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本文(九年级英语下册Unit6EntertainmentandFriendshipTopic3IwillrememberourfriendshipforeverSectionA课件1(新版)仁爱版.ppt)为本站会员(testyield361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Unit 6Entertainment and Friendship,Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.,Section A,学习目标,1.学习并能说出,写出有关毕业典礼的 单词,短语.学习一些格言 2.熟读1a,能够说出1a的知识点,能够熟练做题。 3能够说出所讲从句的结构及用法,并能熟练做题。 4听懂短文并做题,自学指导1,1、自学内容:课本P4142的生词。 2、自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音,提问。 3、自学时间:5分钟 4、自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思,并能英汉互译语。,自学检测1 译一译,graduate 2.g

2、raduation ceremony 3.first of all 4.a piece of cake 5.handwriting 6.chalk 7.dozen 8.dozens of 9.pound 10.penny,毕业 毕业生,毕业典礼(仪式),首先,一块(张,片,根),书法,笔迹,粉笔,十二个,十几个,很多,许多,英镑,磅,(英)便士,美分,11. as the saying goes/is 12.prepare for sth.=be/get ready for sth.13. be able to do sth.=can do sth.14.give speaches at th

3、e ceremony15.pass a final examination(exam)16.How time flies!,为.做准备,能够做某事,在毕业典礼上发言,期末考试及格,时间真快呀!,常言道,dollar,pound,penny,自学指导2,自学内容:课本41页1a 自学方法:听录音和扫读。 自学时间:10分钟 自学要求:听1a,完成1b; 读1a,完成2.,Answer the following questions according to 1a.,What will they do to get ready for the graduation ceremony?2.What

4、does Michael think of the final examination?3.Will they give speeches at the ceremony?,They will prepare some gifts.,He thinks it is a piece of cake.,Perhaps.,自学检测2,Work alone,Read 1a again and fill in the blanks.,They will _ from Renai International School. There is going to be a _ which they have

5、to pass. They will hold a _ before leaving school. They are going to prepare some _. They will never forget their _.,graduate,final examination,(graduation) ceremony,gifts,friendship,Group work,Discuss what you will do before leaving school and report to your class.,take photos with one another,prep

6、are gifts for teachers and classmates,have a class get-together,exchange photos with each other,write best wishes to each other,prepare speeches,make plans for the future,see friends off,自学指导3,自学内容:课本42页3a,3b 自学方法:精读 自学时间:8分钟 自学要求:找出3a中的重点短语和句子.完成3b.,Fill out the table according to 3a.,Are they read

7、y for the graduation ceremony?,will decorate their classroom.,will write some words on the blackboard.,has got dozens of cards.,has prepared a large package of presents.,自学检测3,Group work,Make conversations about shopping for the coming graduation ceremony. The following expressions may help you.,I n

8、eed for the graduation ceremony.Sorry, I have no Do you have any other colors/sizes/materials/kinds?What size ?The size of the Ill buy Its The color is How much is/are ?It is/They are yuan/pounds/dollars/pennies.,自学指导4,自学内容:课本42页4 自学方法:听录音 自学时间:5分钟 自学要求: 会做题,Work alone,Listen to the tape and mark Tr

9、ue (T) or False (F).,( ) 1. Michael wanted to buy a CD and a notebook. ( ) 2. Michaels favorite color is green. ( ) 3. Michaels friend likes Jay Chous music very much. ( ) 4. Michael spent six pounds in total. ( ) 5. The shopkeeper didnt sell Michael two things for five pounds.,T,T,F,F,F,(录音),自学检测4,

10、要点归纳,1.graduate v.毕业 n. 毕业生 graduation n. 毕业 graduate from毕业于某一学校 e.g.He graduated from Oxford University.,2.get ready for .为.做准备.相当于be ready for. for的宾语一般只是谓语动作要达到的目的.e.g.The army have got ready for the battle for many years. prepare sth. for sb.为某人准备某物。e.g.They have prepared a special party for hi

11、m. prepare to do sth.准备做某事。e.g.I am busy preparing to go on a holiday.,3.first of all首先 强调事物的先后顺序和时间的先后。 e.g. I have many old friends to see during the holiday,but first of all,Iwill visit Mr. Black. at first起先,最初,指事情的开始与后来的发展有差异.e.g.He felt tired at first,but soon got used to so much homework. 相同词组

12、还有above all,它也有“首先”之意,但他是从事物重要性的角度来说的,该词组含有“尤其重要的是”之意。e.g.Being students, above all,we must know how to learn our lessons,well.如此.以至于.so后跟形容词或副词;that后跟结果状语从句.e.g.He is so strong that he can lift the heavy box. He ran so fast that he won in the race. 而so that是以便;为了;目的是.that后跟目的状语从句,与in ord

13、er that同义.e.g.He got up earlier than usual so that he could catch the early bus.,5.although用作连词,“虽然;纵使;不过;然而”引导让步状语从句,相当于though,两者在大多数情况下可以通用。although引导的从句,既可以位于主句之前,也可位于主句之后,若位于主句之前,多用逗号与主句隔开。注意:在一个句子中,用了although/though 就不再用but,但可用yet;用了but,就不再用although/though。e.g. Although/though they are very poo

14、r,(yet) they have,enough to eat. He went out without an overcoat although/though it was very cold. 6.not only.but also.; 不仅.而且.连接两个并列形式的词或短语.当它连接两个并列形式的词或短语作主语时,句中的动词与离它最近的主语在人称与数量上保持一致. e.g.Not only his parents but also he likes living in China,7.ts a piece of cake. 意为“小菜一碟”或“这是很容易的事”。6.Where there

15、 is a will, there is a way.意为“有志者,事竟成.” 8.Its the thought that counts.意为“礼轻情义重.” 9.chalk单指粉笔是不可数,比如:a piece/stick of chalk强调彩色粉笔,也就是说不止一种(颜色)的时候用复数,比如:a box of colored chalks,11.dozens of valuable for sb. to do sth.,好多,一打(12个),对于某人来说做某事是有价值的。,当堂训练一.译一译(注意黑体部分),Are you ready for the graduation

16、ceremony?I can write some words on the blockboard with colored chalks.I,ve got dozens of cards.Although they are cheap,they are valuable for our friendship.As the saying goes,“It,s the thout that counts.”,你们为毕业典礼做好准备了吗?,我可以用彩色粉笔在黑板上写一些话。,我已经准备了好多卡片。,尽管它们很便宜,但是用它们来纪念我们的友谊。,常言道:“礼轻情义重。”,二.单项选择 ( )1.-K

17、angkang,I,d like to eat Chinese cooked rice .Can you cook for me? -Its a piece of cake. It,s too hard. B.It,s easy. C.It doesn,t matter. D.I,m not good at cooking. ( )2.He has already prepared for the final exams. got ready for B.been good at C.done well in D.been able to ( )3.There are hundreds of

18、students graduating_ No.2Junior High School every year.,A,C,B,in B at C .from D.for ( )4.Mr. Li felt happy a lot because he received_of valuable cards on Teachers, Day. dozen B.dozens C.a dozen D.A and B ( )5._,“Rome wasn,t built in a day.” It,s said B. As we know As the saying is D.As the saying go

19、es ( )6._ Lucy_Lily wants to go dancing with you because they both are free. A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D. not only;but also,B,D,D,Summary,We master,some new words and phrases: first of all, a piece of, handwriting, chalk, dozen, dozens of, pound, penny some sentences: 1.Its a piece of cake. 2. Where there is a will, there is a way. 3. Its the thought that counts.,We learn,to talk about what we should do before leaving school and how to give a speech at the graduation ceremony.,Homework,Write a passage about graduation ceremony. Think about what it will be like.,Good-bye!,Thank you,

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