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1、1高考题型拆分组合练(二) 知识运用精准练.完形填空Alonzo Johnson stopped.He decided to help a(n) 1 elderly man down an escalator (自动扶梯) in a Massachusetts shopping mall last week, 2 the 23-year-old could never have predicted that his simple,random (随意的) act of kindness would win him the 3 of thousands of people online.An o

2、ld man 4 at the top of an escalator and a few people started gathering (聚集) 5 to get on.It was clear he was feeling 6 as to whether to step on to the escalator or not.Johnson spotted the senior citizen hesitating and 7 the simplest kindness.He reached out a(n) 8 and asked with a smile on his face, “

3、Can I help you,sir?”The old man quietly started to 9 to the young man that he had gotten stuck on an escalator once and was a little 10 .The young man gently offered his assurance (保证),they 11 each other eye to eye for just a moment and the old man 12 his arm.Everyone else remained 13 and waited.Pau

4、la Picard and a friend were standing nearby and 14 to take a touching photo of the pair linking arms as they 15 the escalator together.She posted the 16 on Facebook and it spread 17 with more than 420,000 likes and 25,000 comments in just a few hours.Johnson said he never 18 his actions would reach

5、so many people.“He looked very afraid and I thought maybe I could 19 , ” Johnson said.“My mom always tells us to be nice and do the 20 thing.It s really the way I was brought up and how I was raised.”1A.busy BfrightenedCinjured BifCbut Dbecause3A.praise BblameChappiness Danger4A.stopped

6、BworkedCread Dfell5A.running BpushingCshouting Dwaiting6A.hopeful BconvenientCunsure Duncomfortable7A.offered BsoldCwanted Dtook28A.eye BarmCrope Dstick9A.promise BproveCapologize Dexplain10A.excited BsurprisedCscared Ddisappointed11A.argued with Blistened toClooked at Dran into12A.accepted Bshook C

7、refused Dleft13A.anxious BpatientCinterested Dworried14A.managed BavoidedCasked Dfailed15A.talked about Bwalked towardsCwent down Dsearched for16A.message BcommentCexample Dphoto17A.differently BquicklyCstrangely Dcompletely18A.meant BadmittedCunderstood BfollowCsee Dsmile20A.easy

8、BfamousCright Dperfect.语法填空(2018南宁二中模拟)An American in Beijing lives his Chinese dreamGao Tianrui walks along streets in Beijings Xicheng district as 1. public security volunteer.2. (wear) his bright red armband(红袖章) and speaking fluent Mandarin,62-year-old Gao Tianrui could have been taken for any r

9、egular Chinese man.3. on closer inspection,things are not quite what they seem: Gaos real name is Terry Crossman and he is 4. the United States.He is now a member of “Xicheng Dama”,that is,volunteers,usually women in late middle-age,5. walk along the streets of downtown Beijings Xicheng district.Ter

10、ry said that,at first,he saw the group as busybodies,but 6. (gradual) he saw that it was a good thing for retired seniors 7. (help) others.3Often,He 8. (see) giving tourists 9. (direction),getting water for a baby and even helping a neighbor sell yogurt.“I like helping others, ” he said, “I live in

11、the hutong and my neighbors and I usually help each other .This is where I live,where my friends are and where I call home.” Crossman 10. (become) interested in Chinese culture as a teenager when he read Tao Te Ching by Laozi.答案解析【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。一位老人不敢乘坐自动扶梯,一位年轻人伸出援手,热心帮忙。1A.busy BfrightenedCinjured

12、DblindB 由最后一段中的“He looked very afraid”可知,Johnson 看到老人时,老人看起来非常“害怕(frightened)” 。 BifCbut DbecauseC Johnson 帮助老人下扶梯,这一小小的善举获得了网友的广泛关注,这是他始料未及的,该空前后两句话存在语义上的转折关系,故填 but。3A.praise BblameChappiness DangerA 由下文“more than 420,000 likes and 25,000 comments”可知,Johnson 扶老人下扶梯的照片获得大量的“点赞”与评论,他的善举赢得了人们的“称

13、赞(praise)” 。4A.stopped BworkedCread DfellA 由下文“a few people started gathering”以及“whether to step on to the escalator or not”可知,老人没有走上扶梯,他身后已经聚集了一些人,由此可推断,老人此时“停(stop)”在扶梯顶端。5A.running BpushingCshouting DwaitingD 下文“Everyone else.and waited”是提示,老人停在扶梯顶端时,一些人在他后面“等待(wait)”上扶梯。6A.hopeful BconvenientCun

14、sure Duncomfortable4C 由下文“whether to step on to the escalator or not”及“the senior citizen hesitating”可知,老人“不确定(unsure)”要不要走上扶梯。7A.offered BsoldCwanted DtookA Johnson 注意到老人犹豫不前, “主动提供(offer)”帮助。8A.eye BarmCrope DstickB 下文 his arm是提示。9A.promise BproveCapologize DexplainD 下文“he had gotten stuck on an e

15、scalator once and.”是老人对自己犹豫不前的“解释(explain)” 。10A.excited BsurprisedCscared DdisappointedC 因为老人曾经被扶梯卡住过,因此他有点“害怕(scared)” 。 11A.argued with Blistened toClooked at Dran intoC 下文 eye to eye是提示,他们互相“望着(look at)”对方。12A.accepted Bshook Crefused DleftA 由下文老人和 Johnson一起下扶梯可知,这时他“接受了(accept)”Johnson 的帮助。13A.

16、anxious BpatientCinterested DworriedB 由本句中的 waited可知,在 Johnson与老人交流这段时间,其他人“耐心(patient)”等待着。14A.managed BavoidedCasked DfailedA 由下文照片被上传到社交媒体上可知,Paula Picard和朋友“成功(manage)”拍到了照片。15A.talked about Bwalked towardsCwent down Dsearched forC 由上文中的“down an escalator”和“at the top of an escalator”可知,这张照片展示了

17、Johnson扶老人“下(go down)”扶梯的情景。16A.message BcommentCexample Dphoto【答案】 D17A.differently BquicklyCstrangely Dcompletely5B Paula Picard把这张“照片(photo)”上传到了社交媒体上,它(照片)传播“很快(quickly)” ,几个小时的时间便获得大量的“点赞”和评论。18A.meant BadmittedCunderstood DexpectedD 由第一段中的“the 23-year-old could never have predicted that.”可知,Johnson 没有“预料到(expect)”他的举动会被这么多人知道。 BfollowCsee DsmileA Johnson 在老人犹豫不前时提供了“帮助(help)” 。20A.easy BfamousCright DperfectC 由 Johnson的母亲教导他要善良可推断,要他做“对的(right)”事,【答案】 1.a 2.Wearing 3.But 4.from 5.who6gradually help seen 9.directions 10.became6

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