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本文(九年级英语上册Unit4StoriesandPoemsLesson21TheFableoftheWoodcutter课时训练(新版)冀教版.doc)为本站会员(orderah291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter.根据课文内容,完成下面表格单词1.银(的)_ 2.承认_3fable_ 4.dive_ 5axe_ 6.policy_短语1.谋生_2跳入中;潜入_3为某人感到难过_4找回;取回_5带回_6对满意; 高兴_句型1.一天,他在湖边砍柴时, 斧子掉进了水里。One day, when he_ _ wood beside a lake, he lost his axe in the water.2她问那个人怎么了。She asked the man _ _ _.3突然, 她想出了一个好主意。Suddenly she _ _

2、 _ a great idea.4因为他诚实, 所以他向精灵承认那不是他的斧子。Because he was_, he_ _ the spirit that it wasnt his axe.5这个精灵对樵夫的诚实感到如此高兴,以至于她将另外两把斧子作为礼物送给了他。The spirit was _ happy with the woodcutters honesty _ she gave him _ _ _ axes as presents.用适当的介词填空1What is wrong _ your new axe?2Please dont feel sorry _ me. Its my f

3、ault.3Danny dove _ the water to save that child.4I want to give him a bicycle _ a present.5What are you listening _, Li Ming?A beautiful English song.用所给单词的适当形式填空1We all like her because of her_ (honest)2He _ (dive) into the cold water and saved the little child.3Im in my _ (three) year in this midd

4、le school.4The woodcutter knew this gold axe wasnt _ (him)5This old man makes his _ (live) as a fisherman.2.单项填空( )1.Tom is a(n) _ farmer and he never tells lies. Ahonest BcarefulChappy Dclever( )2.Look! Miss Li has a big smile on her face; she must be _ with what he did. Amad Bhappy Cangry Dsurpris

5、ed( )3. The teacher came into the classroom, _ a history book in his hand.Ato hold BholdingChold Dto holding( )4.The boy admitted _ his mother that he broke the glass.Ato BwithCfor Din( )5.Mr. Li, I have repaired your TV. You can _ it _ now.Thanks a lot.Aput; back Bgo; backCget; back Dpick; back( )6

6、. My grandfather has three sons. One son is in Beijing while _ are in the US.A. the other B. two anotherC. the other two D. the others two( )7. I hear your friend is visiting Sanya again. Is it the second time for him?Yes, and he will come for _ time next spring.Aa third Bsecond Cthe third Dthree( )

7、8.Tom _ the yard when I passedby.Acleaned Bwas cleaningCis cleaning Dcleans. 完形填空Once upon a time, the colours of the world argued.Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of _1_ and hope. I am the colour of grass, trees and leaves. _2_ me, all animals would die.” _3_ said loudly,

8、 “What is the colour of the sky and the sea? Isnt water the most important thing for life?” Yellow laughed, “I bring laughter, happiness and warmth into the world. Every time people look at a _4_, they start to smile. Without me there would be no fun.” Orange said at the top of his voice, “I am the

9、colour of health and strength. Think of carrots, pumpkins(南瓜) and oranges. When I fill the sky at _5_ or sunset, everyone is _6_ at my beauty.” Red could _7_ it no longer, so he shouted, “I am the colour of danger and bravery. I give people courage.” The colours went on _8_. 3Their voices became lou

10、der and louder. The thunder(雷) got angry and the _9_ started to pour. When the colours began to cool, the rain said, “You foolish colours! Dont you know that each of you is special? _10_ hands and follow me.” They did what they were told and together made the most beautiful rainbow(彩虹)( )1.A.sadness

11、 BhappinessCillness Dlife( )2.A.Unlike BWithoutCExcept DIncluding( )3.A.Green BYellowCBlue DOrange( )4.A.sunflower BcloudCstar Driver( )5.A.noon BrainstormCevening Dsunrise( )6.A.shocked BterrifiedCashamed Dencouraged( )7.A.hear BenjoyCstand Dreceive( )8.A.saying BtalkingCshouting Darguing( )9.A.sno

12、w BwindCrain Dstorm( )10.A.Take BJoinCConnect DCatch. 2017泸州阅读理解On a wild mountain, two goats met on a road just over a high cliff(悬崖). The road was so narrow(狭窄) that there was neither room for them to pass each other nor to turn round and go back. What do you think the two goats did?One of them wi

13、th great care laid himself down on the narrow road, pressing as close to the rock as he could. Then the other goat softly walked on his friend, till, safely past him, he could lightly jump away. The goat that had lain down then stood up slowly from his place, safe and sound, free to jump again from

14、rock to rock, and enjoyed the sweet grass on the hills happily. However, two other goats met on the banks(河岸) of a rushing river. A tree had fallen across the river, and became a bridge from the one side to the other. The two goats looked at each other, and each wished to pass over first. They stood

15、 for a while with one foot on the tree, each thinkingthat the other would turn back. But neither of them would give way, and they met at last on the middle of the narrow bridge!They then began to push and fight with their horns(角), till at last their feet missed, and both the goats fell into the run

16、ning river, and were lost in the water!4Both might have been saved, if either of them had known how to give way at the right time. ( )1.Where did the first two goats meet?AOn the hills. BOn a bridge. COn a narrow road. DAt the bank of river. ( )2.How did they pass the narrow road safely?ABy lying do

17、wn. BBy working together. CBy jumping away. DBy pressing to the rock. ( )3.What was the bridge made of?AA tree. BA stone.CSome stones. DSome trees. ( )4.What happened when they met on the middle of the bridge?AThey pushed and fought. BThey lay on the bridge. CThey looked at each other. DThey stood o

18、n the bridge. ( )5.The passage tells us that _. Awe should face the challenge in life Bwe should be careful to cross the bridgeCwe should give way to others at right timeDwe should be brave to climb the mountains5教师详解详析.单词: 1.silver 2.admit 3.寓言 4跳水;俯冲 5.斧子 6原则;政策短语: 1.make ones living 2.dive into3f

19、eel sorry for sb. 4.get back5bring back happy with句型: 1.was cutting 2what was wrong3came up with4honest; admitted to5so; that; the other two.1.with 2.for 3.into .1.honesty 2.dove/dived 3.third4his 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C6C 7.A8B 句意:当我经过时, 汤姆正在打扫院子。根据句意可知要用过去进行时。故选B。.1.D 绿色是生命和希望的

20、象征。 故选 D。2B 句意:没有我, 所有动物都会死亡。unlike 意为“不像” , without 意为“没有” ;except 意为“除了” ;including 意为“包括” , 根据句意可知选 B。3C 根据“What is the colour of the sky?” 可知是蓝色发言了。故选 C。4A 这里是黄色在说自己的重要性, 向日葵是黄色的。故选 A。5D 日出或日落时天空是橘红色的。故选 D。6A be shocked at 为固定搭配, 意为“对感到震惊” 。7C stand 在此译为“忍受” 。8D 9.C 10B 各种颜色手牵手一起形成了彩虹。join hands

21、 意为“手牵手” 。.【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了两对山羊相遇在危险境地的两种不同结果。1C 细节理解题。文中第一段有提示“The road was so narrow(狭窄) that”, 说明路很窄。故选 C。2B 推理判断题。 文中第二段有详细描述, A、C、D 选项均为两只山羊合作的事实。故选 B。3A 细节理解题。 文中第四段有提示“A tree had fallen across the river, and became a bridge”, 故可知这座桥是由一棵树构成的。故选 A。4A 细节理解题。 文中第七段提示“They then began to push and fight”, 故可知选 A。5C 主旨大意题。 本文主要讲述两对山羊过路时的不同态度, 告诉大家, 给他人让路(提供方便)也是为自己方便。故选 C。

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