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本文((课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习语法专项练8动词的分类试题.docx)为本站会员(proposalcash356)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1语法专项练 8 动词的分类A 组 20172018 真题集训.单项填空。1.(2018湖北黄冈)I find it difficult to learn English well.I want to drop it.English is very important in our daily life.Never . A.give up it B.give it upC.give away it D.give it away答案 B解析 考查动词短语词义辨析。根据“英语在我们的日常生活中很重要”推知空格处应填“不要放弃”。giveup 放弃;giveaway 赠送,背叛。giveup 符合句

2、意,giveup 是动词加副词构成的短语,代词作其宾语时必须位于 give 和 up 之间。故选 B 项。2.(2018湖北荆州)We are planning a Yangtze River Perfection Day this weekend.Do you have any advice?Youd better signs around the school to tell all the students about that. A.make up B.put upC.set up up答案 B解析 makeup 编造;putup 张贴,搭起;setup 建立;showu

3、p 出现,露面。根据 signs 可知是“张贴指示牌”,故选 B 项。3.(2018湖北荆州)Summer vacation is coming!I am thinking about visiting some places of interest.Why not Jingzhou and have a look at the ancient city wall? A.come out B.come alongC.come up with D.come over to答案 D解析 考查动词短语辨析。comeout 出版,发行,出来;comealong 出现,到来;comeupwith 想出,

4、提出;comeoverto 过来,顺便来访。根据句意“我正考虑参观一些名胜古迹”可知,下面提出建议“为什么不来荆州看看古城墙呢?”。故选 D 项。4.(2018湖北十堰)A great person once said,“If you can follow your heart and never ,your dream will come true.” I think so.I believe I will enter a good high school this year if I try hard.A.give away B.give backC.give out D.give up答

5、案 D2解析 句意:“一位伟人曾经说过如果你能追随你的心,永不放弃,你的梦想就会成真。”“我认为是这样。我相信,假如我努力学习,今年我就能进入一所好高中。”giveaway 捐赠;giveback 归还;giveout 分发;giveup 放弃。根据语境选 D 项。5.(2018湖北随州)As we on our new journey,we shouldnt forget where we came from. A.take out B.set outC.cut out D.blow out答案 B解析 句意:当我们踏上新的旅程时,我们不应该忘记我们来自何处。takeout 拿出;setou

6、t 出发;cutout 删除;blowout 吹灭。根据语境选 B 项。6.(2018湖北咸宁)Mary,how can I get to Xianning from Wuhan next week?Youd better take a train. the suitable trains in the timetable. A.Set up B.Look upC.Take up D.Put up答案 B解析 setup 建立;lookup 查找,查阅;takeup 开始从事;putup 搭建。结合后面的时刻表,故应是“查找”。故选 B 项。7.(2018湖北宜昌)In the past fi

7、ve years,China has played an important role in the Belt and Road.It has many nations a great chance to communicate. A.offered B.supportedC.included D.directed答案 A解析 句意:“在过去的五年内,中国在一带一路中扮演着重要的角色。”“它给很多国家提供了一个交流的好机会。”offer 提供;support 支持;include 包括;direct 指示。结合语境可知 A 项正确。8.(2018湖北宜昌)A research suggests

8、 that walking helps people live longer.I quite agree,but it on when and how they walk. A.remains B.separatesC.returns D.depends答案 D解析 句意:“一项研究表明散步益于人们长寿。”“我相当赞同这一说法,但是它取决于散步的时间和方式。”remain 留下;separate 使分开;return 返回,归还;depend 依赖,依靠。故选 D 项。9.(2018湖北宜昌)Were not supposed to those who failed. No one can b

9、e a winner all the time.A.turn out B.laugh atC.spread out D.share with答案 B3解析 句意:“我们不应该嘲笑那些失败的人。”“没有人一直是成功者。”turnout 证明,结果是;laughat 嘲笑;spreadout 延伸,分散;sharewith 和分享。结合语境可知选 B 项。10.(2018广东)Yuan Longping,a famous Chinese scientist,is now doing research on sea rice.If farmers start planting rice in sal

10、ty water,Chinas food supply will surely rise. A.can B.cantC.must D.mustnt答案 A解析 考查情态动词。句意:“中国著名科学家袁隆平现正在进行在海上种植水稻的研究。”“如果农民们能在咸水里种植水稻,中国的食物供应将会显著提升。”can 能够,可以;cant 不可能;must 必须;mustnt 千万别。本题中,根据题干语境应填“可以,能够”,故选 A 项。11.(2018重庆 B 卷)The cake delicious.Id like to have another one. A.tastes B.looksC.sound

11、s D.feels答案 A解析 句意:蛋糕尝起来很美味,我想再要一块。taste 尝起来;look 看起来;sound 听起来;feel 感觉。故选 A 项。12.(2018重庆 B 卷)You stop when the traffic lights turn red. A.cant B.mayC.must D.neednt答案 C解析 考查情态动词的用法。句意:当交通灯变红的时候你必须停下来。根据“whenthetrafficlightsturnred”可知,此处指“你必须停下来”。must 必须,一定。故选 C 项。13.(2017河北)Grandfather lives with us

12、.We all him. A.look at B.look forC.look after D.look like答案 C解析 lookat 看着;lookfor 寻找;lookafter 照顾;looklike 看起来像。“我们”应该是“照顾”爷爷。故选 C 项。14.(2017甘肃天水)How long may I these books? For a week.A.borrow borrowC.keep D.lend答案 C解析 句意:“这些书我可以借多久?”“一周”。borrow 意为“借”是非延续性动词;keep 意为“保持,保留”是延续性动词。答语“Foraweek.”(

13、一周)属于一段时间,故用延续性动词 keep。故选 C 项。415.(2017广东)If you want to know more about space,please the book ABriefHistoryofTime. A.look through B.look aroundC.look after D.look down upon答案 A解析 lookthrough 浏览;lookaround 四处看;lookafter 照顾;lookdownupon 看不起。根据 thebook推出是“浏览”这本书。句意“如果你想知道更多关于宇宙的事,请浏览时间简史这本书。”故选 A 项。16

14、.(2017甘肃天水)Whose bike is it?It to me.Its hers. A.isnt belonged B.wasnt belongedC.didnt belong D.doesnt belong答案 D解析 句意:“谁的自行车?”“它不属于我。它是她的。”belongtosb.意为“属于某人”,这个词组的特点是:一没有被动语态;二没有进行时态。故排除 A、B 两项;再根据问句时态可知,这段对话的时态也应为一般现在时态。故选 D 项。17.(2017四川达州)Hi,Tina!What are you going to do for the coming summer ho

15、liday?I am going to cooking because I like eating delicious food. A.take down B.take upC.pick up D.clean up答案 B解析 答句的句意为:我将要开始学习做饭,因为我喜欢吃好吃的食物。takedown 放下;takeup 从事,开始(学习或某种爱好);pickup 拾起;cleanup 清扫。故选 B 项。.单词拼写。1.(2018广西桂林改编)Lily is only two years old so she cant r (骑) a horse. 答案 ride2.(2018广西桂林改编)

16、Mr.Green a (出席) a meeting and gave a speech yesterday. 答案 attended3.(2018湖北随州改编)My bike is broken,my father is going to r (修理) it. 答案 repair4.(2017海南改编)If you dont c (赶上) the early bus,youll be late. 答案 catch5.(2017湖北黄石改编)The old photo often r (使记起) me of my happy time in middle school. 答案 remindsB

17、组 2019 模拟预测5.单项选择。1.(2018广州中山模拟)Victoria Falls,about 1,700 metres and 100 metres high,is fantastic. A.wide B.oldC.tall D.away答案 A解析 wide 宽的;old 旧的;tall 高的;away 离去。根据题干可知维多利亚瀑布大约 1700 米宽,100米高。故选 A 项。2.(2018北京怀柔二模)Must I return this book tomorrow?No,you .You can keep it until next week. A.cant B.must

18、ntC.neednt D.shouldnt答案 C解析 由“Youcankeepituntilnextweek.”可知明天不必还书。在这里是作出否定回答。对 must 引导的一般疑问句作否定回答时需要用 neednt 或 donthaveto,表“不必”。故选 C 项。3.(2018江苏昆山一模)A good student what he reads what he sees around him. A.connects;to B.compares;withC.considers;to D.complains;to答案 A解析 compare.with.把和进行比较,把

19、和联系起来。结合句意:一个好学生会把他所读的东西与他周围看到的东西联系起来。故选 A 项。4.(2018内蒙古满洲里模拟)Look at the sign “No Smoking”!You smoke in public. A.mustnt B.needntC.wouldnt D.couldnt答案 A解析 根据“NoSmoking”,可知是禁止抽烟的意思,不能在公共场所抽烟,所以 A 项符合题意。5.(2018江苏盐城一模)Sorry!I cant follow you.I finish my homework first. A.can B.mayC.must D.could答案 C解析 本

20、题考查情态动词,首先明确选项中每个单词的意思:must 必须,一定;can 能,会;may 可能,could 是 can 的过去式;结合题干推测最后一句句意是“我必须先完成我的作业”,所以 must 符合句意。6.(2018江苏扬州一模)You dont have to take an umbrella with you.It isnt going to rain.Well,I am not sure.It rain. 6A.must B.needC.may D.would答案 C解析 结合语境“你不必带伞,不会下雨的。”“嗯,我不确定。”可知,“可能”会下雨。表示推测用 may(可能)。故选

21、 C 项。7.(2018广东汕头模拟)The skirt is made of silk.It comfortable. A.smells B.feelsC.sounds D.tastes答案 B解析 句意:这条裙子是用丝绸做的,它摸起来很舒服。smell 闻起来;sound 听起来;taste 尝起来;feel 摸起来。故选 B 项。8.(2018山东一模改编)Which pair of sunglasses should I choose today?I think the red ones.They nice on you. A.look B.feelC.taste D.sound答案

22、A解析 四个选项都是感官动词,后可跟形容词作表语。look 是“看起来”,feel 是“感觉”,taste 是“尝起来”,sound 是“听起来”,根据语境应选择 A 项。9.(2018天津一模)Do you like chocolate cookies?Yes,I do.They sweet and they soft in the middle. A.taste;feel B.look;smellC.sound;look D.feel;taste答案 A解析 句意:“你喜欢巧克力饼干吗?”“是,我喜欢,它们尝起来很甜,摸起来中间很软。”sweet 是尝起来的感觉,soft 是摸起来的感觉。

23、故选 A 项。10.(2018山东东营模拟)Some students find it easier to themselves in a letter than in a formal article. A.enjoy B.expressC.expect D.explain答案 B解析 句意:一些学生发现在信中比在正式文章中更容易表达自己的想法。enjoy 享受;expect 期待;expalin 解释;express 表达。故只有 B 项符合语境。11.(2018湖北咸宁模拟)This beautiful poem written by Li Bai is still popular to

24、day.Yes,it has the test of time. A.failed B.takenC.made D.stood答案 D7解析 句意:“李白写的这首美诗现在也流行。”“它已经经受住时间的考验”。stand 经受,忍受。故选 D 项。12.(2018江苏南京二模)Parents always their children enough care and protection. A.offer B.provideC.prevent D.produce答案 A解析 offer 提供;provide 提供(不跟双宾语);prevent 阻止;produce 生产。offersb.sth.

25、提供某人某物,固定搭配。结合语境选 A 项。13.(2018湖北武汉模拟)Where are you going?I will meet Kate at the airport.Please what time she will arrive. A.set B.expectC.check D.count答案 C解析 结合答句“我要在机场见 Kate”,推出下句应是“请核实一下她什么时间到达”。因此空格处应填“核实”一词,故选 C 项。14.(2018广东深圳一模)To something means you have enough money to buy something like car

26、s,mobile phones,etc. A.lose B.appearC.afford D.repair答案 C解析 lose 失去;appear 出现;afford 负担得起;repair 修理。句意:负担得起某物,意思是你有足够的钱可以买一些像汽车、手机这样的东西等等。故选 C 项。15.You have to the bananas if you would like to eat. A.pour B.peelC.cut D.cook答案 B解析 句意:如果你想吃香蕉,你得剥香蕉。pour 倒;peel 剥;cut 切;cook 烹饪。故选 B 项。16.(2019原创)It took

27、 me 3 hours to buy a birthday present for Millie.The present 32 yuan. A.takes B.costsC.spends D.pays答案 B解析 take 后面常跟双宾语,Ittakessb.+时间+todosth.做某事花了某人多少时间;cost 的主语是物或某种活动,sth.costs(sb.)+金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱;spend 的主语必须是人,spendtime/moneyonsth.在上花费时间/金钱;pay(sb.)moneyforsth.付钱(给某人)买。主语是 present(礼物),谓语动词用 cost

28、s。选 B 项。17.Hobbies can us with happiness,friendship and knowledge. 8A.get B.takeC.provide D.bring答案 C解析 句意:爱好能带给我们幸福、友谊和知识。get 得到;take 带走;provide 提供;bring 带来。providesb.withsth.向某人提供某物,固定搭配。故选 C 项。18.(2018湖北黄冈)Have you ever to do anything? Yes,but I never give up until I make it because failure is th

29、e mother of success.A.succeeded B.failedC.managed D.expected答案 B解析 答句句意“是的,但我决不放弃,因为失败是成功之母。”故可知,问句是问“你曾失败过吗?”B 项符合句意。19.You tired.You should get some rest. A.hear B.soundC.listen D.listen to答案 B解析 由形容词 tired(累的),可知此处是系表结构,用系动词。sound 听起来。选 B 项。20.(2019预测)Why do you wish to go back to your hometown?B

30、ecause I my grandparents. A.think B.missC.know D.remember答案 B解析 think 认为;miss 想念;know 知道;remember 记得。根据“祖父母”可知,要用 miss,其他选项语意不通。故选 B 项。.单词拼写。1.Please f (遵守) the rules when you visit the museum. 答案 follow2.The report c (比较) the different types of home computer available. 答案 compares3.I g (猜) well need a few more workers. 答案 guess4.Peter took a short rest and c (继续) his journey. 答案 continued5.Her parents always a (争吵).This makes her very sad. 答案 argue9

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