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1、Unit 5 Rhythm,Singing is one of the best things a person can do freely.Songs are the perfect expression of joy,sadness or love,and the best way to reduce stress.You can sing just for fun,or just record music as a profession or a hobby.To teach yourself to sing,just learn basic skills in music,and ha

2、ve confidence in singing.Many people think that to learn to sing well,it is absolutely necessary to join a class or get lessons from professionals.In fact,you can teach yourself to sing in the following ways.,话题导入,Use the Internet and get to know the basics of singing.Youll come across many singing

3、tips for beginners on the Internet,which will give you a general idea about the basics of singing. Listening to professional(专业的) singers is a great way to better your singing skills.Play your favourite songs and carefully listen to how theyre being sung.Its a good idea to listen to artists and musi

4、cians from different music genres(类型).Sing along with the songs using their style,and pay attention to the difference in pitch or tone.Again play the song and sing along as well as possible.To get the best results,you need to do this with different songs regularly.,In order to teach yourself to sing

5、,its also useful to watch live music videos of famous singers.By doing so,you will understand how posture(姿势) affects the pitch and tone.There are many DVDs of performances in music stores.You can get some DVDs on singing exercises as well. Singing is something almost everyone enjoys.Consider these

6、ways to teach yourself to sing,and with time youll know how to sing well.,根据上文回答下列问题 1.What functions does the writer think songs have? _ 2.How can we learn the basic rules of singing according to the writer? _ 3.What is the passage mainly about? _,Songs can express joy,sadness or love and can also

7、reduce stress.,We can learn them by surfing the Internet.,It is mainly about how to teach yourself to sing.,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,达标检测,课文预读,Period One Warm-up & Lesson 1 Performance,基础自测,.重点单词,1. adj.民间的 2. n.效果,作用 3. vt.使失望adj.令人失望的adj.感到失望的 4. adj.非凡的,特别的 5. adj.不清楚的,folk,effect,disappoint,disappointing,

8、disappointed,extraordinary,unclear,6. n.表演;演奏vt.& vi.表演;演奏;做n.表演者 7. n.奖,奖品 8. n.基地,基础adj.基础的 9. adv.极端地,非常地adj.极端的,非常的 10. adj.有创造力的,创造性的 v.创造,performance,perform,performer,award,base,basic,extremely,extreme,creative,create,11. adj.强大的,有力的n.力量;权力 12. n.气愤,愤怒adj.生气的adv.生气地,气愤地 13. n.系统 14. n.听众;观众 1

9、5. vt.使(人)印象深刻n.印象,powerful,power,anger,angry,angrily,system,audience,impress,impression,.重点短语 1. 习惯于 2. 出版,发行 3. 数以百计的 4. 充满着 5. 捡起;接人;好转;(偶然)学会,get/be used to,come out,hundreds of,be full of/be filled with.,pick up,.重点句式 1.It is/was.since. It was Morissettes first performance in England her song “

10、Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song. 这是莫里塞特自歌曲“Uninvited”获得今年格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖后首次到英格兰演出。,since,2.although引导让步状语从句 There was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert hall at last Thursdays event, it was an extremely cold night. 尽管上周四演唱会开场当晚异常寒冷,但音乐厅内仍然座无虚席。 3.which引导非限制性定语从句 She a

11、lso played a few songs from her new album,such as “Everything But.”, tells the story of someone looking for love in the wrong places. 她还演唱了新专辑中的几首歌曲,如“Everything But.”,这首歌讲述了一个人在不恰当的地方寻找爱的故事。,although,which,4.while的用法 Her singing was full of feelings;the first part of the song was filled with anger,

12、 the last part expressed love and joy. 她的演唱感情丰富;歌曲的前半部分充满了愤怒,后半部分却满怀爱意和欢乐。,while,课文预读,.根据课文内容判断正(T)、误(F) 1.However cold it was outside,Morissette felt warm inside.( ) 2.Morissette only sang some famous songs.( ) 3.Morissettes performance was indeed a success.( ) 4.Alanis Morissette is always popular

13、 as a performer.( ) 5.The concert review was written in order of the time of the songs.( ),F,F,T,T,F,答案,.课文阅读理解 1.Alanis Morissette became world famous because . A.she was not only a singer,but also a song writer B.she was only 21 when her most famous album came out C.her album Jagged Little Pill so

14、ld quite well D.she was used to being in the public eye,答案,1,2,3,4,5,2.Morissette won Grammy Award in . A.1995 B.2008 C.2000 D.2004,答案,1,2,3,4,5,3.What went wrong in the concert? A.The sound system caused a few problems. B.The temperature was too low in the concert hall. C.Not all the fans could sin

15、g along with Morissette. D.The concert lasted not long enough,only for 3 hours.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,4.The concert last Thursday . A.was Morissettes first concert in England B.made Morissette famous and popular in England C.was a great success that was warmly welcomed D.impressed the audience because it was

16、 played on an extremely cold night,答案,1,2,3,4,5,5.Which of the following is NOT true about the songs in the concert? A.“Everything but.” was from Morissettes new album. B.The last song in the concert was from Morissettes award-winning album. C.“Utopia” expressed a mixed feeling. D.There must be many

17、 fans singing along to “Heartache”.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,.课文难句分析 1.Her singing was full of feelings;the first part of the song was filled with anger,while the last part expressed love and joy. 句式分析 本句为 句,由三个分句组成,其中后两个分句由_连接,两个分句形成 ,对第一个分句进行具体说明(即对full of feelings进行进一步说明)。 自主翻译 _ _,while,并列,对比,她的演唱感情丰富;歌曲的前半

18、部分充满了愤怒,后半部分却满怀爱意和欢乐。,2.Although the concert hall was cold and the sound system caused a few problems,the audience could still enjoy the concert. 句式分析 这是一个 句,although引导 从句,从句中包含 连接的两个简单句。 自主翻译 _ _,复合,让步状语,and,尽管音乐厅很冷,音响也出了些问题,但观众们还是尽情地观赏着演唱会。,小组讨论 When we talk about music,we may think of.Use the min

19、d map below to help you.,核心素养提升,要点探究,The music was brilliant but the special effects were disappointing. 音乐很棒但是特效令人失望。,重点词汇,effect n.效果,作用;影响 in effect实际上 bring/put.into effect实行,实施 come into effect生效,开始实施 have a(n).effect on/upon对有影响,(1)While online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effe

20、cts have been positive. 尽管网上购物已经改变了我们的生活,但并非它的所有影响都是正面的。 (2016浙江) (2)We must put/bring this policy into effect. 我们必须把这个政策付诸实施。 (3)The new timetable will tomorrow. 新的时刻表明天生效。,come into effect,(1)disappointing adj.令人失望的 (2)disappointed adj.沮丧的,失望的 be disappointed at/in/with对失望 (3)disappoint vt.使失望 (4)

21、disappointment n.失望,沮丧 to ones disappointment.使某人失望的是,句型转换 (4)The home environment can affect a childs growth. The home environment can a childs growth.,have an effect on,(5) What you said disappointed us.In other words,we were disappointed at your disappointing words.And to our disappointment,you e

22、ven didnt apologise to us. 你说的话让我们很失望。换句话说,我们对你令人失望的话感到失望。并且令我们失望的是你甚至没有向我们道歉。,易混辨析 disappointed,disappointing disappointed一般用来形容人的心理感受,所以主语常常是人,但也可以和look,expression,face,eye等名词连用。 disappointing强调主语的行为或某事令人失望,主语常常是物。 单句改错 (6)I was disappointing that she was not able to come.,disappointed,Canadian si

23、nger and song writer,Alanis Morissette,is used to being in the public eye. 加拿大歌手兼音乐创作人阿兰妮丝莫里塞特已经习惯了公众的关注。,get/be used to sth. /doing sth. 习惯于(做)某事 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 be used to do sth. 被用来做某事,(1)The girl used to be shy,but is gradually getting active in group work and is more willing to express

24、 herself. 这个女孩以前很害羞,但是正逐渐地在小组活动中变得积极起来,而且更愿意表达自己了。(2015湖北) (2)I to bed late and getting up late. 我习惯于晚睡晚起。 (3)In the south of China,bamboo can houses. 在中国南方,竹子可以被用来建房子。,am used to going,be used to build,Last Thursday night,hundreds of fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge,England to see Alanis

25、 Morissette performing in concert. 上周四晚,成百上千的歌迷涌到英国剑桥柯恩文化交流中心观看阿兰妮丝莫里塞特的演唱会。,(1)perform v.做;表演;履行;执行;运转 perform an operation/a play/an experiment进行手术/演一场戏/做实验 (2)performance n.表演;演奏 put on a performance表演;演出 (3)performer n.表演者,(1)In the English evening,students will put on a performance. 在英语晚会上,学生们将

26、会进行演出。 一词多义 写出下列句子中加颜色词的汉语意思 (2)Which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China? (2017全国) _ (3)The doctor performed the operation yesterday. _ (4)They always perform their duties carefully. _ (5)The new machine is performing well. _,表演,演出,做,履行,运转,It was Morissettes first performance in

27、 England since her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song. 这是莫里塞特自歌曲“Uninvited”获得今年格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖后首次到英格兰演出。,award n.奖,奖品;vt.授予,判给,奖给 award sb. sth. award sth. to sb. 奖给某人某物 win/get/receive an award for因而获奖,(1)And years later,she was proud that her son was awarded a PhD in li

28、terature. 几年以后,她很自豪她的儿子被授予了文学博士学位。(2015天津) (2)She won/got/received an award for her outstanding performance. 她凭借杰出的表演获奖。,易混辨析 award,reward,prize award vt.授予;颁发;判给;n.奖品,奖金,与prize(奖品)近义。作动词“给予奖励”讲时,侧重指官方或经正式研究裁决后对有功者或竞赛优胜者所给予的奖励。 reward vt.报答,酬谢(可以用于比喻意义);n.赏金,酬金;回报。作动词“酬谢”讲时,是对品德高尚和勤劳的人所给予的奖励。也可指为某事付

29、酬金。reward sb. for sth. with sth. 因某事用某物酬谢某人。 prize n.指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中所获得的奖金或有价值的东西。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。,选词填空 award,reward,prize (3)This year the for the best actress went to a foreigner. (4)If you won that ,how would you spend the money? (5)Anyone providing information which leads to the recovery of th

30、e painting will be .,award,prize,rewarded,The 30-year-old singer has a strong fan base in England. 这位30岁的歌手在英格兰有忠实的歌迷群。,(1)base n.基地,基础;底部;vt.根据,以为基础 base.on/upon.以为基础;把建立在基础上 be based on/upon以为基础 at the base of在的底部 (2)basis n.根据,基础;原因;缘由;基准;准则;方式 on the basis of以为基础 (3)basic adj.基础的;基本的,(1)What are

31、 Kleindorfers findings based on? Kleindorfer的发现以什么为基础? (2)The farm lacks even basic equipment. 这个农场连最基本的设备都没有。 (3)I found a small leaf the base of the flower. 我在那朵花的底部发现了一片小叶。 (4)The next meeting will be the basis of this agenda. 下次会议将以本议程为基础。,at,on,Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed b

32、y Morissettes brilliant music and singing. 每个人都认为莫里塞特的精彩的音乐和演唱给他们留下了深刻的印象。,(1)impress v.使(人)印象深刻;使铭记 impress sth. on/upon sb. impress sb. with sth. 使某人铭记某事,使某人明白某事的重要性 be impressed by/at/with 对印象深刻,被深深打动 (2)impression n.印象;感想 make/leave a(n).impression on sb. 给某人留下的印象 (3)impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,(1)He

33、 was impressed with/by/at Benjamins drawings. 他对本杰明的画印象深刻。(2017浙江) (2)What was your impression of Roger? 你对罗杰印象如何? (3)My father impressed the value of hard work me. 父亲使我铭记努力工作的重要性。 (4)The opening ceremony was very (impress). 开幕式让人印象非常深刻。,on/upon,impressive,句型转换 (5)I was deeply impressed by his speec

34、h. His speech me.,made/left a deep impression on,Ill go and pick them up as soon as school finishes. 学校一放学我就去接他们。,pick up拾起,捡起;收拾,整理;(偶然)学会;用车接某人;收听;恢复(健康);取回 pick out挑出;辨别出,(1)It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store. 玛丽花了很长时间才从那家商店挑选了一件新衣服。,一词多义 写出下列句子中加颜色词的汉语意思 (2)The boy pic

35、ked up the hat for the old man. _ (3)I cant pick up the VOA program on my radio. _ (4)Ill go to the school to pick up my son. _ (5)His health and spirits picked up after a week at the seaside._ (6)He picked up some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris. _,拾起,收听,用车接某人,恢复(健康),(偶然)学会,It

36、was Morissettes first performance in England since her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song. 这是莫里塞特自歌曲“Uninvited”获得今年格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖后首次到英格兰演出。,经典句式,(1)句式“It is/was.since.”表示“自从以来多长时间了或出现了某种状态(谓语动词一般为be)”,它也可替换为句式“It has been.since.”。 (2)It was.before.过了多长时间才 (3)It will be.b

37、efore.得过多久才,(1)It was an hour before I got home. 过了一个小时我才到家。 (2) one week he makes a decision. 得过一周他才会做出决定。 单句改错 (3)How long has it been when you fell and got injured? (4)It was a long time ago I got to sleep again.,since,before,It will be,before,There was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert h

38、all at last Thursdays event,although it was an extremely cold night. 尽管上周四演唱会开场当晚异常寒冷,但音乐厅内仍然座无虚席。,本句中although引导让步状语从句。 (1)although用来引导让步状语从句时多置于句首,意为“尽管;虽然”,不与but连用,但可与yet,still等连用。 (2)although引导的从句中,若从句的主语与主句的主语相同,或从句的主语为it,且从句谓语含有be动词时,可将从句主语或it和be动词省略。 注意:though与although几乎完全相同,两者通常互换使用,但though引导

39、的从句可使用倒装语序,而although引导的从句只能用正常语序;此外,though还可以用作副词,意为“可是,不过,然而”,通常位于句末,且用逗号与主句隔开。,(1)Although/Though Freddy was taken from us,we all took something from Freddy. 虽然弗雷迪从我们身边被带走了,但我们都从弗雷迪身上有所收获。 (2017全国) (2)He said he would come here.He didnt,though. 他说他要来,然而他没有。 (3)Although (tire),he kept on working. 虽

40、然很疲劳,但他仍然继续工作。,tired,单句改错 (4)Young although he is,he is quite experienced. (5)Although it was only eight oclock that night,but there were few people in the street.,though/as,或Although it was only eight oclock that night,but there were few people in the street.,yet,达标检测,.单句语法填空 1.After the (perform),

41、Im eager to show you around some places of interest. 2.Prize will be awarded the top three runners. 3.The doctor tried to do an experiment to find out the effect of the medicine the mice. 4.Actually,his new novel (base) more on his own experience. 5.How did the movie finally come ?I couldnt wait to

42、see the ending.,performance,to,on,is based,out,6.He didnt make clear when and where the meeting would be held. 7.As a candidate,you must make a good (impress) on everyone you meet if you want to win the election. 8.She suspected(怀疑) that one of her three daughters had picked the ring,but the girls s

43、aid they hadnt.(2017浙江) 9.There are many common methods used (cook) fish.(2016全国) 10.We can guess the result of the competition from his _ (disappoint) face.,it,impression,up,to cook,disappointed,.完成句子 11.过去在暑假我常常起床很晚,但是现在我已经习惯了很早起床。 I during the summer vacation,but now I very early. 12.虽然他昨天晚上来这儿了,

44、他并没有见到那位教授。,he didnt meet the professor. 13.他来得很晚,这很意外。 He came here very late, .,used to get up/rise very late,am used to getting up/rising,Although/Though he came here last night,which was unexpected/not expected,14.自从我们上次英语考试以来已经三个多星期了。 It was over three weeks . 15.我对运动感兴趣,而我弟弟爱好音乐。 Im interested

45、 in sports .,since we had an English test,while my brother is fond of music,.课文语法填空 Alanis Morissette is a Canadian singer and song writer.Her most famous album Jagged Little Pill came 16. in 1995 when she was only twenty-one years old.It sold 15 million copies and made 17. (she) world famous.Last T

46、hursday night,hundreds of fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge,England 18. (see) Alanis Morissette 19._(perform) in concert.It was 20. extremely cold night 21._ Morissette hoped they would warm it 22. in there for the fans.,out,her,to see,performing,an,but,up,During the 3-hour concert,Morissette 23. (play) a lot of songs from her old and new albums.Although the concert hall was cold and the sound system caused a few 24. (problem),the audience could still enjoy the concert.Morissette is a true 25. (perform) and she is a real superstar.,

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