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本文(安徽省2019届中考英语总复习第一部分考点知识过关第八讲八上Modules1_2精练(含新题)(新版)外研版.doc)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1第八讲 八年级(上) Modules 12一、单项填空1.Do you find important to learn Chinese well? A. that B. themC. it D. this2.2018宣城二模It is better to practise your spoken English well you go to America for further education. A. though B. beforeC. until D. unless3.2018南充Have you ever read the traditional story Yu Gong Mo

2、ves a Mountain? Yes, our teacher often advises us more meaningful traditional books. A. reading B. reads C. read D. to read4.Why dont you get yourself a chance?Thats said than done. A. easy B. easierC. busy D. busier5.Jenny is a(n) girl. Thats true. She always feels nervous when speaking before peop

3、le.A. shy B. friendlyC. honest D. active26.When Jack heard a cry for help, he ran out as as he could. A. politely B. quicklyC. carefully D. easily7.There is in the city. Why not have a picnic in the countryside? Great. Mount Huang might be a good choice.A. interesting somethingB. nothing interesting

4、C. something interestingD. interesting nothing8.2019预测These English words are important. Please . A. write them down B. write it downC. write down them D. write down it9.Could you please offer me some in my speech? Yes, sure.A. worry B. spaceC. adventure D. advice 10.2018马鞍山二模Remember to write the k

5、ey words here. . A. With pleasure B. Thats rightC. Not at all D. Sure, I will二、完形填空3Bike-sharing is a new choice for short journeys in cities. It is good to the 1 development of the big cities. A 2 by a company found that shared bikes started the nations 3 for bikes again. Now more and more Chinese

6、people are 4 bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities. An engineer of that company says that since the start of shared bikes, people have made 5 trips by car. The love for shared bikes is not only among 6 people, who were born in the 1980s and 1990s, but also among people over sixty. A

7、t weekends, the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the 7 of all cities. On weekdays, the number of people who use shared bikes to travel to work is 8 in Shanghai. It is said that bike-sharing will help 9 the cities environment. It not only helps solve the traffic problems, but also will help t

8、o make more use of 10 in cities. Take Beijing as an example, if more people choose shared bikes, an area of five Birds Nest stadiums will be saved. 1.A. harmful B. suddenC. slow D. healthy2.A. report B. suggestion C. rule D. plan3.A. preparation B. loveC. search D. worry4.A. repairing B. lockingC. c

9、hoosing D. pushing5.A. longer B. fewer4C. faster D. more6.A. strong B. youngC. old D. weak7.A. corner B. lineC. top D. side8.A. going up B. giving awayC. coming over D. putting off9.A. experience B. improveC. discover D. separate10.A. space B. moneyC. air D. time三、阅读理解ASpeaking English is important.

10、 SpeakingPal is one of the best apps for English learners to practice speaking. It allows users to speak English in short fun dialogs with a video character.Speaking English is easy,but writing it is often much more difficult.If you start to learn English,I bet that you would get lots of words missp

11、elled(拼错).If you dont want this to happen,we suggest that you try Spell Checker which can help correct your English spelling easily.5On Learn English Video,youll find 2 thousand best videos offered on topics such as British food and culture,everyday life and famous stories and poems.It can improve y

12、our English listening skills quickly.The most popular free Kobo Reading app gives you right to Kobo eBook store with 4 million ebooks and magazines.Join millions of readers worldwide and read conveniently on your mobile phone or computer.1.On SpeakingPal,you can chat with . A.a video character B.per

13、sonal computersC.foreign readers smartphones2.If spelling is difficult for you,youd better use . A.SpeakingPal B.Spell CheckerC.Learn English Video D.Kobo Reading3.Learn English Video can improve your . A.speaking skills B.writing skillsC.listening skills D.reading skills4.In which part of a m

14、agazine can we read the text?A.Science. B.Culture.C.Sports. D.Study.B2019预测Tubbat and his wife, Tosontsagaan, are villagers in Inner Mongolias Ejin Horo Banner(内蒙古伊金霍洛旗 ), where there is the Badain Jaran Desert(巴丹吉林6沙漠), one of Chinas four biggest deserts. They have spent 16 years fighting against t

15、he desert. They plant trees in the desert area to keep the sand and protect the environment.Tubbat has planted more than 50,000 trees covering about the size of 133 football fields. “When I was a child, there were lakes, forests and animals. And it rained a lot,“ said Tubbat. “But sandstorms turned

16、the green land into a desert.“Tubbat started to plant trees in 2002 after he finished his job as a government official(政府官员 ). His wife supported his decision. They did all this for free and even spent most of their own money. “Many people do not understand why I do this. They dont know the happines

17、s I feel when I see the land turn green again,“ said Tubbat. “My wifes support gives me energy. Our children want us to live in a city. But this is not the right time. I want to grow more trees,“ he said.Tubbat is happy that more people have begun to plant trees after hearing his story. Some have ev

18、en visited him to learn how to plant trees in the desert. “Trees can bring rain and animals,“ he said. “I want to be a tree, to grow up in the desert and hold the sand until I die.“5.How many years have Tubbat and his wife spent in fighting against the desert?(不超过 5个词)6.What do they plant trees in t

19、he desert area for?(不超过 10个词)7.According to the text, what can trees planted in the desert bring?(不超过 5个词)四、单词拼写71.How can I i (提高) my reading? 2.Is it p (可能的) to finish the work in a week? 3.Can you tell me the m (意思) of this word? 4.Listen! Someone is shouting a (大声地) and I cant hear the teacher c

20、learly. 5.Tom is afraid of making some m (错误) when he speaks English. 五、书面表达每个人都生活在一个特定的环境。请以“What I like about where I live“为题,并根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文,描述你生活的环境。1.要点:1)你生活在什么样的环境;2)你喜欢这个环境的什么;3)你对这个环境有何期望。2.要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)词数 80左右。What I like about where I live【参考答案】一、单项填空81.C 【解析】 “find it + adj.

21、 + to do sth.“为固定用法,表示“发现做某事是的“。故选 C。2.B 【解析】 此处是说,在去美国深造之前,你最好把你的英语口语练好。A 项:尽管;B项:在之前;C 项:直到为止;D 项:除非。根据语境可知选 B。3.D 【解析】 advise sb. to do sth.意为“建议某人做某事“,为固定搭配。故选 D。4.B 【解析】 根据 than done可知要用比较级;又根据语境可知此处表示“说起来比做起来容易“。故用 easier。5.A 【解析】 根据题干中的“她在人们面前说话时总是感到紧张“可知,Jenny 是个腼腆的女孩。故用 shy。6.B 【解析】 当 Jack听

22、到一阵求助的呼喊时,他尽可能快地跑了出去。故用 quickly。7.B 【解析】 形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要后置,先排除 A和 D;结合题干中的“为什么不去乡村野餐呢“可推断,城市里没有什么有趣的事,故 nothing interesting符合题意。8.A 【解析】 write down 意为“写下,记下“,代词作宾语时需放中间;根据题干中的“These English words“可知,此处应用代词 them。故选 A。9.D 【解析】 此处表示“你能在我的演讲中给我提供一些建议吗“,故用 advice。10.D 【解析】 句意:记得把关键词写在这儿。好的,我会的。A 项:乐意效劳;B

23、项:那是对的;C 项:一点也不;D 项:好的,我会的。根据语境可知选 D。二、完形填空【短文大意】 本文介绍了共享单车。越来越多的人选择骑车来代替开车出行,这对改善城市环境和提高城市空间利用率有很大帮助。1.D 【解析】 此处是说,共享单车有利于大城市的健康发展,故选 D。2.A 【解析】 一家公司发布的一篇报道显示,共享单车再次引发了国人对单车的热爱,故选 A。3.B 【解析】 根据下文中的“The love for shared bikes.“可知,此处用 love。94.C 【解析】 此处是说,现在越来越多的中国人正在选择(骑)单车来代替(驾驶)小汽车去进行城市中的短途旅行,故选 C。5

24、.B 【解析】 根据文意可知此处表示“人们已经很少乘小汽车出行“,故选 B。6.B 【解析】 根据下文中的“who were born in the 1980s and 1990s“以及“people over sixty “可知,此处应用 young“年轻的“。7.C 【解析】 此处表示“在周末,深圳骑行者的数量在所有城市中位居榜首“,故选 C。8.A 【解析】 根据文意可推断,在上海使用共享单车去工作的人数正在上升,故选 A。9.B 【解析】 此处表示“据说共享单车将会有助于改善城市环境“,故选 B。10.A 【解析】 根据下文中的例子可知,此处表示“更充分地利用城市的空间“,故用spac

25、e。三、阅读理解 【A 篇短文大意】 本文介绍了四种有助于英语学习的方法。1.A 【解析】 根据 SpeakingPal对应内容中的“It allows users to speak English in short fun dialogs with a video character“可知选 A。2.B 【解析】 根据 Spell Checker对应的内容可知选 B。3.C 【解析】 根据 Learn English Video对应内容中的“It can improve your English listening skills quickly“可知选 C。4.D 【解析】 根据 Kobo

26、Reading对应内容中的“.Kobo eBook store with 4 million ebooks and magazines“可知选 D。【B 篇短文大意】 Tubbat 和他的妻子都是内蒙古伊金霍洛旗的村民,他们已经花了十六年时间和沙漠作斗争。为了保护环境他们种了许多树。5.16 years./Sixteen years.6.To keep the sand and protect the environment. 7.Rain and animals.10四、单词拼写1.improve 2.possible 3.meaning 4.aloud 5.mistakes五、书面表达On

27、e possible version:What I like about where I liveI live in a small and quiet city in Anhui Province. Different from other cities, she has no tall buildings or endless cars on the streets. People here are seldom late for their work and enjoy a slow and peaceful life. And that is what I like most about my city.However, my city has her problems. She has no high-speed train. I hope she will soon have high-speed trains so that I can travel to other cities more easily!

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