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本文(八年级英语上册Unit2KeepingHealthyTopic1YoushouldbrushyourteethtwiceadayP3教案(新版)仁爱版.doc)为本站会员(syndromehi216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以 Keeping Healthy 为主题。话题一主要学习情态动词 should 和 had better 的用法,学会描述身体各部位病痛以及如何寻求和给出建议。Section A 通过 Kangkang 和Betty 的对话,呈现了询问病情的表达方式:Whats wrong with you? I have a ,以及表达关心所提的建议:You should 和 You shouldnt,同时介绍了感冒、头疼等常见病的

2、名称。Section B 将生病、关心询问及提建议综合运用,呈现了提建议的另外两种说法 sb. had better (not) do sth和 Why dont you? 对话中还呈现询问对方病情的问句及对病情的描述。Section C 讲述了 Michael 因运动不当受伤,同学们积极护送他到医院就医的故事。巩固了提建议的说法 I think you should see a doctor. 又呈现了两种提建议的说法:(1) You can take him home. (2) You need to rest at home for a week. 和一些新的短语。Section D 讲

3、述了 Michael 受伤在家休息,同学们到家看望他的过程。对话巩固了本单元提建议的几种说法:(1) Youd better do sth. (2) Follow the doctors advice. (3) Dont worry. 呈现了一些新的短语:nothing serious, stay in bed, worry about, follow the doctors advice 等。最后以 Choose Dr. Best 的 Project 来综合运用本话题所学的情态动词、有用表达和表疾病的词汇。Topic的的内容可以用 5 个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b

4、, 1c,2.第二课时:Section A-3, Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2,3.第三课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,1d.第四课时:Section C-2, 3,Section D-2,Section B-4a,4b.第五课时:Section D-1,Grammar and Functions, Project.第三课时(Section C-1a,1b,1c,1d)来&源:*zzstep.c%om教学设计思路:本节课为本单元第三课时,主要活动为 1a,1d。首先教师由问题“What should we do when our friends have an acc

5、ident?”导入对 1a 的泛读并完成短文前面的图片排序,接着学生通过略读文章在 1a 图片下面写上关键的动词短语,并根据这些短语描述图片。然后2细读 1a,完成 1b 表格,再根据 1a 中图片和 1b 的表格合作复述文章,完成 1c。最后完成1d,用 should(not)/had better(not)写下对 Michael 的建议,巩固并考查学生使用情态动词的能力。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)能正确运用以下短语进行书面表达:hurt his leg, fall down, call a taxi, give some pills,feel

6、terrible, see a doctor, take sb. to, rest at home, feel better, look after sb.等。(2)能正确地运用过去时描述小的意外事件。2. Skill aims: (1)能读懂有关校园意外事件的文章。(2)能根据图文理解相关话题,抓住大意和具体信息,并根据要求进行学习活动。(3)能 针 对 意 外 事 故 提 出 自 己 的 建 议 , 表 示 自 己 的 关 心 , 能 用 英 语 书 面 表 达 写 出 以 上 内 容 。3. Emotional aims:通过学习,告诫学生要健康运动,保护自己的健康。同时要学会关心他人,

7、在意外事故发生时,要积极帮助,及时解决问题。4. Culture awareness:对比中国和美国看病方式的异同。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:用以下短语进行意外事故的描写:hurt his leg, fall down, call a taxi, give some pills, feel terrible, see a doctor, take sb. to, rest at home, feel better, look after sb.2. Difficult points: (1) while 从句的出现:

8、Maria flew her kite while Michael played on his skateboard.(2) need 提建议:You need to rest at home for a week.3. Learning strategies培养学生借助图片等非文字信息帮助理解的习惯。4. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪,教授单词的图片。V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning Step Teacher activity Student activityDes

9、igning purpose(Individual work)Greet and warm up.T: good morning, boys and girls!T:Before new lesson, I want to check your homework. Please read your survey in groups, and each one reads his/her homework.T: Ok! Whod like to report his/her survey about causes of diseases produced in our daily life? O

10、h, You please!Focus their attention on the teacher.Ss: Good morning, MissEach student reads his/her homework for the others in their group, while others correct the mistakes. S1:In our daily life,a variety of common diseases are often impossible to guard against. For example,Many people may catch a

11、cold in the spring time because 该部分目的在于进行师生间常规问候和日常任务,鼓励学生综合应用所学知识,为本节课的学习做好准备。5T:Thanks for your introduction and great ideas.they often forget to change clothes when the seasons come and go. Different people have different cures for colds. I think we should take medicine to stop the fever and runn

12、ing nose.Remark:教 师 可 提 前 批 改 学 生 的 作 业 , 有 针 对 性 地 对 报 告 提 出 修 改 建 议 , 并 指 导 学 生 应 该 怎 样 做报 告 。Stage 2(4mins): Pre-readingStep Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Class activity)Show some pictures and teach the new words.T: Look at these pictures. What happened to the house and th

13、e bridge?T: Yes, the houses falling down, and the bridge is falling down as well, Do you know the meaning of “fall down” now?Try to guess the meaning by looking at the pictures.Ss:倒了 .Ss: Yes!该部分旨在给学生讲解新短语,为接下来的阅读活动扫清障碍。62(Class work)Lead in 1a.T:We give some suggestions to our friends when they are

14、 ill. How about an accident? What should we do when our friends have an accident?”T:Good idea! Michael had an accident last week, then how did his friends help him. Please look at the pictures in 1a. Try to put them in the right order. Guess what happened to Michael.T: Maybe you are right. But you n

15、eed to read the S1: We can take him or her to the hospital if he or she is hurt.S2: We can ask the police for help.S3: The right order should be like this: 1-6-4-3-2-5.S4: I think Michael might fall down from the skateboard.7passage and check your guess.Remark: 教师可利用图片和动作让学生感知新词汇,理解其意义。Stage 3(15min

16、s):While-reading Step Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose1( Class work )Let the students read 1a silently and check if they have written the correct order.Read 1a silently, and then they check their pre-reading work.S1:The right order is 1-6-4-3-2-5.该部分目的在于通过阅读短文,锻炼学生通过图片进行预测和寻找具体信息的能

17、力。2( Group work )Ask the students to read 1a again and write the proper verb phrases under each picture. Meanwhile teacher can explain something they dont understand when they are writing.T: Ask for help if you dont understand.T:“Cry” means “shout out with tears!”. And “serious” means “too bad Write

18、 down the verb phrases. They may ask the teacher something they dont understand.S2: Whats the meaning of “cry” and “serious”?8or too terrible”. Any more?T: Now you can describe the pictures by connecting the verb phrases together in groups. Volunteers?T: Wonderful job!Ss: No more.Group 2:S1: Michael

19、 played on his skateboard in the park.S2: Michael fell down from his skateboard because he did a difficult jump.S3:The other children ran to him and ask him if he was all right.S4:Kangkang would call a taxi, Jane and Maria looked after Michael.S5: They took Michael to the hospital and the doctor tol

20、d them what to do.S5: The children left the hospital.3( Individual work )Ask the students to read 1a for the third time and then finish 1b.Read 1a silently and finish 1b.该部分旨在让学生进一步学习有关日常活动的表达。94( Class work )Ask the students to read the whole passage for the last time and look for something they do

21、nt understand yet.Show language points on the computer screen and help students understand:While/at the same time something new fall down with a cryAre you hurt?My leg really hurts.You need to rest at homeThe X-rays show that its not serious.Read and underline something they dont understand yet.Writ

22、e the language points in the books and try to understand the words and sentences.该部分目的是让学生再次阅读文章画出语言点,让学生自己分享。Remark:读前教师应提醒学生在意识地使用阅读策略,提高阅读效率。10Stage 4(14mins):Post-reading Step Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Ask the students to finish 1c.T: I can show you the pictu

23、res in the pre-reading part one by one to help you describe.Students retell the story with the help of the pictures in 1a and the verb phrases in 1b. Ss:.该部分目的在于通过 1b 中所给的短语提示,描述图片,培养学生语言复述的能力。2(Group work)Ask the students to finish 1d. Teacher explains “take care of” by introducing the synonymous p

24、hrase “look after”.T: Id like one group to report your sentences. Oh, Group 3, please!They understand “take care of yourself” with the help of the synonymous phrase “look after yourself”.Group 3:S1: Youd better go and see a doctor.S2: You should rest at home.S3:Youd better not go to school for a wee

25、k.S4: You should take care 该部分旨在巩固情态动词should(not)/had better(not)用法。11of yourself.S5:You should be careful when you play.S6:Youd better take two pills,three times a day.Remark:教师可根据学生的实际情况调整读后活动,使其为学生运用语言起支架的作用。Stage 5(4mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStep Teacher activity Student activityDesigni

26、ng purpose1(Class activity)Show the summary to the students:T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson. Students summarize Section C with the teacher.S1: We learned how to make suggestions with“need to do”.S2: We learnt some useful phrases. Such as: hurt hi

27、s leg, fall down, call a taxi, give some pills, feel terrible, see a doctor, take sb to, rest at 通过总结本节课所学知识,让学生对本节课的重点有一个整体把握。12T: Thats fine!home, feel better, look after sbS3: We also learned the clause with “while”.S4: We have known how to describe a minor accident.2 (Class activity)Assign the H

28、MK.Ask the students to review the summary after class.Ask the students to retell the story of 1a after class and prepare for reporting in the next class.Ask the students to previewSection B-4a,4b,Section C-2,3and Section D-2.Do the following tasks:Memorize the summary after class.Try to finish retel

29、ling the story after class. They have to report their homework to others in the next class.Preview Section B-4a,4b,Section C-2,3and Section D-2.Remark:13VI. Blackboard design第三课时(Section C-1a,1b,1c,1d)1. Maria flew while Michael played While/at the same time iswas2. I am going to try something new. flyflewsomething new dodid3. fall down with a cry gowent4. Are you hurt? fallfellDid you hurt yourself? runranAre you badly hurt? hurthurt5. My leg really hurts. comecameMy legs hurt. taketook6. The X-rays show that its not serious. telltold7. You need to rest at home. leaveleft arewere

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