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本文(2018_2019学年九年级英语下册Module1Travel(第1课时)分层训练课件(新版)外研版.ppt)为本站会员(花仙子)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、第1课时分层训练,Module 1 Travel,课内基础自测,课后巩固提升,课内基础自测,第1课时分层训练,.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1I want to be a _ (飞行员) when I grow up. 2We need a drink. _(确实如此)! Lets have one. 3Even though it was only a short _(飞行), Tony felt very happy. 4If you work hard, I think you will s_. 5Youd better write to the headmaster d_,pi

2、lot,Exactly,flight,ucceed,irect/directly,.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1You look pale. Youd better _ (see) a doctor at once. All right. 2Mary succeeded in _ (work) out the maths problem. 3There will be a _ (schoolleaver) party next week. 4Ive never been to Qingdao. Im looking forward to _ (go) there with my paren

3、ts. 5He cant go out to play football because he has too much homework _ (do),第1课时分层训练,see,working,schoolleavers,going,to do,.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1Her eyes _ tears when she heard the news. 2Our camping trip was delayed _ the bad weather.,as long as, had better, worry about, because of, be full of,were ful

4、l of,because of,第1课时分层训练,3_ you try your best, youll make it. 4Danny can look after himself. Dont _ him. 5Tomorrow is Monday. You _ have a good rest today.,As long as,worry about,had better,第1课时分层训练,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1“你的暑假过得怎么样?”“不错!” _ _ your summer holiday? _ _! 2那个箱子很重,因为里面装满了书。 The box was very heavy

5、, because it _ _ _ books.,How was,第1课时分层训练,Not bad,was full of/was filled with,3只要不下雨就行了。 I dont mind_ _ _ it doesnt rain. 4我们都盼望去美国度假。 We are all _ _ _ _ the vacation in the USA. 5你最好乘飞机去上海。 You_ _ go to Shanghai by air.,as long as,looking forward to spending,had better,第1课时分层训练,课后巩固提升,.单项填空 ( )1.S

6、he was crying _ what he had said. Ainstead of Bbecause of Cas for Dbecause,B,第1课时分层训练,( )2.We will have an important exam _ this month. Aat the end of Bat the end Cin the end of Din the end,A,第1课时分层训练,【解析】 表示“在的末端/尽头”要用at the end of。in the end 意为“最后;最终”,相当于finally或at last,不和of连用。,( )3.2017温州_ the sc

7、ientists have done lots of research on Mars, there is still much waiting to be discovered. AIf BSince CUnless DThough,D,第1课时分层训练,【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管科学家们进行了许多关于火星的研究,但是仍然有许多东西等待着被发现。though意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,其他几项不符合语境。故选D。,( )4.2016泰州WeChat(微信) really influences peoples life. _. It is easier for us to kee

8、p in touch with others. A. Mainly B. Exactly C. Simply D. Mostly,B,【解析】 考查副词辨析。句意:“微信真的影响了人们的生活。”“确实如此。它让我们与他人保持联系变得更加容易了。”mainly意为“主要地,大体上”;exactly意为“正是;确切地”;simply意为“简单地;仅仅”;mostly意为“主要地;通常”。根据后句句意“它让我们与他人保持联系变得更加容易了”可知,此处应该是肯定前句内容,故选B。,第1课时分层训练,( )5.Youd better _ work too hard like this. I see. Y

9、ou mean working too hard makes one tired and ill. Anot Bdont Cnot to Dwont,A,第1课时分层训练,【解析】 had better not do sth.意为“最好不要做某事”。,( )6.This is _ problem for us. Aquite difficult a Bquite a difficult Cmore difficult a Dvery difficult a,B,第1课时分层训练,( )7.2017潍坊What do you think of the boy? He is _ honest st

10、udent today and _ useful man tomorrow. Aa; an Ban; a Can; an Da; a,B,第1课时分层训练,【解析】考查冠词。句意:“你认为这个男孩怎么样?”“他现在是一名诚实的学生,将来是一个有用的人。”表示数量“一”用不定冠词表达。honest是以元音音素开头,用an;useful是以辅音音素开头,用a。,( )8.2017天津My friends and I will go fishing today. _ AMy pleasure. BThanks a lot. CHave a nice day! DNice to meet you.,C

11、,第1课时分层训练,【解析】考查交际用语。My pleasure意为“不用谢”;Thanks a lot意为“非常感谢你”;Have a nice day意为“祝你们玩得愉快”;Nice to meet you意为“见到你很高兴”。根据上句句意“我和朋友们今天准备去钓鱼”可知答句句意应该是“祝你们玩得愉快”。故选C。,.根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Travelling with kids is good 1.f_ them. They can find new interests. Travel mak

12、es information live for kids, and makes it much more exciting than studying textbooks or 2.d_ experiments in the lab. While travelling, they learn 3.h_ to deal with new situations, and communicate with other people. They learn patience, because sometimes 4.i_ takes a long time to get to some excitin

13、g or interesting places.,第1课时分层训练,or,oing,ow,t,Ive been travelling since I was seven years old. For me, to stop travelling would be like taking something 5.a_ from my soul(灵魂). I cant live without travelling and I wouldnt be who I am if I dont travel. Some people think its 6.h_ to travel after havin

14、g kids. But in my opinion, when people become parents, it doesnt 7.m_ they couldnt travel any more. My children have been travelling since they were three weeks old.,第1课时分层训练,way,ard,ean,Bringing a new life into the world comes with many responsibilities(责任) and Id love to be a good mother. One of m

15、y duties is to 8.e_ my children. Im so thankful that my parents took me on family trips when I was 9.y_. Ive learned that the outside world is more colourful than the little one I was living in. Of course, I want to pass these travel 10.e_ on to my children.I value the memories I have travelling wit

16、h my children. Im sure they will always remember them in their lives.,第1课时分层训练,ducate,oung,xperiences,.2017苏州阅读理解 Lizzies diary from Antarctica(南极洲)Day 3: Tuesday December 2We planned to go to Rothera that morning. Wed be staying there for the next two weeks. Because Antarctica is the windiest place

17、 on earth, sometimes you cant fly at all.We had a nervous wait over breakfast to find out if wed be leaving that day. People have to stay in Stanley for weeks while the pilots wait for good weather.,第1课时分层训练,It turned clear at 9:30 and we took off at 10:30 on a little red plane called a Dash7. But e

18、ven when we were in the air, there was still a chance we wouldnt be able to fly the whole day.Day 4: Wednesday December 3After waking up in the Antarctic for the first time today I can understand why everybody who comes here falls in love with the place. It is really beautiful.,第1课时分层训练,Were staying

19、 at Rothera Survey base with mountains of ice all around. Its about minus 2 today, which for me is very cold, but the regulars (常客) here are often seen walking around in Tshirts! Day 5: Thursday December 4 I woke up to another beautiful sunny day here in the Antarctic. Im told its a bit colder today

20、, about minus 5, but its not very windy so it feels warmer. Those of us who are new to the base have to do a special training course before were allowed to go off base,第1课时分层训练,to other stations or to go snowboarding over the nearby hill.Day 7: Saturday December 6Not a cloud in the sky and its warm

21、enough to sit outside (in a jacket)The most amazing thing about this place is how the scenery (风景) changes every day. At first I thought I was going mad. Id step outside in the morning and think, “Im sure that big mountain of ice wasnt there yesterday.” Its because the sea ice is always movingslowly

22、 thankfully!,第1课时分层训练,( )1.Lizzie sat outside wearing a jacket on _ ATuesday BWednesday CThursday DSaturday,D,【解析】细节理解题。根据第四则日记“Day 7: Saturday December 6”第一段的内容“Not a cloud in the sky and its warm enough to sit outside (in a jacket)”可知选D。,第1课时分层训练,( )2.What could stop Lizzie from leaving Stanley fo

23、r Rothera? AStrong winds. BThick clouds. CMountains of ice. DLow temperatures.,A,【解析】细节理解题。根据第一则日记“Day 3: Tuesday December 2”第一段的内容可知,大风阻止了莉齐离开Stanley去Rothera。故选A。,第1课时分层训练,( )3.How did Lizzie feel during her stay in the Antarctic? AAfraid. BNervous. CAmazed. DBored.,C,【解析】细节理解题。根据第四则日记“Day 7: Satur

24、day December 6”第二段的第一句话“The most amazing thing about this place is how the scenery changes every day.”可知,待在南极洲期间,莉齐感到很惊奇。故选C。,第1课时分层训练,( )4.What impressed Lizzie most about Rothera was that _ Apeople walked around in Tshirts Bthere was a special training course Cthe weather was sometimes warm Dthe scenery changed every day,D,第1课时分层训练,【解析】细节理解题。根据第四则日记“Day 7: Saturday December 6”第二段的第一句话“The most amazing thing about this place is how the scenery changes every day.”可知,关于Rothera莉齐印象最深的是每天变化的风景。故选D。,

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