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本文((课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习语法专项练14情景交际试题.docx)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1语法专项练 14 情景交际A组 20172018 真题集训1.(2018广东深圳)Have you heard about Shenzhen International Magic Festival? ,it is a big event for magic lovers like me. A.Well B.CertainlyC.Exactly D.Sorry答案 B解析 句意:“你听说过深圳国际魔术节吗?”“当然了,对于像我这样的魔术爱好者来说是一件大事”。well 好;certainly 当然了;exactly 确切地;sorry 对不起。根据语境选择 B项。2.(2018湖北恩施改编)

2、My friends and I are going out for a picnic tomorrow. A.My pleasure. B.Have a good time!C.Help yourselves. D.You are welcome!答案 B解析 上句句意:我和朋友们明天要出去野餐。故答句应是祝他们玩得高兴,选 B项。3.(2018广西贵港)We should listen to our parents and care for them. . A.Dont worry B.Youre rightC.Nothing much D.Id love to答案 B解析 上句句意:我们

3、应该听我们父母的话并且关心他们。Youreright 你说得对;Dontworry 不要担心;Nothingmuch 没什么事;Idloveto 我愿意,我乐意。故选 B项。4.(2018广东)Would you mind my turning up the TV?The New Year concert has just begun. .Just go ahead. A.Please dont B.Better notC.Im afraid not D.Of course not答案 D解析 句意:“你介意我把电视声音开大点吗?新年音乐会刚刚开始。”“当然不会。你随意。”由后一句“Justg

4、oahead”可知,作答人不介意把电视声音调大一些。故用“当然不会”来回答。故选 D项。5.(2018湖北咸宁)Wu Dajing was the first Chinese man to win an Olympic short-track(短道) gold medal.He practiced skating as hard as he could all year round. . A.Rome was not built in a dayB.Many hands make light workC.Actions speak louder than words2D.Where there

5、 is life,there is hope答案 A解析 上句句意:武大靖是第一位赢得冬奥会短道速滑冠军的中国男子。他常年尽最大的努力练习滑冰。A.罗马建成非一日之功;B.众人拾柴火焰高;C.行动胜于言语;D.生命不息,希望不止。结合上文可知选 A项。6.(2018湖北宜昌)Johnny,its noisy outside.Go and see whats going on. .Im answering a call. A.Just a minute B.One more timeC.Lets go D.Thats fine答案 A解析 Justaminute请稍等;Onemoretime 再

6、来一次;Letsgo 让我们出发;Thatsfine 好吧。从答语后一句“我正在接电话”可知选 A项。7.(2018湖北随州)Excuse me,wheres the library? .Im new here,too. Thank you all the same.A.Sorry.I dont knowB.That way,pleaseC.This is the libraryD.There it is答案 A解析 根据回答“Imnewhere,too.”可知回答者也不知道图书馆在哪里。故选 A项。8.(2018湖北十堰)She used to have long straight hair

7、,but shes got short curly hair. ! A.Thanks B.People sure changeC.Dont worry D.Good idea答案 B解析 上句句意:她过去常常留着直长发,但是她现在是短卷发。Thanks 谢谢;Peoplesurechange 人肯定会变;Dontworry 别担心;Goodidea 好主意。根据语境选 B项。9.(2018湖北十堰)Would you like to travel with me after this exam? I cant wait. A.Thats all right. B.Of course not.C

8、.Yes,Id love to. D.What a pity!答案 C解析 上句句意: 这次考试结束后,你想和我一起去旅行吗?Thatsallright 不客气;Ofcoursenot当然不;Yes,Idloveto 是的,我很想去;Whatapity 多可惜。根据语境选 C项。10.(2018湖北黄石)Lets go to the National Mining Park(国家矿山公园) this weekend.Ive never been there.3 !Id like to go there again. A.Good job B.Well doneC.Good idea D.Not

9、 at all答案 C解析 句意: 我们这周末去国家矿山公园吧。我从来没去过那里。好主意,我想再去那里一次。Goodjob 干得不错;Welldone 干得好,与 Goodjob一样,都表示表扬;Goodidea 好主意,表示赞同;Notatall别客气,是感谢的答语。从答语的后一句可知,应答者对发话者的提议表示赞同。故选 C项。11.(2018湖北荆州)I missed the opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. ,Judy? It was wonderful!I have never seen such a great football ma

10、tch before.A.Whats up B.Whats it likeC.Whats it about D.Whats the result答案 B解析 句意:“昨晚我错过了 2018世界杯的开幕赛。朱迪,比赛怎么样?”“很精彩,我以前从未见过这么好的足球比赛。”Whatsup 什么事;Whatsitlike 它怎么样;Whatsitabout 它是关于什么的;Whatstheresult 结果是什么。根据答语“Itwaswonderful!”可知选 B项。12.(2018四川泸州)So kind of you to give me a ride to the bus stop. A.My

11、 pleasure. B.Never mind.C.I doesnt matter. D.Thats nothing to do.答案 A解析 上句句意:你太好了,送我到公共汽车站。Mypleasure 我的荣幸;Nevermind 不要介意;Itdoesntmatter没关系;Thatsnothingtodo 那无关紧要。根据语境知选 A项。13.(2018江苏无锡)The air pollution in the small town is getting worse.People have to wear thick masks almost every day. ! A.What a

12、shame B.What shameC.What a surprise D.What surprise答案 A解析 句意:这个小镇上的空气污染越来越严重。人们几乎每天必须戴厚厚的面具。太遗憾了!shame遗憾,羞耻;surprise 惊讶。根据前面讲的内容可知此处指的是“遗憾的”事,故排除 C项和 D项。shame本为不可数名词,而此处是抽象名词具体化,指的是“一件遗憾”的事。故选 A项。14.(2017甘肃天水)Well have a math test this Friday. . A.Good luck B.Good timeC.Congratulations D.Both A and

13、C答案 A4解析 上句句意:这周五我们数学考试。Goodluck 祝你好运;Goodtime 好时机;Congratulations 祝贺。根据语境可知选 A项。15.(2017浙江温州)Mum,Im going to school now.See you. ,Mary. A.Here we go B.Wait a momentC.My pleasure D.Have a nice day答案 D解析 上句句意:妈妈,我现在要去上学了,再见。故答句应是表达祝愿,选 D项。16.(2017广东)Would you please come to the dancing party with me

14、tonight? .I suppose we shall have a wonderful night! A.Never mind B.Have a good timeC.Not exactly D.With pleasure答案 D解析 根据答语后句“我认为我们将会度过一个美好的夜晚”可推知此空表示“非常乐意去参加舞会”。故选 D项。17.(2017四川达州)We failed in the dancing competition. .Better times are waiting for you. A.Good luck B.Best wishesC.Great idea D.Cheer

15、 up答案 D解析 Cheerup高兴起来;Goodluck 祝你好运;Bestwishes 最美好的祝愿;Greatidea 好主意。根据语境选 D项。18.(2017四川南充)Dont throw litter here! . A.Yes,please B.Youre welcomeC.Me,too D.Sorry,I wont答案 D解析 上句句意:不要在这儿扔垃圾!故回答时应该表达歉意。“Sorry,Iwont.”表示“对不起,我不会扔垃圾了”。故选 D项。19.(2017天津)My friends and I will go fishing today. A.My pleasure.

16、 B.Thanks a lot.C.Have a nice day! D.Nice to meet you.答案 C解析 Mypleasure不用谢;Thanksalot 非常感谢你;Haveaniceday 祝你们过得愉快;Nicetomeetyou见到你很高兴。根据上句句意:我和朋友们今天准备去钓鱼,可知答句句意应该是:祝你们过得愉快。故选 C项。20.(2017天津)We have won the first prize in the match!5 A.Never mind. B.Nice work!C.Have a good trip! D.Wait a moment!答案 B解析

17、Nevermind没关系,不要紧;Nicework 干得好;Haveanicetrip 祝你们旅途愉快;Waitamoment 等一会儿。根据上句句意“我们已经获得比赛的第一名”,下句句意应该是“干得好!”故选 B项。21.(2017安徽)Im afraid I cant do well in the game. .Its just for fun. A.Sounds great B.What a pityC.Thank you D.Take it easy答案 D解析 句意:“恐怕我在这次比赛中不能表现好。”“别紧张。仅仅就是娱乐而已。”Soundsgreat听起来好极了,表赞同;Whata

18、pity 多么可惜,表遗憾;Thankyou 谢谢你,表感谢;Takeiteasy 别紧张,表安慰。当对方表现焦虑时,应进行安慰。故选 D项。22.(2017安徽)May I do some sports after finishing my homework? .It is good for your health. A.I hope not B.Sorry,you cantC.Of course D.Yes,Id love to答案 C解析 句意:“我可以在完成作业后做做运动吗?”“当然。这对你的健康有好处。”Ihopenot 我希望不要这样。表不希望;Sorry,youcant 抱歉,你

19、不可以。表拒绝;Ofcourse 当然可以,表允许;Yes,Idloveto可以,我乐意。表接受。从答语后一分句知,应答者对发话者的请求表示允许。故选 C项。23.(2017甘肃白银)I passed my driving test yesterday.Did you? A.Forget it! B.Congratulations!C.Thanks. D.Dont worry.答案 B解析 句意:“昨天我通过驾照考试了!”“你通过了?祝贺你!”Forgetit 意为“忘了它”;Congratulations意为“祝贺你”;Thanks 意为“多谢”;Dontworry 意为“不要着急”。当我们

20、得知对方通过驾照考试时,应该表示祝贺。故选 B项。B组 2019 模拟预测1.(2018江苏扬州二模)You have seen the film OperationRedSea,havent you? .How I wish to see it again! A.No,what a pity B.No,I haventC.Yes,I like it D.Yes,its boring答案 C6解析 No,whatapity不,真遗憾;No,Ihavent 不,我没有;Yes,Ilikeit 是的,我喜欢它;Yes,itsboring是的,它无聊。根据题干“HowIwishtoseeitagai

21、n!”可知回答应该是“是的,我喜欢它”。故选 C项。2.(2018上海徐汇二模)Would you mind turning up the radio a bit?I cant hear it clearly. . A.All right B.Thats OKC.Thank you D.Not at all答案 D解析 Allright好的;ThatsOK 没关系;Thankyou 谢谢;Notatall 不介意。根据题干“Wouldyoumindturninguptheradioabit?”可知应说“不介意”。故选 D项。3.Look!There are dark clouds in the

22、 sky.Youd better take your umbrella. .Thank you. A.With pleasure B.It doesnt matterC.Im afraid not D.Good idea答案 D解析 Withpleasure非常乐意;Itdoesntmatter 没关系;Imafraidnot 恐怕不;Goodidea 好主意。根据语境选 D项。4.Would you like some more dumplings? .Im full(饱的). A.Yes,please B.Id love toC.No,thanks D.No,I wouldnt答案 C解析

23、 Wouldyoulike.表达客气的请求,是一种委婉的说法,多用“Yes,please.”和“Idloveto.”表示肯定回答;其否定回答不用“No,Iwouldnt.”而用“No,thanks.”根据“Imfull”,可知是否定回答,故选 C项。5.Could I make a call with your phone?I left mine at home. .Here you are. A.Never mind B.Of courseC.Youd better not D.Im afraid not答案 B解析 Nevermind不介意;Ofcourse 当然可以;Youdbetter

24、not 你最好不要;Imafraidnot 恐怕不行。根据“Hereyouare.”,可知要用“当然可以”,其他选项语意不通,故答案选 B项。6. ? Sure.Chicken with two bowls of rice.A.What would you like to buyB.May I take your orderC.Would you like some vegetables7D.What about some hamburgers答案 B解析 Whatwouldyouliketobuy你想买点什么;MayItakeyourorder 您可以点菜了吗;Wouldyoulikesom

25、evegetables你想要些蔬菜吗;Whataboutsomehamburgers 要些汉堡怎么样?根据答语“Sure.Chickenwithtwobowlsofrice.”可知 B项符合语境,故答案选 B项。7.Ill take high school entrance exam soon,so I feel very nervous. . A.Enjoy yourself B.Thats rightC.Good luck D.Take it easy答案 D解析 Enjoyyourself玩得高兴;Thatsright 那是对的;Goodluck 祝你好运;Takeiteasy 别紧张,放松。根据语境选 D项。8.Tom fell off his bike and hurt his knee. . A.Pretty good B.Thats too badC.Thats funny D.Thats a good idea答案 B解析 第一句说明 Tom从自行车上摔下来伤到了膝盖。下面应该选择表示遗憾的句子,因此选用 B项。

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