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1、1Unit 6 Seasons 词句精讲精练词汇精讲1. surprisedsurprised 是形容词,意为“吃惊的,感到惊讶的”,句子的主语通常是人。例如:Im surprised at the accident. 我对这起事故感到很吃惊。How surprised the students are! 学生们是多么吃惊啊! 【拓展】surprising 也是形容词,意为“吃惊的,令人惊讶的”,常修饰物。例如:He told me something surprising. 他告诉我一些令人吃惊的事情。2. becomebecome 作系动词,意为“开始变得,变成” 。例如:He becom

2、es a teacher. 他成了一名老师。Her mother became angry when she heard the news. 她妈妈听到这个消息时非常生气。【拓展】become,get 与 turnbecome,get 与 turn 作系动词时都有“变”的含义。(1)become 是一个中性词,用于意义好、坏两方面的变化都可以。可与形容词和名词连用。get 能替代 become,但 become 较为正式。get 与 become 前面的主语既可以是人也可以是物。例如:He became/got angry with his son. 他生他儿子的气。His coat has

3、become/got badly torn. 他的外套已经非常破了。(2)get 经常与形容词的比较级连用。例如:The days are getting longer and longer after the winter solstice.冬至过后,天变得越来越长。(3)turn 表示“变得” ,主要强调变化或转变成与以前不同的东西。例如:His face turned red. 他的脸变红了。【注意】系动词 become 一般不可用来表示“将来变得”的意思。3. mountainhillmountain 指陡峭连绵的高山 the Taihang Mountains 太行上脉hill 指较

4、低矮的小山或丘陵Its easy to climb a hill but difficult to climb a mountain. 爬小山很容易,但爬大山很难。4. clear(1)clear 作形容词,意为“清晰的,晴朗的,清澈的” 。例如:I can see a plane flying in the clear sky. 我能看见飞机在晴朗的天空中飞行。The water in the river is very clear. 这条河里的水非常清澈。He speaks loud and clear. 他说话响亮清楚。(2)clear 作动词意为“收拾,清除” 。例如:Please c

5、lear the ashes from the fireplace. 请清除壁炉的灰。(3)clear 作动词,意为“清掉(嗓子里的痰);清(嗓子) ” 。例如:He cleared his throat, and went on with his summing-up report.2他清了清嗓子,继续做总结报告。5. reachreach 是及物动词,可以直接接宾语。例如:Ill call you as soon as I reach New York. 我一到达纽约就给你打电话。【拓展】get to, reacharrive 的辨析(1)arrive “到达” , 不及物动词,后接 at

6、 跟小地点;接 in 跟大地点。例如:They arrive in Shanghai today. 今天他们到达上海。When I arrive at the hotel, I will call you. 我到达旅馆时,会给你打电话。(2)get “到达” ,不及物动词,后接介词 to 跟地点。例如:When did you get to Beijing? 你什么时候到达北京?(3)reach “到达” ,及物动词,后面直接跟地点。例如:When she reaches the office, she likes drinking some tea.她到达办公室时喜欢喝点茶。6. popul

7、arpopular 是形容词,意为“流行的;受欢迎的” 。be popular with 意为“受欢迎” 。例如:This kind of sweater is very popular. 这种毛衣非常流行。She is a popular teacher in our school. 她是我们学校一位很受欢迎的老师。His songs are popular with young people. 他的歌很受年轻人的欢迎。7. looklook 在此作连系动词,表示“看起来,看上去” ,后面要跟形容词或名词作表语。例如:Her mother looks very young. 她妈妈看起来很年

8、轻。The blouse looks very beautiful. 那件衬衫看上去很漂亮。【拓展】(1)类似 look 这种用法的词还有:feel(摸起来,感觉);smell(闻起来);sound(听起来);taste(品尝)等。例如:The food tastes delicious. 食物尝起来很美味。The song sounds nice. 那首歌听起来很好听。I feel so happy today. Mum will buy me a new bike. 我今天很高兴,妈妈要为我买辆新自行车。(2)look 还可以是行为动词,意为“看” ,指看这个动作,是一个不及物动词。例如:

9、Look at the blackboard, please! 请看黑板!What are you looking at? 你在看什么?8. have/ eat eat 与 have 都可以表示“吃”的意思,有时两者可互换。例如:I eat (have) an apple every day. 我每天吃一个苹果。They are having (eating) their lunch. 他们在吃中饭。eat 可用作不及物动词,后面不跟宾语。但是 have 没有这个用法。例如:We eat well at noon. 我们午饭吃的很好。【注意】 “吃药”习惯说“have(take) medici

10、ne” ,不说“eat medicine” 。9. in front of in the front of in front of 和 in the front of 都是介词短语, 表示“ 在面” ,of 的后面经常用名词或者代词表示地点。但是 in front of 强调一个物体在另一个物体外部的前面。in 3the front of 强调一个物体在另一个物体内部的前面。例如: There is a big desk in the front of our classroom. 在我们教室里,前面有一个大课桌。There is a big tree in front of our clas

11、sroom. 我们教室前面有一棵大树。10. wear, put on dress (1)wear 表示穿着、戴着的某种状态。例如:She wears a pink coat. 她穿着一件粉红色大衣。(2)put on 表示穿戴的动作。例如:She puts on her pink coat. 她穿上她的红色的大衣。(3)dress 后接人作宾语,表示“给穿衣” 。例如:She dresses herself every day. 她每天自己穿衣。11. wake upwakeupwake up wake up 意为“醒来” ,是不及物动词词组,其后不能接表示人的名词或者代词。例如:The s

12、tudents usually wake up early. 学生们通常醒的很早。wakeup wake sb. up 意为“把某人叫醒” ,是指一方把另一方叫醒或者吵醒,wake和 up 之间加表示人的名词或者代词。例如:Dont wake your father up. Hes too tired. 不要把你父亲吵醒。他太累了。12. laughsmile (1)laugh 是一个动词,意为“大笑” ,指哈哈大笑或者出声的笑,常伴有动作,表示高兴、快乐、嘲笑等。例如:At that moment, everyone began to laugh and sing. 那时大家开始又唱又笑。(

13、2)smile 意为“微笑” ,指无声的笑,重在笑容,表示愉快、亲切、友好等。例如:The man smiled and immediately went out. 那人微微一笑便出去了。词汇精练. 根据汉语或首字母提示补全句子。1. When did you w_ up this morning?2. The weather t_ hot and I can go swimming.3. The English teacher is very p_ with the students.4. F_ is the harvest season.5. What a c_ day it is!. 用

14、括号中所给单词适当形式填空。1. I was _ (surprise) to see him there.2. He _ (become) a doctor when he grew up.3. The girl _(look) younger in the dress.4. The students are playing _ (happy).5. We should eat more vegetables to keep _ (health).6. Often, the temperature_ (reach) 40 degrees!7. Its _ (cloud) today.8. Th

15、e meat _ (smell) nice.9. Its _ (rain) today, do we cant go hiking.410. China is a country with a _ (colour) history. 选词填空。1. They _ (arrived/reached/got) Beijing last night.2. Qomolangma is the highest_( mountain / hill) in the world.3. _ (everyone / every one) of us went to the Great Wall yesterday

16、.4. There is a tall tree _ ( in front of / in the front of) the classroom.5. The boy made faces in class. All the students _(laughed / smiled).6. I always _ (have / eat) breakfast at seven in the morning.7. Mary _ (puts on / dresses / wears) a beautiful skirt today.8. There are so many _ (cloudy / c

17、louds) I the sky.9. First, you can put a tap _ (on the tree / in the tree) so the sap can come out easily.10. I _ (mustnt / dont have to ) wear my uniform on weekends. 选择方框中的短语填空,每个短语限用一次,注意形式。wake up, come out, go away, have to, be going to 1. The cloud disappears (消失) and the sun _ again.2. Its sn

18、owy outside, so I _ stay at home.3. I _ early and get up at 6 oclock.4. Next weekend, we _ our mother school to visit our teachers.5. I hope the snow will _ soon.参考答案. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. wake 2. turns 3. popular 4. Fall 5. clear . 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空。1. surprised 2. became 3. looks 4. happily 5. healthy6. r

19、eaches 7. cloudy 8. smells 9. rainy/raining 10. colourful . 选词填空。1. reached 2. mountain 3. Every one 4. in front of 5. laughed6. have 7. wears 8. clouds 9. in the tree 10. dont have to. 选择方框中的短语填空,每个短语限用一次,注意形式。1. comes out 2. have to 3. wake up 4. are going to 5. go away句式精讲1. Its a great season fo

20、r“Its a great season for”是一个常用句型,意为“这是的好季节” 。该句型与句型 Its time for(到的时候了,该了)结构相同,for 后面用名词或者代词,如果跟动词,要将动词变成动名词形式,或者将 for 改为 to,后面用动词原形。例如:Its a great season to pick apples. 这是摘苹果的好季节。Its a great season for exercise. 这是锻炼的好季节。Its great season to plant trees. 这是植树的好季节。2. Its ones turn toturn 作名词时,意为“轮流,

21、依次轮到的机会”。常用于结构: its ones turn 5to dosth. 意为“轮到某人做某事了”。例如:Its your turn to clean the room. 轮到你打扫房间了。Now, its your turn to read the text. 现在,轮到你读课文了。【拓展】turn 做动词时,可以做行为动词也可以做连系动词。做行为动词时,意为“转弯,转身,翻转,旋转”;turn 做连系动词时有“变色,到达(某年龄)”等含义。“例如:Turn left at the end of the road. 在路的尽头左转。I turned around quickly to

22、 see if someone was following. 他迅速转过身来,看看是否有人在后面跟着。The leaves turn yellow. 叶子变黄了。When she saw this, her face turned red. 看到这个, 她脸红了。Hes just turned 40. 他刚满 40 岁。3. What/How 引导的感叹句的用法感叹句是用来表达喜怒哀乐等强烈情感的句子。感叹句一般用how或者what开头,句末加感叹号。what修饰名词,how修饰形容词或副词。具体句式如下:(1)what引导的感叹句:1)What a(an)形容词可数名词的单数形式主语谓语!W

23、hat a clever boy he is!多么聪明的小男孩啊!2)What形容词可数名词的复数形式主语谓语! What interesting books the children are reading! 孩子们读的书多么有趣啊!3)What形容词不可数名词主语谓语! What cold weather it is! 多冷的天!(2)how引导的感叹句:1)How形容词或副词主语谓语! How lovely the baby is! 这孩子真可爱!(lovely 为形容词)How fast he runs! 他跑地多快啊!(fast 为副词)2) How形容词a(an)可数名词的单数形式

24、主语谓语! How heavy a box they are carrying! 他们抬的箱子多重啊!3)How主语谓语! How time flies! 时间过得多快!4. Lets give him a big hand. (1)本句是一个祈使句,句式为“Lets do sth.”意为“让我们吧。 ”主要用来提出建议和请求, 劝对方一起做,包括听话者在内。它的否定式是“Lets not do sth.”,意为“让我们不做某事” 。例如:Lets play games together. 我们一起做游戏吧。Lets not tell anyone. 我们谁也别告诉。(2) “Let us d

25、o sth.” 意为“让/允许 我们做某事” ,表示提出请求,请对方允许,不包括听话者在内。例如:Let us go with you, my dear mother. 亲爱的妈妈,让我们和你一起去吧。5. make sb./sth. + adj. 6make 作使役动词,意为“使;让”讲时,常构成 make + 宾语(sb./sth.) + 形容词/名词(作宾补) ,即 make sb. / sth. + adj./n.。例如:What he said makes us happy. 他所说的话使我们很高兴。We made John our monitor. 我们选约翰当班长。 【拓展】ma

26、ke 作使役动词,还可后接省略 to 的动词不定式,即:make sb. do sth. 意为“使/让某人做某事” ,类似的动词还有 let,have 等。例如:The boss made them work for long time. 老板让他们长时间工作。They made us forget past. 他们使我们忘记了过去。句式精练. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. The girl is very brave and clever. (改为感叹句)_ _ _and_ girl she is!2. Swimming is very interesting.(改为感叹句)_ _ s

27、wimming is!3. Its fine today. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ like today?4. There are twelve hours of daylight. (就划线部分提问)_ _ hours of daylight _ there?5. What about going to the zoo today? (改为同义句)_ _ going to the zoo today?6. hope, player, I , be, to, soccer, day, one, great, a (.) (连词成句)_7. I went on a trip to the

28、countryside last weekend. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ go on a trip last weekend?8. My favorite season is autumn. (就划线部分提问)_ your _ _?9. Ice is hard and you can skate on it. (同义句转换)Ice is _ _ for you _ _ on it.10. We all enjoyed ourselves at the party. (同义句转换)We all _ _ _ _ at the party.根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 这是游泳的好季节。It

29、s _ _ _ swimming.2. 他在车站等他的父亲。He is _ _ his father at the bus station.3. 他使我很生气。He _ me very _.4. 你注意到杰克进来了吗?Did you _ Jack _ _? 5. 轮到我回答问题了。Its _ _ _ _ the question.6. 今天早上我醒来,感到很惊讶。7I _ _ this morning and I _ _!7. 你家乡的天气怎么样?_ _ _ like in your hometown?8. 我希望有一天成为一名著名的歌手。I _ _ _ a famous singer one

30、 day.9. 同学们,让我们给他热烈的鼓掌。Lets give him _ _ _, class.10. 我们将待在外面,享受美好的天气。Well _ _ and _ the nice weather. 选择 what 或 how 完成感叹句。1. _ good news it is!2. _ friendly they are!3. _ beautiful flowers!4. _ fast she runs!5. _ a lovely day it is!6. _lovely the day is!7. _ interesting stories they are!8. _ I love

31、 our country!. 补全对话A: Do you know 1 2 seasons there are in a year?B: FourA: What are they?B: Spring, 3 ,fall and 4 A: 5 your favourite season?B: I like 6 bestA: Why?B: I like to ski 7 the snowWhat about you?A: I like spring 8 spring everything begins to growThe 9 bloom(开花) The trees turn greenB: Yes

32、And the 10 is warm and sunny参考答案I. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. What a brave, clever 2. How interesting 3. Whats the weather 4. How many, are5. How about 6. I hope to be a great soccer player one day. 7. Where do you8. Whats, favorite season 9. hard enough, to skate 10. had a good time. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. great se

33、ason for 2. waiting for 3. made, angry 4. notice, come 5. my turn to answer 6. woke up, was surprised 7. Whats the weather 8. hope to be 9. a big hand 10. stay outside, enjoy. 选择 what 或 how 完成感叹句。1. What 2. How 3. What 4. How 5. What 6. How 7. What 8. How 8. 补全对话1. how 2. many 3. Summer 4. Winter 5. Whats6. Winter 7. on 8. In 9. flowers 10. weather

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