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1、1Unit 5 First Aid李仕才一、阅读理解。According to a team of researchers,an animals ability to perceive(感知)time is linked to their pace of life.“Our results lend support to the importance of time perception in animals where the ability to perceive time in a very short time may be the difference between life an

2、d death for fast moving creatures, ”commented the lead author Kevin Healy from Trinity College Dublin.The study was done with a variety of animals using a phenomenon based on the maximum speed of flashes of light an individual can see before the light source is seen as constant.Dogs,for example,have

3、 eyes with a refresh rate higher than humans.One example of this phenomenon at work,the authors say,is the housefly and its ability to avoid being hit.The research shows flies observe motion in a shorter time than our own eyes can achieve,which allows them to avoid being hit.Professor Graeme Ruxton

4、of the University of St Andrews in Scotland,who worked jointly on the research project,said in a statement, “Having eyes that send updates to the brain at much higher frequencies than our eyes do is of no value if the brain cannot process that information equally quickly.Thus, this work highlights t

5、he impressive abilities of even the smallest animal brains.Flies might not be deep thinkers,but they can make good decisions very quickly.”In comparison, the tiger beetle(虎甲虫)runs faster than its eyes can keep up,basically becoming blind,which requires it to stop periodically to reevaluate its preys

6、(猎物)position.Our results suggest that time perception offers an as yet unstudied dimension in which animals can specialize and there is a considerable range to study this system in more detail.1What is the research mentioned in the passage mainly about?APace of life of animals.BTime perception of an

7、imals.CLifetime of small animals.DImpressive abilities of animals.2What does Kevin Healys comment mean in Para.2?2AThe ability of animals to perceive time depends on their high moving speed.BThe survival of fast moving animals relies on their ability to perceive time.CAnimals with quicker pace of li

8、fe have better perception of time.DAnimals with poor ability of time perception have a shorter life.3Why can houseflies avoid being hit?AThey can think very deeply before they act.BThey can fly much faster than their eyes can keep up.CThey can process information as quickly as they receive it.DThey

9、can send information to the brain more quickly than to their eyes.【解题导语】本文是一篇科普说明文。研究发现,动物感知时间的能力和它们的生活节奏有关,对于快速移动的动物来说,在短时间内感知时间的能力决定着它们的生死。文章列举了家蝇、狗和虎甲虫等动物,证明了动物感知时间的能力的重要性。1B 考查主旨大意。通读全文可知, “According to a team of researchers, an animals ability to perceive(感知)time is linked to their pace of life

10、”为本文的主题句;结合下文内容可知,本文主要介绍了一项研究发现:动物感知时间的能力和它们的生活节奏有关,故 B项正确。2B 考查细节理解。根据第二段 Kevin Healy所说的话“Our results lend support to the importance of time perception in animals where the ability to perceive time in a very short time may be the difference between life and death for fast moving creatures”可知,Kevin

11、Healy 认为,对于快速移动的动物来说在短时间内感知时间的能力决定着它们的生死;据此可知,该句是说快速移动的动物的生存依赖于它们对时间的感知能力,故 B项正确。3C 考查细节理解。根据第四段的“The research shows flies observe motion in a shorter time than our own eyes can achieve,which allows them to avoid being hit”可知,家蝇能比我们在更短的时间内感知到物体的运动,这是它们得以避免被拍死的原因,故 C项正确。二、单句语法填空1It is vital that thes

12、e forms _ (send) back as early as possible.答案:(should) be sent It is vital that . “是十分重要的” 。其中 that从句谓语动词应用“should动词原形” ,should 可以省略。2_ the aid of our professor, we finished the experiment successfully.3答案:With with the aid/help of . “在的帮助下” 。3Youd better put things back _ place. Otherwise, it will

13、be difficult to find them.答案:in in place “在适当的位置” 。4We _ (watch) TV when there was a power failure.答案:were watching be doing . when . “正在做这时” ,再由“there was .”可知应用过去进行时,故填 were watching。5The new technology, if _ (apply) to rice growing, will help increase the grain output.答案:applied 从句为状语从句的省略形式。The

14、new technology与 apply之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故应填过去分词作状语。6Men and women should _ (treat) equally in education and employment.答案:be treated treat 和 Men and women在逻辑上存在动宾关系,应用被动语态。7His head had struck the wall and _ (bleed)答案:was bleeding 此处表示头部正在流血,前一分句用了过去完成时,故此处应用过去进行时,表示过去某时正在持续的状态。8Everyone arrived late at th

15、e party for _ (variety) reasons.答案:various 修饰名词 reasons应用形容词,表示“各种各样的” ,故填various。9Television violence _ (poison) the minds of young people.答案:is poisoning 表示现阶段正在持续发生的动作,应用现在进行时。10Dozens of people got _ (injury) and many vehicles were set on fire.答案:injured get injured “受伤” 。三、完形填空。Two years ago, D

16、ubuque, Iowa, started its first annual “BacktoSchool Bash” program. It offered needy families an opportunity to learn about free _1_ in the community. Holmes decided to _2_ by providing help to kids. He was _3_ two jobs at the time, one of which was working as a barber. Saturday was his _4_ day, but

17、 he chose to _5_ his time and gave free haircuts to lowerclass kids on condition that the kids should _6_ their 4free haircuts by having to read a book to him.The idea was so _7_ that he continued it for the next two years. Many kids would _8_ a favorite book, settle into the barber chair, and read

18、aloud _9_ Holmes was doing their hair. After the haircuts, theyd review the book, from the _10_ and vocabulary to the themes just like in school, only more fun.Holmes, who is married _11_ two sons, recognizes that not every parent has the time to _12_ with their kids. So he hopes to offer some _13_

19、in this way. And he admits he, _14_ , benefits from doing that.There was a sevenyearold kid who _15_ stuttered (结巴) over words while reading. He had the boy take the book home and _16_. When the child came back a few days later, he read it with no problems. That _17_ Holmes to do more.Holmes and his

20、 family have recently moved to a Chicago suburb. When they get _18_, he plans to restart his _19_ as the Storybook Barber. “Todays world is full of guns and violence, ” he says. “The barbershop is a _20_ place for the kids to come and read books.”【文章大意】 本文主要分享了 Holmes做公益的故事。1A.materials Bresources C

21、methods Dconnections答案与解析:B根据上下文可知,社区给孩子们提供学习的免费资源。material“材料” ;resource“资源” ;method“方法” ;connection“连接” 。2A.participate Bperform Cdevelop Dwithdraw答案与解析:A根据下文的“by providing help to kids”可推知,Holmes 决定参与这项活动。3A.faced with Bcaught in Cpresented with Dengaged in答案与解析:D根据语境可知,Holmes 同时从事了两份工作。be faced

22、with “面临”;be caught in“处于困境” ;present with“把交给” ;be engaged in“从事于” 。4A.happiest Bworst Cbusiest Dbest答案与解析:C根据上文的“as a barber”和空前的“Saturday”可推知,Holmes周六最忙。5A.spend Bwaste 5Csave Ddonate答案与解析:D根据空后的“gave free haircuts”可知,Holmes 把自己的时间捐献出来,免费给贫穷人家的孩子理发。donate“捐献” 。6A.receive Bearn Cdemand Drequest答案与

23、解析:B根据下文“their free haircuts”的提示可推知,孩子们要通过读书才能挣得免费理发的权利,故选 B,earn“挣得” 。7A.popular Bordinary Ccomplex Drigid答案与解析:A根据下文的“he continued it for the next two years”可推知,这项活动很受欢迎,因此 Holmes在接下来的两年也坚持了下来。popular“受欢迎的” ;ordinary“普通的” ;complex“复杂的” ;rigid“死板的” 。8A.put away Btake over Cpick up Dgive out答案与解析:C根

24、据语境可知,许多孩子会拿起书,坐在理发椅上,开始大声朗读。9A.before Bafter Cwhile Duntil答案与解析:C根据语境可知,孩子们读书是在 Holmes理发期间。while“在期间” 。 Bheroines Cbarbers Dcharacters答案与解析:D根据语境“theyd review the book”和“and vocabulary”可推知,孩子们回顾书中的角色和词汇。character“角色” 。11A.with Bto Cfor Dabout答案与解析:A根据语境可知,此处表示 Holmes有两个儿子。with 表示“有”的含义。12.

25、Astay Bread Ctalk Dlearn答案与解析:B根据上文的“read a book to him”及“read aloud”可知,此处表示并不是每个父母都有时间陪孩子一起读书的。13A.guidance Bjudgment Cassistance Dinsurance答案与解析:C根据上文的“Holmes decided to _2_ by providing help to 6kids”可知,Holmes 希望通过这种方式来提供一些帮助。assistance“帮助” 。14A.again Bstill Cthen Dtoo答案与解析:D根据语境可知,Holmes 在帮助他人的过

26、程中自己也受益匪浅。15A.usually Bhardly Cmerely Dnecessarily答案与解析:A根据语境可知,有个七岁的孩子通常读得不流畅,故选 A项。16A.write Bpractice Cremark Dreflect答案与解析:B根据下文的“When the child came back a few days later, he read it with no problems”可推知,这个七岁的孩子回家进行了练习,因此再读起来没有问题。17A.surprised Bexcited Cinspired Dimpressed答案与解析:C根据语境“do more”可推

27、知,Holmes 受到了激励,从而做得更多。18A.settled Brelaxed Cpleased Drefreshed答案与解析:A根据上文的“Holmes and his family have recently moved to a Chicago suburb”可推知,Holmes 搬了家,然后安顿下来,与下文重新开始自己原有的项目计划呼应。settle“定居” 。19A.ownership Bhobby Cpromise Drole答案与解析:D根据上文的“working as a barber”及下文的“as the Storybook Barber”可推知,Holmes 又重

28、启自己的边读书边理发项目,扮演好自己的角色。20A.secret Bsafe Crough Dcrowded答案与解析:B根据“Todays world is full of guns and violence”可知,在这个纷乱的世界里,理发店可以作为孩子们读书的安全之地。四、单句改错1I dont know what to do, because the number of problems have arisen._答案:thea 此处表述“大量的问题出现了” 。the number of . “的数量” ;a number of “许多;大量的” ,后接可数名词复数形式。72Dont t

29、ake anything away. Father likes everything to be in the place._答案:去掉 the in place “在适当的位置” 。3We try to create work experience opportunities that will really make big difference to us._答案:make 后加 a make a difference “有影响;起作用” 。4He decided to apply for the boss for a job the next day._答案:第一个 forto apply to sb. for . “向某人申请” 。5There is no doubt whether global warming is a threat to us all._答案:whetherthat There is no doubt that . “毫无疑问” 。

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