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1、1江西省兴国县三中 2018-2019 学年高一英语上学期第三次月考试题(无答案)第 一 部 分 听 力 (共 两 节 , 满 分 30 分 )第 一 节 (共 5 小 题 , 每 小 题 1.5 分 , 满 分 7.5 分 )听 下 面 5 段 对 话 。 每 段 对 话 后 有 一 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的 A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项中 选 出 最 佳 选 项 。 听 完 每 段 对 话 后 , 你 都 有 10 秒 钟 的 时 间 来 回 答 有 关 小 题 和 阅 读下 一 小 题 。 每 段 对 话 仅 读 一 遍 。1. Where did the woman p

2、lay baseball?A. In the park. B. At the stadium. C. On the school playground.2. When will Helen collect Gina?A. At 7:45. B. At 7:30. C. At 6:30.3. Why did the woman change her job?A. She wanted to see the outside world.B. She needed to earn more money.C. She didnt like to be a teacher.4. How will the

3、 speakers go to Stanley?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car.5. What does the man regard as most important?A. The pay. B. Working hours. C. The experience.第 二 节 (共 15 小 题 , 每 小 题 1.5 分 , 满 分 22.5 分 )听 下 面 5 段 对 话 或 独 白 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 后 有 几 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的A、 B、 C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项 。 听 每 段 对 话 或

4、独 白 前 , 你 将 有 时 间 阅 读 各 个 小 题 ,每 小 题 5 秒 钟 ; 听 完 后 , 各 小 题 将 给 出 5 秒 钟 的 作 答 时 间 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 读 两 遍 。听 第 6 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 6、 7 题 。6. Where are the speakers probably?A. In a park. B. In a forest. C. In a zoo.7. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Leave the problem to security.B. Feed the elep

5、hants.C. Talk to the kid.听 第 7 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 8、 9 题 。8. Why is the woman unfamiliar with the famous actor?A. She is not interested in stars.B. She cant spare time to watch TV.C. She hasnt watched TV for five years.9. What does the woman think of her life without TV?A. Terrible. B. Wonderful. C. Bori

6、ng.听 第 8 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 10 至 12 题 。210. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Father and daughter. B. Husband and wife. C. Boss and secretary.11. Why does the woman dislike the guests?A. They are noisy all the time.B. They are dangerous to the baby.C. They always smoke in the hous

7、e.12. What has the man decided to do?A. Tell the guests not to come.B. Ask the guests to smoke outside.C. Phone his cousin right now.听 第 9 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 13 至 16 题 。13. Why does the boy talk to the woman?A. To know more about the supermarket.B. To do research for the supermarket.C. To finish his home

8、work.14. How much did the woman once spend for a big party?A. 70. B. 55. C. 35.15. What does the woman always buy in the supermarket?A. Bread. B. Fruit. C. Vegetables.16. What does the woman dislike about the supermarket?A. The music. B. The price. C. The service.听 第 10 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 17 至 20 题 。17.

9、When should competitors send in their paintings at the latest?A. On August 1st. B. On August 21st. C. On August 31st.18. How many people entered the competition last year?A. 13,000. B. 16,000. C. 30,000.19. What is the topic of this years competition?A. Cities. B. The Future. C. Family and Home.20.

10、Where is Barry Wells from?A. Australia. B. Austen. C. England.第 二 部 分 : 阅 读 理 解 (共 两 节 , 满 分 40 分 )第 一 节 (共 15 小 题 ; 每 小 题 2 分 , 满 分 30 分 )AHave you ever been to Taiwan, Chinas biggest island? Do you want to pay a visit there? Well show you the best of Taiwan island.A four-day tour.Places Sun Moon L

11、akeA beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. That is why people call it the Sun Moon Lake. Ali Mountain3The nearest mountain around the Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party with Gaoshan people.

12、A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise. People LakeA great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish. Gao XiongA great place to spend a full day shopping.Price Book(预 定 ) nowOnly¥ 5, 000Including: Round-trip plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan.Bus

13、 service around Taiwan. Great tour guide service.Office hoursMonday-Friday: 9:00am - 7:00pmSaturday: 9:00am - 4:00pmTel: 6459-9561Book by phone now for next month21. is a wonderful place for tourists to see a very beautiful sunrise.A. Sun Moon Lake B. People Lake C. Ali Mountain D. Gao Xiong22. How

14、much should tourists pay for the four-day tour in Taiwan?A.¥ 5, 000. B.¥ 6, 000. C.¥ 7, 000. D.¥ 8, 000.23. In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read the passage?A. News. B. Travel. C. Education. D. Sports.BNo matter what is going on in your life, music car quickly put you in a good moo

15、d(心 情 ). That is why most people around the world love music. Music is so good that they just cant live without it. They listen to music as soon as they get up in the morning, and sleep only if they listen to music. So, take a look at the signs below to know whether youre a true music lover or not.Y

16、ou and your earphones(耳 机 ) are inseparable(形 影 不 离 的 ).Youre always seen with your earphones on. Once you take your earphones away from your ears, you will feel very bored, so you decide to put them back on your ears again. If you leave them at home, you will go home to get them.You sometimes forge

17、t that youre in a public place.You forget that you cant sing loudly in public places, but when you realize that, its too late. A lot of people come to watch you. They enjoy your favorite song that youre singing at the top of your voice.Car drives and trips are impossible without music.A trip or ride

18、 without music seems like 100 hours longer for you, and you imagine how much youd get bored! When you park your car, and your favorite song comes up, youll wait till it ends.4You make full use of your time to sing in the bathroom.Im sure most of you out there are bathroom singers. Its like you are o

19、n the stage as soon as you enter the bathroom, which sometimes causes some accidents. You know why! You love to sing. But sadly, you arent born with a good voice. In order to make other people not laugh at your bad voice, you sing in the bathroom. However, people know where youd be when they hear yo

20、u singing loudly.24. According to the first paragraph, music can .A. help people become healthy B. help people gain a good moodC. help people have a good sleep D. help people keep a clear mind 25. A person who truely loves music .A. only listens to modem musicB. likes listening to music in publicC.

21、can sing all the most popular songsD. may sing in a public place or in a bathroom26. A true music lover cant stand .A. a trip without music B. a bedroom without musicC. a classroom without music D. a public place without music27. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. The benefits of listening t

22、o music every day.B. The possible ways you enjoy your favorite music.C. The signs that show you are a true music lover.D. many people who cant live without listening to music.CSomeday in the future we may not need to have money in our pockets. Is life easier when people dont need to carry any money

23、at all? Is money heavy to carry? Is it safe to carry money? Maybe in the future each of us will have only one small credit card(信 用 卡 ). We will use it instead of money to buy all the things.Of course we may still have some of the same problems with cards we now have with money. For example, we lose

24、 money from time to time. Maybe we will lose the cards. Maybe someone will take the cards. Someone may even make a card that looks like our cards. Since we cant buy anything without our cards, the credit cards may be no better than money.Is there something easier to use than credit cards? Each of us

25、 has a thumbprint(拇 指 指 纹 ). No two thumbprints are the same. Maybe someday the government will keep peoples thumbprints with a number. When you want to buy something, you will put your thumb on a machine or a computer. Each store or business will posses one. Everyones thumbprints will be in the com

26、puter. It will be difficult to lose our thumbprints! It will be difficult for someone to steal it or to make one like it.28. The writer probably agrees that credit cards are to carry than money.5A. heavier B. easier C. more difficult D. smaller29. What may be a problem with credit cards in the futur

27、e?A. We may lose the cards from time to time.B. We wont be able to make enough cards.C. We may not know how to use the cards.D. We may break the cards.30. The underlined word “posses” probably means “ ” in English.A. lend B. have C. sell D. borrow31. In the writers opinion, itll be the best way to b

28、uy things with in the future.A. money B. credit cards C. thumbprints D. goldDDogonews (August 8, 2015)In December 2013, Jeff Bezos, the leader of Amazon announced the plan to use drones (无 人 机 ) to make deliveries (运 送 ). However, while Amazon is still trying to make the government believe the plan,

29、 Australian company Flirtey has already made history by completing the first drone delivery in the USA.On July 17, the drone needed to finish its first task by delivering medicine to Virginia. In Virginia, 1,500 people had not received proper treatments because there was not enough medicine. At firs

30、t, the medicine, which was put in Tazewell would be delivered to Lonesome Pine Airport The medicine was then put onto the Flirtey drone and delivered to Virgirua. The distance between Tazewell and Virginia was a mile. It took the drone fifteen minutes to deliver all the medicine.In the past, the med

31、icine had to be delivered by train. It took more than two or three days to deliver the medicine to the distant areas. This year, the time was reduced to minutes. It was not just an important step in the use of drones in the US. It could also change the way to deliver medicine.Flirtey is the first dr

32、one delivery company in the world. It is the result of Ahmed Haider and Matthew Sweenys hard work. The drones have completed over 100 deliveries all across Australia so far. Flirtey has been working hard to make sure that the drones dont cause danger to people or animals. However, the drones still h

33、ave many problems to be solved. But Flirtey hopes to try their best and get rid of(摆 脱 ) the problems.32. It can be known from the passage that .A. the medicine in Virginia was enoughB. people in Virginia received proper treatmentsC. it was hard to deliver medicine to distant areas in the pastD. Ama

34、zon was the first company to use drones to make deliveries633. The author thinks the Flirtey-drone deliveries were .A. strange and worthless B. important and meaningfulC. surprising but useless D. wonderful but impossible34. We can know the following from the third paragraph EXCEPT .A. the event of

35、the delivery on July 17, 2015B. the change of the way to deliver medicineC. the way used to deliver medicine to distant areasD. the advantages of using drones to make deliveries35. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Flirtey is the only drone delivery company in the world.B. The task on Jul

36、y 17 was the first drone delivery in Australia.C. It is easy for the drones to cause danger to people and animals.D. Flirtey will try its best to solve the problems caused by drones.第 二 节 (共 5 小 题 , 每 小 题 2 分 , 满 分 10 分 )根 据 短 文 内 容 , 从 短 文 后 的 选 项 中 选 出 能 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。 选 项 中 有 两 项为 多 余 选 项

37、。In a recent survey of more than 1,300 students, 96% said they feel worried about exams. 36 There is no doubt that anyone wants to get high marks in exams, so students should learn to deal with exams as calmly and effectively as possible.Develop a plan.37 However, most of the students dont plan how

38、theyll be prepared. They just tell themselves theyll study as much as possiblethen theyll “hope for the best”. This isnt a wise way. Preparing for an exam is like taking on an important project. Its important to outline a plan for how youll get ready for an exam.Change the sleep time early.Many exam

39、s are held in the early morninga time when students dont usually feel very awake. If youll be taking a morning exam, start sleeping earlier at least one week before the exam so that your body will have time to adjust(适 应 ). 38 Besides, its also a good idea to get eight hours of sleep each night.39 I

40、ts common for students to spend the 10 minutes before an exam doing some last-minute studying. This may provide some comfort, but overall it does more harm than good. The 10 minutes before an exam will make no difference. If you study during this time, youll become more stressed and worried. 40 Make

41、 use of exam-taking skills.If you dont know the necessary exam-taking skills, you wont get the grades you expect. You should know some basic exam-taking techniques, such as using a watch and looking through the entire exam at the beginning.7A. Study until the last minute.B. Dont do any last-minute s

42、tudying.C. This high percentage isnt surprising.D. This will have a had influence on your performance.E. This will help you become more confident in the exams.F. If not, your mind wont be in a good state to take the exam.G. It is of great importance for students to make a proper plan before an exam.

43、第 三 部 分 英 语 知 识 运 用 (共 两 节 , 满 分 45 分 )第 一 节 完 形 填 空 (共 20 小 题 ; 每 小 题 1. 5 分 , 满 分 30 分 )阅 读 下 面 短 文 , 从 短 文 后 各 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 (A、 B、 C 和 D)中 , 选 出 可 以 填 入空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。I live in a big city. Its noisy and dirty and I got very 41 . At the weekends I like to leave the city and get some 42 air an

44、d a good rest. A few weeks ago I decided to go to see my 43 . I was really looking forward to it.My parents live a long way 44 . I went to see them with James, a friend, and we drove on Friday night. In the middle of the 45 it began to rain. The road became very46 and it was difficult to drive. We a

45、rrived home just after midnight, feeling very47 . The next 48 it was still raining. James took his 49 to a garage which was very good.In the afternoon the 50 improved. We wanted to go for a 51 . My parents lent us their car. That was no good. Their car didnt 52 . We rang up the garage. “Oh,” they sa

46、id, “your car 53 be ready till tomorrow.” So it wasnt 54 to go for a drive. We decided to play a word game. When we didnt 55 a word we looked for a dictionary. It wasnt there. 56 my mother remembered, “I lent it to your sister. She took it with her when she left.” The word game wasnt any good 57 a d

47、ictionary. On Sunday my mother dropped a heavy box on her 58 and we had to hire a 59 to take her to hospital. When James and I drove back we got stuck in a car accident. Next time I want a rest, Ill stay 60 .41. A. angry B. surprised C. sad D. bored42. A. warm B. cool C. cold D. fresh43. A. aunt B.

48、friends C. parents D. workmates44. A. away B. here C. there D. far45. A. day B. night C. journey D. road46. A. narrow B. wet C. dirty D. crowded47. A. happy B. excited C. tired D. thirsty48. A. morning B. day C. afternoon D. evening49. A. clothes B. car C. books D. machine850. A. car B. clothes C. w

49、eather D. work51. A. drive B. trip C. ran D. walk52. A. move B. run C. start D. work53. A. mustnt B. couldnt C. wouldnt D. wont54. A. interesting B. necessary C. possible D. wonderful55. A. agree about B. talk about C. think over D. go over56. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Slowly D. Quickly57. A. for B. in C. with D. without58. A. foot B. leg C. head D. floor59. A. truck B. taxi C. bike D. bus60. A. in the country B. in the city C. in my home D. in the

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