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本文(2019版高考英语Unit4WildlifeProtection(词汇考查词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc)为本站会员(jobexamine331)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1Unit 4李仕才一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1He is the only one of the students who _ (be) the winner of scholarship for three years.2Every possible means _ (use)to prevent the air pollution, hut the sky is still not clear.3When and where to go for the onsalary holiday_(not, decide) yet.5Professor Smith, along with hi

2、s assistants,_(work) on the project day and night to meet the deadline.参考答案: 1has been 2.has been used 3.has not been decided 4.have reached working(二)英汉互译192、wildlife n. _193、protection n. _194、wild adj. _195、habitat n. _196、threaten vt. & vi. _197、decrease vi. & vt _198、endanger vt. _199、die

3、out _200、loss n. _201、reserve n. _202、hunt vt. & vi. _203、zone n. _204、in peace _205、in danger (of) _206、Daisy n. _207、species n. _208、carpet n. _209、respond vi. _210、distant adj. _211、fur n. _212、antelope n. _213、Zimbabwe n. _214、relief n. _215、 in relief _2216、laughter n. _217、burst into laughter

4、_218、mercy n. _219、certain adj. _220、importance n. _221、WWF(Word Wildlife Fund) _222、rub vt. _223、protectfrom _224、mosquito n. _225、millipede n.(=millepede) _226、insect n. _227、contain vt. _228、Powerful adj. _229、affect vt. _230、attention n. _231、pay attention to _232、appreciate vt. _233、succeed vi.

5、 vt. _234、Indonesia n. _235、rhino n. _236、secure adj. _237、income n. _238、employ vt. _239、harm n. & vt. _240、Milu deer _241、bite vt. & vi. (bit, bitten) _ 242、extinction n. _ 243、dinosaur n. 244、come into being 245、county n. 246、inspect vt. 247、unexpected adj. 248、incident n. _249、dust n. _250、accor

6、ding to _251、Mauritius n. _252、disappearance n. _253、fierce adj. _254、so that _255、ending n. _256、faithfully adv. _257、Colobus monkey _二、完形填空。Honesty is always the best policy,especially when it comes to mental 3health problems.In a TV _1_,one girl gets very real about dealing with anxiety and panic

7、.“I was the best student in my high school.I put so much _2_ on myself, ” she said.“I never _3_ a class.But I got sick during 10th grade and I started to _4_.That was when the panic attacks began.”She goes on to describe what a panic attack _5_ like, “One day the teacher handed me my grade _6_,and I

8、 couldnt breathe.My heart was beating very _7_.I felt disconnected.I saw people trying to talk to me but I couldnt hear them.Afterwards,I was sent to _8_, ”she shared.It was then _9_ the attacks started happening _10_ daily,and they havent stopped.“Last year I started college.And I cant be the best

9、student here no matter how hard I try, ”she said.“Everyone is so _11_.My panic attacks got so bad that I had to _12_ my first semester.”However,now she is facing her anxiety,and things are getting better.“I used to try to hide _13_.I thought that _14_ nobody knew,it would not exist, ”she said.“But t

10、he more I talk about my _15_,the more I realize that other people experience _16_ things.So Im trying to express it more.I had a great teacher _17_ told me, Instead of letting anxiety keep you from doing your art,let it be the thing that _18_ your art. ”Recently,women all over the world took to Twit

11、ter to _19_ what anxiety is like.We are _20_ alone.1A.project BprogramCplatform Dstation2A.weight BheightCpressure Dmeasure3A.joined BsucceededCfailed Dattended4A.fall behind Bfall downCleave behind Dleave alone5A.looks BsoundsCtastes BsurveyCresearch Dnotice7A.mildly Bwildly4Cslowly

12、 BworkChospital Dhome9A.when BsinceCbefore Dthat10A.still BalwaysCmerely Dalmost11A.ambitious BanxiousCtalented Dexperienced12A.arrange BperformCoperate BthemCme Dus14A.unless BifCwhile Das15A.confidence BdreamCissue Ddesire16A.similar BfamiliarCvarious Dserious17A.w

13、ho BwhomCwhose Dwhich18A.abandons BquitsCmotivates Dprotests 19A.advertise BadviseCshare Dcompare20A.always BsometimesCseldom Dnever【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一个女孩分享了她曾经的焦虑经历,后来,她勇敢面对焦虑,情况得以好转。作者借这个事例说明直面困难、坦诚问题往往是解决心理健康问题的良策。【核心词汇】deal with 处理,应付panic n恐慌,惊恐 v使恐慌policy n政策,策略,保险单disconnected adj.分离的,断开的,不连贯的

14、,无关联的5semester n半学年,一学期1B 根据“In a TV _1_,one girl gets very real about dealing with anxiety and panic”可知,在一个电视节目(program)中,一个女孩坦诚地分享了她克服焦虑和惊恐的经历,故 B项正确。A 项意为“项目” ;C 项意为“平台” ;D 项意为“站” ,都与语境不符。2C 根据前一句“I was the best student in my high school” ,再结合该句“I put so much _2_ on myself”可知,该句是说,在学校里这个女孩是一位优等生,

15、她自己给自己施加了很多压力。C 项意为“压力” ,符合语境,故 C项正确。A 项意为“体重” ;B项意为“身高” ;D 项意为“度量单位” ,都与语境不符。3C 根据上文,再结合该句“I never _3_ a class”可知,这个女孩从没有考试不及格过;C 项意为“不及格” ,符合语境,故 C项正确。A 项意为“加入” ;B 项意为“成功” ;D 项意为“参加” 。4A 根据上下文可知,在十年级时这个女孩生病了,成绩开始落后;A 项意为“落后” ,符合语境,故 A项正确。B 项意为“不实,不能令人满意” ;C 项意为“留下,遗留” ;D项意为“不打扰” 。5D 根据空处前后句可知,这个女孩

16、是在描述焦虑症发作时的感觉。feel like 为固定搭配,意为“感觉像是” ,符合语境,故 D项正确。6A 根据该句中“One day the teacher handed me my grade _6_,and I couldnt breathe”可知,老师将成绩单交给了这个女孩;表示“成绩单”用“grade report”,故 A项正确。7B 根据后一句“I felt disconnected”可以判断,这个女孩看到了她的成绩单后感觉无法呼吸,心脏疯狂地(wildly)跳动,故 B项正确。A 项意为“温和地” ;C 项意为“缓慢地” ;D 项意为“严格地” 。8C 参见上题解析并结合该句

17、“Afterwards,I was sent to _8_”可以判断,最后,这个女孩被送往医院。故 C项正确。9D 根据该句“It was then _9_ the attacks started happening _10_ daily,and they havent stopped”可知,该句使用了强调句型,被强调的部分是then,故用 that引导句中的其他部分,故 D项正确。10D 根据空处所在句可知,从那时起焦虑几乎每天发生,没有停止过。D 项意为“几乎” ,符合语境,故 D项正确。11C 根据空处前一句可知,在大学里,无论这个女孩怎么努力都无法成为最好的学生;结合该句“Everyo

18、ne is so _11_”可知,每个人都有天赋;C 项意为“有天赋的” ,符合语境,故 C项正确。12D 根据该句“My panic attacks got so bad that I had to _12_ my first 6semester”可知,这个女孩的焦虑症变得如此严重,她不得不休学。D 项意为“取消” ,符合语境,故 D项正确。13A 根据空处前后句可知,空处指代前一句的“anxiety” ,后一句中的“it would not exist”也是提示。故此处用 it。14B 根据语境可知,空处引导条件状语从句,故此处用 if。15C 根据上下文可知,空处是指这个女孩的焦虑问题。

19、C 项意为“问题” ,符合语境,故 C项正确。A 项意为“信心” ;B 项意为“梦想” ;D 项意为“渴望” 。16A 根据上下文可知,此处是指这个女孩对她的问题谈得越多,她就越意识到其他人也经历过相似的事情。文章的最后一段也是提示。故 A项正确。17A 分析该句结构可知,该句为定语从句,先行词为“a great teacher” ,在从句中作主语,故用 who引导该定语从句。18C 根据语境可知,空处应用与“keep you from doing your art”意义相反的一个动词。C 项意为“激励” ,符合语境,故 C项正确。A 项意为“放弃” ;B 项意为“停止” ;D项意为“反对”

20、。19C 根据该句“Recently,women all over the world took to Twitter to _19_ what anxiety is like”可知,最近,世界各地的女性都在推特上分享了焦虑的经历。C 项意为“分享” ,符合语境,故 C项正确。20D 参见上题解析,再结合该句“We are _20_ alone”可知,焦虑者不是孤独的,故用否定词 never。三、短文改错It is known that some students cheat in exams.It has three reason.First of all,there are so many

21、 exams. Beside,the exams given are difficulty in some way. Secondly, some students have to cheat in exams because of they are too lazy.The last reason is to please our parents and teachers.For some students,low marks brought them great pressure and make them depressing.In my opinion,cheating in exam

22、s are wrong.We should take active attitude to our studies,and try to get a mark what is true as well as good.【答案】 It is known that some students cheat in exams.It has three .First of reasonreasonsall,there are so many exams. ,the exams given are in some BesideBesides difficultydifficultway. Secondly

23、, some students have to cheat in exams because they are too of7lazy.The last reason is to please parents and teachers.For some ourtheirstudents,low marks them great pressure and make them .broughtbring depressingdepressedIn my opinion,cheating in exams wrong.We should take active areis anattitude to

24、 our studies,and try to get a mark is true as well as good.whatthat/which第一处:reasonreasons。考查名词复数。根据 three可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。第二处:Beside 改为 Besides。考查副词。besides 作副词讲时是“除此之外”的意思,而beside为介词,意为“在旁边” 。根据 the exams前的逗号可知,此处应用副词,故将Beside改为 Besides。第三处:difficultydifficult。考查形容词。此处应用形容词 difficult作 are的表语,表示“困难的”

25、 。第四处:删除 of。考查连词。 “they are too lazy”为一个完整的句子,其前应该是一个连词,故删除介词 of。第五处:ourtheir。考查代词。根据上文中的“they are too lazy”可知,此处应该用their。第六处:broughtbring。考查动词时态。全文时态均为一般现在时,本句是对客观事实的陈述且根据 and后的 make可知,应用一般现在时。第七处:depressingdepressed。考查形容词。此处 depressed是分词形容词,作宾语补足语,宾语 them指人。第八处:areis。考查主谓一致。动名词短语作主语,谓语动词应用单数,故用 is。第九处:active 前加 an。考查冠词。attitude 是可数名词,且第一次在语境中出现,故用不定冠词修饰,且在读音以元音音素开头的形容词 active之前,故用 an。第十处:whatthat/which。考查定语从句。根据语境可知,此处应用 that/which引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词 a mark。

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