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本文(八年级英语上册Unit2KeepingHealthyTopic2ImustaskhimtogiveupsmokingP3教案(新版)仁爱版.doc)为本站会员(feelhesitate105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以 Keeping Healthy 为主题。话题二主要学习有关个人卫生和饮食健康等内容。Section A 部分通过谈论健康的生活习惯学习情态动词 must 及其否定形式 mustnt 表示必要性的用法,如 You must brush your teeth twice a day. 和 You mustnt read in the sun.等。 Section B 部分通过对吸烟有害健康的讨论,呈现一些重要句型和词汇,比如 Youd

2、 better not read in the sun.,give up 等,并进一步学习情态动词 had better,can,must 和 may 的用法。同时穿插语音学习板块,学习掌握/,/a: / /的发音以及辅音加元音的连读。Section C 部分通过阅读有关饮食健康的文章复习巩固情态动词must/mustnt/may/can 的同时学会运用简单的阅读策略获取信息和学会保持良好的习惯。Section D 部分是对本话题的总结和复习,最后以 Project 探究活动形式对所学内容进行运用,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。Topic的的内容可以用 5 个课时来完成。第一课时:Section

3、 A-1a, 1b, 1c,2,1d.第二课时:Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2a,2b.第三课时:Section B-3a,3b Section A-3a,3b, Section C-2.第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,3.第五课时:Section D-1,Grammar and Functions,2, Project.第三课时(Section B-3a,3b Section A-3a,3b, Section C-2)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为 Section B -3a,b ,Section A-3a,3b。首先教师出示音标卡片,学生跟学 Section B

4、 -3a,3b,掌握/,/a:/ /的发音以及辅音加元音的连读。然后通过判断Section A-3a 所列出的生活方式健康与否,并给不健康的生活方式提出建议,并用Section A-3a 中信息仿照 Section A-3b 例子编对话,练习选择疑问句及其肯定和否定回答,以及情态动词的用法。最后通过看 Section C-2 中图片与单词配对的练习,对新单词进行识记,并讨论 Danny 的饮食习惯是否健康。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学生能掌握/,/a: /和/的发音,了解句子中单词连读规则,辅音加元音的连读。(2)能正确运用选择疑问句及其回答;-I

5、s good or bad for our health?-Its good/bad.(3)对下列食物名词的记忆及运用:tomato, cabbage, ice cream, watermelon, potato, potato chips, sandwich, strawberry, beef, biscuit, salt, sugar。2. Skill aims: (1)学生能正确辨别/,/a: /和/的发音,注意语音语调和连读。(2)能听懂选择疑问句并做出正确的回答。(3)能根据图片信息书面描述活动。3. Emotional aims:从本课内容中得到关于健康生活和良好习惯培养的启发。4

6、. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1) 学习和掌握/,/a: /和/的发音;区分/,/a: /以及/在单词中的读音。(2) 动名词做主语的正确运用。2. Difficult points: 动名词做主语的正确运用。. Learning strategies连读使我们的英语听起来很流畅,其中的一种方式是辅音与元音的连读。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪,音标卡片,单词卡片。V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(4mins):Getting stude

7、nts ready for learning Step Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose(Class work)Greet and warm up.Ask the students to design a special topic of the harm of smoking and give the everyday report.T: Good morning, everybody! The first two mins is for you to give the everyday report Focus their

8、 attention on the teacherReport in front of the whole class. The topic is related to the harm of smoking.Ss:Good morning, Miss S1:Its up to me to do todays duty report. I want to talk about the harm of smoking. Many people like to smoke, but most of them know that smoking is harmful, there are many

9、harmful effects of smoking, for example: First, smoking can cause many diseases, some even life 该部分目的在于进行常规任务,锻炼学生听说能力。T: How many kinds of dangers of smoking did S1 mention? What are they?T: The good news is that more and more people realize the dangers of smoking, if you have this habit, quit as s

10、oon as possible.threatening. Second, smoking is not only harmful to themselves, but also affect non-smokers health. Third, .S2:Four.They are . Remark:常规任务可为值日报告、英语小游戏、英文歌曲欣赏等。Stage 2(13mins):Revision and Phonetic learningStep Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Class work)Ask stude

11、nts to play a drill chain game: T: Today, we are going to play a new game. Look at these pictures about bad habits. According to the natural order of seats. The first student says the bad habit in the picture, and the next student gives Get ready to make up their own dialogues according to the pictu

12、res.该部分的目的在于复习上节课所学生活习惯的有关表达,通过表演对话的方式,检测学生对基本句型的掌握情况,训练学生的听说能力。suggestions using “should/shouldnt/must/mustnt”, and so on. Ready? Go!S1:-He throws litter around. S2:-He should put litter into the dustbin.S3:- She goes to bed late. S4:-She shouldnt stay up late. S5:-. 2( Class work)Present Section B

13、-3a.Show phonetic cards to the students: /,/a: / /T: Now were going to learn some phonetic symbols. Look at this phonetic card /, can you read it ?T: Please read the following words after me . fun cut ead / one by one .Ss: fun cut come fund duck luck.该部分通过看音标读单词、在单词中区别两个相似音标的读音的练习,复习巩固字母组合及相应的音标。com

14、e fund duck luck.T: Id like two students from each group read to compare who reads better.T:Look at this phonetic card /a: / Read it together after me .T:OK. I want one group to read these words. Well, group4 please!Show/ in the same way.T: Next I will play the recording of 3a. Paying more attention

15、 to the sound of /, /a: /, / /.S1:S2:Ss: G4:S1:farm S2:card S3:calmS4:park S5:mark S6:armA volunteer group read one by one. Read and imitate 3a.Try to distinguish the sound of /,/a: /,/.3(Class work)Present Section B-3b.T: Lets listen to a nice chant. While you are listening, you have to write down

16、the key phrase for each picture in 3b. Are you clear?T: Whod like to report your answer?T: Ok! Ill play the recording sentence by sentence. You should follow it and do remember, liaison makes our English sound smooth, and one type of it is to link a consonant with a vowel.T: Lets enjoy the chant. An

17、d then well have a Ss: Yes!Choose the proper phrases from the chant.S1: Wash hands for the first picture, have a bath for the second picture, open the window for the third one and early to rise for the last one.Imitate sentence by sentence, paying attention to the liaison in the chant.该部分通过听,跟读押韵小诗,

18、了解句子中单词连读规则,辅音加元音的连读。competition of reading 3b. Volunteers will read 3b, and they will get points.Remark:连读使我们的英语听起来很流畅,其中的一种方式是辅音与元音的连读。Stage 3(18mins):Grammar learningStep Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose1( Pair work )Start on Section A-3a.T: Boys and girls! We all know that heal

19、thy living habits bring many benefits , so good habits are important to our lives. Lets come to SectionA-3a on page 36,please check whether the following habits are good or bad. If they are bad, write good ones using “should, had better ”or “must”.T: Look at the pictures of “long fingernails” on the

20、 screen. fingernail means 指甲 in Chinese.Finish Section A-3aS1: Whats the meaning of keeping fingernails long?S2: How to understand “without breakfast”?该部分通过判断所列出的生活方式健康与否,并给不健康的生活方式提出建议,考查学生对于句子的理解和掌握,同时增长学生的生活常识。T: “without breakfast” means “not eat breakfast”. Any questions?T:Ok Times up. Whod lik

21、e to try first?T: Nice job! Lets have a try to make new sentences like: Doing sth. is good/bad forWalk to see who is not taking part in the activity. Explain some difficult points that the students may askSs: No!S1:Going to bed early is good for your health.S2:Getting up late is bad for your health.

22、 You should get up early.Each group makes the new sentences in their own groups, and each one must say one sentence.2( Pair work )Let students finish 3b.T: Lets work in pairs. Make dialogues by imitating the example, 该部分通过两人一组用 3a 中信息Ask and answer the questions based in 3a.Check the students pair w

23、ork. Each group shows one dialogue.and they may try to use “Wow!”, “My god” to show their attitude. They may practice in pairs.Two representatives from each group read their new conversations about 3b aloud.S1:Is going to school without breakfast good or bad for our health?S2:Its bad.S1: Wow! I must

24、 go to school after breakfast.仿照例子编对话,练习选择疑问句及其肯定和否定回答,以及情态动词的用法,提高学生口头表达能力。(Group work )Show the picture in Section C-2. Teach and learn new words about foods. T: Look at the pictures about foods, lets learn their English names.Learn new words by pronouncing the phonetic syllables, knowing the mean

25、ings by watching the Pictures: Ss: tomato, cabbage, ice cream, watermelon, potato, potato chips, sandwich, strawberry, beef, biscuit该部分主要是通过这个活动锻炼学生对本话题中的重要词汇和句型的实际运用。T: Look at the foods that Danny eats and discuss if they are healthy. If not, give your advice. For example, I think its not healthy

26、to eat a lot of meat for lunch, because they are rich in oil. Eating too much meat may cause illness. Now show your opinion!S1: Eating sandwich and potato chips for breakfast is not healthy. Because they can make you fat and sleepy.S2: Eating rice with meat is healthy. But eating a lot of meat is un

27、healthy.S3: Eating fish and strawberries for dinner is healthy. But eating ice cream is unhealthy. S4: Eating candy, chocolate and biscuit at night is bad for our health.S5: Eating ice cream every day is bad for T: You are wonderful today.his teeth and stomach.S6:Remark:在 交 谈 中 使 用 像 “真 的 ? ”“有 意 思

28、! ”“我 的 神 啊 ! ”“哇 ! ”等 来 表 明 你 的 态 度 。Stage 4(5mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStep Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Summarize what the students learned today. Important language points are shown on the computer screen.T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets sum

29、marize what we have learnt in this lesson. T:Wonderful!. I hope you can remember them. If you have difficulty understanding them, just turn to me or ask other students for help.Summarize todays lesson together with the teacher.S1: We learned the pronunciation of /,/a: /,/; S2:We knew that doing can

30、be the subject. S3:通过总结本节课所学知识点,让学生及时巩固新知识,加深印象。VI. Blackboard design第三课时(Section B-3a,3b Section A-3a,3b, Section C-2). /,/a:/,/ Is going to bed early good or bad for your health?have a bath Its good/bad 2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.Ask the students to prepare for a discussion in groups:Is it good or bad?Is it healthy or unhealthy?Prepare Section C after class. Groups will debate with each other.Students learn to read vocabulary with the help of recording and the phonetic symbols, and read the passage after the recording. Remark:

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