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1、1题型二 单项填空题临沂题型专练1Fathers Day is coming. Jerry will buy _ new wallet for his father.Aa Ban Cthe D/2(2018青海西宁中考改编)Thanks _ our government, we can play sports on the new playground next week.Thats for sure! And well have a sports meeting in one month.Ain BtoCfor Dafter3(2018山东潍坊模拟一)When shall we meet a

2、gain?Make it _ day you like. Its all the same to me.Aone BanyCanother Dall4(2018甘肃白银中考)Can we play soccer here?No, you _ play it near the road. Thats too dangerous!Amustnt BmayCwont Dcan5(2018北京海淀一模)Millions of emails _ all over the world every day.Asend BsentCare sent Dwere sent6(2018山东莱芜中考)Could y

3、ou help me clean the floor, Bob?Wait a minute. I _ for some information about the World Cup.Asearch Bhave searchedCam searching Dwas searching7(2018湖南长沙麓山国际实验学校一模改编)What do you think of the movie Infinity War(复仇者联盟无限战争)?Pretty good. I cant find _Athe better one Bthe best oneCa better one Da good one

4、8The teacher asked me to read aloud _ all the students could hear me.2Aso that BforCbecause Din order to9(2018江西上饶一模)How much is the model plane?Sorry, its not for sale. A young man _ for it.Apays Bhas paidChad paid Dwas paying10(2018江西上饶一模)When shall we leave?It is not decided yet. It _ the weather

5、.Abegins with Bcares aboutCdepends on Dlooks after11Across from my home, _ a shop which sells things from foreign countries.Ait is Bit hasCthere is Dthat is 12Do you know the girl _ is talking with our teacher?Oh,she is my sister.Awho BwhoseCwhom Dwhere13Peter can play the guitar, _ he cant play it very well.Abecause BsoCand Dbut 14_ interesting the film is!Yes, I have seen it twice.AWhat BHowCWhat a DHow an15Could you tell me _?At 9:20 tomorrow morning.Awhat time you arrivedBwho you are coming withCwhen will you be hereDwhat time you are arriving 3参考答案15 ABBAC 610 CCABC 1115 CADBD

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