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本文((滨州专版)2018中考英语总复习第二部分专项语法高效突破专项6数词课件.ppt)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、第二部分 专项语法 高效突破,专项6 数 词,高频考点精讲 考点1 基数词和序数词的构成及用法,一、基数词 1基数词的读法(构成),2.基数词的用法 表示数量多少。如:There are four people in my family.在我家里有四口人。 表示时刻。 直接读法: 先读小时,后读分钟。如:3:25读作 three twentyfive。 间接读法: a)30分钟:分钟 past 小时。如:3: 25 读作twentyfive past three; 3:30 读作half past three;3:15 读作a quarter past three。 b)30分钟: ( 60分

2、钟 ) to (小时数1)。如:3:55读作five to four;3:45 读作a quarter to four。 表示年(月)份和年龄。如:He was born in March, 2004.他出生于2004年3月份。She is fifteen years old.她15岁了。 表示编号(顺序)。如:Unit 12 第12单元;Page 5 第5页;Room 203 203号房间。,表示年代。如:in the 1940s / 1940s(读作in the nineteen forties)在20世纪40年代。 “基数词连字符单数名词(连字符形容词)”构成复合形容词,作定语,用于表示

3、时间、距离等。如:an eightyearold boy一个8岁的男孩; tenminute walk(ten minutes walk) 10分钟的路程。 “基数词more”或“another基数词”表示“在原来的基础上增加数量”。如:He will stay in China for two more weeks(another two weeks)他将在中国再待两周。 确数与概数的表达法 确数的表达法:基数词 hundred/thousand/million/billion 名词复数。如:three hundred students三百名学生; two thousand books两千本

4、书。 概数的表达法: hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of名词复数。如:thousands of birds 数以千只鸟; millions of people数以百万的人。,二.序数词1构成:常在基数词后加th构成: (1)第一至第十九一般是在基数词后加th,但变化特殊的有:onefirst,twosecond,threethird,fivefifth,eighteighth,nineninth,twelvetwelfth。 (2)逢十的twenty,thirty.ninety,分别改y为ieth。如:twentytwentieth,ninetyni

5、netieth。 (3)表示第几十几或第几百几十几,只需将个位数改为序数词。如:56fiftysixfiftysixth;635six hundred and thirtyfivesix hundred and thirtyfifth。 【口诀】 基变序,有规律,末尾要加th,一二三特殊记,结尾各是t,d,d,八减t,九去e,f来把ve替,ty改为tie,然后再加th,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。,2用法: (1)表示顺序。序数词表示顺序时,在其前用定冠词the。如:This is the second time that I have been in London.这是我第二次去伦敦。

6、(2)但若序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格时则省略the。如:my first teacher 我的第一位老师。 (3)固定短语中的序数词前不用冠词。如:at first起初;first of all首先。 (4)某人的第几个生日、月份的日期、第几个世纪、分数中的分母都用序数词。 (5)the序数词最高级名词单数其他,表示“第几大”。如:Peter is the second tallest boy in his class.彼得是班里第二高的男孩。 (6)序数词前加a / an表示“又一,再一”。如:She wanted a third cake.她想要第三块蛋糕。(已经吃了两块了),

7、考点2 确切和不确切数字的表达方法,hundred,thousand,million等数词前面有基数词或某些表示数量的形容词时,不加s。如:several million people 数百万人;two thousand teachers 两千位老师。但如表示“几百”“几千”“几百万”等笼统的数目时,则应用sof构成短语。如:hundreds of books 几百本书;thousands of workers 几千个工人。,考点3 分数、小数及百分数,1.分数的分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示,当分子大于1时,序数词要用复数。1/2a/one half;1/3a/one third;1/4

8、a/one fourth或a/one quarter;2/5two fifths。2小数是以基数词加小数点表示,小数点前面的数按基数词的规则读,小数点后面的数按个位基数词依次读出,如: 0.5zero point five;0.006zero point zero zero six。3百分数是由基数词或小数加百分号组成,百分号(%)读作percent,如:0.6%zero point six percent;5% five percent。,十年真题全练,近五年滨州中考试题对数词的考查形式主要为单词拼写,涉及到基数词和序数词的拼写;对于辨析基数词与序数词的考查形式一般出现在选择填空题中,对不确

9、切数量词的考查也往往以选择填空的形式出现。复习数词时,要注意基数词时刻的表达法、加减法、日期表达法、分数的表达法及基数词在句中与名词的搭配等。预计2018年滨州中考中仍会出现对数词的考查,听力选择和单词拼写题对数词的考查会以数字辨音和词性转换为主。,考点1 基数词和序数词的构成及用法,1.2011滨州,25题Now, everybody, please turn to Page _B_ and look at the _ picture. AFifth;five BFive;fifth CFifth;fifth DFive;five22017滨州,23题My grandparents live

10、 in an old apartment with _D_ floors and they are on the _ floor. Afifth;three Bfifth;third Cfive;three Dfive;third,考点2 确切和不确切数字的表达方法,3.2015滨州,32题Two _B_ students _ to the opening ceremony last Friday. Ahundreds; were invited Bhundred; were invited Chundreds of ; invited Dhundred of; invited,考点3 分数、

11、小数及百分数,4.2016滨州,25题What do you think of the environment here? Wonderful!_A_ of the land _ covered with trees and grass. ATwo fifths;is BTwo fifth;is CTwo fifths;are DTwo fifth;are,猜押预测,1Jack, _A_ of the apples _ gone bad. Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possible. Aone fifth;have Bone fifth;has

12、 Cone fifths;have Dfirst five;has2Mary felt happy to receive some gifts on her _C_ birthday. Atwelve Btwenty Ctwelfth Dnext3This is the _C_ time that I come to Paris.I have been here twice. Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth4When he arrived at the airport,Lu Han found that _C_ fans were waiting for him.

13、Athousand Bthousands Cthousands of Dthousand of,5There are _C_ tourists visiting the island on May Day every year. Atwo thousands of Btwo thousands Cthousands of Dthousand of6How old is your son? _D_. We had a special party for his _ birthday yesterday. ANine;nine BNinth;nine CNine;the ninth DNine;n

14、inth7We are going on holiday in the _C_ week of July. Atwo Btwice Csecond DsecondlyLife is far more important,isnt it? Ahalf Bone third Ctwo thirds Dthree quarters,8_A_ birds have come back because the environment here becomes better and better. AThousands of BThousand of CThousands DThousand9_D_ of

15、 the land in that district is covered with trees and grass. AFifth two BTwo fifth CFifth second DTwo fifths10A recent survey shows that 35 out of 45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire. About _D_ of the students made such a choice? Life is far more important,isnt it? Ahalf Bone third Ctwo thirds Dthree quarters,

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