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本文(江苏省盐城市亭湖区八年级英语上册Unit8NaturaldisastersPeriod5IntegratedSkills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc)为本站会员(proposalcash356)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1Unit 8 Natural disastersPeriod 5 Integrated SkillsLearning aims1. To recognize key expressions involved in an emergency call. 2. To understand directions and instructions in a new context. 3. To extract key information from listening in order to write an e-mail reporting an accident.Learning activi

2、tiesActivity one Preview一、写出下列单词划线部分音标、词性和词义。 1.condition 2.cover 3.caller 4.victim 5.arrival 6.serious phone 8.cause_9.last_ 10.lady_二、了解下列生词的用法。1. cover 作为动词,意思是 ;作为名词,意思是 be covered with / by 意思是 根据汉语完成句子。(1) 整间房子都被雪覆盖。The house _snow. (2) 这本书的封面很有趣。The _of the book is _. 2.arrival 词性: 词

3、义:_你能告诉我你到达的时间和地点吗?Would please tell me the date and time of your_?arrival 的动词形式是:_意思是: 到达地方 (= = )3.serious 词性:_ 词义: It is a problem. 这是一个严重的问题。其副词形式为 意思是 He was ill. 他病得很严重。4.cause 作为动词,意思是_; 作为名词,意思是_ _(1) What _the accident ? 是什么引起这次事故的?(2) The heavy rain is the _of the flood. 大雨是导致洪水产生的原因。5. la

4、st作为形容词,意思是_;作为动词,意思是_理解下列句子。Saturday is the last day of a week. _Our school sports meeting will last for four days._三、翻译下列短语。1.crash into_ trapped in the car_3.cover the whole road _ /time of call_ 5.time of arrival_ 6.number of victims_ 7.conditions of victims_ 8.feel cold and frighten

5、ed_8.hurt her left leg_ 10.get worse_ 11. a man named 12.send them to hospital 213.hear about 14.catch fire 四、理解下列句子。1. His car crashed into a tree while he was driving in the snowstorm.2. Now, I know that bad weather can be dangerous.3. Her school caught fire because lightning hit it._Activity two

6、Have a free talk1. Do you like snow? Why? 2. What problems can it cause to people?Activity three PresentationStep 1 Read the police report in part A2 to get useful information.Step 2 Ask each other some questions about the report.Model: When did the policemen arrive?Step 3 Complete part of the accid

7、ent report form in part A1.Activity four Listening听力技巧点拨:利用播放路录音材料之前的时间,及时、迅速地阅读题目,根据题目中所包含的信息来比较推测对话的内容,带着问题去听, 有重点地去听。Step 1 Listen and answer. What happened to Mr. Su and Mrs. Su? Step 2 Listen and choose. ( ) 1. Their car crashed into _.A. a house B. a car C. a tree( )2 .They re trapped because

8、of _.A. a heavy snowstorm B. a heavy rain C. a strong windStep 3 Complete the rest part of the report.Step 4 Finish Part A3 on page 103. Activity five Interview小组中一人扮演苏先生,其余的学生扮演记者,采访苏先生。参考问题:1. What happened to you, Mr. Su?2. Were you alone in the car?3. Why didnt you get out by yourselves?4. Was a

9、nyone hurt?5. Did you call someone for help?6. What do you think caused the accident?Activity five Speak upStep 1 Listen and answer.1. What happened in Britain?2. What caused the fire?3 Was anyone hurt?Step 2 Read and act it out1. Read after the tape.2. Work in pairs and act it out.Step 3 Talk about

10、 natural disasters. Exercises【检测反馈】一、根据句意及中文填空。31. My father and I had a _ (严肃的)talk last night.2. The_ (受害者)in the accident were sent to hospital at once.3. Look, the snow is very heavy and it_(覆盖) everything.4.Ill let you know about Mr Lis _(到达)as soon as possible. 5. The weather _(状况)may be uncom

11、fortabl e in the north now. 二、选择填空。( ) 1. - _ is the weather like today?- Its _.A. How, windy B. What, windy C. How, wind D. What, wind( ) 2. The car_ the tree, and he_ his leg.A. hurt, hit B. hit, hurt C. hurt, hurt D. hit, hit( )3. The travelers _on top of the mountain. They called 110 for help. A

12、. trapped B. were trapp ed C. trapping D. are trapping ( )4.There was a football match last night._ people went to watch it.A. Thousand B. Th ree thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of( )5 .His eyes are red _he cried just now. A. because B. because of C. though D. whileExercises【巩固提升】一、句型转换。1.Fina

13、lly, he arrived in Shanghai safely. (保持句意基本不变)At _, he _ Shanghai safely.2.I read the book written by Lu Xun last summer.(用 at this time yesterday改写句子)I _ _ the book written by Lu Xun at this time yesterday. 3.They were doing some shopping at that moment.(对划线部分提问)_ were they _ at the moment?4.We did

14、nt go swimming because it rained heavily.(保持句意基本不变)We didnt go swimming _ _ the rain.5.People hurried to go there. (保持句意基本不变)People went there _ a _.二、补全句子。1.整条路上都是雪。The snow _.2.这车开得太快了,撞上了树。The car ran too fast, it _.3.那幢房子着火了。但是不很严重。That house _. But _.4.在那次事故中,他用手机打电话求救。In the accident, he _5.恶劣

15、气候经常引起自然灾害。Bad weather always_.三、阅读理解。Mr and Mrs Smith have just opened a small restaurant. In order to attract customers (吸引顾客), they put a notice in front of the restaurant, which said “ Meals on the House for Three Days.”A foreign student who didnt know much English happened to(碰巧) pass by the re

16、staurant on the second day, It was lunchtime and felt very hungry. “ 4Well, he re is a restaurant. I am going to have something to eat.” He walked towards the restaurant when he saw the notice. “ American people are really strange. They even eat dinners on the house! But how can I get up to the top

17、of the house ?” he said to himself.He looked around and found a ladder ( 梯子) against a tree nearby. He was very g lad. But as he reached the top, he heard someone shouting at him.” Hey, what are you doing up there?” Mr Smith was looking at him angrily and beside him was a policeman.“ Doesnt your not

18、ice say Meals on the House for Three Days ? Is it just a joke(玩笑)?” the foreign student answered.On h earing this, both Mr Smith and the policeman laughed. “ Do you know what ON THE HOUSE means? Look it up in the dictionary,” the policeman suggested(建议).( )1 Mr and Mrs Smith are the _ of the small r

19、estaurant.A servants B owners C cooks D neighbours( ) 2 The students was _.A an American B a Chinese C a Japanese D a foreigner( ) 3 The student passed by the restaurant which was opened the day before _.A when he saw the strange notice B when he arrived in America C when he learned some English D when he felt very hungry( )4 The story happened in _.A England B Australia C the USA D Canada( ) 5 “ Meals on the House” here means _.A eating in the house B servi ng meals at the house C you can eat meals in the house D you can eat without paying

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