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本文(2019春九年级英语下册Unit2Greatpeople(第3课时)Reading2教学课件(新版)牛津版.ppt)为本站会员(towelfact221)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、,Unit 2 Great people,Reading II,Studying aims,1.Master the useful language points.2.Can get information from reading and do some exercises.,Neil Armstrong was born on 5 August 1930 in Ohio, the USA. He showed an _ in flying when he took his first _ at the age of six. He received his student _ _ when

2、 he was 16. In 1962, he was _ to become an _. In 1966 he went into space as _ pilot of Gemini 8.,interest,flight,pilots licence,chosen,astronaut,command,Task 1,On 20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to _ _ _ _. He and Aldrin collected _ _ to take back to the Earth for further _. Because of

3、his excellent _, Neil Armstrong was _ the Medal of Freedom, the highest award that a US _ can receive. He was the _ of the whole world.,walk on the Moon,Moon rocks,research,service,presented,citizen,pride,1. Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served as a pilot for three years. 阿姆斯特朗1949年参加海军, 当了三

4、年飞行员。serve vi. 服务,Language points,Task 2,2. In 1966, he went into space as command pilot of Gemini 8. He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space.1966年,他作为“双子座8号”宇宙飞船的飞行指挥进入太空,他和戴维斯科特成功地将两个航天器在太空首次交会对接。,manage to do sth. 设法做成某事 e.g. 他好不容易及时赶到那里。He managed t

5、o get there in time.我很忙,但我会想办法来。Im busy, but Ill manage to come.,e.g. 她招待我们吃了一顿可口的午餐。She served us a delicious lunch.汤姆当了三年兵。Tom served as a soldier / in the army for three years.,3. However, on their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control. 但是, 在他们返回地球的途中, 宇宙飞船开始旋转, 失去控制

6、。spin spunspun vi. & vt. 旋转e.g. 转动球/硬币/轮子to spin a ball/coin/wheel我觉得天旋地转。My head is spinning.,out of control 失去控制, 不受操纵 under control 被控制住; 情绪良好 e.g. 车失去了控制, 撞上了路边的一棵树。 The car went out of control and hit a tree by the road. 她觉得很难控制自己的情感。 She finds it difficult to keep her feeling under control.,4.

7、 On 20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.1969年7月20日, 阿姆斯特朗成为第一个登上月球的人。be/ become the first person (man/woman) to do sth. 成为第一个做某事的人e.g. 江先生成为这个镇上第一个拥有机器人的人。Mr. Jiang became the first person to own a robot in the town.,5. Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft

8、 Apollo 11 on the Moon.他和巴兹奥尔德林一起, 把阿波罗11号降落到了月球上。together with用作介词,意为“与一起”“连同”, 相当于as well as, 可以放在句首或句尾, 也可放在主语后, 但谓语动词形式要与主语保持一致。,e.g. 李先生现在正和他的孩子们一起在澳大利亚度假。 Mr Li, together with his children, is on holiday in Australia now. land用作动词, 意为“(使)降落”, “登陆”。 e.g. 飞行员驾驶飞机安全着陆。The pilot landed the plane s

9、afely. 他们是首批登上月球的人。They were the first men to land on the moon.,6. He said the famous words “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” as he stepped out onto the Moons surface.当他踏上月球表面时, 说了一句名言: “对于个人是一小步,对于人类是一个巨大的飞跃。” step n. 一步; 台阶; 步骤, 措施 e.g. 他朝门口迈了一步。He took a step towards the door.,

10、这个小孩正爬着上台阶。 The child is climbing up the steps. 我们在地面上发现了熊的足迹。 We found the steps of a bear on the ground. 下一步该怎么办? Whats the next step? vi. 走, 跨步 e.g. 我听见叫我名字时向前跨了一步。I stepped forward when my name was called out.,7. He was the pride of the whole world.他是全世界的骄傲。pride n. 骄傲; 可引以为豪的人(或物)take a pride i

11、n 对感到自豪 proud adj. 骄傲的, 自豪的be proud of 对感到自豪e.g. 我为自己的工作感到骄傲。I take a pride in my work.,堂清知识,1.对产生兴趣 2.第一次坐飞机 3.担任、充当 4.把连在一起 5.第一次 6.在返回的路上 7.失去控制 8.缩短飞行时间,become interested in,take ones first flight,serve as,jointogether,the first time,on ones way back to,out of control,cut the flight short,9.使着陆进

12、入 10.第一个在月球上行走的人11.和一起 12.把带回地球 13.作进一步研究 14.全世界的骄傲 15.去不同的国家旅行,land on,the first man to walk on the moon,together with,take back to the Earth,for further research,the pride of the whole world,travel to different countries,1. Do you know who is the first woman _ (reach) the top of the South Pole? 2.

13、 I hope to take _ (drive) licence this summer.,to reach,driving,根据句子意思, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。,当堂检测,3. Do you know who _ (choose) to be the first astronaut in China? 4. We all take _ (proud) in our country.,was chosen,pride,5. Do you know how many astronauts _ (step) onto the moon in the last forty years? 6. Some scientists are taking a _ (far) research on medicine to cure this disease.,further,have stepped,Remember the words and expressions in this lesson. 2. Preview Grammar.,Homework,

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