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1、知识点八 be worth doing的用法 教材原文 Stratford is a historic town and well worth visiting for a taste of Old England.斯特拉特福是一个具有历史意义的城镇,很值得游览以 体会古英格兰的感觉。 be worth doing意为“值得做”,该短语是固定搭配。例如: The book is worth reading. 这本书值得阅读。,例 (2018黑龙江龙东中考)用所给词的适当形式填空 China Daily is worth (read). We can learn a lot from it. 解

2、析 本题考查be worth doing的搭配。 答案 reading,动词过去式的不规则变化 在前面几个模块中,我们所接触到的动词过去式大多是规则变化。在英 语中,还有许多动词的过去式是不规则变化。这些动词的过去式需要特 殊记忆。常见的变化规律有: 1.把动词原形中的o变为a。例如: becomebecame comecame 2.把动词原形中的e变为o。例如: getgot forgetforgot 3.把动词原形中的eep变为ept。例如: keepkept sleepslept,4.把动词原形中的i变为a。例如: beginbegan drinkdrank givegave sings

3、ang sitsat swimswam 5.把动词原形中的i变为o。例如: drivedrove riderode winwon writewrote 6.把动词原形中的an变为oo。例如: standstood understandunderstood 7.把动词原形中的aw或ow变为ew。例如: drawdrew growgrew,knowknew throwthrew 8.把动词原形中的eak变为oke。例如: breakbroke speakspoke 9.把动词原形中的ell变为old。例如: sellsold telltold 10.在动词原形后加d或t。例如: hearheard

4、 meanmeant 11.动词的过去式与动词原形一样。例如: cutcut hurthurt letlet putput readread setset,12.有些动词的过去式有两种形式。例如: dreamdreamed/dreamt learnlearnt/learned 13.其他。例如: saysaid buildbuilt eatate fallfell feelfelt findfound flyflew gowent havehad hidehid holdheld laylaid leaveleft loselost makemade runran seesaw taketoo

5、k wearwore,die, dead, death,例 (2018贵州安顺中考)用所给词的适当形式填空 The famous star has (die)for nearly 15 years. 解析 句意:那位知名明星已经去世将近15年了。表示“去世多长时 间”,而且和for nearly 15 years搭配的短语是be dead,再结合时态可知答 案为been dead。 答案 been dead,了解“名家”和“名作” 素养呈现 在提到文学素养时,一定会提到“名家”和“名作”。名家 名作对于我们的英语学习有深远的意义,了解名家名作和阅读世界名著 可以使我们增长知识,启迪智慧,并提高

6、自己的文学素养。要提高文学 素养,平时一定要加强阅读,注重积累,尤其要注意阅读一些著名作家的 作品。,素养解读 本模块的话题是“谈论名家名作”。Unit 1以对话形式介 绍了马克吐温和他的代表作汤姆索耶历险记;Unit 2的课文是介 绍莎士比亚的文章。 我们在平时的考试和练习中,经常会接触到以名家名作为话题的语篇材 料,常见的题型有阅读理解、任务型阅读和短文填空。让我们结合实例 看一下两者是怎样相结合的吧。,典例剖析 根据首字母提示完成短文。 J.K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, one of the best-sellers in the w

7、orld. J.K. Rowling was b 1 in Bristol on July 31st, 1965. She has one sister. Both girls loved l 2 to their father reading bedtime stories to them. They especially loved s 3 about the magical world. Rowling wrote her first story, which was called Rabbit, at the age of six. A 4 she finished her study

8、 from the university, Rowling worked a 5 a trans- lator(翻译)in London. During this time, on a long train trip in the summer of 1990, she decided to w 6 about a boy who has magic b 7 he doesnt know it. In 1992 Rowling began to teach English. She lived with,her baby daughter, Jessica, and spent much t

9、8 finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers. It was completed in June 1997. To her sur- prise, the b 9 was greatly successful. The film came out in November 2 001. Now Harry Potter series(系列丛书)are p 10 with people of all ages and about 60 million books were sold in 200 countries. 1. 2.

10、 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,答案解析 1.born 本句讲的是J.K. Rowling的出生信息,故所缺的词是born。 2.listening 两个女孩都喜欢“听”爸爸读睡前故事,listen表示“听”; 再结合love doing sth.的固定搭配可知答案为listening。 3.stories 他们尤其喜欢和魔法世界有关的“故事”,故所缺的词是sto- ries。 4.After 她完成学业之后,在伦敦当翻译。表示“在之后”要用af- ter。 表示“做的工作”时要用work as.的搭配。 6.write 她决定“写”一个会魔法的男孩的故事,故所缺

11、的词是write。 7.but 结合上下文之间的转折关系可知答案为but。,8.time 她花很多“时间”完成了第一本名叫哈利波特的书,故所 缺的词是time。 令她惊讶的是,这本“书”非常成功,故所缺的词是book。 10.popular 哈利波特系列书在不同年龄的人中都很“受欢迎”, 故所缺的词是popular。,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.At that time, we didnt have a car.We (travel)to Beijing by train. 2.The singer (become)popular when he was twenty year

12、s old. 3.When they (are)young,my parents didnt have bikes. 4.(2017河南郑州期末)I (meet)my first teacher on my way home yesterday. 5.Besides the beautiful forests and sunny beaches, Hainan Province has a lot more for you to explore. It is well worth (visit).,答案 1.travelled/traveled 2.became 3.were 4.met 5.

13、visiting,.单项选择 1.She began to learn English the age of six. A.for B.with 答案 C at the age of.是固定搭配,意为“在岁时”,故所缺的介 词是at。 2.(2018北京西城区期末)You look tired. Whats wrong with you? I well last night. A.wont sleep B.dont sleep C.didnt sleep 答案 C 根据last night可知,时态是一般过去时,故答案为C。,3.Yu Qiuyu us a wonderfu

14、l speech in Guangyuan last month.We all learned a lot from it. B.give C.gave 答案 C 本题考查动词时态。结合last month可知,要用一般过去时, 故答案为C。 4.His parents for about fifteen years.Now they have three children. A.married B.have married married D.have been married 答案 D 结合for about fifteen years可知,要用延续性的have

15、 been mar- ried,故答案为D。,5.(2018黑龙江哈尔滨双城区新兴中学第三次月考)There a football match October 10th. Who will win the match? Im not sure about it. A.will have;on B.will be;on going to be;in 答案 B 根据设空后的“十月十日”可知第二空要用介词on,先排除 C;There be句型的一般将来时的结构是There will be或There is/are going to be,故答案为B。,.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词

16、1.In China, Womens Day is on M 8th. 2.D is the last month in a year. 3.Guo Jingming and Han Han are young w in China. 4.The man has lots of money, so he is a r man.,答案 1.March 2.December 3.writers,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There are some tall (build)in the city. 2.What do you think of that clever boy? H

17、e is a very (succeed)student, because he is interested in study. 3.I (real)hate classical music. 4.Yesterday morning, he (hurry)out of the house with his father. 5.(2016江苏盐城中考)I remember (exact)what Audrey Hepburn looked like in her first film.,答案 1.buildings 2.successful 3.really 4.hurried 5.exactl

18、y,.按要求完成句子 1.He started playing the piano when he was five.(改为同义句) He started playing the piano the age five. 2.He joined the army two years ago.(对画线部分提问)he the army? 3.We spent five hours reading this book yesterday.(改为同义句)us five hours this book yesterday. 4.They went to the supermarket last night

19、.(改为一般疑问句)to the supermarket last night? 5.The writer became famous in the 1980s.(对画线部分提问)the writer famous?,答案;of 2.When did;join 3.It took;to read 4.Did they go 5. When did;become,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.十四岁毕业时,他决定当一名演员。 He be an actor when he school at fourteen. 2.他搬到伦敦,并加入了一个戏剧公司。 He London and joine

20、d a theatre company. 3.你仍能看到他的用其他很多种语言来写的戏剧。 You can still see his plays languages. 4.他六岁开始学习魔术。 He started to learn magic six. 5.(2017天津和平区期末)我要尽我最大努力去查明真相。 Ill do my best to the truth.,答案 1.decided to;finished 2.moved to many other the age of 5.find out,.任务型阅读 (2018黑龙江哈尔滨中考) Charles Dick

21、ens(狄更斯)was born in London in 1812. His family was rather poor. Two days after his 13th birthday, Dickens started working in a factory. In his life, he changed several jobs and met all kinds of people. Many of his novels were based on his past experiences. Dickens started writing novels in his early

22、 thirties and became successful almost immedi- ately. Oliver Twist, his second novel, came out in 1838 and was very suc- cessful. It told a story of a young orphan(孤儿)in the dangerous streets of London. The story has a happy endingthe young boy finds his real par- ents and a loving home. Because of

23、this novel, great attention was paid to,poor children. Over the next 25 years, Dickens wrote many other popular novels which are still read today. His books are liked by both the American and the British. 根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,答案 1.before 2.several 3.dangerous 4.written 5.Britain,.根据汉语意思和所

24、给的提示词翻译句子 1.他是什么时候搬到伦敦去住的?(did, move)2.那位歌手在十八岁时写了他的第一首歌。(wrote, age)3.他在十九世纪六十年代变得很有名气。(became)4.昨天我没有和他一起去看电影。(watch)5.上周他是怎样去北京的?(get),答案 1.When did he move to London? 2.The singer wrote his first song at the age of eighteen/18. 3.He became very famous in the 1860s. 4.I didnt watch the movie with

25、 him yesterday. 5.How did he get to Beijing last week?,.阅读理解 Who was Mary Anning? Mary Anning found the fossils(化石)of prehistoric(史前的)animals. When did she live? Mary was born in 1799.Mary Anning died in 1847. Who was Charles Dickens? Charles Dickens is a famous English writer.People all over the wo

26、rld enjoy his stories.Books by Dickens can be funny and sad. When did Dickens live? Dickens was born in England in 1812.He died in 1870. His first big success was The Pickwick Papers in 1837.,What Edward Jenner did? Jenner was the first doctor to help people against smallpox.Smallpox was a dangerous

27、 disease(疾病).Jenner found a way to stop people from getting smallpox so that fewer people got ill, and the disease became rare(少见的). When did Jenner live? Jenner was born in 1749.He died in 1823. 1.Mary Anning , according to this passage. A.was a great actor B.found the fossils of prehistoric animal

28、s C.was a teacher,2.We can know Mary Anning lived years from the passage. A.48 B.38 C.58 3.What was Dickens first big success? A.Oliver Twist. B.A Tale of Two Cities. C.The Pickwick Papers. 4.What is smallpox? A.A film. B.A book. C.A disease. 5.Which of the following is WRONG? A.Charles Dickens is a

29、 famous English writer. B.Books by Mary Anning can be funny and sad. C.Jenner found a way to stop people from getting smallpox so that fewer people got ill.,答案 1.B 由第一个方框中的内容“Mary Anning found the fossils of prehis- toric animals.”可知答案为B。 2.A 由第一个方框中的内容“Mary was born in 1799.Mary Anning died in 1847

30、.”可知答案为A。 3.C 由第二个方框中的内容“His first big success was The Pickwick Papers in 1837.”可知答案为C。 4.C 由第三个方框中的内容“Smallpox was a dangerous disease.”可 知答案为C。 5.B 由第二个方框中的内容“Books by Dickens can be funny and sad.”可知B是错误的表达。,1.(2018天津滨海新区期末, 34, ) did you begin to live in the city? In 2015. A.How long B.When C.Ho

31、w D.Where 答案 B 根据答语“在2015年”可推断,问句问的是“你什么时候开 始在这个城市居住的”,故所缺的特殊疑问词是when。,2.(2018北京房山区期末,8, )Where did Lily go yesterday? She to visit her grandpa with her parents. A.went B.goes C.will go going 答案 A 根据问句的时态可知,答语也要用一般过去时,故答案为A。 3.(2018天津滨海新区期末, 31, )September is the ninth month of the year. is in

32、this month. A.Womens Day B.May Day C.Teachers Day D.Childrens Day 答案 C 根据常识可知,“教师节”在九月,故答案为C。,4. (2017天津红桥区期末, 34, )Who cleaned the blackboard yes- terday, Dick? John . A.cleaned B.did C.does 答案 B 问句的时态是一般过去时,先排除C和D;为了避免重复,在答 语中要用did,故答案为B。,1.(2018广东广州顺德区第14周教研联盟, 32, )Mary her homework, but Mi

33、ke did. A.didnt do B.doesnt do C.wont do D.isnt do 答案 A 根据本题语境可知,玛丽没有做家庭作业,但是迈克做了。根 据一般过去时的结构可知答案为A。,2.(2016北京石景山区期末,27,)Who to clean the class- room last weekend? Li Lin. A.helps B.helped helping D.will help 答案 B 由last weekend可知时态是一般过去时,故答案为B。,3.(2016四川自贡期末,28,) you volleyball last weekend? Ye

34、s. It was great. A.Did;play B.Did;played C.Were;play 答案 A 根据last weekend可知,时态是一般过去时,play是行为动词, 根据“Did+主语+动词原形”的结构可知答案为A。,1.(2018山东临沂中考, 17, )Did you read your favorite books April 23?It was World Book Day.A.for C.on 答案 C 根据设空后的“4月23日”可推断,所缺的词是on。 2.(2018天津中考,31,)Jerry, have you ever been t

35、o the Great Wall? Yes. I there with my parents last year. A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone 答案 B 句意:Jerry,你曾经去过长城吗?去过,去年我和我父 母去的那儿。此题考查时态。根据答句中的时间状语last year判断出 此句是一般过去时,故选B。,3. (2017安徽中考, 44, )Our geography teacher told us to more information about our city and share it next week. A.find out B.keep

36、 away C.turn off D.use up 答案 A 结合本题语境可知,我们的地理老师告诉我们去找出关于我 们市的更多信息,并且下周分享。表示“查明;弄清楚”要用find out,故 答案为A。,4.(2016山东济南中考,32,) did you visit Taiwan with, Sarah? My parents. We had a good time there. A.What B.Who C.Where D.When 答案 B 本题考查特殊疑问词的用法。根据答语“我父母”可推断, 问句问的是“你和谁一起游览台湾的”,故所缺的特殊疑问词是who。,5.(2016江苏南京中考,

37、 9, )Have you read the book Jane Eyre? Yes. Its a famous book and really worth . read B.reading be read 答案 B 句意:你读过简爱这本书吗?读过,它是一本名 著,并且它真的值得一读。本题考查非谓语动词。be worth doing值得 做某事,固定用法。故选B项。,1.(2018江苏南京中考, 2, )Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon 20 July B.on D.for

38、答案 B 根据设空后的“1969年7月20日”可知,所缺的介词是on,故 答案为B。 2. (2017吉林中考,34,)The teenagers often help water and food to those people in need. A.put out B.give out C.find out 答案 B 根据本题语境可知,青少年经常帮忙分发水和食物给那些需 要帮助的人。故give out符合题意。,3.(2016河南中考,28,)There is someone knocking at the door. It must be the computer repairman.

39、I him to come to fix my com- puter. B.have called C.called D.will call 答案 C 句意:有人在敲门。一定是修电脑的。我刚才给他 打电话,让他来修我的电脑。本题考查动词的时态。根据句意可知应使 用一般过去时,表示过去发生的事情。,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.成龙是世界上最受欢迎的演员之一。 Jackie Chan is the most in the world. 2.三岁时,王伟随着父母一起搬家到了北京。 At the age of three, Wang Wei Beijing his parents. 3.

40、凯特决定毕业后当一名英语教师。 Kate to be after graduation(毕业). 4.他坐下来开始听音乐。 He and began to music. 5.李女士的梦想去年实现了。 Ms.Lees dream last year.,答案 of;popular actors 2.moved to;with 3.decided;an English teacher 4.sat down;listen to 5.came true,.信息摘录 (2018四川绵阳中考) 阅读短文,然后在文后表格内完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个词。 Jack London was born

41、in San Francisco in 1876. Life was hard when Jack was growing up and he started working when he was 10. He did lots of dif- ferent jobs. In his free time he went to the library and he spent many hours there, reading. In 1894 he went back to school, and published his first short story Typhoon off the

42、 Coast of Japan. Then in 1896 he went to the Univer- sity of California at Berkeley, but he had to leave because of money prob- lems. In 1897 he left for the Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska. However, he became,ill and came home and started working as a full-time writer. He wrote short stories and soon

43、he was well-known. In 1903 he wrote his most fa- mous story:The Call of the Wild. His next novel was The Sea-Wolf(1904) which is perhaps his best literary novel. With the earnings he bought a large farm in California, where he died in 1916, aged only 40 years old. London was a prolific writer in his

44、 short life. Between 1905 and 1916 he published 18 novels and six collections of stories, as well as a play, various works of non-fiction and a biography. He is best-known for his descrip- tions of nature and the animal world.,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,答案 2.achievements 3.1894 4.a writer 5.Alaska,.

45、阅读理解 As a well-known Chinese TV hostess, Dong Qing is now hosting two cul- tural shows, The Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers. The two shows are encouraging people to love traditional culture and find the beauty of life. Dong was born in a highly educated family in 1973. She had a great love for

46、 traditional literature(文学) from an early age. In 2015 when she was about to study in the U.S., Dong received an invitation from the director of The Chinese Poetry Conference asking her to be the hostess. Because of her passion for traditional literature, Dong accepted the job.,“The contest interest

47、s me very much. Hosting it is a process of learning about poetry and performing,”said Dong. To her great joy, the show has become more and more popular. Under the slogan(口号) “Reading touches peoples hearts”, the new TV show Readers has become a success. It invites famous guests from all walks of lif

48、e to read something. Dong works as both hostess and producer. Readers became a turning point in Dongs 21 years of hosting. She said it brought her “quite a huge challenge”. “There is no short cut(捷径) in this world. If you want to be a good host, you need to make thorough preparations,” said the beau

49、tiful hostess. “The charm of life lies in its unknown, so we just have to try and keep go-,ing.” 1.What shows are Dong Qing hosting now? A.Readers. B.The Chinese Poetry Conference. C.The Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers. D.The Voice of China. 2.Where did Dong Qing decide to study in 2015? A.In France. B.In England. C.In Japan. D.In America.,

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