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1、1授课日期及时段 Unit 1 topic 2 Section C教学目标 掌握重点单词和重点句型重点难点 重点句型的掌握教学内容ill /l/adj.有病的;不健康的fall /fl/ ill 患病,病倒mind /mand/ v.介意;关心;n.思想,想法kick /kk/ 踢,踹pass /ps/ 传递,经过,推移,及格give /gv/ sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙do /du/ well in 在某方面做得好certainly /stnli/ 确定,肯定somewhere /smhwe/ adv.在某处throw /r/ n.扔,投,掷shout /at/ at sb. 斥责(

2、某人) ,对某人大声说at /t/ first 起初,起先indoor 室内的become /bkm/ 变得,变成into /ntu/ 进入,到 里come /km/ into being 形成,产生goal /gl/ 目标,进球得分,射门through /ru/ 通过, 穿过side /sad/ 一边,一侧,侧面basket /bskt/ 篮子follow /fl/遵守规则,跟随,仿效example /gzmpl/ 例子,实例,样品for /f/ example 例如,举例hold /hld/ 抓住, 举办,保持,包含3fight /fat/ v.争论;打仗(架),与打仗(架);n.打仗(架

3、),争论do /du/ ones best 尽(某人)最大努力teamwork /timwk/ 协同工作,配合angry /gri/ 发怒的,愤怒的,生气的be /bi/ angry with 生(某人)的气nothing /n / pron.没有什么;没有一件东西finish /fn/ 完成,做好,最后部分grandfather /grndf/ (外)祖父,爷爷,外公invent /nvent/ v.发明,创造inventor /nvent/ 发明家,创造者court /kt/ n.球场,运动场;法庭;法院outdoors /atdz/ 在户外,在野外skill /ski/ 技艺,技能as

4、/z/ 作为,当然像 一样,因为than /n/ 比score /sk/ v.得分;进球;n.得分,分数lover 爱好者,热爱着cricket 板球(运动)main /men/ 主要的person /psn/人,个人hero /hr/ 英雄grass /grs/ 草坪,草地point /pnt/ 得分,观点,v.指着hit /ht/ 击球,碰撞bat /bt/ 球拍,蝙蝠121212一、 学习目标 Aims and Demands1学习谈论机划与安排;2让我们学习更多有关篮球的知识。二、 学法指导 How to study1、 预习 Unit 1 Topic2 SectionC,并对语言点、

5、难点做出标记;2、 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。3、 背诵对话,牢记重点短语和句子。三、 自主预习.英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。1.发明 _( ) 2. 竞赛 _( )3.俄国,俄罗斯 _( ) 4. 练习 _( )5. 世纪 _( ) 6. 大学 _( )7. 篮子 _( ) 8. 遵守,跟随 _( )II在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1. 参加_ 2.在法国_3.喜欢做某事_ 4.在不同的国家_5. 过着精彩的生活 _ 6.在那时. _7.以便于 _8.在恶劣的天气里 _9.遵守规则_ 10. 越来越多的 _1211. 全世界 _ 12.为了娱乐_. 翻译并熟记下列句子.1.你的行

6、程很多。 _2. 很精彩?是的,但是也很累。_3. 他为学生发明了一种室内运动以便他们在不好的天气下也能运动。 _ _4. 你知道怎样在比赛中得分吗?_5. 你可以从球场的任何地方把球投进球篮。_6. 但是你必须遵守规则。_7. 如今篮球已成为全世界越来越流行的运动。IV、 知识链接 Hot links1【课文原句】Thats a lot of traveling. 译文 v.旅行; traveling n. 旅游 eg.(请用其适当形式填空)My uncle _ many interesting places when he was young.I like _.(造句)_【

7、注意】美式写法 travel-traveled-traveling;英式写法 travel-travelled-travelling2.【课文原句】Exciting? Yes, but very tiring as well. _as well 同样地,也。如:Will they join us as well?_【链接】(1)as well 表示“也,又,另外地” ,常放在肯定句句末。= too eg.12Im a student._(我哥哥也是一名学生)(造句)_(2)and . as well 意为“也, 既又” , as well 仍在句末。eg.Mr. Lee_(既是一名老师又是一名

8、作家.)He sent me a letter and some money as well._(造句)_(3) also(也)常用于肯定句中,位于系动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。eg.I teach English, _(他也教英语.)He _(他是一名好老师,也是一个好爸爸.)(4) either 也(不) 常用于否定句末。 eg.We tried another way, but that didnt work either._-I _.(我也不知道这个问题的答案)3.【原句】He invented an indoor game for his students so that th

9、ey could play even in bad weather. 译文_(1) so that. (引导目的状语从句)为了., 以便于.。 eg.Uncle John got up early_(以便于他能搭上早班车).I gave him a little food _(为了他不会饿着)(造句)_(2) so + adj./adv.+ that. (引导结果状语从句)结果., 以致于.(他还这么小,以致于他不能上学). 12He is _ _ _he _ go to school. (他跑的这么快以使他赢得了比赛) He ran_ _ _ he won the race. (造句)_(3

10、) invent v.发明,创造。名词形式:a. inventor 发明者,创造者;b. invention 发明,发明物There were also great _ in ancient China. They_ many great_.(在古代中国有很多伟大的发明家,他们发明了很多很好的发明。 )(4) indoor adj.室内的;-indoors adv.在室内 outdoor adj.室外的;-outdoors adv.在室内To go/stay indoors _4.【课文原句】Do you know how to score in the game?译文_(1)score 可以

11、是名词,也可以是动词。a. score n. (游戏,比赛,考试等中的)比分,得分,分数。eg.Whats the score in the basketball game?_The score in the final was four to three._He made(got) a score of 90 in the maths exam._(造句)_b. score v.(在游戏,比赛, 考试中)得(分) ,进(球) eg.Which player _ the most? (哪个队员得分最多?)_ he _ in the game?(他在比赛中得分了吗?)12(2)how to do

12、 sth. 怎样做某事。 (疑问词+不定式,构成不定式短语)可作主、宾、表、宾补等。类似短语还有: what to do.;where to go. Do you know _ _ _? (你知道去哪吗?)the station?(你能告诉我怎样到达车站吗) Can you tell me_ _ _ _ 5.【课文原句】You can throw the ball into the basket from any part of the court.译文_(1)throw v. 投、掷、扔。过去式 threw eg.He _ his shoes _ _ _.(他把鞋子扔到地板上)He thre

13、w the ball 20 meters away._Throw.into.把投进; throw . out of.把扔出(抛出) eg.Tom threw himself into his job._ the box _ _ the room, please.(请把这个盒子扔出房间) (2)any (肯定句中)任一。与单数可数名词连用。 eg.Take any_book you like.(请拿去任何你喜欢的书)_ _ _(任何一名老师都知道) that students learn in different ways. (杰克比他班任何其他一名学生都高) Jack is taller th

14、an _ _ _ in his class. 6.【课文原句】Now basketball is becoming more and more popular all over the world.译文_more and more 越来越多。adj.比较级+ adj.比较级 或 more and more + 多音节形容词比较级12可表示“越来越”eg.Our life is getting _ _ _.(我们的生活越来越好)Our city is _ _ _ _.(我们的城市越来越漂亮)faster and better(翻译)_四、课堂导学与风采展示1. 重点回顾 根据自主预习的内容,组内

15、核对并相互提问重点短语,句子以及用法2. 风采展示1). 分角色朗读 1a, 完成 1b。2). 请大家仔细听 2 的对话,并完成活动内容。六、 目标检测 Practice I、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. If you want to be safe, you must f_ the traffic rules.2. My brother went to c_ after he finished high school.3. James studies hard. Jane studies hard as w_.4. He s _ in the last minute of the ga

16、me and the last score was 3:2.5.Stop t_ stones at the window.6. James Naismith i_ an indoor game for his students.7. Lots of young girls and boys like taking part in a swimming c_.8. Mary is going to R_, so she is learning Russian now.II、用所给单词的适当形式填空.1. Our country is becoming _ and _.(strong)122. T

17、hey are from _. They are _.(Canada)3. Thomas Edison _ many _. He was a great_.(invent)4. When Jay Chou was four years old, he started _(play) the piano.5. They are sure _(come) tonight.6. When I finished college, I went _(travel) for six months.7. I believe it _(be) fine tomorrow.b.(选作)get, happen,

18、wait, follow, help, needI dont like 1_ in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would you mind 2_?” And I dont like it when shop assistants 3_ me around. Then I say, “Could you please not follow me around? Ill ask you if I 4_ help.” Usually

19、the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they 5_ mad. If that 6_, I wont go to that store again.III、单项选择( )1.-Tomorrow Ill go to Shanghai. Next month Ill visit Hangzhou. Next year Ill be in Korea. Thats a lot of _.A. interesting B. traveling C. travelings D. to travel( )2. You visit man

20、y places of interest every year. Yes, youre right. I enjoy _.A. go traveling B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling( )3. This book is very _.A. excited B. excites C. exciting D. interested( )4. Whats your favorite sport? -_ is my favorite.12A. Play the basketball B. Play basketball C. Playing the bas

21、ketball D. Playing basketball( )5. I am a Chinese boy, but Sue is a(an) _.A. Russia B. America C. Canadian D. Japan( 6. Computers are important, but I dont know _ work on the Internet.A. where to B. what to C. how to D. when to ( )7. The girl is _ beautiful. Everyone in her family likes her very muc

22、h.A. more B. more and more C. more beautiful and D. much and much( )8.The player has an _ but _ life.A. excite; tire B. excited; tired C. exciting; tired D. exciting; tiringV、请按汉语提示完成句子。1. I _ the basketball _ the basket yesterday.(把.投进.)2. Uncle Lee always keeps _ _ (让我一直做.)my homework.3. In 2010, people _ _ _ _ (遍及全世界的)want to come to Shanghai for the World Expo.4. _ _ _(越来越多) people do sports every day.5. I am sorry for what I did. -_ _ _.(没关系)6. Come in and _ _ _(坐下), please.

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