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本文(2019年高考英语一轮复习完形填空和语法填空选练(10)(含解析).doc)为本站会员(花仙子)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、12019 年高考英语一轮完形填空和语法填空选练(10)李仕才第一部分:完形填空A请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。My parents had always prepared for hurricanes. It is what 1 people do in Florida because “you never know”. For us, that 2 a white metal cabinet (储藏柜) in our utility room (杂用间) filled with cans of food. We could 3 eat a

2、nything out of the cabinet because “you never know” when a hurricane will come.As a kid, I was 4 about the white cabinet. I thought it was kind of strange to have food in the utility room. But, one look from my mother 5 me from opening the door to glance inside.One year, Channel 4 reported that Hurr

3、icane Dora was 6 for the northern part of Florida. Soon the storm got 7 and the wind blew. Then, the tall pine trees started to sway. And, by “sway”, I meant “ 8 over or crash down on anything in their way”. We were lucky, as the 9 went other directions and didnt take our power out. However, when my

4、 mother started cooking, the power was out. 10 I figured it was time to crack open that white cabinet. But, Dad thought it was time to 11 up the charcoal grill outside where it was raining and windy. To this day, I never 12 a mans love for his grill.Our power came back for a while. So, my mother beg

5、an cooking everything she could and 13 it away, to the neighbors, to friends without power, to anyone who was 14 up. I was hoping that the fried chicken was going to find its way to our 15 . But, it didnt. And, just as the last of the food was sent out and she began to work on our dinner, yes, we lo

6、st our 16 . It was time for 20 minutes eggs on the grill.Oh, the white metal cabinet. No. We never 17 it. We werent “that bad off” as I understand it. And, for years I 18 how bad off we would have 2to be to eat out of that cabinet. Perhaps it was just the 19 of it, the thought that it was there watc

7、hing our backs 20 we wanted a can of beans or some potted meat. I dont know if that was what was in there. Anyway, I never looked inside.1. A. brave B. serious C. generous D. smart2. A. said B. meant C. showed D. presented3. A. forever B. always C. never D. ever4. A. doubtful B. concerned C. anxious

8、 D. curious5. A. banned B. kept C. defended D. protected6. A. reaching B. looking C. heading D. going7. A. round B. down C. far D. close8. A. fall B. trip C. fly D. tip9. A. walls B. poles C. trees D. bushes10. A. Yet B. Otherwise C. Nevertheless D. So11. A. start B. use C. break D. hold12. A. quest

9、ion B. mention C. investigate D. appreciate13. A. putting B. turning C. giving D. clearing314. A. full B. well C. high D. hard15. A. cupboard B. room C. bed D. table16. A. food B. power C. water D. money 17. A. opened B. locked C. fixed D. cleaned18. A. examined B. analyzed C. wondered D. imagined19

10、. A. purpose B. problem C. thought D. conclusion20. A. wherever B. whenever C. however D. whatever【参考答案】完形填空110、D B C D B C D A C D1115、A A C D D B A C C BB(2015呼和浩特第一次调研)The 100th Running Shoe KeychainWhen I was in grade 6,I joined the cross country running club.I hated running but _1_ because my f

11、riends were in the club.I worked hard but no matter how hard I trained,I _2_ came in the last.After yet another meet where I came in last,I told my coach that I was going to _3_.I couldnt run.I hated running and all I was doing was pulling the _4_ down.I dont remember his words,but I do remember he

12、_5_ to let me quit.I remember feeling that he believed in me even though I didnt believe in myself.I kept _6_ and participating in the meets.He never gave up on me.Instead,he always encouraged me to keep going,and told me that I could do it.Then the final meet came,a huge _7_ with less than two hund

13、red students running.We learned that not only the first 20 students _8_ the line would win 4an award,but also the first 100 would be given a running shoe keychain as encouragement.We set off and I quickly _9_ behind.I didnt stop and kept running.My friends who _10_ me encouraged me to keep running.W

14、hen I passed the _11_,finally,and received the 100th keychain,there were still several students behind me.For the first time,I was not the _12_ one!I remember how excited I felt and how my friends felt happy for me.The following week there was a school gathering.We were all called up in front of the

15、 school.The coach shared that we were high _13_ at the meet,and almost everyone on the team came home with _14_.I felt ashamed,for I was the one who didnt win an award.I only came in the 100th place and didnt _15_ his praise.Then he came behind me,put his hands on my shoulders and told the school he

16、 was _16_ of me because I never gave up and because of that,I pulled from last _17_ to the middle of the racewhich was an unbelievable personal _18_.He spoke on how we all _19_ one another and how well we worked together,_20_ we all were racing alone.I still keep that keychain,which tells me never t

17、o give up and always work with others.It doesnt matter if you are the first;what matters is doing your best.【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。不擅跑步的作者加入跑步俱乐部在比赛中屡屡失意。作者萌生退意,后来在教练的鼓励和队友的支持下取得了很大进步,从而得出了不轻言放弃、要与他人合作的人生感悟。1A.joined BobeyedCagreed Dpractised解析:选 A。考查动词辨析。join 意为“参加,加入” ;obey 意为“服从,遵守” ;agree 意为“同意” ;pract

18、ise 意为“练习” 。由文章第一句中的“joined”提示可知,作者尽管不喜欢跑步,但还是因为自己的朋友参加了而加入了跑步俱乐部。故答案选 A。2A.approximately BconstantlyCpersonally Dabsolutely解析:选 B。考查副词辨析。approximately 意为“大约” ;constantly 意为“始终,一直” ;personally 意为“亲自地,个别地” ;absolutely 意为“完全地,绝对地” 。空格前一分句为让步状语从句,所以此空格所在的句子应与前一分句构成转折。由此可知,此处指不管作者怎么努力训练但还是经常跑最后一名。这与下文作者

19、想退出比赛相呼应。故答案选B。3A.fall Blose5Cquit Drest解析:选 C。考查动词辨析。fall 意为“摔倒,掉下” ;lose 意为“丢失,失败” ;quit意为“退出” ;rest 意为“休息” 。由上文可知,作者经常跑最后一名,在经历了又一次失败后,作者告诉教练自己想退出俱乐部的比赛。故答案选 C。4A.score BcoachCrecord Dteam解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。score 意为“分数” ;coach 意为“教练” ;record 意为“记录” ;team 意为“队伍” 。结合语境可知,作者退赛的原因是讨厌跑步并且自己一直在拖队伍的后腿。pull d

20、own 意为“拖后腿” 。故答案选 D。5A.regretted BforbadeChesitated Drefused解析:选 D。考查动词辨析。regret 意为“后悔” ;forbid 意为“禁止” ;hesitate 意为“犹豫” ;refuse 意为“拒绝” 。根据下文作者继续训练与参加比赛的事实可知,作者提出退赛时,教练没有同意。故答案选 D。6A.begging BtrainingCfailing Dapplying解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。beg 意为“乞求” ;train 意为“训练” ;fail 意为“失败” ;apply 意为“申请” 。根据句中“kept”和“and

21、participating in the meets”可知,教练拒绝了作者的退赛请求并给予作者鼓励与信任,因此作者又继续训练了。故答案选 B。7A.amount BsuccessCaffair Dhonour解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。amount 意为“数量” ;success 意为“成功” ;affair 意为“事件” ;honour 意为“荣耀” 。此空格所在部分为“the final meet”的同位语,是对它进行解释。由空格后的参赛选手数量“less than two hundred students”可知,本次比赛为一场大型赛事。故答案选 C。8A.across BbeyondCo

22、ver Dto解析:选 A。考查介词辨析。across 意为“(从表面)通过” ;beyond 意为“(抽象意义上的)超越” ;over 意为“(从上方)越过” ;to 意为“到达” 。根据句意可知,此处指完成比赛跑过终点线的前 20 名选手将获奖。故答案选 A。9A.followed BkeptCleft Dfell解析:选 D。考查动词辨析。follow 意为“跟随” ;keep 意为“保持” ;leave 意为“留下” ;fall 意为“落下” 。fall behind 意为“落后” ,为固定搭配。本句句意为:我们开始跑6了,我很快就落后了。C 项为干扰项,如选用,须用被动语态,故排除。

23、故答案选 D。10A.helped BpassedCinspired Dsupported解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。help 意为“帮助” ;pass 意为“路过” ;inspire 意为“启发” ;support 意为“支持” 。根据文意可知,作者落后了,许多作者的朋友们从作者身边跑过时都鼓励他继续奔跑。故答案选 B。11A.field BtestCline Dmatch解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。field 意为“田地,场地” ;test 意为“测验” ;line 意为“(终点)线” ;match 意为“比赛” 。根据此空格前的“passed”和空格后的“finally”提示可知,作者最

24、终跑过了终点线。故答案选 C。12A.last BleastCquickest Dfarthest解析:选 A。考查形容词辨析。last 意为“最后的” ;least“最少的” ;quickest 意为“最快的” ;farthest 意为“最远的” 。根据上一句中的“received the 100th keychain”可知,作者跑了第 100 名。上文提到参赛选手有将近 200 名,所以有史以来第一次,作者不是最后一名。故答案选 A。13A.speeds BspotsCquality Dchance解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。speed 意为“速度” ;spot 意为“点” ;qualit

25、y 意为“质量”;chance 意为“机会” 。本句及之后的内容表明教练在表扬队员,此空格前有“high” ,与spots 搭配有“亮点”的意思,指队员们是比赛场上的亮点。故答案选 B。14A.presents BawardsCwishes Dkeychains解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。present 意为“礼物” ;award 意为“奖项” ;wish 意为“愿望” ;keychain 意为“钥匙圈” 。由比赛奖励规则可知,前 20 名获得奖项,前 100 名获得运动鞋钥匙圈奖励。根据后一句“I felt ashamed,for I was the one who didnt win an

26、 award.”可知,大部分队友都获得了 award(奖项)。故答案选 B。15A.deserve BvalueCbelieve Drequest解析:选 A。考查动词辨析。deserve 意为“应得” ;value 意为“看重” ;believe 意为“相信” ;request 意为“要求” 。根据上文可知,作者没有获得奖项,只得到第 100 名,于是感到羞愧,觉得自己没资格获得教练的表扬。故答案选 A。16A.aware Bsure7Ccapable Dproud解析:选 D。考查形容词辨析。aware 意为“意识到的” ;sure 意为“确定的” ;capable意为“胜任的” ;pro

27、ud 意为“自豪的” 。根据空格后的“because I never gave up and because. unbelievable personal.”可知,教练为作者不放弃并取得的巨大进步感到自豪。故答案选 D。17A.number BplaceCrace Dminute解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。number 意为“数量” ;place 意为“位置,名次” ;race 意为“比赛” ;minute 意为“分钟” 。此处指教练表扬“我”从最后一名上升到中间的名次。故答案选 B。18A.victory BambitionCmatter Dopinion解析:选 A。考查名词辨析。vict

28、ory 意为“胜利” ;ambition 意为“野心” ;matter 意为“物质,事情” ;opinion 意为“观点,看法” 。本句中,教练表扬“我”经过努力提升了名次,这对“我”自己来说是一个难以置信的胜利。故答案选 A。19A.introduced BencouragedCproved Dattracted解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。introduce 意为“介绍” ;encourage 意为“鼓励” ;prove意为“证明” ;attract 意为“吸引” 。此处指教练表扬“我们”彼此相互鼓励与合作,与文章第二段中的“My friends who _ me encouraged me

29、 to keep running.”相呼应。故答案选 B。 if Bin caseCeven though Das long as解析:选 C。考查连词辨析。as if 意为“似乎” ;in case 意为“万一” ;even though意为“即使” ;as long as 意为“只要” 。本句为从句,由逗号前的主句中“together”和从句中的“alone”可知,此从句与主句构成转折关系,应为让步状语从句,句意为:他说尽管我们都是独自参加比赛,但我们相互鼓励与合作。故答案选 C。第二部分:短文语法填空Although Socrates (苏格拉底) was poor all

30、his life,he never asked his pupils to pay for their lessons.He taught _1_ the love of wisdom,not for money.And _2_ he had to say was always new and worth hearing.All his pupils loved him.But his unusual ways of teaching and his demand that students always ask questions made him some _3_(danger) enem

31、ies.The rulers did not want to be 8questioned.So they _4_(false) accused Socrates of teaching young men bad things and _5_(lead) them to ignore religion.In fact Socrates was a very religious man.His enemies had him _6_(arrest),and he was sentenced to death by poisoning.During the 30 days before he w

32、as put to death,his friends and pupils _7_(allow) to visit him in his prison.They were astonished to find that _8_ was calm and cheerful.He had no fear of dying.When the deadly poison was finally brought to Socrates,his friends were in _9_(tear),but Socrates seemed to be the _10_(brave) man in the r

33、oom.He raised the cup and drank it as if it were a glass of banquet wine.【语篇导读】 文章主要记叙了伟大的哲学家苏格拉底,讲了他免费给学生上课,学生都喜欢他,他与众不同的教学方式也招来了许多敌人,导致他被捕入狱,但是他直到死前的最后一刻都十分淡定从容的故事。1for 考查介词。介词 for 在此处表示“为了” ,说明他上课时为了对智慧的热爱不是为了钱,故填 for。2what 考查名词性从句。此处 what 作连词代词引导主语从句,故填 what。3dangerous 考查形容词。形容词 dangerous 用来修饰名词

34、 enemies。4falsely 考查副词。此处副词 falsely 用来修饰动词 accused。5leading 考查动名词。accuse sb of doing sth 指控某人某事,此处 leading 和teaching 并列作为指控的内容,故填 leading。6arrested 考查被动语态。have him arrested“他被逮捕” ,过去分词在此处表示被动含义,故填 arrested。7were allowed 考查被动语态。此处用被动语态表示“他的朋友和学生被允许去看他” ,故填 were allowed。8he 考查代词。he 在此处代指苏格拉底,表示他们很吃惊地发现他很镇定和高兴,故填he。9tears 考查名词。in tears 表示“眼含泪水” ,固定搭配。10bravest 考查形容词最高级。the形容词最高级,表示“最” ,使用 bravest 表示“最勇敢的” ,说明苏格拉底似乎是房间里最勇敢的人,故填 bravest。9

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