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1、知识点一 如何询问出生地 教材原文 Where were you born? 你在哪里出生的? 本句是where引导的特殊疑问句,时态是一般过去时,该句的结构是 “Where+was/were+主语+born?”用于询问某人的出生地。am, is的过 去式是was,are的过去式是were。例如: Where was he born? 他出生在哪里? He was born in a small village.他生于一个小村庄。,When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的? I was born in March 2000. 我生于2000年3月。,拓展,例 (2017重庆涪

2、陵区期末)When you born, John? I born on June 1st, 2004. A.are;am B.was;were C.were;were D.were;was 解析 表示出生要用be born,和you搭配的词是were,和I搭配的词是was, 故答案为D。 答案 D,知识点二 strict的用法 教材原文 She was strict but very nice.她很严格,但是人很好。 strict 是形容词,意为“严格的,严厉的”,常见短语:,例 (2017天津和平区期末)Do your parents let you watch TV in the even

3、ing? No, they dont. They are with me. A.busy B.strict C.good D.kind 解析 根据本题语境可知,我父母不让我晚上看电视,他们对我很严格, be strict with sb.意为“对某人严格”,故答案为B。 答案 B,知识点三 friendly的用法 教材原文 She was very friendly. 她非常友好。 本句中的friendly是形容词,意为“友好的”。例如: Lily is friendly to everyone.莉莉对每个人都很友好。 拓展 短语:be friendly to sb.对某人友好 反义词:unf

4、riendly adj.不友好的,例 (2018广东广州顺德区第14周教研联盟)Daming is very to ev- eryone, so all of us like him a lot. A.strict B.angry C.friendly D.bad 解析 根据题干中的“所以我们所有人都很喜欢他”可推断,大明对每 个人都很“友好”,故friendly符合题意。 答案 C,知识点四 “What+be+主语+like?”的句式 教材原文 What were they like?他们是什么样的人? 本句是what引导的特殊疑问句,结构是“What+be+主语+like?”用于询 问某人

5、的性格特点。例如: What is Mike like?迈克是什么样的人? He is outgoing.他很外向。 拓展 询问某人的外貌特征要用“What do/does+主语+look like?”的 句式。例如: What does Mike look like?迈克长什么样子? He is of medium height and he wears glasses.他中等个头,戴眼 镜。,例 (2018山东济南历城区期末) He is short and heavy. A.Whats the weather like? B.What does he like? C.What would

6、 he like? D.What does he look like? 解析 根据答语“他又矮又胖”可推断,问句问的是他的外貌特征,故 答案为D。 答案 D,知识点五 含be动词的一般疑问句的一般过去时 教材原文 Were you difficult in class too?你在课堂上也是难对付的吗? 含be动词的一般疑问句的一般过去时的结构是“Was/Were+主语+表 语?”答语有两种形式,肯定答语是“Yes, 主语+was/were.”,否定答语 是“No, 主语+wasnt/werent.”。例如: Were you at home yesterday? 你昨天在家吗? No, I

7、wasnt. 不,我不在。,例 Were you in the classroom just now? .I was in the playground. A.Yes,I was B.No,I wasnt C.Yes,I did D.No,I didnt 解析 结合答语中的“我在操场上”可推断,刚才我不在教室里,由此 可知,本题要用否定答语,结合问句可知选B。 答案 B,.根据汉语提示写出单词 1.(2017新疆中考)My parents are always (严格的) with me. 2.It is a small (城镇). 3. (2017广西南宁四十九中期末)This great

8、writer was born in a small (村庄) in Jiangsu Province. 4.She was (出生)in Tokyo. 5.The boy is (难对付的)and the teacher is angry with him.,答案 1.strict 3.village 4.born 5.difficult,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.(2018山东济南历城区期中)I like dogs because theyre (friend) and smart. 2.Yesterday we (be)at home. 3.Who was your (

9、one)teacher? Ms. Lee. She was my English teacher. 4.We all want to make (friend)with him. 5.(2018安徽合肥包河区期末)Not only the students but also their teacher (be)happy yesterday.,答案 1.friendly 2.were 3.first 4.friends 5.was,.单项选择 1.(2018北京房山区期中)When were you born, Lucy? I was born 1994. B.on D.i

10、n 答案 D 答语的含义是“我出生在1994年”,在年份之前要用介词in, 故答案为D。 2.(2018天津部分区期末联考)My first teacher was Mrs. Lane. She was but very nice. A.strict B.good C.friendly D.lively 答案 A 四个选项的含义分别是:strict严格的,严厉的;good好的; friendly友好的;lively活泼的。根据本题语境可知,我的第一个老师是 Mrs. Lane,她很“严厉”,但人很好,故所缺的词是strict。,3.(2018山东济南长清区期中)Jim and I are go

11、od . We are very to each other. A.friendly;friends B.friend;friends C.friend;friend D.friends;friendly 答案 D 句意:我和吉姆是好朋友,我们对彼此都很友好。第一空要用 friend的复数形式,第二空要用形容词 friendly“友好的”,故答案为D。,4.(2018山东济南槐荫区期末) Lisa and Jane at school yesterday? Yes. I saw them in the school library. A.Do B.Was C.Did D.Were 答案 D 根

12、据yesterday可知,问句的时态是一般过去时,先排除A;该句 是含be动词的句子,所以要用was或were;再结合主语Lisa and Jane可知 所缺的词是were。,5.(2018湖北武汉东湖高新区期末) Oh, he is kind but strict. A.What does your English teacher look like? B.What is your English teacher like? C.What does your English teacher like? D.What would your English teacher like? 答案 B

13、根据答语中的“他很友善,但也很严厉”可推断,所缺的问句 是B,该句的含义是“你的英语老师是什么样的人”。,.根据句意填空,使句意完整、连贯 1.The singer was born July 2nd, 1986. 2.What does your sister like? She is tall and thin. 3.Mr. Green is a good teacher, but sometimes he is strict his stu- dents. 4.What was the name your school? Sunshine Middle School. 5. was he

14、 born? He was born in Nanjing.,答案 1.on 2.look 3.with 4.of 5.Where,.单项选择 1.(2016天津五区县期末)Sams father was born June 29th, 1980. So tomorrow is his birthday. B.on D.of 答案 B 在具体的日期前要用介词on,故答案为B。 2.(2016吉林长春名校期中调研)Bills teacher is with him. He is afraid of the teacher. A.important B.friendly C.s

15、trict D.nice 答案 C 结合其后的“他很怕那位老师”可推断,老师对他很严厉,故 答案为C。,3. (2017湖南常德中考)I cleaned my room yesterday. It a little dif- ficult. B.was C.will be 答案 B 本题考查be动词的时态。根据本题中的“我昨天打扫我的 房间了”可推断,时态是一般过去时,故答案为B。,4. (2017山东烟台中考) ? She is of medium height with blue eyes. A.How is Rita B.What does Rita likeC.What do

16、es Rita look like D.How do you like Rita 答案 C 根据答语“她中等身材,长着蓝眼睛”可推断,问句问的是 Rita的外貌特征,故答案为C。,5. (2016山东聊城文轩中学期中) ? She was strict. A.What is your mother like B.What did your mother look like C.What was your mother like D.What does your mother look like 答案 C 结合答语“她很严厉”可推断,问句问的是“你的妈妈是什 么样的人”,再结合一般过去时可知答案

17、为C。,.按要求完成句子。每空一词 1.She was at school just now. (改为否定句) She at school just now. 2.They were difficult at school. (改为一般疑问句)difficult at school? 3.My first teacher was Miss Brown.(对画线部分提问)your first teacher? 4.(2018重庆开州区期末)The little girl was born on Thanksgiving Day. (对画线部分提问)the little girl born?,5.

18、(2018重庆巴南区期末)I was born in Chongqing. (对画线部分提问)you born?,答案 1.wasnt 2.Were they 3.Who was 4.When was 5.Where were,.根据汉语意思和所给的提示词翻译句子 1.珍妮是在哪里出生的?(was)2.我生于北京。(in)3.他对我们很友好,但有时他对我们很严格。(is, friendly, sometimes)4.昨天你们在家吗?(yesterday)5.你的朋友是什么样的人?(was),答案 1.Where was Jenny born? 2.I was born in Beijing.

19、3.He is friendly to us, but sometimes he is strict with us. 4.Were you at home yesterday? 5.What was your friend like?,.按要求完成句子 1.My brother was in the park just now.(对画线部分提问)2.I was born in Beijing.(对画线部分提问)3.Tony was born in China.(改为否定句)4.Was he naughty?(作否定回答)5.She was born in the city of Nanjin

20、g.(改为一般疑问句),答案 1.Where was your brother just now? 2.Where were you born? 3.Tony wasnt born in China. 4.No, he wasnt. 5.Was she born in the city of Nanjing?,.补全对话 从方框中选出合适的句子,填在对话空缺处,使对话内容完整、连贯。 方框中有两项为多余选项。 (A is a new student.Mr.Li is asking him some questions.) Mr. Li:You are new here, arent you?

21、A:Yes, you are right, Mr.Li. Mr. Li: 1 A:Yes. Mr. Li: 2 A:On June 21,1993. Mr. Li:Where were you born?,A:I was born in Sydney in Australia. Mr. Li: 3 A:For about eight years. Mr. Li: 4 A:They were born in Sydney, too. Mr. Li:Are they living in China? A: 5 He is coming soon. A.Mum is, but Dad works in Sydney. B.When were you born? C.Where were you born? D.How long did you live there?,E.Why did you live there? F.Where were your parents born? G.May I ask you some questions? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,答案 15 GBDFA,

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