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本文(2018年秋九年级英语上册Unit1StayHealthy基础知识过关一(新版)冀教版.doc)为本站会员(fatcommittee260)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1Unit 1 Stay Healthy单元基础知识过关一1胃;腹部_ 2惋惜;懊悔;遗憾_ 3发烧;发热_ 4苍白的;浅色的 _ 5检查;考试_ 6疼痛 _ 7X 光;X 射线_ 8拒绝;回绝_ 9牙痛 _ 10提到;写到_ 11玉米 _ 12豆子 _ 13同情,怜悯;遗憾_ 214包括;包含_15吸烟;烟_ 16踢 _ 17公共的;大众的_18法律;法规_19无论何时 _ 20危险;风险 _ 21有人;某人_ 22控制;管理;支配_ 23电话;电话机 _ 24她的(名词性物主代词)_ 25欢呼(声);喝彩(声)_ 26有害的 _伤害;损害(n.)_27亚洲的;亚洲人_(亚洲)_28德国的;

2、德国人;德语_(德国)_1发高烧 _ 2穿衣服_ 3看牙医_ 4后悔做了某事_ 5富含_ 6冒险_ 7在去的路上 _ 8由制成_ 39为了;以便_ 10保持健康 _ 11至少_ 12别无选择,只能做_ 13对有害处_ 14数以百万计的_ 15放弃 _ 16敢于做_ 17不能做某事_ 18好好休息_ 19不得不,必须_ 20远离 _ 21切除;摘除;带走_ 22养成习惯_ 23focus on _ 24right away_ 25as a result of _ 26a balanced diet_ 1我感觉不舒服。I dont _ _2我们应该去医院。We _ _ to the hospita

3、l.3我们需要立刻去那儿吗?4_ we _ there right now?4你怎么了,露西? 你的脸看上去很苍白。_ _ with you, Lucy? You look so pale.5吸烟对你的健康有害。Smoking _ _ _ your health.6今晚丹尼需要待在医院里。Danny _ _ _ in the hospital tonight.7我十分害怕去看牙医。Im really _ _ _ to the dentist.8我别无选择,只能跟她去。I _ _ _ but _ _ with her.9如果你的家人吸烟,鼓励他们戒烟。_ your family members

4、smoke, _ them _ _ _10他们快速穿好衣服跑了出去。They_ _ quickly and ran out.11既然你已经知道了, 我就都告诉你吧。_ _ youve known it, Ill tell you all. 12我认为我们应该努力养成好习惯,以便我们能保持健康并远离医院!I think we _ try hard to form good habits _ _ we can stay healthy and stay away from the hospital! 5根据句意及所给提示完成句子1She cant eat anything now, for she

5、 has a bad t_.2They invited me to play computer games in the net bar yesterday, but I r_. 3I felt so _ (sleep) that I could hardly open my eyes.4Is this your medicine, Tom?No, its _ (her)5Every year, _ (million) of tourists come to the beautiful town for a visit.6I think its _ (harm) to health to ea

6、t too much.7Look! The three _ (德国人) in the picture are volunteers at the Hangzhou G20 Summit.8She has _ (提到) it in her speech several times.9Boys, you shouldnt _ (吸烟). Its bad for your health.10I will run much faster if you _ (加油) for me, Mum. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空take a risk, get dressed, be rich in, so

7、that, as a result of 1Have you _, Nina?Yes, Mum. Im downstairs.2They got up early _ they could catch the 5:20 bus. 63These islands _ oil.4The meeting was put off _ the bad weather.5Dont _. Its too dangerous. 根据汉语意思完成句子1昨天爷爷照了 X 光片,因为他胸部有点疼。Yesterday Grandpa _ _ _, because he had a little pain in his

8、 chest.2他三岁的时候还不会说话。He _ _ _ speak when he was three years old.3我们应该远离不良习惯,养成健康的生活方式。We should _ _ _ bad habits and form a healthy lifestyle.4“你敢面对挑战吗?”“当然。”Do you_ _ face challenges?Of course.5“他昨天去哪儿了?”“他去看牙医了。”Where did he go yesterday?He _ _ _ _. 按要求完成下列各题1Need I hand in the report now? (作否定回答)_

9、, _ _2Ive_got_a_headache. I have to go to the hospital. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ you?73You need to write it again.(改为否定句)You _ _ _ _ it again./You _ _ it again.4We are not able to finish the work in an hour. (改为同义句)We _ _ _ finish the work in an hour.5Its going to be OK.(改为同义句)Its going to be _ _.根据汉语意思完成句子1我

10、后悔买了这条裙子。它很不合身。I _ _ this dress. It doesnt fit me.2“今天早上谁把他叫醒的?”“他姐姐。”Who_ _ _ this morning?His sister.3我除了同意别无选择。I had no choice _ _ agree.4“她害怕晚上独自待在家里。”“我也是。”She _ _ _ staying at home alone at night.So am I. 5你应该鼓励你父亲戒烟。You _ encourage your father to _ _ smoking.8教师详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1. method 2. fo

11、rce 3.match4. certainly 5. unless 6. double7. fantastic 8. general 9. repeat10. grandson 11. granddaughter12. instruction 13. correct; correctly14suggest; suggestion15. development; develop重点短语1turnupside down2takeoff3scientific method4use up5be made up of6even if7draw ones attention8as many as9动身前往

12、10一般而言; 通常11除之外12与相关13数十亿计的; 大量914使翻转15向上推16原地; 在适当的位置重点句型1fill; with 2.cover; with3enough to made up5dont think; unless 6worth a try; even if7as many as8when to fly south9In general; that shows how to10to change the DNA; they live in11you did12. better and better 13Take; off14. is called 【基础知识

13、迁移】单词回顾1. match 2. double 3.development4repeated 5. suggestions 6. correctly7. instructions 8.forced 9. methods10. unless 短语运用.1. used up 2. In general 3. is related to 4is made up of 5. even if10. 1. millions of 2. at night 3. except for4pour out 5. Turn; over 句型突破. 1. Do you like the book that/which I bought for you?2not only; but also 3dont think; is4This is the boy who/that won first prize.5How long; keep. 1. do an experiment 2. leave for3. do with 4.take; off 5. Two thirds

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