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本文((课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习语法专项练3数词试题.docx)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1语法专项练 3 数词20172018真题集训1.(2018广东)According to a survey,four out of five women do housework at home,but only of men would do it. A.four fifth B.four fifthsC.two fifth D.two fifths答案 D解析 考查数词之分数表达的表达方式。句意:根据一项调查,五分之四的妇女在家做家务,但是只有五分之二的男士做这项工作。分数的表达方式,分子用基数词,而分母则需要用序数词,当分子数字大于 1时,则分母序数词后需要加 s。故选 D项。2.(2

2、018湖北黄冈)Dad,about of our classmates wear glasses. Oh,thats terrible.You all should take good care of your eyes.A.three fourth B.third fourthC.third fourths D.three quarters答案 D解析 考查分数的表达。在英语中,分子使用基数词,分母使用序数词,当分子大于 1时,分母用复数形式。由此排除 A、B、C 三项。quarter 为四分之一,threequarters 为四分之三。故选 D项。3.(2018湖北咸宁)Nowadays

3、China has about 25,000 kilometers of high-speed railways.Thats of the worlds total. A.two third B.two-thirdC.two thirds D.two three答案 C解析 考查分数表达法。分数表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于 1时,分母用复数形式。故选 C项。4.(2018湖南湘西)Excuse me,Mary.Can you read “198” in English?Yes,of course. . A.One hundred ninety-eightB.One hundre

4、d nine eightC.One hundred and ninety-eightD.One hundred and ninety eight答案 C解析 表示几百几十几时,百位数和十位数之间要加 and。十位数和个位数之间要有连字符。故选 C项。导学号 567140945.(2018湖南湘西改编)Li Wen is .He works hard and does well in school. A.15 years old B.15-years-old2C.15-year-old D.15-years-olds答案 A解析 表示年龄用“数字+yearsold”,“15 岁”可表示为“15y

5、earold”。故选 A项。6.(2018山东菏泽)Tibet receives foreign visitors from January to April each year. A.thousand of B.thousands ofC.several thousands D.two thousands答案 B解析 表示确切数字用“具体数字+thousand+名词复数”,表示不确切的数字用“thousandsof+名词复数”,分析选项可知选 B项。7.(2018贵州安顺)What do you think of the environment here,Mr.Wang?Wonderful!

6、 of the land covered with trees and grass. A.Two fifths;is B.Two fifth;isC.Two fifths;are D.Two fifth;are答案 A解析 考查数词和主谓一致的用法。英语中表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于 1时,分母用序数词的复数形式。这里中心词是不可数名词 land,作主语时看作单数,故选 A项。8.(2018甘肃天水)How do you say “157” in English?Its . A.three past two B.fifty-seven past oneC.three to

7、 one D.three to two答案 D解析 时刻的间接表达法:当分钟数小于 30的时候,用“原分钟数+past+原小时数”;当分钟数大于30时,用“(60-原分钟数)+to+(原小时数+1)”。这里表示 157,故用“threetotwo”。故选 D项。9.(2018山东滨州)Nowadays, farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities. A.million of B.two millionsC.millions of D.two millions of答案 C解析 考查数词的用法。句意:现在,成百上千万

8、的农民离开他们的家乡去大城市找工作。表示不确切的数目时,在 million,thousand或 hundred后加 s,和 of连用;当 million,thousand或 hundred前有具体数词时不用复数,也不和 of连用,直接修饰名词复数形式。故选 C项。10.(2018四川达州改编)Which country do you think will win the first prize of the FIFA World Cup? Im not sure.but do you know that the football match will be held in ? A.twenty

9、-one;RussiaB.twenty-first;Russian3C.twenty-first;RussiaD.twenty-one;Russian答案 C解析 句意:“你认为哪个国家能赢得第 21届世界杯的冠军?”“我不确定但你知道这场足球赛要在俄罗斯举办吗?”从语境知,第一个空需要用序数词,第二个空指的是举办国。故选 C项。11.(2018山东青岛)Its my daughters birthday today.Shes years old. A.eighteen B.eighteenthC.the eighteen D.the eighteenth答案 A解析 句意:今天是我女儿的生日

10、,她 18岁了。因为表示年龄需要用基数词,所以排除 B和 D两项;而基数词不与冠词连用,所以 C项也排除。故选 A项。12.(2018甘肃武威)The number “23,456” can be read as “ ”. A.twenty-three thousand,four hundred and fifty-sixB.twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-sixC.two three thousand and four five sixD.two three thousand.four and five six答案 A解析 在英语中读

11、数字时,千位与百位之间不用连词 and,而百位与十位之间用 and连接。故选 A项。13.(2018四川遂宁)Its time for me to visit the Guanyin Lake. A.five B.the fiveC.fifth D.the fifth答案 D解析 句意:这是我第 5次游览观音湖。根据语境可知,某人第几次做某事用 Its+the+序数词+time+forsb.todosth.,故选 D项。14.(2017山东东营)Would you like another cup of coffee,Linda?Thank you anyway.Ive already had

12、 one cup,and Im drinking cup. B.the firstC.the second D.the third答案 C解析 前面提到喝了一杯咖啡了,所以,现在正在喝第二杯。故选 C项。15.(2017新疆阜康)Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday. A.hundreds;were invitedB.hundred;were invitedC.hundreds of;invitedD.hundred of;invited答案 B4解析 句意为“上周五两百名学生被邀请参加了开幕典礼。”hundred 百,前

13、面有具体数字,用原形;前面没有具体数字,用复数形式后加 of构成短语,表示“数百”;根据句意学生是被邀请的,此处是一般过去时的被动语态,故选 B项。16.(2017广西来宾) of the students in Sunshine Middle School from the countryside. A.Two third;is B.Two thirds;areC.Two thirds;is D.Two third;are答案 B解析 句意:在阳光中学,三分之二的学生来自乡村。第一空为分数表达法,当分子大于 1时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词再加 s;故排除 A、D 两项;第二空因 students是名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词应用 are,故选 B项。

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