1、UL 830-7629-0348-1Thermoplastic-Insulated Wiresand CablesUnderwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)333 Pfingsten RoadNorthbrook, IL 60062-2096UL Standard for Safety for Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables, UL 83Twelfth Edition, Dated September 29, 1998Revisions: This Standard contains revisions throug
2、h and including November 1, 2001.Announcement Bulletin(s): This Standard contains the announcement bulletin(s) dated August 25, 1997and October 30, 1997. The announcement bulletin is located at the end of the Standard (after the adoptionbulletin(s).UL Standards for Safety are developed and maintaine
3、d in the Standard Generalized Markup Language(SGML). SGML - an international standard (ISO 8879-1986) - is a descriptive markup language thatdescribes a documents structure and purpose, rather than its physical appearance on a page. Due toformatting differences resulting from the use of ULs new elec
4、tronic publishing system, please note thatadditional pages (on which no requirements have been changed) may be included in revision pages dueto relocation of existing text and reformatting of the Standard.Text that has been changed in any manner is marked with a vertical line in the margin. Changes
5、inrequirements are marked with a vertical line in the margin and are followed by an effective date noteindicating the date of publication or the date on which the changed requirement becomes effective.The revised requirements are substantially in accordance with ULs Bulletin(s) on this subject dated
6、 July10, 2001. The bulletin(s) is now obsolete and may be discarded.The revisions dated November 1, 2001 include a reprinted title page (page1) for this Standard.As indicated on the title page (page 1), this UL Standard for Safety is an American National Standard.Attention is directed to the note on
7、 the title page of this Standard outlining the procedures to be followedto retain the approved text of this ANSI/UL Standard.As indicated on the title page (page1), this UL Standard for Safety has been adopted by the Departmentof Defense.The master for this Standard at ULs Northbrook Office is the o
8、fficial document insofar as it relates to aUL service and the compliance of a product with respect to the requirements for that product and service,or if there are questions regarding the accuracy of this Standard.ULs Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed copy of a Standard,
9、nor the distributiondiskette for a Standard-on-Diskette and the file for the Standard on the distribution diskette should bealtered in any way. All of ULs Standards and all copyrights, ownerships, and rights regarding thoseStandards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL.All rights reser
10、ved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout prior permission of UL.Revisions of UL Standards for Safety are issued from time to time. A UL Standard for Sa
11、fety is currentonly if it incorporates the most recently adopted revisions.NOVEMBER 1, 2001 UL 83 tr1UL provides this Standard as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including butnot limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.In no even
12、t will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages,including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other damages arising out of the use of or theinability to use this Standard, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of th
13、epossibility of such damage. In no event shall ULs liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid forthis Standard, regardless of the form of the claim.UL will attempt to answer support requests concerning electronic versions of its Standards. However, thissupport service is offered on a reason
14、able efforts basis only, and UL may not be able to resolve everysupport request. UL supports the electronic versions of its Standards only if they are used under theconditions and operating systems for which it is intended. ULs support policies may change fromtime-to-time without notification.UL res
15、erves the right to change the format, presentation, file types and formats, delivery methods andformats, and the like of both its printed and electronic Standards without prior notice.Purchasers of the electronic versions of ULs Standards for Safety agree to defend, indemnify, and holdUL harmless fr
16、om and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgement (includingreasonable attorneys fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing anelectronic Standard on the purchasers computer system.If a single-user version electronic Standard was purchased
17、, one copy of this Standard may be stored onthe hard disk of a single personal computer, or on a single LAN file-server or the permanent storagedevice of a multiple-user computer in such a manner that this Standard may only be accessed by one userat a time and for which there is no possibility of mu
18、ltiple concurrent access.If a multiple-user version electronic Standard was purchased, one copy of the Standard may be stored ona single LAN file-server, or on the permanent storage device of a multiple-user computer, or on an Intranetserver. The number of concurrent users shall not exceed the numbe
19、r of users authorized.Electronic Standards are intended for on-line use, such as for viewing the requirements of a Standard,conducting a word search, and the like. Only one copy of the Standard may be printed from eachsingle-user version of an electronic Standard. Only one copy of the Standard may b
20、e printed for eachauthorized user of a multiple-user version of an electronic Standard. Because of differences in thecomputer/software/printer setup used by UL and those of electronic Standards purchasers, the printedcopy obtained by a purchaser may not look exactly like the on-line screen view or t
21、he printed Standard.An employee of an organization purchasing a UL Standard can make a copy of the page or pages beingviewed for their own fair and/or practical internal use.The requirements in this Standard are now in effect, except for those paragraphs, sections, tables, figures,and/or other eleme
22、nts of the Standard having future effective dates as indicated in the note following theaffected item. The prior text for requirements that have been revised and that have a future effective dateare located after the Standard, and are preceded by a SUPERSEDED REQUIREMENTS notice.New product submitta
23、ls made prior to a specified future effective date will be judged under all of therequirements in this Standard including those requirements with a specified future effective date, unlessthe applicant specifically requests that the product be judged under the current requirements. However, ifNOVEMBE
24、R 1, 2001 UL 83tr2the applicant elects this option, it should be noted that compliance with all the requirements in thisStandard will be required as a condition of continued Listing and Follow-Up Services after the effectivedate, and understanding of this should be signified in writing.Copyright 200
25、1 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.This Standard consists of pages dated as shown in the following checklist:Page Date1-3 .November 1, 20014-5.May4,20016-7 .November 1, 20018-9.September 29, 199810-14.September 9, 199915 .September 29, 199816-17.September 9, 199918-18B .November 1, 200119 .September 29
26、, 199820.September 9, 199921-24 .November 1, 200125 .September 29, 199826.September 9, 199927-29.September 29, 199830-33.September 9, 199934-45.September 29, 199846-47.September 9, 199948-61.September 29, 199862.September 9, 199963 .September 29, 199864-64B .September 9, 199965 .September 29, 199866
27、.September 9, 199967-69.September 29, 199870-71.May4,200172-73.September 29, 199874.September 9, 199975 .September 29, 199876.September 9, 199977-78.May4,2001NOVEMBER 1, 2001 UL 83 tr3NOVEMBER 1, 2001 UL 83tr4No Text on This PageSEPTEMBER 29, 1998(Title Page Reprinted: November 1, 2001)1UL 83Thermop
28、lastic-Insulated Wires and CablesThe First edition was titled Synthetic-Insulated Wires. The Second throughSeventh editions were titled Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires.First Edition October, 1942Second Edition March, 1945Third Edition April, 1948Fourth Edition April, 1963Fifth Edition October, 1971Six
29、th Edition December, 1975Seventh Edition July, 1979Eight Edition October, 1980Ninth Edition September, 1983Tenth Edition September, 1991Eleventh Edition October, 1996Twelfth EditionSeptember 29, 1998Approval as an American National Standard (ANSI) covers the numberedparagraphs on pages dated Septemb
30、er 29, 1998. These pages should not bediscarded when revised or additional pages are issued if it is desired to retain theANSI approved text.An effective date included as a note immediately following certain requirementsis one established by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.Approved as ANSI/C33.80-1971
31、, October 18, 1971Approved as ANSI/UL 83-1985, January 8, 1985Approved as ANSI/UL 83-1991, May 23, 1991Approved as ANSI/UL 83-1999, April 23, 1999The Department of Defense (DoD) has adopted UL 83 on February 27, 1984. Thepublication of revised pages or a new edition of this Standard will not invalid
32、atethe DoD adoption.Revisions of this Standard will be made by issuing revised or additional pagesbearing their date of issue. A UL Standard is current only if it incorporates themost recently adopted revisions, all of which are itemized on the transmittal noticethat accompanies the latest set of re
33、vised requirements.ISBN 0-7629-0348-1COPYRIGHT 1975, 2001 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.ANSI/UL 83-1999NOVEMBER 1, 2001THERMOPLASTIC-INSULATED WIRES AND CABLES - UL 832No Text on This PageCONTENTSFOREWORD .6INTRODUCTION1 Scope .72 Units of Measurement .73 References and Terms .7CONSTRUCTIONGENERAL4
34、Materials .75 Index Tables .8CONDUCTOR(S)6 Metal .186.1 Types FEP, FEPB, PFA, Z, and ZW .186.2 Types TFE and PFAH .186.3 Types TW, THW, THWN, THHN, and TBS and insulated conductors for armored cableTypes ACHT and ACTHH and for cable Types UF-B, NM-B, and NMC-B .187 Size, Temper, and Assembly .18A8 C
35、onductor Diameter and Cross-Sectional Area .209 Metal Coating .2010 Separator .2011 Joints .2012 Resistance .2113 Stranding .21INSULATION14 Material and Application .2315 Thicknesses of Insulation and Nylon .2415.1 General .2416 Centering .28NONMETALLIC COVERINGS AND FILLERS17 Braids in General .281
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