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1、1江西省兴国县三中 2018-2019 学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案)第 一 部 分 听 力 (共 两 节 , 满 分 30 分 )第 一 节 (共 5 小 题 , 每 小 题 1.5 分 , 满 分 7.5 分 )听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How will the man go to the airport?A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By car. 2. What does the man thi

2、nk of the English class?A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Useful. 3. Where is the flower shop?A. Opposite the hospital. B. Opposite the post office. C. Opposite the school gate. 4. What did the mans daughter do?A. She bought a flowerpot for the woman. B. She broke the womans flowerpot.C. She broke the m

3、ans flowerpot.5. Who does the woman think can help the man?A. Betty. B. Tom. C. Peter. 第 二 节 (共 15 小 题 , 每 小 题 1.5 分 , 满 分 22.5 分 )听 下 面 5 段 对 话 或 独 白 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 后 有 几 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项 。 听 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 前 , 你 将 有 时 间 阅 读 各 个 小 题 ,每 小 题 5 秒 钟 ; 听 完 后 , 各 小 题 将 给 出

4、 5 秒 钟 的 作 答 时 间 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 读 两 遍 。听 第 6 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 6、 7 题 。6. What is the mans problem?A. He doesnt like the weather there. B. He cant understand what others say sometimes. C. He cant often play outdoors. 7. When will the man go back?A. Next Monday. B. Next Friday. C. Next Sunday. 听 第 7 段 材

5、 料 , 回 答 第 8 至 10 题 。8. Who is Mary?A. A hotel worker. B. A stranger on the street. C. A friend of the mans. 9. Where is the hotel?A. On Sunshine Street.B. In front of the square.C. Near the National Park.10. How will the man go to the hotel?A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot. 听 第 8 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 11

6、至 13 题 。11. How soon is the Spring Festival?A. In four weeks. B. In two weeks. C. In four days. 12. Why does the woman like Spring Festival shopping?2A. She thinks things are very cheap. B. She can buy many new things. C. She can save a lot of money. 13. What does the man like about the Spring Festi

7、val?A. The Spring Festival rush. B. The atmosphere of reunion. C. Various kinds of food. 听 第 9 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 14 至 16 题 。14. How long has the man been working in the new company?A. Over two years. B. Over two months. C. Over three years. 15. What is the mans new boss like?. A. She is strict. B. She d

8、oesnt smile much. C. She is nice and open-minded. 16. When will the speakers meet at night?A. At 8:00. B. At 5:30. C. At 6:30,听 第 10 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 17 至 20 题 。17. Where do some people light a huge bonfire the night before Easter?A. In Finland. B. In America. C. In Poland. 18. What do children do on t

9、he night before Easter in Finland?A. Prepare Easter eggs. B. Go begging in the street. C. Play outdoor sports. 19. In which country are men not allowed to prepare for the festival?A. Scotland. B. Poland. C. Switzerland. 20. In Switzerland, what brings the Easter eggs?A. The Easter bunny (兔 子 ). B. T

10、he Easter cuckoo (杜 鹃 ). C. The Easter spirit. 第 二 部 分 : 阅 读 理 解 (共 两 节 , 满 分 40 分 )第 一 节 (共 15 小 题 ; 每 小 题 2 分 , 满 分 30 分 )ABelow are some schools that provide students with more than just a typical(典 型 的 ) education. Pathways in Technology Early College High SchoolPathways in Technology Early Coll

11、ege High School, opened in 2011, is not your ordinary public high school in Brooklyn, New York. The professional school is run in cooperation with IBM and goes to grade 14, allowing students to graduate with an associate degree. In October 2013, then President Obama spoke at the school. “You have ch

12、ances here that you cant find in most high schools,” he said. Clintondale High SchoolIn 2010 Clintondale High School became a school, where homework is done during the day, and instruction happens at night in the home according to online videos. Though the school was among the worst five percent of

13、schools in Michigan before, Principal Greg Green says standardized test scores have improved since the change. Clucago High School for Agricultural SciencesThe Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences is a public school set on the citys farm. In addition to some important subjects like 3math an

14、d English, attendees(出 席 者 ) also study subjects about agriculture. Animal sciences and agriculture technology are just some of the fields students can explore. Principal William Hook said that he thinks the school prepares students for both college and the workplace. Vail Ski & Snowboard AcademyVai

15、l Ski & Snowboard Academy is a public school in Colorado where students have the chance of being full-time athletes. According to its website, the school goal is to challenge its student-athletes with a strict academic curriculum (课 程 ) while supporting a world-class training and competition schedul

16、e.21. What can we know about Pathways in Technology Early College High School?A. It has a history of many years. B. It is a famous school in the world. C. It offers the students more chances for growth. D. It used to be one of the worst high schools. 22. Which school asks the students not to do home

17、work at home?A. Clintondale High School. B. Vail Ski & Snowboard Academy. C. Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences. D. Pathways in Technology Early College High School. 23. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To provide the latest news of education. B. To compare the differences of th

18、e schools. C. To give advice on how to choose a good school.D. To introduce some American typical schools. BLinda Evans was my best friendlike the sister I never had. We did everything together: taking piano lessons, going to the movies, swimming and riding horseback. When I was 13, my family moved

19、away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we met each other on special timelike my wedding and Lindas. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped (在 上 盖 ) “Address Unknown”. I had no idea how to find Lind

20、a. Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share the happiness of my children and then grandchildren with her. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then my mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill. One day I was reading

21、a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman Lindas married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but I still wrote to her. The young woman called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Li

22、nda Evans Wagman is my mother.” Minutes later I heard a voice that I recognized (辩 别 出 ) at once, even after 40 years. Then we laughed and cried and caught up on (了 解 ) each others lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled. And theres one thing that Linda and I know for sure: We wont lose eac

23、h other again!24. They didnt often write to each other because they . 4A. got marriedB. had little time to do soC. didnt like writing lettersD. could see each other on special time25. There was an empty place in the writers heart because she .A. was in troubleB. didnt know Lindas addressC. received

24、the card that she sentD. didnt have a friend like Linda to share her happiness and sadness26. The writer was happy when she .A. read the newspaperB. heard Lindas voice on the phoneC. met a young woman who looked a lot like LindaD. wrote to the woman whose last name was Wagman27. They havent kept in

25、touch . A. for about 40 yearsB. for about 27 yearsC. since they got marriedD. since the writers family moved awayCMary and her husband Jim had a dog, Lucky. Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had friends come for a weekend visit, they would warn their friends not to leave their luggag

26、e open because Lucky would help himself to whatever attracted him. Naturally someone would forget and something would be missing. Mary or Jim would go to Luckys toy box in the basement (地 下 室 ) and there would be the treasure. It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer. Something told her

27、 she was going to die of this disease. She was just sure it was serious. The night before she was to go to the hospital she hugged Lucky. A thought struck her. What would happen to Lucky? Although the three-year-old dog liked Jim, he was Marys dog through and through. “If I die, Lucky will be abando

28、ned (抛 弃 ),” Mary thought. “He wont understand that I dont want to leave him.” The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own death. The operation was harder on Mary than her doctors had expected and Mary stayed in hospital for over two weeks. Jim took Lucky for his evening walk regularly but

29、the dog was just in low spirits. Finally the day came for Mary to leave the hospital. When she arrived home, Mary was so tired that she couldnt even make it up the steps to her bedroom. Jim made his wife comfortable on the couch and left her to nap. Lucky stood watching Mary, but he didnt come to he

30、r when she called him. It made Mary sad but she fell asleep soon. When Mary woke for a second she couldnt understand what was wrong. She couldnt move her head and her body felt heavy and hot. Panic soon gave way to laughter though when Mary realized the problem. She was covered with every treasure L

31、ucky owned! While she had slept, the sad dog had made trip after trip to the basement, back bringing his beloved mistress (女主 人 ) his favorite things in life. He had covered her with his love. 5Mary forgot about dying. Instead, she and Lucky began living again, walking further and further together e

32、very night. It has been 12 years now and Mary is still cancer-free. Lucky? He still steals treasures and hides them in his toy box but Mary remains his greatest treasure. 28. Where did Lucky usually hide his treasures?A. In the bedroom. B. In the bathroom. C. In the basement. D. In the kitchen,29. W

33、hy was Mary sadder thinking of Lucky?A. Lucky always stole things from the luggage. B. Lucky would not do as Jim ordered him to. C. Lucky was too young to leave her. D. Jim might fail Lucky after her death. 30. What can be inferred from the third paragraph? A. Lucky missed Mary very much. B. Lucky w

34、as unwilling to let Jim walk him. C. Jim didnt treat Lucky so well as Mary. D. Mary was more willing to sleep on the couch. 31. Whats the purpose of Luckys going to the basement again and again?A. To bring his treasure to Mary. B. To watch out his favorite things. C. To take the things he had stolen

35、 there. D. To examine what was wrong with his treasure. DFrance has everything you could possibly wish for in a holiday, and not including things like the Eiffel Tower, there are many other landmarks (地 标 ) and tourist attractions to experience. You could choose to book one of the inclusive (包 含 全 部

36、 费 用 的 ) holidays in France or plan your own trip and stay at one of the Paris hotels or B&Bs. In fact there are more hotels in Paris than any other city in France, as this is such a popular place for a short weekend break. But for a break with a difference, how about staying in one of the chateaux

37、(城 堡 ) that have been changed into famous hotels in luxury?On the other hand, if you enjoy taking a touring holiday, there are thousands of French campsites in France, where you can put up your own tent, but on many campsites for more convenience you could even live in a chalet(棚 屋 ). You can easily

38、 find campsites with excellent facilities that include swimming pools, shops, clubs, bars, entertainment, playgrounds, etc. These are good for the whole family holiday and some even offer other activities such as tennis, fishing, swimming and more, which can make for an ideal self-help holiday at ve

39、ry little expense, yet please do not forget about your holiday insurance. And, for those who love adventure holidays, you will not be disappointed with lots of activities on offer in France, such as boating, rafting, horse riding, hiking, which mean holiday insurance is even more necessary. So for y

40、our next holiday to France, why not start planning to see more of the real France, with all of its history, culture, landmarks and 6heritage?32. What does the author want to tell in the passage?A. France is a popular place for the tourists. B. France is a country full of great adventures. C. France

41、is a good attraction for wine lovers. D. France is a good place for people to live in. 33. 1f you decide on an inclusive holiday, .A. you have a chance to visit a famous chateauB. you dont have to worry about housingC. you dont have to visit a place in a hurryD. you will surely save a lot of money34

42、. What is the advantage of choosing a campsite?A. You can experience different French culture. B. You can enjoy yourself best with less money. C. You will enjoy the wonderful chalet. D. You will be offered holiday insurance. 35. What will you do if you are an adventure lover?A. It is necessary to bu

43、y holiday insurance. B. It is important to choose easy activities. C. It is better to stay with your family or friends. D. It is necessary to visit landmarks or heritage first. 第 二 节 (共 5 小 题 , 每 小 题 2 分 , 满 分 10 分 )根 据 短 文 内 容 , 从 短 文 后 的 选 项 中 选 出 能 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。 选 项 中 有 两 项为 多 余 选 项 。Happ

44、iness is a choice that everyone can make in their lifetime. The key to happiness is simply in the way you view yourself and the world around you. 36 But there are others who create obstacles that prevent them from achieving happiness. Happy people have habits that keep them happy while unhappy peopl

45、e remain depressed (压 抑 的 ). Below is a list of things happy people avoid doing. Thinking Negatively. Unhappy people turn a blind eye to all the right things in the world. They only focus on the wrong. People who think negatively always end up being depressed and unhappy. They are the miserable peop

46、le who always complain about anything and everything. 37 Happy people avoid doing so. 38 Unhappy people always scold other people when things go wrong and believe that they are the reason for their misery (灾 难 ). They lack confidence in people and believe that other people cannot be trusted. To be h

47、appy, you need to take personal responsibility even when the problems may be caused by someone else. Happy people believe in trusting their fellow men. They are aware of the infinite possibilities and take daily steps to achieve their goals. 39 Unrealistic expectations most often lead to painful dis

48、appointments. Happy people go into situations without any pressure of living up to the expectations. They know their value. Happy people are content with themselves and want to improve. 40 And they dont take pleasure in celebrating the success of others. You can only feel positive vibes (气 氛 ) from

49、happy people. 7A. Speak ill of others.B. Blaming other people. C. Having unrealistic expectations. D. They never compare themselves to others. E. And theyre always expecting negative outcomes. F. There are millions of people who are truly happy. G. They can easily be spotted from miles away by us. 第 三 部 分 英 语 知 识 运 用 (共 两 节 , 满 分 45 分 )第 一 节 完 形 填 空 (共 20 小 题 ; 每 小 题 1. 5 分 , 满 分 30 分 )阅 读 下 面 短 文 , 从 短 文 后 各 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 (A、 B、 C 和 D)中 , 选 出 可 以 填 入空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。Once upon a time, there was a herd (兽 群 ) of deer living i

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