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本文(八年级英语上册Unit2KeepingHealthyTopic1YoushouldbrushyourteethtwiceadayP2教案(新版)仁爱版.doc)为本站会员(syndromehi216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以 Keeping Healthy 为主题。话题一主要情态动词 should 和 had better 的用法,学会描述身体各部位病痛以及如何寻求和给出建议。Section A 通过 Kangkang 和 Betty 的对话,呈现了询问病情的表达方式:Whats wrong with you? I have a ,以及表达关心所提的建议:You should 和 You shouldnt,同时介绍了感冒、头疼等常见病的名

2、称。Section B 将生病、关心询问及提建议综合运用,呈现了提建议的另外两种说法sb. had better (not) do sth和 Why dont you? 对话中还呈现询问对方病情的问句及对病情的描述。Section C 讲述了 Michael 因运动不当受伤,同学们积极护送他到医院就医的故事。巩固了提建议的说法 I think you should see a doctor. 又呈现了两种提建议的说法:(1) You can take him home. (2) You need to rest at home for a week. 和一些新的短语。 Section D 讲述

3、了 Michael 受伤在家休息,同学们到家看望他的过程。对话巩固了本单元提建议的几种说法:(1) Youd better do sth. (2) Follow the doctors advice. (3) Dont worry. 呈现了一些新的短语: nothing serious, stay in bed, worry about, follow the doctors advice 等。最后以 Choose Dr. Best的 Project 来综合运用本话题所学的情态动词、有用表达和表疾病的词汇。Topic的的内容可以用 5 个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b,

4、 1c,2.第二课时:Section A-3, Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2,3.第三课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,1d.第四课时:Section C-2, 3,Section D-2,SectionB-4a,4b.第五课时:Section D-1,Grammar and Functions, Project.第二课时(Section A-3, Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2,3)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为 Section B -1a,2。首先教师展示图片,教学新单词 terrible,flu 等,由 1b 两个问题导入 1a,学生通过对 1a 泛听

5、完成 1b。接着学生通过精听 1a 对话完成 1c 正误判断,然后借助图片和句子完成任务的排列句子。最后根据中例子运用所提供的素2材编 创 自 己 的 对 话 , 让 学 生 熟 练 掌 握 所 学 的 有 关 身 体 病 况 以 及 相 应 建 议 的 表 达 法 和 有 用 的 句 型 。. Teaching aims.Knowledge aims:(1)能正确运用以下短语进行书面表达:feel terrible, have the flu, take some medicine, have a good rest 等。(2)能正确地运用 sb. had better (not) do s

6、th. 和 Why dont you? 提建议。2 . Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关日常小病的名称、对病人的关心询问及提建议的话题。(2)能熟练地运用 sb had better (not) do sth. 和 Why dont you? 针对日常小病提建议。(3)能听懂建议性指令并作出适当反应。3. Emotional aims:采用游戏、角色扮演等灵活多样的学习方式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:feel terrible, have the

7、 flu, take some medicine, have a good rest 等短语的理解及运用。 2. Difficult points: 理解 How long have you been like this ?. Learning strategies1. 巩固学生根据图片猜单词意思的能力。2. 培养学生借助图片帮助听力理解的能力。3. 更好地学习新单词和短语的方法就是能够用它们来造句。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪,教学新单词的图片。3V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for

8、 learning Step Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Get students ready for learning.Ask the students to design a topic of health and give the everyday report.T: Good morning, everybody! The first two mins is for you to give the everyday report.Please! T:Good report! Boys

9、 and girls,I want to know how many pieces of advice he Focus their attention on the teacher.Report in front of the whole class. The topic is related to health.Ss:Good morning, Miss S1:Its time for me to do duty report. Today, I want to talk something about health. Everyone wants to be healthy.Then h

10、ow to keep in good health? In my opinion,We should try our best to do the following:S2:Three. First,take exercise every day. 该部分的目的在于进行师生间问候和常规活动,吸引学生注意力,以便进行本节课学习。4mentioned? Second,eat healthy food. And third,Do what we can to relax ourselves.Remark:值日生报告后可针对报告内容主动向学生进行提问。Stage 2(6mins):Revision a

11、nd leading in Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Class activity)Play a game“I do you guess” to review the words learnt last lesson.T: Lets play a game to relax ourselves. Ill make a variety of unwell actions and you please guess what kind of disease I got. Prepare for guessin

12、g what kind of disease the teacher got according to his/her actions.Ss:.该部分目的在于复习 Section A所学的单词和短语,检查学生的掌握情况。2(Class work)Play the recording of SectionA-3 for the students to finish A and B in 3.T: You will listen to three short conversations about physical discomfort. You need to number the pictur

13、es in A of Section A-3 first. Are you ready?T:What is the right order? Listen carefully and finish 3.Ss: Yes.该部分目的在于让学生重温上节课所学的对于给出他人建议的表达法。5Volunteer?T: Please listen again and write down the advice,using “should” or “shouldnt” .T:Group 3 members can have a try to report the anwers.T:You really did

14、 a good job!S1: the right order is 2-1-3.Listen and write the answers on their textbookS2: You shouldnt read in the sun.S3: He should see a doctor.S4: You shouldnt eat too much.Remark:学生在听 Section A-部分之前,教师引导学生观察图片,从而培养学生借助图片帮助听力理解的能力。Stage 3(4mins):Pre-listening Step Teacher activity Student activi

15、tyDesigning purpose1(Class work)Introduce the new words by showing a picture with “terrible, a bad cold, a terrible cold” on it.T: look at the picture! Whats wrong with her? Follow what the teacher says, and learn the new words.Ss:She has a cold.”该部分目的在于进行新的语言输入,引入本节课所要学习的新单词 terrible, flu等为接下来的听力活动

16、做准备。6T: Yes, she has a bad cold, she feels terrible. Maybe she has the flu. “flu” means “a bad cold, a terrible cold”.2( Class work )Lead to 1a and ask students to complete 1b. T: Steve and Bruce are talking about illness. Lets listen and try to choose the correct answers in 1b. Look through 1b firs

17、t .T: Who knows the meaning of “suggestion” in the second question? T: Yes.You are right. Now you can guess the answers. T: Please listen to the Look through the statements in 1b, making sure they know what to do.S1: “suggestion” is the noun form of “suggest”.S2: Maybe he has a headache and a cough

18、according to the picture.S3:Perhaps Steve advise him to see a doctor.7conversation between Steve and Bruce. You may tell me whether you choose the correct answers after listening.Remark:教师可通过展示图片和创设语境的方式让学生预测和感知听力活动。Stage 4(12mins):While-listening Step Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purp

19、ose1(Class work)Finish 1bPlay the tape recording of 1a for the students to check if they have guessed correctly.T: Have you got the right answers? Just stand up and tell us.Listen generally and check the prediction.S1:He has a headache and cough.S2:Steves suggestion is taking some medicine.该部分目的在于训练

20、学生听音获取具体信息的能力。2(Individual work)Ask the students to look through 1c and make sure they understand the statements. T: Ill play the recording for the second time and stop it when necessary. Please get ready to mark T or F for the Look through 1c and make sure what the statements mean. And then listen

21、to 1a and try to complete 1c.8four statements in 1c.T:Which group would like to show their answers? Ok! Group 2, please! T: Do you agree with them?T: Well done!S1 :No.1 is trueS2 :No.2 is also true.S3:No.3 is false. Bruce refused to go to the hospital.S4:No.4 is true.Ss:Yes.3(Class work)Ask the stud

22、ents to read after the recording.T: Ill play the recording sentence by sentence. Please read and follow. Paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Read after the recording sentence by sentence, 9Remark:教师可引导学生推测听力内容,培养学生借助图片及听力任务推测对话大意的能力。Stage 5(10mins):Post-listeningStep Teacher activi

23、ty Student activityDesigning purpose1(Pair work)Ask three pairs to act out the dialogue for the whole class.Act out the dialog in pairs.2(Class work)Explain the following language points for the students.How long have you been like this?How are you feeling?Feel like doing sth.Youd better take some m

24、edicine.Feel terrible feel well, be wellHave the fluTake some medicineTake you to the hospital Have a restUnderline the points in their books, making sure they understand the meanings.10Go to see a doctor3(pair work)Ask the students to finish 2. T: Boys and girls, Nike is ill too. Do you want to kno

25、w whats wrong with him? T: You will got it after reading a dialogue in 2 . But the dialogue is out of order. You can help number the sentences and make it a new conversation. Ok?T: Which pair would like to act it out?Read 2 silently, and then number the sentences.Ss:YesSs:Ok!S1:How are you feeling,

26、Nike?S2:Not so well. I dont feel like eating.S1: whats wrong?S2: I have a terrible cold. I cough day and night.S1: Im so sorry to hear that. Why dont you have a good rest? 该部分旨在让学生理解对话,并掌握一些句型。11Youd better not go to school today.S2:Ok. Thank you.4(Pair work)Start on 3Show a picture of “candy”. T:Ca

27、ndy is sweet, and children like eating candies. Old people dont like candies, because eating too much candy isnt healthy and its bad for our teeth.Show a picture of “brush”.T: Brush your teeth after you eat candies.T: Lets work in pairs and make new conversations like the example in 3, and each grou

28、p has to make up five different conversations.Try to understand “candy” by looking at the picture and understanding what the teacher says.Try to understand “brush” by looking at the picture and understanding what the teacher says.Every student makes his/her own dialog, with the words and verb phrase

29、s in the table of 3.12Explain “lie down” by showing two pictures to compare “stand” and “lie down” while students make the dialog.Ask six pairs to read their conversations, Remark:教师可让学生利用造句来更好地掌握新单词和短语。Stage 6(5mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStep Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpo

30、se1(Class work)Show the summary to the students.T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson. Summarize Section B together with the teacher.S1: We learned how to make suggestions with“had better(not)or should/shouldntS2: We learnt some useful phrases. Such 13

31、VI. Blackboard design第二课时(Section A-3, Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2,3)Whats wrong with you? /Whats the matter?Im feeling terrible. feel like doing sth.How long have you been like this? You had better take some medicine. T: Good job!as: feel like doing sth; feel terrible; have the flu; take some medicine; h

32、ave a rest; go to see a doctor2 (Class work)Assign the HMK.Review the summary after class.T: after class, you need to make a survey about causes of diseases produced in our daily life.What should we do?What should not be done?, then report according to your own forms to the whole class tomorrow. T:B

33、esides, please preview Section C after class.Finish the following tasks:Memorize the summary after class.Make a survey about causes of diseases produced in our daily life. And then report tomorrow. Remark:在总结本节课所学知识点过程中,教师引导为主,学生自主总结。14You had better not work too long.Why dont you have a good rest?

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