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1、1福建省东山县第二中学 2018-2019 学年高二英语上学期期中试题本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两卷。第 I 卷:1 至 8 页;第 II 卷:9 至 12 页,共 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。第卷 (选择题 共 90 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)第一节(共五题,每题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15.

2、B. 9.15. C. 9.18. 答案是 B。1. Who is Jack?A. The speakers neighbour. B. The speakers classmate. C. The speakers colleague.2. What does the woman want the man to do?A. Tell a story. B. Deliver a message. C. Vote on a story.3. Where was the man born?A. In Manhattan. B. In Washington. C. In Los Angeles.4.

3、 What are the speakers talking about in general?A. A match. B. Football. C. The mans hobby.5. How will the man get to the airport?A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By car.2第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话

4、或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. What colour sofa does the woman first recommend?A. Grey. B. Red. C. Blue and orange.7. Why is the woman unsatisfied with the green sofa?A. It is too bright. B. It is not the right size.C. It wont go with other furniture.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8. What is the probable relation

5、ship between the speakers?A. Host and guest. B. Police officer and criminal.C. Interviewer and interviewee.9. What does the man try to do in the end?A. Give a promise. B. Make a complaint. C. Play a joke.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What is the man most probably doing now?A. Making a shopping list.B.

6、Packing his clothes for a trip.C. Watching the weather forecast on TV.11. What does the man think is the worst?A. Wandering round in the rain in wet clothes.B. Staying outdoors without sunglasses.C. Walking a lot in the street.12. What does the woman think is useful?A. The cap. B. The jacket. C. The

7、 shorts.3听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. Where are the speakers?A. In Hong Kong. B. In Taiwan. C. In Ottawa.14. What does the course allow students to do?A. Form their own musical theory.B. Follow their own pace of learning.C. Upload their own examples of the music.15. What can we learn about NotaAbility

8、Lite?A. It presents ones own music on the computer.B. It is programmed based on a course book.C. It uses various instruments to present music.16. What does the woman need to take the course?A. A computer. B. A CD player. C. A musical instrument.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. What kind of people especia

9、lly needs exercise?A. Adults from 20 to 80.B. Young people in their teens.C. Those who sit most of the day.18. What exercise is the most suitable for beginners?A. Jogging. B. Weightlifting. C. Climbing.19. How long would it be better for an exercise period to last?A. 5 to 10 minutes. B. 15 to 20 min

10、utes. C. 25 to 30 minutes.20. What is the best time for exercise?A. Morning. B. Afternoon. C. Evening.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳答案。4AMy grandmother was from a town in Michigan. Summer after summer,I enjoyed staying with my grandparents as a y

11、oung child. I was from the city and loved the small town they lived in. People knew everyone,their kids,their pets,their ancestors. The bond with them continued to grow as I grew and they got older. Grandma was always using her hands for something exciting. She would make little sandwiches and wed h

12、ave tea parties. Shed make beautiful quilts for each one. I remember the small thimble (顶针) she would use while doing her needle work.A few years ago,when Grandma left this earth,I bid farewell to a loving grandmother. How quickly our lives can change. We had just had tea together a couple of months

13、 earlier,on her 91st birthday.I missed her very much. On one particular birthday,when I was feeling a little low,something happened to make me feel like she was sharing that special day with me. I was arranging some colorful pillows that she had made,and suddenly I felt something inside one pillow.

14、It was small and hard. I moved the object to a seam (接缝) that I carefully opened,and to my delight out came a tiny silver thimble! How happy I was to find something that had been a part of her. Not realizing it had fallen off her finger,I pictured her sewing it in that little pillow that I just happ

15、ened to place on my bedspread that day. I carefully laid the thimble alongside the others Ive collected over the years, where I could continue to see the gift God chose to reveal to me. What a precious memory of a very special lady who somehow,I knew,was laughing in delight at sewing her thimble ins

16、ide my pillow.I made some tea,using my best china,as Grandma always did,and enjoyed my tea and Grandmas thimble. What a wonderful birthday that was! (347W)21.The author wrote this passage to .A.recall her happy childhood a desire to lead a simple on people to care for the old D.

17、show she missed living with her grandma22.The author liked staying with her grandparents because .5A.she could learn to sew quiltsB.they often bought her some giftsC.she was curious about people and things thereD.she could have tea parties and eat sandwiches23.How did the author feel when she found

18、the silver thimble?A.Sad. B.Cheerful. C.Proud. D.Lucky. 24.It can be inferred from the passage that the silver thimble .A.was very precious to the authorB.was a birthday gift Grandma had given the authorC.was the item the author had been trying to findD.was the most treasured possession of Grandma25

19、.What is the best title for the passage?A.A little pillow B.Grandmas silver thimbleC.My grandparents D.My childhoodBWelcome, to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.Electronic Village Program (Thursday, June 18, 2015)Nearpod 9:00 am to 10:00 am Room 501Nearpod

20、 is a software program that creates a rich context (语境)for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it.TEO 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Room 502Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line. The presenter will use examples from his first on-line

21、 class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.Kahoot Prezi6 10:30 am to 11:30 am Room 601Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback (反馈),including reports about their strengths and weakne

22、sses. 3:30 pm to 4:20 pm Room 602Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics, including introducing family, friends, and hobbies.(196W)26. If you wa

23、nt to improve your speaking skills, you can go to _ .A. Room 501 B. Room 502 C. Room 601 D. Room 60227. Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?A. Nearpod. B. Kahoot. C. TEO. D. Prezi.28. Nearpod can be used to _ .A. offer grammar tests B. teach listening on-lineC. help vocabulary le

24、arning D. gain fluency in speaking29. A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to arrive by _ .A. 9:00 am B. 10:30 am C. 2:00 pm D. 3:30 pmCMy first impression of Miss Vicki was a highly authoritative (权威的) person towering over me. She spoke in a loud voice and the earth shook whene

25、ver she marched. That was inthe first year of high school. She was a knowledgeable literature teacher then. 7However, during my first year in school, she struck terror into my heart (使我胆战心惊). And everyone elses of course. Just the mention of her name made the most unruly classes silent. Nevertheless

26、, the two years of junior high passed by rather quickly. Soon, I went to senior high class. I had worked hard and gotten the subject combination that I wished for. Together with a group of old friends, I soon settled down in class comfortably. To everyones surprise, she was fortunate enough to be my

27、 teacher that year. I was shocked when I heard the news. This time round, however, I decided not to hide in terror whenever she was near. I decided to face the fact that we were going to meet each other for the next 365 days. Instead of trying too hard to lick her boots, I tried my best to my natura

28、l self in front of her. Still, I could not shake off the ice-cold impression that she put in my heart. True, her jokes sometimes sent me into fits of laughter, yet at other times these jokes simply fell flat the moment she told them. My lovely class, however, was already ready to laugh at the right

29、time of her amusing stories. After all, we would not want to run the risk of provoking (激怒) her. Unluckily, life was not to remain boring. One day we received news that Miss Vicki was to leave Singapore for the Philippines where she would take part in a voluntary teaching program for the poor. We di

30、d not know what to say actually. All of us cried at the airport. (330W)30. During the first year in school, the author thought Miss Vicki was . A. proud but patient B. scholarly but serious C. beautiful but strict D. humorous but single-minded 31. What does the underlined phrase “lick her boots” in

31、Paragraph 3 mean?A. Argue with her. B. Embarrass her.C. Win her favor. D .Follow her closely. 32. What can we learn from Paragraph 4 ?A. Miss Vicki was a good joke teller.8B . Miss Vickis jokes were always boring. C. Students liked Miss Vickis class very much. D. Students pretended to laugh to pleas

32、e Miss Vicki.33. What can we infer about Miss Vicki from the last paragraph? A. She had a strong sense of social responsibility. B. She was fired by the school.C . She was not accepted by the students. D. She was unwilling to leave her students. DTail SpinTwo dolphins race around in a big pool in th

33、e Ocean Park. The smaller dolphin Grace, shows off a few of her tricks, turning around and waving hello to the crowd. The most amazing thing about her, however, is that shes even swimming at all. She doesnt have a tail.Grace lost her tail as a baby when she got caught up in a fish trap. When the dol

34、phin arrived at the Ocean Park in December 2005,she was fighting for her life. “Is she going to make it?” Her trainer, Abbey Stone, feared the worst. Grace did make itbut her tail didnt. She ended up losing her flukes and the lower part of her peduncle.Over the past six years, she has learned to swi

35、m without her tail. Dolphins swim by moving their flukes and peduncle up and down. Grace taught herself to move another waylike a fish! She pushes herself forward through the water by moving her peduncle from side to side.The movements put harmful pressure on Graces backbone. So a company offered to

36、 create a man-made tail for her. The tail had to be strong enough to stay on Grace as she swam but soft enough that it wouldnt hurt her.9The first time Grace wore the artificial tail, she soon shook it off and let it sink to the bottom of the pool. Now, she is still learning to use the tail. Some da

37、ys she wears it for an hour at a time, others not at all. “The new tail isnt necessary for her to feel comfortable,” says Stone, “but it helps to keep that range of motion(动作) and build muscles(肌肉).”Now, the dolphin is about to get an even happier ending. This month, Grace will star in Dolphin Tale,

38、 a film that focuses on her rescue and recovery. Her progress has inspired more than just a new movie. Many people travel from near and far to meet her. Seeing Grace swim with her man-made tail gives people so much courage. (336W)34.When Grace first arrived at the Ocean Park, her trainer worried abo

39、ut her . A.chance of survival B.potential abilityC.physical build D.adaptation to the surroundings35.The story of Grace inspires people to . A.stick to their dreams B.treat animals friendlyC.treasure what they have D.face difficulties bravely第二节 阅读七选五(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最

40、佳选项。选择中有两项为多余项。Question: I found a new job in the nearby town last week. 36 But my sons dont want to leave, because they have established a good friendship with our neighbours children. I am really puzzled about how to explain our moving plan to them. And there is only three weeks left. Will you ple

41、ase tell me some good advice?Answer: Congratulations on your new position! 37 It frequently causes them to feel unsafe. But dont worry. There are many things you can do to make the moving experience less frightening for your children.Involve them from the very beginning.高 二 年 班 座号 姓名 10Tell your chi

42、ldren as soon as you know youre moving. 38 Explain why youre moving in terms they can understand. This will remove a lot of the fear and confusion they may be feeling. Be sure to answer their questions as fully as you can.39 If you approach the coming move as an exciting adventure for the entire fam

43、ily, it will help to calm your childrens fears. If possible, show them the new house and let them spend some time exploring it. Help them imagine where their furniture and toys will go. Show them the yard and help them imagine all the fun they will have there. Talk about all the fun things the famil

44、y will do there.Let them help.If you give your children an active role in the move, they are much more likely to accept it and even grow excited about it. Let them pack some of their own things. 40 If there are old toys you dont plan to take, let the kids help decide which of them should be taken or

45、 given away.AMoving can upset children of any age. BMake the move an adventure. CWhat to do on moving day.DDont tell them at the last minute. E. This will help them feel a part of the move.F. My wife and I are considering moving there next month. G. If youre driving to your new home, make the trip e

46、xciting! 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。11I remember going to college expecting to make some of the best friends of my life. 41 , as I arrived at my college, the social scene 42 me in some way. No one had 43 in c

47、ollege as close as they did in high school.Why?It seems that high school is a more 44 experience than college. People in college are _45_ and driven. They have career 46 and they always have things to do and places to go to. Thats how the friendships seem to be as well: we need people to 47 with, so

48、 we from dining groups. We need people to help us with our work, so we form 48_groups. We need to bond with our sports team, so we hang out (闲逛), with other team members.Friends just for the sake (目的) of friends are relatively 49 .College, in some ways, can be a(n) 50 life. But that doesnt mean conn

49、ecting to people is _51_ ; you just need to know 52 to look. Instead of just finding friends in your dormitory (宿舍) out of _53 , youll have to find people who 54 your interests. Join a club in your college that suits your interests. Seek out people in the class who really 55 what you do and talk about homework together. Dont just follow the 56 to have a party on weekends-do a little extra work to find people you can get on well with. That way, you can 57 wi

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