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本文((课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习题型5阅读理解课件.pptx)为本站会员(sumcourage256)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、题型五 阅读理解,选择型阅读理解题主要考查学生的语篇阅读能力、分析能力和判断能力。要求学生能较快地通过阅读短文,获取其中的主要信息,然后根据试题的要求从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。常见的考查方式有以下四种:1.细节理解题 这类题目的答案一般都能在文章中直接找到,做题前,可以先浏览一下题目,然后带着问题快速阅读,找出能解决问题的有关信息。但是一定要注意捕捉准确的信息,进行理解分析,去伪存真,否则会陷入题目设下的“陷阱”,受其迷惑而误选干扰项。 2.主旨大意题 主旨大意题主要涉及文章的中心思想、主要内容、标题、作者的态度、目的、文章的语气等。我们在做题时一定要注意首句和尾句,因为它们往往

2、是文章的主题句。,3.推理判断题 在做推理判断题时,必须从原文中找到推断的依据。这类题要求考生摆脱字面理解的局限,透过文章的字里行间,对作者的话进行推理判断,领悟隐含在字里行间的内涵或哲理,体会作者的言外之意、弦外之音,从而获得对文章的深层理解。 4.词义猜测题 解答这类题目时,必须认真阅读文章,通过上下文的联系,结合已有的知识猜测其在具体语境中的含义,下面介绍一些猜词的技巧: (1)通过因果关系猜词; (2)通过同义词和反义词关系猜词; (3)通过构词法猜词; (4)通过定义或释义来推测词义; (5)通过句法功能来推测词义; (6)通过描述猜词。,典例(2018安徽) Would you l

3、ike to live in a city where buildings turn the lights off for you,and self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves?Although it might sound a little far from you,living in a “smart” city like this could happen sooner than you think. Great changes have taken place in towns that we

4、have lived in for centuries,while completely new cities are being built.One such place is the city of Songdo.Every home there will have a “telepresence” system (远程遥控系统)allowing users to control the heating and locks,take part in video meetings,and receive education,healthcare and government services

5、.Around the city,escalators (自动扶梯) will only move when someone is on them,and offices and schools will all be connected to the system.,The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco.In fact,technology companies around the world such as IBM,Siemens and Microsoft are already in the business. A

6、bout 75% of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050,so cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems.“Making cities smarter is one way out,and I think this will in turn make cities greener,” said Dan Hill,head of a research company.,1.According to the text,living in a

7、 “smart” city . not a green way B.will be far from you C.will soon become true completely impossible 2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A.A city of the future. B.A meeting in Songdo. C.A plan to build a house. D.A report on public health.,3.Which company offers the great mind to build Son

8、gdo? A.Cisco. B.IBM. C.Siemens. D.Microsoft. 4.Dan Hill thinks that making cities smarter is one way to . people out of cities B.control the worlds population C.develop his own company D.solve the cities coming problems 5.Which of the following might be the best title for the text? A.Future

9、Education B.Smart Cities C.Government Services D.Famous Companies,答案与解析 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。一切都具有“智能化”的新型城市在不久的未来就会变成现实。人们使用远程遥控系统控制各种各样的机器为自己服务,其结果是人们生活更方便,城市更环保。 1.C 细节理解题。从第一段中的“living in a smart city like this could happen sooner than you think”可知,生活在“智能化”的城市远比你想象的要来得快。也就是说,这种“智能化”的城市不久就会变成现实。故选C项。 2

10、.A 段落大意题。阅读第二段可知,本段谈论了在未来的Songdo城市,每家每户都有远程遥控系统控制着机器进行运转,教育、卫生健康、政府服务都会纳入该系统。由此可知,本段主要谈论的是未来的城市。故选A项。,3.A 细节理解题。从第三段中的“The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco.”可知,建立未来城市Songdo的构想是由Cisco公司提出的。故选A项。 4.D 推理判断题。从最后一段Dan Hill的话可知,Dan Hill认为,使得城市变得更加智能化是一种出路,这样可以渐渐使得城市变得更环保。也就是说,智能化的城市肯定能解决

11、当今的各种问题(如污染)从而使得城市更环保。故选D项。 5.B 主旨大意题。阅读本文可知,文章谈论的就是未来的“智能化”的城市。故选B项。,素养训练提高 【1】 (2018安徽) Its a cold,grey Sunday afternoon in March.The British are all working in their gardens.Theyre digging,cutting leaves and planting new seeds(种子).By summer,their gardens will be full of bright colours. The Britis

12、h love their gardens.A British newspaper recently asked people for their opinions about them.Around 70% of the people felt it was important to spend time in the garden,and over 50% of these described gardening as the most enjoyable thing they ever did. Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a

13、 garden.People who live in houses without gardens often rent(租用) land from the government.,At first,only very rich people had gardens.You can still see the gardens around houses with a long history,such as Chatsworth House or Castle Howard.In the early twentieth century,however,gardening became a ho

14、bby.People bought different kinds of seeds and plants for their gardens.Although roses,sunflowers and tomatoes are often grown in British gardens,they originally(起初) grew wild in other countries. Every year,there are competitions for the largest vegetables,but dont expect to win:Britains biggest car

15、rot is almost six metres long.,1.In summer,British gardens are often B . A.full of people digging there B.colorful with different plants C.too hot for people to work there D.covered with grey leaves and plants 2.A recent survey showed that A of the British felt it important to do some gardening. A.a

16、round 70% B.over 50% C.only 20% D.about 10%,3.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that D . A.seeds were provided for free B.roses were first grown in Britain C.gardening is a hobby in the world D.the owner of Chatsworth House was rich 4.What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence? B A.It is easy

17、to grow big vegetables. B.It is hard to win the competition. C.The carrot is much easier to grow. D.The carrot is his favorite vegetable.,【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了在英国人们都喜欢在自己家设置一块地用作花园种植各种各样的植物与蔬菜的历史和文化。 1.B 细节理解题。由第一段中的“By summer,their gardens will be full of bright colours.”可知,夏天英国人的花园被不同的植物点缀得五颜六色。故选B

18、项。 2.A 细节理解题。从第二段中的“Around 70% of the people felt it was important to spend time in the garden”可知,大约70%的人认为在花园里花些时间很重要。故选A项。 3.D 推理判断题。从第四段中的“At first,only very rich people had gardens.You can still see the gardens around houses with a long history,such as Chatsworth House or Castle Howard.”可知,当初,仅仅

19、只有非常富有的人才拥有花园。你能看见年岁久远的房子周围都有花园,比如查茨沃斯庄园或者霍华德城堡。由此推知查茨沃斯庄园的主人肯定很富有。故选D项。,4.B 推理判断题。从最后一段描述可知,每年在英国都有最大蔬菜的比赛,但人们并不期望能胜出,因为英国最大的萝卜都几乎有六米长。一个萝卜都有那么长,由此可知还有其他更大的蔬菜,因此要想在比赛中获胜是很难的,所以人们对是否胜出也不抱多大希望。故选B项。,【2】 (2018安徽合肥庐阳二模) Our schools science festival just ended a few days ago.What interested me most was

20、the time we spent making a car.It was made out of corrugated cardboard(瓦楞纸板),but could still hold a person,as well as move. We were excited about this idea,but we found it hard to make the car.It seemed impossible for a cardboard car to carry someone.Our physics teacher showed us a video.There was s

21、ome corrugated cardboard shaped like a“V” or “W” in the video.It could hold more weight.This gave us the idea to make the car after getting the proper materials.,Because there was not much time left for us,we had to finish it as quickly as possible.We talked about how the car should be made and how

22、to test it.I was glad that we were able to work closely with each other.Everyone saw the work as an interesting way to relax.When the car was finally finished,we all wore a smile on our faces and found that all our work had been worth it,even after spending whole afternoons working on it. We joined

23、the competition after we finished the car.Though we didnt win any prizes,we found something more meaningful than success.We learned new things about physics and learned how to get along with each other.,1.The car was made out of D . A.thick stone B.special glass C.strong wood D.corrugated cardboard

24、2.The writers C teacher showed them a video to help them make the car. A.math B.history C.physics D.English,3.The writer was glad that they were able to B . the prizes successfully closely with each other C.join the competition together D.find an interesting way to relax 4.Which of the

25、following sentences is TRUE? A A.The car they made could hold a person and move. B.It was not very hard for them to make the car. C.They spent much money getting proper materials. D.There was enough time for them to make the car.,【主旨大意】文章主要介绍了作者参加科技节和同学们一起创作的历程,虽然没有取得名次,但也学到了很多知识及如何进行团队合作。 1.D 细节理解题

26、。根据第1段中的“It was made out of corrugated cardboard”可知它是由瓦楞纸板制成的,故答案是D项。 2.C 细节理解题。根据第2段中的“Our physics teacher showed us a video”可知,我们的物理老师给我们看了一段录像,故答案是C项。 3.B 细节理解题。根据第3段中的“I was glad that we were able to work closely with each other”可知我很高兴我们能够彼此紧密合作,故答案是B项。 4.A 细节理解题。根据第1段中的“It was made out of corru

27、gated cardboard(瓦楞纸板),but could still hold a person,as well as move.”可知它是由瓦楞纸板制成的,但仍然可以容纳一个人,也可以移动。A项是正确的。,【3】 (2018安徽合肥蜀山二模) The Fox and the Stork(鹳) At one time the Fox and the Stork always visited each other and seemed very good friends.So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner,and for a joke he put

28、 nothing before her but some soup in a very shallow(浅的) dish.The Fox could easily finish his food,but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it,and left the meal as hungry as when she began.“Im sorry,” said the Fox,“the soup is not to your liking.” “It doesnt matter,” said the Stork,“I

29、 hope you will return this visit,and come and have dinner with me soon.”,So here came a day when the Fox should visit the Stork,but when they were seated at table all that was for their dinner was put in a very long-necked bottle with a small mouth,in which the Fox could not insert his snout(吻部),so

30、all he could manage to do was to lick(舔) the outside of the bottle. “I will not say sorry for the dinner,” said the Stork.“One bad turn deserves(值得) another.”,1.What was served to the Stork at the Foxs home? B A.Nothing. B.Some soup. C.A big meal. D.A little wine. 2.What does “bill” mean in Chinese?

31、 B A.账单 B.鸟嘴 C.腿 D.脖子,3.At the Storks home,the food for the Fox was put in C . A.a very shallow bowl B.a very shallow dish C.a very long-necked bottle D.a very small spoon 4.What does the story tell us? D A.One shouldnt have too many friends. B.Not everything you see is what it appears to be. C.One

32、will get a great success after achieving goals little by little. D.One will be hurt by himself if he hurts others on purpose.,【主旨大意】文章主要通过狐狸请鹳吃饭恶作剧,后面又被鹳捉弄了,故事告诉我们如果你无法忍受别人对你恶作剧,请不要作弄你的邻人。 1.B 细节理解题。根据文中的第1段“So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner,and for a joke he put nothing before her but some sou

33、p in a very shallow(浅的)dish.”于是狐狸邀请鹳来吃晚饭,只是在很浅的盘子里放了一些汤。故答案是B项。 2.B 词义猜测题。根据文中的“but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it”结合喝汤,可知是把鸟嘴末端弄湿。故答案是B项。 3.C 细节理解题。根据文中的第1段“but when they were seated at table all that was for their dinner was put in a very long-necked bottle with a small mo

34、uth”可知所有的晚餐都装在一个长颈瓶里。故答案是C项。,4.D 主旨大意题。根据文中的第2段的“I will not say sorry for the dinner,”said the Stork.“One bad turn deserves(值得)another.”可知,一个人如果故意伤害别人,就会受到伤害。答案是D项。,【4】 (2019原创) Trouble and the New Kid is a perfect book for the kids written by Cate Whittle.It is fun and humorous. Nina is the new kid

35、 at school.She is tidy and organized and smart and,well,shes dislike Georgia at all.When Georgia tells Nina about her dragon,Trouble,Nina rolls her eyes and says “hmnph”.Nina doesnt believe in dragons.Nina doesnt like to talk about anything that is not real.,Although Georgia and all the other kids a

36、t school believe in dragons,Nina refuses to believe that dragons exist (存在).When Trouble finds out Nina doesnt believe in him he starts sulking.He wont even eat his favorite potato chips.Then,something terrible happensTrouble starts to fade(逐渐消失)! What can Georgia do?She must come up with a plan to

37、get Nina to believe in Trouble,but how will she get Nina to see him when hes not allowed to get into school?Will Nina believe before Trouble disappears?,This little story is told by Georgia,with her funny comment on everything happening around her.The thought in young Georgias mind will certainly ri

38、ng true for anyone who has lived with an imaginative(富于想象力的) six-to-eight-year-old! Stephen Michael Kings fantastic pictures bring out the humour and imagination in the story and will help readers fall in love with Georgia and Trouble. This is the third book in the Trouble series and lower primary k

39、ids will love it.,1.In the book,Trouble is D . A.a student B.a girl C.a boy D.a dragon 2.Nina thinks it is C when Georgia tells her about Trouble. A.interesting B.exciting C.impossible D.amazing 3.The underlined word“sulking” has the same meaning with the word “ A ”. A.angry B.full C.hungry D.noisy,

40、4.In the book,Georgia B . A.hates everything that isnt real B.talks about everything happening around her C.likes eating potato chips very much. D.draws many pictures of the dragons 5.Which is right about Trouble and the New Kid? B A.This book is perfect for the middle school students to read. B.The

41、re are a lot of funny pictures in this book. C.You can learn a lot about different kinds of trouble in this book. D.There are few comments in this book,so it is interesting.,【主旨大意】文章主要介绍了麻烦系列之一麻烦和新成员的故事梗概及对该书的评价。 1.D 细节理解题。由第二段中的“When Georgia tells Nina about her dragon,Trouble”可知,Trouble是一条龙。 2.C 推

42、理判断题。由第二段的“Nina doesnt believe in dragons.”可知,Nina不相信有龙,故判断当Georgia告诉她关于Trouble的事的时候她认为是不可能的。 3.A 词义猜测题。由下面两句可知,Trouble不吃他最喜欢的薯条,然后开始逐渐消失。故判断当Trouble发现Nina不相信他的时候,他很生气。因此sulking意为“生气”。 4.B 细节理解题。由第五段的“Georgia,with her funny comment on everything happening around her”可知,Georgia对她周围发生的一切进行评论。故选B项。 5.B

43、 细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,这本书里有很多有趣的画。故选B项。,【5】 (2019预测) Zongzi is not just a food with rice and other delicious food in it,but one of the symbols of the Dragon Boat Festival in China. The festival is on the 5th day of the fifth lunar(阴历) month.It is to remember the famous poet Qu Yuan in Chinese history.Zong

44、zi,or rice dumpling,also speaks to the tradition of home cooking in different places. There are different kinds of zongzi.Here are just several examples.,The most famousJiaxing zongzi Jiaxing zongzi,named after the city Jiaxing in Zhejiang,is the most famous food during the Dragon Boat Festival than

45、ks to Wufangzhai,the largest zongzi here.More than 6,000,000 Wufangzhai zongzi are on sale in stores across the country during the festival.Also Jiaxing has the first and the only museum of zongzi. The oldestXian zongzi The “cold honey” zongzi has the longest history in Xian.Made with rice,cold hone

46、y zongzi without fillings(馅) is a great food during the hot summer.,The largestNanning zongzi Each Nanning zongzi mostly is about one kilogram.It is also called “pillow zong” because of its large size and the middle part with fillings a little taller than the two sides.Also in Guangxi,people once ma

47、de the largest zongzi with 50-kilogram rice and meat.If a three-person family eats it,it will take them two months. The smallestShanghai zongzi The smallest zongzi is in Shanghai city.It is comfortable just right for a mouth.Some people like to enjoy it with a cup of Chinese tea.,1.Different Chinese

48、 zongzi can also show the differences of Chinese B . A.history B.culture C.sports 2.You can visit a zongzi museum in A . A.Jiaxing B.Xian C.Shanghai D.Nanning 3.Of all the four kinds of zongzi,which is the oldest? B A.Jiaxing zongzi. B.Xian zongzi. C.Nanning zongzi. D.Shanghai zongzi.,4.W

49、hich is the Nanning zongzi? B,5.The passage mainly tells us C . A.the tradition of Dragon Boat Festival B.the most famous Chinese food C.some different kinds of zongzi D.different ways of making zongzi,【主旨大意】本文介绍了几种中国最知名的粽子,即最著名的粽子嘉兴粽子、最古老的粽子西安粽子、最大的粽子南宁粽子和最小的粽子上海粽子。 1.B 推理判断题。由文章第一段可知,粽子是端午节的象征。故判断

50、不同的粽子代表了不同的中国饮食文化。故选B项。 2.A 细节理解题。由第四段的“the only museum of zongzi”可知,唯一的粽子博物馆在嘉兴。故选A项。 3.B 细节理解题。由第五段的“The oldestXian zongzi”可知,西安粽子是最古老的粽子。 4.B 推理判断题。由倒数第二段的“It is also called pillow zong.the middle part with fillings a little taller than the two sides.”可知,南宁粽子叫做枕头粽子,中间馅料比两边的高。根据图示判断选B项。 5.C 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了中国比较知名的粽子。故选C项。,

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