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1、1上海市奉贤区 2019 届高三英语上学期期末调研测试试题 考生注意:1. 考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 140 分。2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸反面清楚地填写姓名。I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the e

2、nd of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have

3、 heard.1. A. In a restaurant. B. At the theatre. C. In a meeting room. D. At the office. 2. A. Boss and clerk. B. Teacher and student.C. Policeman and driver. D. Doctor and nurse.3. A. The demand of the job market. B. The location of the hotel.C. The damage to the environment. D. The solution to the

4、 issue.4. A. $5. B. $10. C. $15. D. $50.5. A. Green. B. Light blue. C. Green and blue. D. Yellow. 6. A. He prefers to eat out. B. He wants to order the food.C. He doesnt like Japanese food. D. He hopes to pay for the meal.7. A. Its better than it used to be. B. Its not as good as it was.C. Its bette

5、r than people say D. Its even worse than people say.8. A. Confused. B. Annoyed. C. Embarrassed. D. Bored.9. A. She wont go to the beach if it rains. B. She would like the man to go to the beach.C. It will clear up tomorrow. D. It was pouring when she was at the beach.10. A. Trying to make a map. B.

6、Painting the dining room.C. Discussing a house plan. D. Cleaning the kitchen.2Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked questions on each of them. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be

7、spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Because he looked like a musician.B. Because he was a musician of mu

8、ch influence.C. Because he showed an interest in music.D. Because he was good at playing cornet.12. A. His tale begins in New Orleans.B. He was born before jazz was invented.C. His music was popular with his listeners.D. He learned popular music at a boys home.13. A. The Invention of the Jazz Music.

9、B. The Father of the Jazz Music.C. The Making of a Musician.D. The Spread of Popular Music.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. It was expected to be a disaster. B. It turned out to be a disaster.C. It was spoiled by one girl.D. All the students enjoyed it.15. A. A thril

10、ling exploration in the desert.B. How GPS saved the survivors.C. What is GPS and how it works.D. The danger of space exploration.16. A. It was created mainly for scientific research.B. It works better in fine weather conditions.C. It must be located on three satellites.D. Its service is free of char

11、ge.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Computer problems. B. Computer-related crimes.C. Healthcare. D. Computer-related injuries and problems. 318. A. Not mentioned. B. Not too close.C. Half a meter away. D. About an arms length away.19. A. Having a good chair. B.

12、Keeping your feet flat on the floor.C. Crossing ones legs.D. Keeping arms and hands relaxed on the keyboard. 20. A. There are not so many physical problems despite the wide use of computers.B. A good chair enables people to keep their feet flat on the floor.C. Dr. Kwans advice is given to those who

13、suffer from computer-related injuries.D. People should avoid sitting in front of computers for too long without walking around.II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks wi

14、th a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.To Be Joyful, To Be YoungWhat really works to make sustainable changes in diet and lifestyle? Its probably not what you think. In the past 30 years of conducting c

15、linical research, I (21)_ (learn) that real keys are pleasure, joy and freedom. Joy of living is sustainable; fear of dying is not.Why? Because life is to be enjoyed. Theres no point (22)_ (abandon) something you enjoy unless you get something back thats even better, and quickly. When people eat mor

16、e healthfully, (23)_ (quit) smoking, and manage stress better, they find they feel so much better, so quickly. It reconstructs the reason for making these changes from fear of dying to joy of living. When you exercise and eat right, your brain receives more blood flow and oxygen, so you become smart

17、er, have more energy, and need less sleep. Two studies showed just walking for three hours per week for only three months caused so many neurons (神经细胞) (24)_ (grow) that it actually increased the size of peoples brains!Your face receives more blood flow, so your skin glows more and wrinkles less. Yo

18、u look younger and more attractive. In contrast, an unhealthy diet, lasting emotional stress and smoking reduce blood flow to your face (25) _ _ you age more quickly. Smoking speeds up aging because nicotine contributes to your blood vessel becoming narrower, (26)_ decreases blood 4flow to your face

19、 and makes it wrinkle prematurely. This is why smokers look years older than they really are.One of the most interesting findings was that the mothers awareness of stress was more important than (27)_ was objectively occurring in their lives. (28)_ (give) a questionnaire, the women were asked to rat

20、e on a three-point scale how stressed they felt each day. The women who realized they were under heavy stress had significantly shortened and damaged telomeres(染色体端粒)compared with (29)_ who felt more relaxed. Contrarily, some of the women who felt relaxed (30)_ raising a disabled child had more norm

21、al-appearing telomeres. In other words, if you feel stressed, you are stressed.Section BDirection: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. uprising B. original C. frequently D. magnificent E. featur

22、es F. luxuriously G. captured H. approaches I. inhabited J. matters K. ranksWelcome to Windsor CastleWindsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and the Official Residence of the Queen of Britain. Over a period of nearly 1,000 years it has been (31)_ continuously, and alter

23、ed and redecorated by monarchs (君主) one after the other. Some were great builders, strengthening the Castle against (32)_ and rebellion; others, living in more peaceful times, created a grand Royal residence. William the Conqueror chose the site, high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxo

24、n hunting ground. It was a days march from the Tower of London and intended to guard the western (33)_ to the capital. The outer walls of todays structure are in the same position as those of the (34) _ castle built by William the Conqueror in the 1070s.The Queen uses the Castle both as a private ho

25、me, where she usually spends the weekend, and as a Royal residence at which she undertakes certain formal duties. Windsor Castle is (35)_ used by the Queen to host State Visits from overseas monarchs and presidents. Every year the Queen takes up official residence in Windsor Castle for a month over

26、Easter (March-April).The Castle is huge, so people tend to head for the most (36)_ bits - the State Apartments, St. Georges Chapel, the Gallery and the delightful Queen Marys Dolls House. Works of art, antique furniture, curiosities and impressive architecture reflect the tastes of many different ro

27、yal generations. The State Apartments are (37)_ decorated formal rooms still used for state and official functions. The magnificent and beautiful St. Georges Chapel was started in 1475 by Edward IV and was completed 50 years later by Henry VIII. It (38)_ among 5the finest examples of late medieval a

28、rchitecture in the UK. The Drawings Gallery (39)_ the exhibition “The Queen: 60 Photographs for 60 Years”. The exhibition presents portraits of the Queen (40)_ in brief moments on both official occasions and at relaxed family gatherings.III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank

29、 in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.“Nature and Nurture”People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviour are formed. However, it is not easy to explain why one

30、person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is (41)_.Social scientists are of course (42)_ interested in these types of questions. They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviour. There are no clear answers yet, but two (4

31、3)_ schools of thought on the matter have developed. As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from each other, and there is a great deal of debate between (44)_ of each theory. The controversy(争论)is often conveniently referred to as “nature and nurture”.Those who (45)_ the “nature”

32、 side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behaviour patterns are (46)_ determined by biological factors. That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behaviour is (47)_ to this theory. Taken to an extreme, this theory states that our beha

33、viour is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our (48)_.Supporters of the “nurture” theory, or, as they are often called, (49)_ , claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist

34、, B. F. Skinner, sees humans as beings whose behaviour is almost completely (50)_ by their surroundings. The behaviorists view of the human being is quite mechanistic. They state that, like machines, humans respond to (51)_ stimuli (刺激) as the basis of their behaviour.Socially and politically, the c

35、onsequences of these two theories are (52)_ . In the US, for example, blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligence tests. This leads some “nature” supporters to conclude that blacks are genetically lower in status than whites are. Behaviorists, (53)_ , say that the differences in sco

36、res are due to the fact that blacks are often robbed of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy, and that, as a result, they do not develop the same (54)_ that whites do.Neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behaviour. As a matter of fact, it is q

37、uite (55)_ that the key to our behaviour lies 6somewhere between these two extremes and that the controversy will continue for a long time is certain.41. A.sensitive B. productive C. competitive D. aggressive42. A. moderately B. extremely C. reluctantly D. scarcely43. A. distinct B. reliable C. rele

38、vant D. equal44. A. objectors B. operators C. opponents D. advocates45. A. claim B. support C. resolve D. inherit46. A.completely B. largely C. thoroughly D. merely47. A. sensitive B. open C. central D. subject48. A. abilities B. capacities C. personalities D. instincts49. A. experts B. scientists C

39、. environmentalists D. behaviorists50. A. shaped B. prioritized C. oppressed D. restricted 51. A. environmental B. biological C. genetic D. psychological52. A.temporary B. slight C. fatal D. far-reaching53. A. on the contraryB. as a whole C. after all D. for instance54. A. habits B. responses C. cha

40、racteristics D. advantages55. A. necessary B. impossible C. unreasonable D. likelySection B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits be

41、st according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Im a student in my fourth year of a biomedical science degree at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, but I also work 38 hours a week at Sainsburys to make ends meet. I do three night shifts a week, plus overtime if I can ge

42、t it. Monday is the most occupied day for me - I work from 10 pm until 8 am on Saturday and Sunday nights, earning just over 100 a night, and then I have to be at my first lecture at 9 am on Monday. By the time I finish lectures, at 2 pm, Im exhausted, but I know I have to be back at work by 10 pm.I

43、 constantly have to force myself to stay awake, and to be alert, whatever it takes. A packet of Skittles and a Red Bull usually helps. The work I do at Sainsburys is very physical like stacking shelves. Im lucky because Im an active person and the amount I lift at work is nothing compared with the w

44、eights I lift in the gym. I know I have the strength to bear it.Im originally from Nigeria. I came here when I was seven, growing up in Croydon, south London. Money was tight. My parents gave me everything I needed, but there was no money to spend on luxuries. I worked hard at school though and, wit

45、h the help of GT Scholars, I got some of the best A-level grades in my class.7Unfortunately, though I had applied for “settled” British residential status when very young, the Home Office waited until I was in sixth form to approve my application. That meant I wasnt eligible for a student loan. The

46、only way I could afford to go to university was that if I got a job that would pay for all my living costs and my parents, who work in market research, paid for my tuition fees. In Scotland, thats about 7,000 a year.I dont have much time to socialize because of my job. Ideally, I would also like to

47、have more time to study so I can excel at my course. Yes, I have a lot on my plate, but working hard isnt new to me. Growing up, my parents and my mentors in the church and at GT Scholars cultivated in me the importance of working hard for what I want in life.My dream is to do an MA in physiotherapy

48、 next year and then get a job working for the NHS. But right now, Im just focused on trying to get the best grades I can. Whenever I find life hard, I tell myself this is about my future. I dont need much, but I would like to worry less about money and have more free time. That is what I look forwar

49、d to the most.56. Why does the author work long hours and sometimes overtime every week?A. To help his parents pay off the debts.B. To pay for his tuition fees.C. To prove his ability to earn money.D. To pay for his own living expenses.57. The underlined word “eligible” in the passage can be replaced by _.

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