CHe can play the violin.DHe often cant find his thin

32、gs in his house.10详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1wake; woke; woken 2.freshwater3kilometre 4.shape 5.human; humans6somebody 7.path 8.pull; push短语互译1look like 2.make (a) noise 3wake sb. up 4.move about5就取得一致意见;达成共识6观光 7.第二大淡水湖8弹吉他 9.受欢迎10把从拽下来连词成句1I promised to write to you.2Some of them look like humans while othe

33、rs look like wild animals.3We came out without making any noise, and found it was just a hungry monkey looking for food.4Linglings uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants.课文初探15 ABAAB【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛(1)B (2)C句型透视1 答应做某事;承诺做某事 答应给某人某物;许诺某人某物(1)C (2)promised; to2 (1)C (2)A3 无;没有(1)C (2)C (3

34、)B 4 C “the序数词形容词/副词最高级”表示“第几的” ,the second deepest 表示“第二深的” ,故选 C。5 (1)B(2)I wish I were a bird. 课文回顾1Hunan 2.strange shape 3.monkey4Tianzi 5.secondlargest 6.week【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.shapes 2. path 3. kilometres4. humans 5. pulled 6.freshwater.1.having 2.others become; to be4to play 5.second 6.lea

35、ves 7looking take11.1. moving about 2. agreed on3. made a noise 4. Somebody 5. fell asleep 课后巩固提升.1.C 2.B 3.D 4D 本题考查虚拟语气。句意:我希望有一天我可以再年轻一次。5A be famous for 意为“因而闻名” 。6D7A promise to do sth.意为“答应做某事” 。8C.1.Some students are reading books and others are writing something.2Summer camp is a good p

36、lace for kids to have fun, make new friends and experience new things.3Yesterday morning my mother woke me up.4I knew how to use a computer in the end.5In ancient Olympic Games,the games didnt allow women to take part in.1.hopes to 2.go across 3.How large is4without having 5.not to.1.woke 2.take 3.path4thirsty 5.hardly 6.kilometre7sights 9.shape10pulled.15 CDACB

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