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1、- 1 -河北省石家庄市行唐县第三中学 2018 年 11 月考试高三英语第一卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)1 Where does the conversation take place?A In a vegetable market. B In the womans house C In the mans garden.2 What will the man do next?A Wait for the womans decision. B Call the womans husband. C Choose the c

2、olor for the house.3 Which subject has the boy chosen?A English B History C Biology4 When will the woman go shopping?A On Wednesday. B On Thursday. C On Friday.5 What is their dream apartment like?A It has three bedrooms. B It has a study for their son. C It is near the city center.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1

3、.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。6 Who knows what really happened?A The woman only. B The woman and Stan. C The man and Stan.7 What does the woman advise the man to do?A Give up his vacation. B Ask Stan for help. C Try to help Stan.听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8、9 题。8 Where did the woman take the picture?A At th

4、e top of the Eiffel Tower. B In front of an art gallery. C Next to a famous fountain.9 What did the woman do the last afternoon?- 2 -A She watched a movie. B She had some coffee. C She went to a flea market.听第 8 段材料, 回答第 10 至 12 题。10 What did the man think the date is today?A Its the 12th. B Its the

5、 13th. C Its the 14th.11 What do we know about the tennis courts?A Theyre being mended. B Theyve been mended. C They will open tonight.12 What does the man want to tomorrow?A See a film. B Play tennis. C Read newspapers.听第 9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16 题。13What does the woman like?A Novels. B Chinese poems. C

6、English poems.14 Who is Amy?A The womans student. B The womans daughter. C The womans friend.15What does the woman think of the poem?A Its beautiful. B Its interesting. C Its sad.16 What is the woman going to do/A Pick up Mike. B Read the poem. C Prepare the dinner.听第 10 段材料, 回答第 17 至 20 题。17What do

7、es Kirobo look like?A Its 14m wide. B Its 15cm deep. C It weighs 1 pound.18 What is Kirobos main goal?A To communicate with Koichi. B To help Koichi with experiments. C To answer all Koichis questions.19 When did Kirobo return to Japan?A In August, 2013 B In May, 2014 C In February, 2015.20 What do

8、we know about Kirobo?A He is the first talking robot. B He can talk with human in space. C He will go back to space soon. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)- 3 -AHadrians WallHadrians Wall was built to keep RomanBritain safe from attacks from the Picts. The wall, stretching from the

9、North Sea to the Irish Sea( from the Tyne to the Solway), is about 73 miles long, 10 feet wide, and 15 feet high. In addition to the wall, the Romans built a system of small forts(堡垒) housing up to 60 men every Roman mile along its entire length, with towers every 1/3 Roman mile. 16 larger forts hol

10、ding from 500 to 1,000 troops were built into the wall each with a large gate on the north face.Israeli West Bank barrierThe Israeli West Bank barrier is a separation barrier under construction by the State of Israel along and within the West Bank. Upon completion, the barriers total length will be

11、approximately 700 kilometers. The barrier is built mainly in the West Bank.Conwys Town WallsConwys Town Walls are a medieval(中世纪的) defensive structure around the town of Conwy in North Wales. The walls were constructed between 1283 and 1287 after the foundation of Conwy by Edward, and were designed

12、to form a system of defense alongside Conwy Castle. The walls are 1.3 kilometers long and include 21 towers and three gatehouses. The project was completed using large quantities of laborers and cost around 15,000, a huge sum for that period. Today the walls form part of the UNESCO World Heritage Si

13、te. Historians Oliver Creighton and Robert Higham describe the defenses as “one of the most impressive walled circuits” I Europe.21 We know from the text that Hadrians Wall_.A is about 15 feet wide.B has about 60 small forts.C is seen from the Tyne to the North Sea D has 16 gates of larger forts on

14、the north face22 The Israeli West Bank barrier_.- 4 -A once made Israeli separatedB has a length of 700 kilometersC will be built completely in the West BankD is a barrier being built by the Israeli government23 According to the text, Conwys Town Walls_.A have 21 gatehousesB were built in the age of

15、 EdwardC were constructed for the purpose of defenseD will soon become a UNESCO World Heritage SiteBWhen my husband walks in the door after working late, his first words to me are “Thank you.” Hes thanking me for taking care of the kids. HE usually follows it up with “Im sorry” for having worked lat

16、e, even though it was not his choice.Those words express his respect and admiration for the work I am doing at home with our three children. Im sure he tired from a long day at work, but he knows I am physically and emotionally exhausted as well from a long day at home. He may not spend as much time

17、 caretaking as I do, but hes done enough to know what I am going through every day.When our children were babies, he would do late-night and early-morning feedings whenever possible. “I would like to do it.” He wanted to help me and spend time with our children. Now that our kids are a little older

18、(2,5 and 10 years), hes still a hands-on father. He does not shy away from any tasks of parenting.Hes lucky to have a job thats allowed him to marry his passion for art with earning enough money to support a family. His job has allowed me to be home for a total of almost a decade so far. Money is ne

19、cessary and important-I cannot deny that fact. But his attitude reflects that raising our children is the most important job.I know my husbands attitude and actions will stay with my kids, because it - 5 -stayed with my husband from his own childhood. His dad always respected and valued his mothers

20、contribution, so my husband viewed childcare as an important job in itself.My husband is certainly not perfect, but his pretty extraordinary in his recognition of the value of parenting. He gives everything he has to them-every ounce of energy, attention, patience and love that he has within. I am b

21、lessed to have a considerate husband.24 What is probably the authors husbands job?A A doctor. B A driver. C painter. D A policeman.25 How many years has the author been a full-time mother?A Almost five years. B Almost seven years. C Almost ten years. D Almost twelve years26 The authors husbands atti

22、tude towards childcare is influenced by _.A his father B his teacher C his friend D his boss27 How does the author feel about her husband?A Annoyed B Grateful C Disappointed D Puzzled.CIf you make a list of the top ten most challenging jobs in the world, chances are that being a teacher will not mak

23、e the cut. Lets think about the complex task millions of educators face each day as they try to teach a group of often unfriendly, disorderly kids into intelligent, well-rounded individuals. That surely has to be the toughest job in the world, especially taking into consideration that there is no pr

24、omotion waiting for them even if they are wildly successful!What if these all-important individuals that we often take for granted disappear from our lives? That was what Project Ed and Participant Medias Teach campaign asked filmmakers of all ages to envision(预想) for their recently-held contest.The

25、ir short films were called “A World without Teachers”, whose intention - 6 -was to inspire more young people to become teachers. However, the 62 amazing video submissions also serve as a reminder of how terrible things would be if we didnt have these selfless individuals guiding us through life. Wha

26、t was interesting is that even the youngest contestants did not accept the idea that theres no person to tell them what to do.High-school student Savannah Wakefield considered if art as we know it today would have been different without teachers. Would C. Monet have discovered his talent for impress

27、ionism(印象主义)?Miles Horst won the 1,000-dillar prize for the best adult submission. He envisions a world where teachers are replaced by a “brain box”. Youth group winner Mariana Barhams video describes a fact we all know but often forget. Teachers dont just teach; they inspiresomething that no electr

28、onic device, no matter how smart, can do!So the next time you think your teacher is being “troublesome” for trying to channel you in the right direction, imagine a life without him/her.28 Project Ed and Participant Medias Teach asked contestants to _.A inspire more young people to become teachersB p

29、oint out which teacher has inspired them mostC imagine what the world would be like without teachersD describe what effect teachers would have on their life29 What is suggested in the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?A Monet is regarded as the father of impressionism.B Monets great success was con

30、nected with his teacher.C Monets teachers made a great contribution to modern art.D Monet was good at discovering his students talent for drawing.30 What does Marina Barhams video tell us?A Teachers prefer to inspire their students instead of teaching.B The role of teachers cannot be replaced by any

31、thing elseC The function of teachers cannot be forgotten by the worldD Teachers often show the right direction to their students.- 7 -31 The authors attitude towards the function of teachers is _.A negative B doubtful C neutral D positiveDPoor old Pope has lost his standing in the written words. So

32、says Matjaz Perc at the University of Maribor in Slovenia, who has identified the most common words used in 5.2 million books published over five centuries.Perc used data collected by Google for the companys Ngram Viewerapplication-a tool that lets users see the changing popularity of certain writte

33、n words over time. After he had downloaded data for books published between 1520 and 2014, he searched for the most commonly-used words and groups of words each year.The most popular words stayed the same. “The” was the top-ranking word in both 1520 and 2014. Common groups of words have changed, tho

34、ugh. The most common three-word phrase in 2014 was “one of the”; in 1520, it was “of the Pope”. References to religion featured heavily in early literature, Perc notes. For example, “the Pope and his followers and “the laws of the Church” all featured in the 10 most popular five-word phrases of 1520

35、. By 2014, the most frequently-written five-word phrases were along the lines of “at the end of the” ”in the middle of the” ”on the other side of”.A closer inspection of the changing use of English words revealed that, while changes in popularity of some words were quite dramatic during the 16th and

36、 17th centuries, rankings have stayed pretty constant in the 20th and 21st centuries. That said, recently the words ”United States” have increased in popularity.“It seems English writing has reached a mature state,” says Perc.” There is a coming of age of the language.”Because the most frequently-wr

37、itten words are changing little over the years, the English language might be particularly easy to learn, says Perc. “If phrases reappear in a book, its easier to follow,” he says. “In China, where globalisation is still taking place, theres still a lot of change in the - 8 -language, and that proba

38、bly makes it harder to learn.”32 “One of the” has now replaced “of the Pope” probably because_.A5.2 million modern books have been publishedB the poor old Pope has gradually been forgottenC more foreign languages have been affecting EnglishD religious influence on peoples life nowadays is not so str

39、ong as that in 152033 During the 16th and 17th centuries, _A “of the Pope” had been losing its popularityB the popularity order of some words changed the mostC the changes in language were the greatestD rankings of popular phrases were more constant than today34 The underlined expression”coming of a

40、ge” probably means”_”A maturity B support C existence D ability35 What is the text mainly about?A Poor old Pope has lost his standing in language.B Tracking the most popular words in written English.C Old words have lost their position in modern language.D Ngram Viewerapplication helps Perc follow w

41、ord changes.第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Having confidence isnt always an easy thing to gain no matter who you are. Let me help you by giving some tips on how to improve your self-confidence.Make sure you understand the concept of acceptance. You must accept w

42、ho you are. _36_ Everyone has good qualities and its important to understand that about yourself.Make a list of the positive things about you. Forget your flaws(缺点) or what you arent good at. _37_ If you arent rally sure, then ask family and friends.- 9 -Go out and experience challenges. _38_ Learn

43、more about yourself. We dont know everything about us. Try new things. Challenging yourself to experience other things will make you learn more about who you are. This will help you feel prouder of yourself._39_ Set your own standards and realize everyone is different. YOou dont have to live up to w

44、hat others expect to feel confident. They dont know what I best for you. Everyones idea of being successful can differ from others.Make sure youre honest with yourself and others. Ive discovered if people arent honest with themselves, others usually arent very confident in them. _40_ Honesty is the

45、secret to many good things. Start being honest with yourself and others and it can make you a better person with more confidence.A Forge the idea of having to please others.B Its easy to lie, while its hard to tell the truth.C Dont be afraid to do something youve never done.D Feel confident in yours

46、elf no matter what happens to you.E Write down what you enjoy doing and what you are good at doing.F It is necessary for you to find out the reasons why you are less confident.G You cant change who you are and must realize you have good qualities.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 50 分)第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,

47、满分 30 分)One morning, a country house was found burning. The neighbors arrived and dragged a little boy out of the house. He was _41_ to a nearby hospital by a truck.After the operation, the little boy heard the doctor _42_ to his mother,”Your son was injured seriously, especially the legs. He was _4

48、3_ likely to survive.” To the _44_ of the physician, he did survive. When the _45_ was past, the mother was told that the boy couldnt walk for the rest of his life. Again, the boy didnt _46_ and determined to live a _47_ life. Unfortunately, his thin legs were just all but _48_.- 10 -Eventually he w

49、as allowed to leave the _49_. His mother massaged(按摩) his little legs every day but it didnt _50_ obviously. Yet his will to walk was as _51_ as ever. He was limited to a wheelchair because of his _52_.Once, his mother wheeled him out into the yard. Instead of sitting, he got out of his wheelchair and _53_ himself into pulling himself across the grass.With great _54_, he raised himself up, and pulled himself along the fe

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