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1、1Unit 1 Living well李仕才一、阅读理解。After a successful first year at St. Faiths School in Cambridge were delighted to be returning for our second summer camp there in 2016. The activity camp offers fun activities during the school summer holidays and is bound to be very popular in the local area. The actio

2、n packed activity programme includes motor sports, archery, fencing, dance, art, football and much more! Weve got your holiday childcare coveredOfsted(英国教育标准局)registered for parents, peace of mind, and 80+ activities to ensure a varied and exciting programme for the children.St. Faiths School is an

3、ideal place for a Barracudas camp with plenty of beautiful grounds and superb facilities right in the heart of the city. The site consists of a modern sports hall, drama studio, assembly hall, art room, tennis courts, playing fields, motor sports track and archery range(靶场). We will also have one of

4、 our fantastic inflatable(可充气的)water parks on site; always a big hit with children of all ages. As predicted, a popular camp!The camp is for children aged 4.5 to 16 years. Standard opening hours are 8.30am to 5.30pm but can be extended from 8am to 6pm with our Early and Late Clubs. These flexible ho

5、urs mean busy parents can be relaxed knowing their children are well entertained all day!Skills Builder courses available at this site include Motor Mania(热衷), Lab Rats and Upstage! Add cover(保险) to your booking for unforeseen circumstances with Customer Protection Plan.Further questions about Barra

6、cudas? Visit our FAQs section or call our friendly team on 0845 123 5299. Dont forget you can also visit our Testimonials(推荐书) section for customer reviews too.2Please note: all offers and discounted prices shown below are dependent on availability. Book now to avoid disappointment.1.The main purpos

7、e of the activity of St. Faiths School in Cambridge is for children to _.A.develop a good up with other classmatesC.promote their creative up their bodies2.Why are busy parents probably satisfied if their children join the camp?A.Their kids can be well entertained under go

8、od care.B.Their kids can learn how to take good care of themselves.C.Their kids can improve their moral standard to a degree.D.Their kids will obtain a lot of knowledge about protecting themselves.3.How much will you pay if you want to book three kids for two weeks?A.581.B.1,203.C.834.D.957.参考答案: 1.

9、D; 2.A; 3.C解析: 1.主旨意图题。根据第一段第 3句中“The action packed activity programme includes motor sports, archery, fencing, dance, art, football and much more! ”及第二段内容可知,这一活动包括体育运动项目,可以强身健体,故选 D项。32.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句及第三段 These flexible hours mean busy parents can be relaxed knowing their children are well enterta

10、ined all day!可知,在夏令营中,孩子得到精心照顾,解除了繁忙父母们的后顾之忧。3.数字计算题。根据表格中“Summer Weeks”可知,一个孩子一周收费是139,那么 3个孩子两周即是:13932=834。二、单句语法填空1.(2018齐齐哈尔模拟)I have passed the English test, though my mark is only C._ (congratulate). And I believe you can do it better next time.答案:Congratulations2.His adventurous experiences

11、in Africa have been adapted _ the screen.答案:for3.Professor Wang, as well as his two students, _ (interview) by the reporter from CCTV1 at the meeting room at present.答案:is being interviewed4.(2016浙江卷 6月)To return to the problem of water pollution, Id like you to look at a study _ (conduct) in Austra

12、lia in 2012.答案:conducted5.In our hotel, all rooms have access _ the Internet.答案:to6.I was late for the meeting so I started running, and when I got there I was totally out of _(breathe).答案:breath7.At the exciting news, he was too excited _(say) a word.答案:to say8.He is buried in writing his novel; _

13、other words, he cant spare us even a minute to take a trip.答案:in9.My grandfather often goes to the countryside, because he thinks a stay there will be _ (benefit) to his health.答案:beneficial410.(2018石家庄高中毕业班模拟)I hope that these arrangements meet with your _ (approve).答案:approval三、完形填空The day before

14、Christmas I pulled into a store parking lot and counted my money again. It wasnt much. I 1 being poor, not having enough to 2 my little children a few simple toys. As I was 3 I noticed the Salvation Army (救世军) bell ringer at the 4 . I felt bad again because I didnt feel I could 5 anything to give hi

15、m. I started walking towards the entrance 6 two cars entered empty parking spaces in front of me. The first was a 7 , new Cadillac which became the 8 of me the moment I saw it. “How 9 ”I thought, “would it be to have enough money to buy a car like that! ” The second car, 10 , was an ancient car shab

16、bier than the one I was driving. A man got out of the Cadillac and hurried into the store 11 past the bell ringer without a second 12 . Out of the old car came a young mother with three little children following 13 behind her. Her clothes looked as 14 as her car, yet she stopped at the entrance and

17、15 a bill. In that second a(n) 16 touched me, my envy and dislike 17 me, and all the love and joy filled me. I fished a bill out of my own purse, 18 it in the Salvation Army kettle, and wished the 19 a “Merry Christmas! ” Now I felt I was a poor man but rich on the 20 . After finding a few things fo

18、r my kids, I drove home with my heart singing. 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了作者在去商店购物的时候看到的一幕对作者震撼很大, 这让作者领悟到贫穷并不可怕, 内心富有才更重要。1. A. regretted B. permitted C. escaped D. hated【解析】选 D。我讨厌贫穷。hate 讨厌, 痛恨。2. A. make B. buy C. award D. lend【解析】选 B。没有足够的钱给我的孩子们买一些简单的玩具。buy 买。3. A. pulling out B. settling inC. getting

19、 out D. cutting in5【解析】选 C。这里指的是我从商店停车场出来。pull out 拉出; settle in 定居; get out 出来; cut in 插话, 插入。4. A. parking space B. entranceC. parking lot D. counter【解析】选 B。这里指的是从商店的停车场出来去往商店的入口。at the entrance 在入口。5. A. spare B. split C. spend D. save【解析】选 A。我不能抽出任何东西给他。spare 分让。6. A. when B. since C. though D.

20、if【解析】选 A。我开始朝商店的入口走, 这时有两辆车停在了我前面的空车位。这里表示同时发生。though 尽管; since 因为; when 一就; if 如果。故选 A。7. A. sharp B. dull C. pure D. shiny【解析】选 D。由后文的凯迪拉克可知, 这里应该是耀眼的。sharp 尖锐的; dull 迟钝的; pure纯洁的; shiny 闪亮的。8. A. target B. itemC. envy D. bargain【解析】选 C。根据上下文, 我第一眼看到很是羡慕。target 目标; item 物品, 东西; envy 羡慕, 忌妒; barga

21、in 讨价还价。9. A. nice B. preciousC. rare D. expensive【解析】选 A。如果有钱买一辆这样的车该多好(nice)。nice 好的; precious 珍贵的; rare稀有的; expensive 昂贵的。10. A. therefore B. howeverC. anyhow D. besides【解析】选 B。本句话跟上一句是转折关系, 然而(however)第二辆车比我开的还要破旧, 古老。therefore 因此; however 然而; anyhow 不管怎样; besides 除此之外。11. A. merely B. seldomC.

22、hopefully D. right【解析】选 D。一个从凯迪拉克出来的人正好匆忙地从敲钟人身边走过。 merely 仅仅; seldom 很少; hopefully 希望地; right 正好。612. A. smile B. nod C. glance D. wave【解析】选 C。这里指的是: 都没有瞥一眼, 表示没有看一下敲钟人。13. A. firmly B. closelyC. casually D. bravely【解析】选 B。从破旧的车上下来的年轻妇女带着三个孩子, 三个孩子紧跟在她的后面。firmly坚定地; closely 紧紧地; casually 偶然地; brave

23、ly 勇敢地。14. A. worn out B. cast downC. tired out D. broken down【解析】选 A。她的衣服和她的车一样破旧。wear out 穿破; cast down 扔掉; tire out 筋疲力尽; break down 抛锚, 出故障。15. A. paid B. passedC. donated D. rejected【解析】选 C。她停在了入口, 捐赠了(那个敲钟人)一些钱。pay 支付; pass 传递; donate捐赠; reject 拒绝。16. A. equality B. sympathyC. approval D. warm

24、th【解析】选 D。这里的意思是: 就在那一刻, 我感觉到了温暖。equality 平等; sympathy同情; approval 支持; warmth 温暖。17. A. left B. visitedC. reached D. missed【解析】选 A。我没有了羡慕和讨厌, 意思是指羡慕和讨厌离开了我。 leave 离开; visit 参观; reach 到达; miss 错过。18. A. took B. handedC. dropped D. started【解析】选 C。我从钱包里拿出了钱, 投在他的盒子里。take 拿; hand 递给; drop 投, 掷; start 开始

25、。19. A. salesman B. bell ringerC. woman D. man driver【解析】选 B。这里是指祝福敲钟人圣诞快乐。20. A. wealth B. luck7C. inside D. outside【解析】选 C。我现在虽然感觉贫穷, 但是内心(inside)富有。wealth 财富; luck 运气; inside内心; outside 外面。四、单句改错1.It is because of a long absent from school that I am a bit behind the other classmates._ 答案:absentab

26、sence2.Last night,Mike made a call to me,said sorry for his absence from my wedding ceremony._ 答案:saidsaying3.I worry about whether I can find a suit job when I graduate from university because Im not a sociable girl._ 答案:suitsuitable4.You must keep your words, or Ill let you go._ 答案:wordsword5.Just

27、 as I stepped into the shower the phone rang. It was so annoyed._ 答案:annoyedannoying五、单元语法动词不定式1.(2018山东威海模拟)It is not necessary _ (bargain) over this small amount of money.答案:to bargain2.(2018湖北六校联考)In 1909 an English newspaper offered $1,000 to the first man _ (fly)across the English Channel in an

28、 aeroplane. Today, modern jets cross it in minutes.答案:to fly3.(2018湖南十三校联考)The mother didnt know who was _ (blame) for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.答案:to blame4.(陕西卷)If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _ (meet) an even greater challenge.答案:to meet85.The answers to all these questions remain _ (see).答案:to be seen

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