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1、- 1 -福建省晋江市平山中学 2019 届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题。 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项 中选 出最佳 选项 , 并标在 试卷的 相应位 置。听 完每段 对话后 ,你都 有 10 秒钟 的 时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the speakers?A At home. B I n a restaurant. C I n the street.2. How many member

2、s are probabl y there i n the mans group?A 6. B 12. C 18.3. What ki nd of pet does the woman want?A. A parr ot B. A snake C. A gol dfi sh4. What was the weather li ke 30 mi nutes ago?A. Sunny. B. Snowy. C. Rai ny.5. What are the speakers opi ni ons about the pai nti ng?A. It s si mpl e. B. It s col

3、orful. C. It s compl ex. 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话或独白前 , 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答 时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、 7 题。6. What do we know about the woman?A. She i s too busy. B. She i s poor at cooki ng.

4、 C. She li kes eati ng noodl es.7. What does the man ask the woman to buy at l ast?A. Noodl es. B. Some fi sh. C. Some frui t. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、 9 题。8 Why di d Bill l ose hi s j ob?A He made a bi g mi stake. B He di dnt work hard. C Hi s boss di dnt li ke hi m.9 What can we l earn about Bill from the

5、conversati on?A He has one ki d now. B He di dnt get on well wi th others. C He i s probabl y a sal esman.听第 8 段材料 , 回答第 10 至 12 题。10. Whi ch subj ect i s di ff i cul t for the woman?- 2 -A. Math. B. Hi story. C. Chemi stry.11. When can the woman have tutori ng?A. On Tuesdays. B. On Thursdays. C. On

6、 Fri days.12. Who i s i n charge of the Gi fted Program?A. Mr. Jenni ngs. B. Mr. Hobart. C. Mrs. Lee. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. How does the woman descri be the mans tri p to the desert?A. Hot and ti ri ng. B. Hot and wonderful. C. Hot and dangerous.14. Where does the man pl an to go thi s ti me?A.

7、 Australi a. B. South Afri ca. C. Chi na.15. Whi ch pl ace has the man been to?A. The Great Wall . B. The Forbi dden Ci ty. C. West Lake.16. What does the woman do i n the end?A. She makes a j oke. B. She gi ves some advi ce. C. She makes an appoi ntment.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17 When was the sport

8、s meeti ng hel d?A Last Fri day. B Last Saturday. C Thi s Fri day18 Whi ch event di d the speaker take part i n?A The l ong j ump. B The hi gh j ump C The 100-meter race19 Whi ch cl ass won the tug-of-war?A Cl ass One. B Cl ass Two. C Cl ass Three.20 Who was the best basketball pl ayer i n the schoo

9、l ?A Steve. B Frank. C Davi d. 第二部分:阅读理解(共 2 节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI n between runni ng one of the worl ds l argest chari tabl e agenci esand acti ng as Mi crosofts technol ogy advi sor, Bill Gates manages to fi ndti me to read

10、 books, both l ong and short. Now Gates -who has been l abel eda “greedy” readerhas rel eased a li st of hi s favori te books of the year.All of the books are standout reads, accordi ng to the billi onai re, mostof whi ch are focused on busi ness and economy.Here are Bill s top four pi cks for the y

11、ear (wi th parts of hi s full- 3 -revi ew of each book).Busi nes dventures, by John BroksBrooks coll ecti on was publi shed i n 1969 and remai ns one of Gatesfavori tes. He re-read it agai n thi s year, l abeli ng it “the best busi nessbook I ve ever read”.“Shortl y after we met, Warr en Buff ett l

12、ent me thi s coll ecti on ofNew Yorker busi ness arti cl es from the 1950s and 1960s. I l oved them asmuch as he di d. Brooks i nsi ghts about busi ness have aged beauti full y,and they are as true today as ever. ”api tal i n the Tenty-Fi rst entury, by Thoas Pi kettyPi kett ys novel hi t the shel v

13、es i n August 2013 and sparked muchdi scussi on concerni ng i ncome i nequali ty throughout thi s year. Gates al sogot to si t down wi th Pi kett y hi msel f after readi ng the non-fi cti on workto di scuss the topi c.“As I tol d hi m, al though I have concerns about some of hi s secondarypoi nts an

14、d poli cy prescri pti ons, I agree wi th hi s most i mportantconcl usi ons: i nequali ty i s a growi ng probl em and that governments shoul dpl ay a rol e i n reduci ng i t. ”ow si a orks, by Joe StudellStudwell s work, whi ch was publi shed i n May thi s year, addresseshow countri es such as Japan,

15、 South Korea and Chi na have conti nued toachi eve hi gh growth, and why other countri es have fail ed to do the same.“The agri cul ture secti on of the book was parti cul arl y i nsi ghtful.It provi ded ampl e food for thought for me as well as the whol e agri cul tureteam at our foundati on. And i

16、t l eft us thi nki ng about whether parts ofthe Asi an model can appl y i n Afri ca.aki ngtheodernorl d: ateri al sandeateri ali zati on, byael avSil- 4 -Smil s books are a constant favori te of the Mi crosoft founderone of hi s books makes Gates li st al most every year. aki ngtheodern orl d came o

17、ut l ate l ast year and expl ores the gl obal use of materi al s, from sili con to wood, and pl asti c.“If anyone tri es to tell you were usi ng fewer materi al s, send hi m thi s book. Wi th hi s usual skepti ci sm and hi s l ove of data, Smil shows how our abili ty to make thi ngs wi th l ess mate

18、ri al ssay, soda cans that need l ess al umi num makes them cheaper, whi ch actuall y encourages more producti on. ”21. Of the books, A. ow si a orks- 5 -i s best prai sed by Bill Gates.B. api tal i n the Tenty-Fi rst enturyC. Busi nes dventuresD. aki ng the odern orl d: ateri al s and eateri ali za

19、ti on22. The books menti oned i n the text are all about .A. chari ty i n the worl dB. busi ness and economyC. poverty i n the worl dD. Bill Gates li fe experi ence23. I n ow si a orks, the author anal yses .A. why Afri can agri cul ture cannot be devel oped fastB. How they can appl y Asi an economi

20、 c model i n Afri can countri esC. why Asi a i s so sl ow i n agri cul tural devel opmentD. How some Asi an countri es have rapi dl y grown i n economyBI was sel fi sh as a teenager. I usuall y spent my ti me thi nki ng aboutmysel f and taki ng care of my own needs. I l et my ol der brother do most

21、of the work around the house until he l eft for coll ege. I l et my Mom and Dad worr y about our bill s and probl ems whil e I read books, pl ayed, and l ost mysel f i n my own i magi nati on. Thi s di dnt change even when I went to coll ege ei ther. I studi ed hard but onl y to make my own li fe be

22、tt er. Even when I started to expl ore my fai th and spi ri tuali ty, it was onl y to i ncrease my own happi ness.I marri ed after graduati on and deci ded to start a famil y. Of course, I had no i dea what hard knocks reali ty had i n store for my sel fi sh soul. Soon I found mysel f unempl oyed, d

23、eepl y i n debt, and wi th a new baby on the way. I found out that li fe has li ttl e sympathy for spoil ed peopl e.I n fact, all of the struggl es I was goi ng through were beati ng thesel fi shness sl owl y out of me.Still , I di dnt gi ve up on happi ness. I knew that there must be a way to fi nd

24、 i t. I fi nall y reali zed, however, that it had to i ncl ude more than j ust my own needs, wants, and desi res. The answer began to make i tsel f cl ear one ni ght shortl y after my baby boy was born. I got a bottl e and hel d hi m i n my arms. As I was feedi ng hi m I l ooked down and saw hi s bi

25、 g, i nnocent, trusti ng eyes. I smil ed and tal ked to hi m. Then he smil ed and I coul d feel my heart growi ng, expandi ng wi th l ove. I - 6 -fel t such peace and j oy. At that moment I had a hi nt of the truth: it i s by growi ng our hearts wi th l ove that we fi nd our happi ness.Carol yn Aren

26、ds wrote: “The more peopl e you l et i nto your heart, the bi gger your heart gets. The more l ove you get, the more l ove you have to gi ve. It j ust keeps growi ng. “ So, keep l ovi ng, keep li vi ng and keep cari ng. Keep growi ng your heart today, tomorr ow, and al ways.24. What do we know about

27、 the author from the fi rst paragraph?A. He often hel ped hi s brother wi th housework. B. He studi ed hard for hi s famil y.C. He put hi s own needs above others. D. He was concerned about hi s famil y.25. What di d the author reali ze after he suff ered i n li fe?A. Spoil ed peopl e cant survi ve

28、the hardshi p of li fe. B. Li fe i s cruel to spoil ed peopl e.C. Spoil ed peopl e are never happy i n li fe. D. Sel fi shness i s hel pful.26. What can be i nferr ed from the passage?A. The author l oved ki ds.B. The author often fed hi s baby.C. The author reali zed the i mportance of happi ness.D

29、. When cari ng for hi s baby, the author got i nspi red.27. Whi ch can be the best ti tl e of the passage?A. Lovi ng Others , a Way to Happi nessB. The El der One Grows, the More He Gets. C. Hel p Others , Hel p Onesel fD. Keep Growi ng to Li ve a Happy Li feCI n summer the extreme heat often makes

30、peopl e sweaty and restl ess. Whil e peopl e are annoyed by i t, experts suggest summer i s the best season to di scharge (排放 ) your bodys toxi ns (毒素 ) and recover your energy.One popul ar opti on i s hot-stone massage (按摩 ). Therapi sts use smooth and heated stones, usuall y ri ver rocks, to massa

31、ge certai n parts of the body, or pl ace them on key poi nts of the body. The warmth of the hot stones will i mprove bl ood ci rcul ati on and al so hel p rel ax muscl es, whil e sweati ng i s al so beli eved to be good for di schargi ng the bodys toxi ns.Another popul ar opti on i s hot-stone baths

32、. The hot-stone bath will hel p - 7 -the body di scharge toxi ns and humi di ty that accumul ated duri ng the l ast wi nter. Summer i s the best season to buil d a good body. Rather than use water or steam to heat and wash the body, peopl e si mpl y wear a coat or somethi ng comfortabl e, and then l

33、i e on heated stone tabl ets made of hot stones, whi ch are warmed to around 45oC. The body will graduall y warm up and bl ood ci rcul ati on will al so be i mproved. More sweat will come out qui ckl y. The sweat i s smooth and fresh, not smell y li ke that rel eased after sports acti vi ti es. Such

34、 baths bri ng a number of heal th benefi ts, such as anti -agi ng, i mproved bl ood ci rcul ati on and stress reli ef. The sli mmi ng eff ect of di eti ng can even be promoted.Usi ng hot stones for heali ng dates back to anci ent ti mes, but the modern renewal of hot-stone massage i s generall y cre

35、di ted to Mary Nel son, a nati ve of Tucson, Ari zona, Ameri ca, whose trademark i s “LaStone Therapy”.The therapy i s gai ni ng wi de popul ari ty wi th many peopl e, especi all ythose who have j obs i n cool ai r-condi ti oned rooms. The hot-stone therapycan hel p cure many di seases, i ncl udi ng

36、 back pai n.28. What do peopl e use to rel ease toxi ns i n our body accordi ng to the text?A. Washi ng the body wi th col d water. B. Di schargi ng l ots of sweat.C. Rel axi ng muscl esD. Lyi ng on the warm beds.29. What can we know from the text?A. Sports have greater eff ects on the heal th than

37、hot-stone massage. B. There are no toxi ns and humi di ty i n the body i n summer.C. Usi ng water of about 45oC to wash the body i s good for the heal th. D. Peopl e shoul d take advantage of summer to i mprove thei r heal th.30. What can be l earned about the hot-stone therapy?A. It was i nvented b

38、y Mary Nel son, an Ameri can. B. It successfull y cured many peopl e of cancer.C. It i s popul ar wi th peopl e wi th i ts excell ent eff ects.D. It can hel p peopl e avoi d sweati ng too much i n hot summer.31. Whi ch of the foll owi ng coul d be the best ti tl e for the text?A. The ori gi n and de

39、vel opment of the hot-stone therapyB. The amazi ng functi ons of the hot-stone therapy- 8 -C. A heal thy and comfortabl e li festyl eD. How to li ve comfortabl y i n summerDChil dren often suff er pai n and i nsecuri ty when thei r parents separate.When my ex-husband and I broke up after 10 years of

40、 marri age, our daughterwas 5 years ol d and our son onl y 3. We deci ded to see a psychol ogi st aboutthe best way to expl ai n thi s new si tuati on to the chil dren. She sharedwi th us thi s speci al story about a l and turtl e and a sea turtl e, whi chwe then used to hel p them bett er comprehen

41、d.Once upon a ti me, a l and turtl e (Mommy) met a sea turtl e (Daddy) cl oseto a beauti ful shore. Soon they fell deepl y i n l ove and deci ded to getmarri ed. For a ti me, they conti nued to li ve at the waters edge so thatMommy coul d si t on the sand and keep dry and warm, whil e Daddy sat i n

42、theshall ow water to keep cool. A few years l ater two baby turtl es arri ved.They were very speci al i ndeed, and l ooked a li ttl e li ke each of thei r parents.But as the years went by, Daddy sea turtl e started spendi ng more and more ti me i n the ocean as he travel ed deeper and deeper to l oo

43、k for pearl s. Mommy l and turtl e al so started wanderi ng up i nto the sands to hunt for food i n the woods. Li ttl e by li ttl e, Daddy and Mommy turtl e started to dri ft apart. Fi nall y one day, Mommy and Daddy turtl e deci ded they di dn t want to li ve together any more. The li ttl e turtl e

44、s conti nued to spend ti me wi th each of thei r parents. They made l ots of fri ends wi th all the fi sh, dol phi ns and whal es i n the ocean and al so many fri ends wi th the rabbi ts, deer, and foxes i n the woods. I n fact they grew up to be a new ki nd of turtl e that coul d li ve both i n the

45、 ocean and on the l and.Over the years, thi s tal e of the l and and sea turtl e has hel ped my chil dren cope and accept the fact that my marri age to thei r father was over. They know that we once l oved each other very much and that they were born out of true l ove.32. When the parents di vorce,

46、thei r chil dren often feel .A. unsafe B. reli eved c. i ndi ff erent D. annoyed33. The underli ned “They” i n the second paragraph refers to “ ”.A. The l and turtl e and the sea turtl eB. The two baby turtl esC. The author and her ex-husbandD. The authors chil dren- 9 -34. We can concl ude from the

47、 thi rd paragraph that .A. the di vorce of two turtl es harmed thei r chil dren greatl y.B. the author and her ex-husband still li ve together after thedi vorceC. parental di vorce i s not al ways bad for the chil drens growthD. the tal e of the two turtl es i s wi del y read i n the USA35. We can p

48、robabl y fi nd thi s passage i n the col umn of .A. Cul ture B. Parenti ng C. Career D. Educati on第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项 为多余选项。根 据 短 文 内 容 , 从 短 文 后 的 选 项 中 选 出 能 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。 选 项 中有 两 项 为 多 余 选 项 。Changi ng your li fe can come i n small , easy ste

49、ps. You can transform yoursel f and li ve a bett er li fe by maki ng posi ti ve changes al ong the way. Here are some choi ces that will l ead to your transformati on.Choose to change bad habi tsSome bad habi ts seem to sti ck around wi thout us even reali zi ng i t.36 You can overcome them, fi nd bett er al ternati ves, and

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