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1、12019 届高三第一次模拟考试卷英 语 (三)注 意 事 项 :1 答 题 前 , 先 将 自 己 的 姓 名 、 准 考 证 号 填 写 在 试 题 卷 和 答 题 卡 上 , 并 将 准 考 证 号 条 形 码粘 贴 在 答 题 卡 上 的 指 定 位 置 。2 选 择 题 的 作 答 : 每 小 题 选 出 答 案 后 , 用 2B 铅 笔 把 答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 目 的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑 ,写 在 试 题 卷 、 草 稿 纸 和 答 题 卡 上 的 非 答 题 区 域 均 无 效 。3 非 选 择 题 的 作 答 : 用 签 字 笔 直 接 答 在 答 题 卡 上 对

2、应 的 答 题 区 域 内 。 写 在 试 题 卷 、 草 稿纸 和 答 题 卡 上 的 非 答 题 区 域 均 无 效 。4 考 试 结 束 后 , 请 将 本 试 题 卷 和 答 题 卡 一 并 上 交 。第 卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)(略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分 40 分)第一节 ( 共 15 小题;每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A【西南名校联盟 2018 届高三适应性月考卷】Lille, FranceThis charming

3、European town is just one hour from Paris and the most exciting art destination of the moment. The spring weather here is delightful, ideal for strolling around on the cobblestoned streets. The city government has poured money into public art projects such as Lille 3000, a group of indoor and outdoo

4、r art exhibitions, as well as a wonderful modern art museum.Shanghai, ChinaThe Chinese city continues to grow rapidly, with popular restaurants and bars, world-class shopping, and five-star hotels. The weather is incredibly pleasant in Maythe spring rains have passed, but the summer humidity is arou

5、nd the corner. And come here before the crowds decrease in June for the opening of the Shanghai Disney Resort, which is sure to be popular for families during the summer break.MaltaThe small European island gained some major screen time recently owing to the setting for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolies

6、 By the Sea. ( the movie was shot in Malta and its sister island, Gozo). Stay at the Corinthia Palace, a fantastic home base for touring the medieval town, beaches, ancient temples, and Maltese vineyards. The tourists really begin to decrease in June, so beat the crowds in May to get the beaches to

7、yourself.Canggu, BaliBalis beaches attract all types of sun worshippers, but surfers know to head to Canggu, a town on the islands southwestern coast. Lately, its become a destination for more than its breaks, with the opening of vegetarian-focused restaurants, Australian-style cafes, and fantastic

8、hotels like the Fri Bali Echo Beach. In May, Deus, a mixed-use space that includes a restaurant, music venue, and art gallery, hosts a major surf competition, bringing together professionals and amateurs for a fun-filled weekend.21. If you want to have fun with your family in Disney Resort, you had

9、better travel to .A. Shanghai, China.B. Malta.C. Lille, France.D. Canggu, Bali.22. From the passage we can know that .A. Lille is the most exciting art destination with the weather delightful all the year aroundB. The summer humiditys arrival makes Shanghais weather in May incredibly pleasantC. More

10、 tourists go to the beaches in Malta to enjoy themselves in JuneD. Canggu is a good destination for surfers to live a happy weekend23. Which column of a paper can we possibly read this passage in?A. Sports Column.B. News Column.C. Travel Column.D. Business Column.此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 2B【浙江省金丽衢

11、十二校 2018 届高三第二次联考】Every year, Lucky and I enter the “Ice Sculpting(冰雕) for Kids” program in our town. Lucky enters to win. I enter to get out of peeling potatoes for our Thanksgiving dinner at home.The program this year took place last week as usual. Everything went along well in the morning. Lucky

12、made a Mayflower and I made a Turkey.However, when we got back after lunch, something unexpected happened. The mainsail of his Mayflower was lying on the table in a puddle of water. I glanced at my Turkey I had made. It had barely begun to melt!“What happened?” I asked. “Did you bump the table when

13、you left?”“No! I just have rotten luck,” he wailed(哀叹), for the rest of the ship he had made began to melt too. “This cant be just a case of bad luck,” I said, looking around for something that could have caused the destruction.“Something must have happened,” I said. Luckys eyes widened. “You think

14、someone did this on purpose?”I shrugged. “Maybe. It makes more sense than bad luck.”Lucky peered around the room. “Hey,” he whispered. “That kid never left the room for the snack break. Maybe he smashed my Mayflower!”I frowned. “I dont know, Lucky. He doesnt really seem the type.”“Havent you heard t

15、he saying Looks can be deceiving?” Lucky said, his voice rising. “He probably broke my ship while everyone was gone!”I stared at the ruined Mayflower and shook my head. “It doesnt look broken, though. It looks moredisintegrated (使分解). Lucky, dont jump to any”“Im telling on that kid!” Lucky interrupt

16、ed. He charged off, his face as red as cranberry sauce.“.conclusions,” I said. With a sigh, I turned to the shipwreck and placed the melting mainsail back in its original spot. I held it there, thinking, until my fingers turned as cold as the ice. “Yeowch!” I said, dropping the mainsail and sticking

17、 my frozen fingers into my mouth.It was in that instant that the puzzle was solved.24. Why does the writer take part in the “Ice Sculpting for Kids” program?A. He wants to beat Lucky to win the prize.B. He hates to celebrate the Thanksgiving Day.C. He wants to avoid working on Thanksgiving Day.D. He

18、 wants to peel more potatoes for Thanksgiving Day.25. Why did Lucky rushed to tell on the kid?A. Because the kid damaged Mayflower on purpose.B. Because Luckys Turkey was damaged by the kid.C. Because the kid was away during their snack break.D. Because the kid was the suspect who ruined their works

19、.26. Which of the following can best replace the underlined saying “Looks can be deceiving”?A. Not all that glitters is gold.B. Never judge a book by its cover.C. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.D. Do as you would be done by.27. What will the following paragraphs probably be about?A. The punis

20、hment for the kid.B. The true winner of the program.C. The mystery of the ruined Mayflower.D. The reconstruction of the ruined Mayflower.C【云南省师范大学附属中学 2018 届高三上学期第一次月考】Happy, angry, amazedthese are some of the emotions we like to express these days when were sending a message on our smartphones. Tha

21、ts a quick way of telling someone how were feeling. Yes, emojis have become a vital tool for communication.The emoji was first invented in Japan in the late 1990s and the word “emoji“ comes from the Japanese words for “picture“ and “character“. The number of different images has dramatically increas

22、ed since then and now we have a picture for every mood or situation.So now we are giving this new creation the visual “thumbs-up“ but have you thought why weve become so addicted to using emojis? Professor Vyv Evans has written a book called The Emoji Code, saying “increasingly, what were finding is

23、 that digital communication is taking over certain aspects of face-to-face of the 3reasons why emojis are so popular is that they really do enable us to express our emotional selves more effectively.“Another advantage of emojis is that they are an international languagethey dont use

24、words but some pictures so they can be easily interpreted whatever your native language is. However, the emojis can sometimes be misinterpretedif a friend sends you an emoji of a hammer, you may think he/she is angry when really he/she is saying he/she is clumsy!Emojis are a good way for showing sim

25、ilar feelings. But as linguist(语言学家)Neil Cohn says, “To many, emojis are an exciting evolution of the way we communicate, but to others, they are a linguistic Armageddon(大决战).“It does show there is a lot more to our communication than words alone but does this mean the decline in traditional writing

26、?28. How do emojis help people in communication?A. They can interpret the foreign languages.B. They will take the place of face-to-face interaction.C. People can express their emotions effectively with emoijs.D. People can express themselves clearly with emojis at any time.29. Which of the following

27、 words can replace the underlined “thumbs-up“ in Paragraph 3?A. Doubt. B. Praise. C. Ignorance. D. Attention.30. What do you probably mean by sending your friend an emoji of a hammer?A. You are awkward. B. You need a hammer.C. He / She loses his/her temper. D. He / She should apologize to you.31. Wh

28、at is Neil Cohns opinion on emojis?A. They are not used by linguists.B. They will take over the traditional writing.C. They will become an international language.D. They bring convenience and challenges to language.D【2018 届浙江省五校(嘉兴一中、学军中学、杭州高级中学)高三上学期第一次联考】It used to be a matter of fact when Peter P

29、an a character from James Matthew Barries 1911 book said: “All children, except one, grow up.”But this “fact” doesnt seem to apply to todays world anymore.According to the NPD Group, a US market research company, sales of toys to adults in the UK increased by more than 20 percent in 2016, three time

30、s the pace of the childrens toy market itself. These toys ranged from puzzles and Lego building sets to vehicle models and action figures. And more than half of the sales came from millennials people born between the 1980s and 2000s.“Adults of the 21st century are channeling their inner child, one t

31、oy at a time,” commented website Koreaboo. This is also why these adults are sometimes referred to as “kidults”.According to Frederique Tutt, an analyst at NPD, the motivation of these grown-ups is to escape the stress of todays fast-paced world. They are driven toward the more immediate pleasures b

32、rought by toys than those brought by, say, getting a promotion, which is far less easy to achieve.“It reminds me of the playful side of life,” Rob Willner, a 25-year-old PhD student in the UK, told The Telegraph when talking about his love for Lego, which he said brings him both comfort and entertai

33、nment.Despite this, some social scientists see the trend as disturbing. To Frank Furendi, a professor at the University of Kent in the UK, the fact that so many adults are pursuing “the thrills of youth” is the evidence that “adulthood has got nothing attractive about it anymore”, he told The New Yo

34、rk Times. “Thats actually quite sad.”But scientists are probably just worrying too much. According to Canadian comic book artist Todd McFarlane, collecting toys could simply be a way for people to express their individuality. “Its just pop culture stuff. Its stuff that says, I like a little of this

35、and I like a little of that,” he told ABC News. “Its no big deal.”So now that over 100 years have passed since Peter Pan, perhaps its time to introduce a new “fact”, as stated in the tagline (标语) of the UK fashion brand KIDULT: “Growing old is mandatory (被迫的), but growing up is optional.”32. What do

36、es the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 imply?A. Something old is not suitable for a new world.B. Many adults still have some childlike features.C. All children grow up as they become adults.4D. Its difficult for some children to grow up in todays world.33. Which of the following statements is tru

37、e?A. Frederique Tutt believes that some adults enjoy playing with childrens toys to escape the stress.B. Rob Willner believes that the pleasure brought by toys is easier to achieve.C. Frank Furendi believes that the thrill of youth does not attract adults.D. Todd McFarlane is worrying too much about

38、 collecting toys.34. What is the writers attitude towards the trend of growing kidults?A. Supportive B. Doubtful C. Critical D. Indifferent35. What can be the best title for the passage?A. Growing Old Or Growing Up B. Toys Sales On The RiseC. Staying Young Forever D. Kidults In Fashion Again第二节(共 5

39、小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。【2018 年福建省高三毕业班质量检查测试】Many people think only professionalsengineers, accountants, teachers, etc.have careers._36_ Even if youve never had a paid job, you still have a career. Your career is the sum of your life and work. It includes all you

40、r activities and experiences. Your schooling, your volunteer work, and even your relationships with your family are all big parts of your career. _37_During your career, you will have a variety of jobs, occupations and roles. People used to think of a job as full-time, permanent, paid work done for

41、an employer at a work site. But in our changing world, a job is a set of duties or tasks. It can be paid or unpaid. _38_ Even someone who is self-employed has a job.An occupation is a group of jobs with similar responsibilities that require a common set of skills. _39_ Programmers may have permanent

42、 or temporary jobs working for specific employers, be self-employed, work full-time or part-time, be paid for their work or volunteer their services. They may change jobs or hold several jobs at one time but, until they change the type of duties or tasks they perform, they are still computer program

43、mers._40_ We all play a number of roles in our lives and our roles often change over time. For example, Kris works four days a week as a receptionist in a clinic and takes evening courses in social work. She also sews gymnastic wear for her neighbor who sells it at summer markets. Now Kris has at le

44、ast three roles.A. A role is a part you play.B. Actually everyone has a career.C. In other words, your career is your life story.D. For example, computer programmer is an occupation.E. As a matter of fact, a job is different from a role in some way.F. It can be completed at a work site, at home, or

45、somewhere else.G. The following is about your work, your family, and your life story.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分)第一节:完形填空( 共 20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 30 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【安徽省宣城市 2018 届高三上学期期末调研测试】I had just arrived in this Asian country for a one- year teach

46、ing position. One day, I took the subway to visit some ancient palaces and temples in the downtown. The following account of what happened to me has taught me much about culture _41_.Since all the _42_were taken, I stood. Suddenly, I felt someone pulling on my bag. _43_I probably was in someones way

47、, I moved over slightly. But in one quick motion(动作), I felt my bag removed from my back, and in a flash it was _44_. I turned around to see who the thief was. I looked at the people standing behind me, but didnt see my bag or anyone _45_. My heart sank and I began to _46_.I glanced around the car o

48、nly to find directly across from me was an elderly lady, and sitting on her lap was my _47_. I tried to get it back from her lap. But as I began to _48_it up, she quickly grabbed (抓住 ) it back and held onto it. I looked around at the people standing beside me, and those sitting beside her, but no on

49、e took any _49_of the situation. Trying not to cause a (an) _50_, I tried to negotiate through gestures. I used my hands as best as I could, but she _51_my requests for my bag and pointed to my back. She picked up my bag, showing how _52_it was. I finally began to understand. She was holding my bag to _53_me.5At the next stop, a middle-aged woman got on the crowded subway. Another elderly woman sitting down took her bag, _54_it o

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