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1、1完形填空提分特训(一)A阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was very late when I got out of the cinema. By the time the 1 ended,it was 1 a. m. I walked to my car which was 2 across the street. When I arrived,I noticed something 3 the doors were unlocked. I took a quick 4 round the car and to my g

2、reat 5 ,everything was undamaged,except that my 6 was gone. After a further search,I had to 7 the fact that it was gone,but I considered myself incredibly 8 because nothing valuable was taken. The next day I got a 9 voice mail from a man. He said he had walked his dog in the morning and came across

3、my 10 briefcase with my name on it. I called him back 11 . He promised to 12 it. At first I asked him to send it,but then I 13 . Though we were in the same city,I didnt want to trouble him. I finally decided to go to collect it though it probably wouldnt be 14 enough to go to a 15 house to pick some

4、thing up. I met the man and was greatly 16 to him. Words could not express my 17 of this strangers kindness. I think theres so much 18 in the world and that there are so many people who 19 their inner goodness through acts of kindness. It feels good to give kindness and it also feels nice to 20 othe

5、rs want to give. C.meeting D.interview2.A.driven B.repaired C.bought D.parked3.A.strange B.interesting C.exciting D.tiring4.A.charge B.attempt C.look D.chance5.A.surprise B.sorrow C.puzzle D.cellphone7.A.receive B.declare C.accept D.oppose28.A.a

6、nxious B.confidentC.fortunate D.satisfactory9.A.familiar B.surprising C.worried D.loud10.A.modern B.old D.lost11.A.immediately B.usuallyC.wrongly D.hurriedly12.A.borrow B.clean C.occupy D.mail13.A.reconsidered B.discussedC.criticized D.remembered14.A.honest B.proud C.wise D.active15.A.neighbor

7、s B.strangersC.friends D.teachers16.A.grateful B.helpfulC.regretful D.wonderful17.A.satisfaction B.approvalC.sympathy D.appreciation18.A.hatred B.contributionC.goodness C.find D.remove20.A.force B.challenge D.realize语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。作者通过看完电影后发现车里的公文包被偷,然后又失而复得的经历,得出结论:世

8、上还是有好多美好的东西和众多行善的好人存在的,尤其更美的是自己能行善举且能同时理解别人的善举!答案及剖析:1.B 考查名词辨析。由前文对作者走出电影院已经为时不早的描述可知,是电影结束了。2.D 考查动词辨析。此处指作者看完电影走向自己停在街道对过的车。3.A 考查形容词辨析。由破折号后的“the doors were unlocked”可推知,按常理作者应该是停好车,锁好车后再去看电影的,但作者看完电影后发现车门竟然开着,自然感觉奇怪。4.C 考查名词辨析。句意:我赶紧绕车看了一下。take /have a quick look“赶紧看了看”,固定搭配。35.D 考查名词辨析。由后文可知,除

9、了公文包不见了别的没有损失,因此作者松了口气。四个选项都可以构成 to ones +n.“令人”的搭配,尤其选项 A是干扰项,但由后文“nothing valuable was taken.”可知,真正值钱的东西没丢,作者放宽了心。to ones relief“令人欣慰” 。6.B 考查名词辨析。第 10空后的 briefcase with my name on it给了明确提示。7.C 考查动词辨析。句意:经过进一步查证,我不得不接受这事实,公文包确实不见了。receive“收到”;declare“宣称”;accept“接受”;oppose“反对” 。8.C 考查形容词辨析。由后文描述的贵重

10、物品都没丢可推知,此处指“幸运的” 。9.B 考查形容词辨析。由后文对发现丢失的公文包的内容表述可知此句意为“我收到了一个来自一位男士的令人惊讶的语音邮件” 。10.D 考查形容词辨析。对应上文的 was gone(丢失了),此处指丢失的公文包。lost“丢失的,不见的” 。11.A 考查副词辨析。指作者立即给发现公文包的男子回了电话。12.D 考查动词辨析。由后文的“ I asked him to send it”可知此处指“邮寄” 。13.A 考查动词辨析。由前文中作者起初的想法是让对方邮寄和后文作者怕给对方添麻烦的考虑可知此处指“重新考虑” 。14.C 考查形容词辨析。由常识可知,当你接

11、到一个奇怪的电话说他手里有你的东西,你独自去取会不会遭遇陷阱呢?故这个做法是不明智的。15.B 考查名词辨析。由上文可知,捡到公文包的男子作者根本不认识,自然是“陌生人” 。16.A 考查形容词辨析。对于拾包不昧者作者自然十分感激。be grateful to sb.“对某人感激的” 。17.D 考查名词辨析。由前文的感激描述可知此处指“感谢之情难以言表” 。express ones appreciation,“表达感激之情” 。satisfaction“满意”; approval“支持”;sympathy“同情”;appreciation“欣赏;感激” 。18.C 考查名词辨析。句意:我认为

12、世上有好多美好的东西。后文的“ inner goodness”也是提示。hatred“仇恨”;contribution“奉献”;goodness“美好”;doubt“怀疑” 。19.B 考查动词辨析。句意:世上有很多人通过自己的善举来展示内心的美。 search“搜寻”; show“展示”;find“发现”;remove“除掉” 。20.D 考查动词辨析。结尾句揭示本文主旨:自己能行善举和能体会到别人的善举同样是美好的!4【疑难词汇解读】incredibly adv.难以置信地Everyone believed the disease could kill him but incredibly

13、 he survived it.大家都认为这场病会要他命,但令人难以置信的是他活过来了。【长难句子分析】I think theres so much goodness in the world and that there are so many people who show their inner goodness through acts of kindness.本句为复合句,I think后有两个并列的宾语从句,第一个宾语从句省略了引导词 that;在第二个宾语从句中 who引导了一个限制性定语从句修饰先行词 people。我认为世上有好多美好的东西,并且有众多通过善举展现自己内心美好

14、的人。B阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room,holding Bretts jeans full of burn holes,tired and defeated,I 1 to the floor.The clothes were just one more thing Brett had 2 .He often got almost everything in the house out of 3 .Many windows in

15、our house needed repair due to his breaking 4 to steal money when he chose to live on the street.Yet none of this could compare to the emotional 5 Brett had done to our once quiet home. Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old.During the next few years I had dealt with Brett as 6 as possi

16、ble,but inside I was shouting.“I dont want him in my house another day,Lord!I just cant 7 him!”Having wiped my tears,I continued 8 him as before. When Brett was nearly 18,he landed again in Juvenile Hall (少管所).After that,my husband and I had to send Brett to a boarding school for helping 9 teens.At

17、the 10 ceremony,each graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had 11 the most to him or her.Brett spoke 12 to his parents and then spoke to me,“You did so much.You were always there,no matter 13 .My mom and dad,I was their kid.But you, 14 troubled enough by me,always 15 me such love.And

18、I want you to know I love you for it.” 16 ,I stood as 5Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me 17 . At that moment,tears 18 in my eyes again,this time not for disappointment but for 19 .Although I had struggled with silent 20 toward my stepson,Brett had seen only my actions.Love is acti

19、on.We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our lives,but we can love them. 1.A.sat B.sank C.bent D.dropped2.A.ruined B.lost C.torn D.broken3.A.danger C.trouble C.up D.away5.A.pain B.injury C.damage D.harm6.A.patiently B.willingly C.strictly D.rude

20、ly7.A.forgive B.educate C.stand D.control8.A.parenting B.pardoningC.comforting D.feeding9.A.lazy B.troublesomeC.disappointing D.careless10.A.opening B.officialC.victory D.graduation11.A.afforded B.meant C.provided D.changed12.A.lovingly B.sadlyC.proudly D.nervously13.A.where C.what D.who14.A.u

21、nless B.although C.because D.when15.A.cost B.lent C.taught D.showed16.A.Astonished B.PuzzledC.Encouraged D.Interested17.A.surely B.roughlyC.tightly D.fiercely18.A.fell B.flowed6C.moved D.gathered19.A.pity B.happiness C.luck B.anxiety C.anger D.care语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。 “我”的继子 Brett总是惹是生非

22、,“我”虽然很生气但从未表现出来。在毕业典礼上,Brett 将其手中的白玫瑰送给了对于他来说最重要的人“我”,因为他认为“我”是用行动在爱着他。答案及剖析:1.B 结合上文“tired and defeated”可知,看到 Brett牛仔裤上满是烧的洞,“我”痛哭着,感到身心俱疲,无能为力,身体不由地下陷,瘫坐在地上。sit 意为“坐”,应与介词 on搭配;sink 意为“下沉,下陷”;bend 意为“弯腰”;drop 意为“落下,降低” 。故答案选 B。2.A 根据上文 holding Bretts jeans full of burn holes可知,牛仔裤上满是烧的洞,自然是被损坏了,而

23、且衣服还只是 Brett毁坏的其中的一样东西。A 项意为“毁坏”;B 项意为“丢失”;C 项意为“撕毁,扯掉”;D 项意为“打破” 。故答案选 A。3.D Brett 经常把家里所有的东西弄得乱七八糟。四个选项都可以和 out of搭配;A 项意为“摆脱危险”;B 项意为“不适当的,不在合适的位置”;C 项意为“摆脱麻烦”;D 项意为“混乱,次序颠倒” 。故答案选 D。4.B 根据语境可知,Brett 为了偷钱,经常会打破玻璃,从窗户里跳进来。四个选项都可以和 break搭配。A 项意为“中断,突然停止”;B 项意为“破门而入,闯入”;C 项意为“结束,解散”;D 项意为“逃脱” 。故答案选

24、B。5.C 分析句子可知,空格后的句子是省略关系词的定语从句,空格处填的名词作先行词,在定语从句中作“done”的宾语。do damage to sb./sth.为固定搭配,意为“损害,伤害” 。句意:然而所有的这些破坏都比不上 Brett对我们这个曾经平静的家庭造成的感情伤害。故答案选 C。6.A 根据下文 but inside I was shouting.“I dont want him in my house another day,Lord!.”可知,“but”后面是内心的感受,but 前面指的是表面上尽可能耐心地对待Brett。A 项意为“耐心地”;B 项意为“乐意地”;C 项意为

25、“严格地”;D 项意为“粗鲁地” 。故答案选 A。7.C 结合上文“我”内心的呐喊,表明自己忍受不了了。stand 与 cant连用表示“不能忍受” 。A 项意为“原谅”;B 项意为“教育”;C 项意为“忍受,容忍,站立”;D 项意为“控制” 。故答案选 C。78.A “我”是 Brett的继母,如同他的亲生母亲,此处表示“像他的亲生母亲一样教养他” 。A项意为“养育,教养”;B 项意为“原谅”;C 项意为“安慰”;D 项意为“喂养” 。故答案 选 A。9.B boarding school指“寄宿学校” 。 “我”和丈夫把 Brett送到专门帮助那些好惹麻烦的青少年的寄宿学校,与下文中的“t

26、roubled”相对应。A 项意为“懒惰的”;B 项意为“使人苦恼的,麻烦的”;C 项意为“令人失望的”;D 项意为“粗心的” 。故答案选 B。10.D 根据下文“each graduate”可知,是在毕业典礼上。A 项意为“开学,开业”;B 项意为“官员”;C 项意为“成功”;D 项意为“毕业” 。故答案选 D。11.B 每个毕业生手拿一朵白玫瑰,将其送给那个对于自己来说最重要的人。A 项意为“支付得起”;B 项意为“打算,对重要”;C 项意为“提供”;D 项意为“改变,变化” 。故答案选 B。12.A Brett 先是走到自己的亲生父母那儿说话,根据常识可知,这时候说话肯定是很亲切的,因此

27、用副词 lovingly修饰动词“spoke” 。A 项意为“亲切地,钟爱地”;B 项意为“悲伤地”;C 项意为“骄傲地”;D 项意为“紧张地” 。故答案选 A。13.C 之后,Brett 走到“我”面前说:“你做了那么多。无论发生什么,你总是在那儿守护着我” 。no matter what意为“无论什么”;no matter where意为“无论哪里”;no matter how意为“无论如何,无论怎么样”;no matter who 意为“无论谁” 。故答案选 C。14.B “troubled”和“love”相对比,用 although引导该状语从句。句意:但是你,尽管我给你惹了那么多麻烦

28、,却总是爱着我。A 项意为“除非”;B 项意为“尽管”;C 项意为“因为”;D 项意为“当时” 。故答案选 B。15.D “我”作为 Brett的继母,对他表现出浓浓爱意,因此用 show。A 项意为“花费”;B项意为“借出”;C 项意为“教”;D 项意为“出示,展示” 。故答案选 D。16.A 结合上文的描述可知,“我”之前几乎无法容忍 Brett的所作所为,但是现在 Brett说的这番话让“我”很是惊讶。A 项意为“惊讶的,吃惊的”;B 项意为“迷惑的”;C 项意为“受鼓舞的”;D 项意为“感兴趣的” 。故答案选 A。17.C Brett 把白玫瑰送给了“我”,之后紧紧地拥抱“我” 。因此

29、用 tightly修饰动词“hugged”。A 项意为“确定地,肯定地”;B 项意为“粗略地,粗糙地”;C 项意为“紧紧地”;D项意为“猛烈地,厉害地” 。故答案选 C。18.D 关键词“again”与文章开头呼应,指此刻“我”又哭了,但是这次是激动地哭,而不是之前的无助地哭。用 gather表示“眼泪聚集在眼睛里”,言外之意就是哭了。A 项意为8“摔倒,下降”;B 项意为“流动”;C 项意为“移动,感动”;D 项意为“聚集” 。故答案选D。19.B not.but.意为“不是而是”,此刻作者流下的不是失望而是幸福的眼泪。A项意为“遗憾”;B 项意为“幸福”;C 项意为“运气”;D 项意为“成功” 。故答案选 B。20.C 根据上文可知,虽然 Brett的种种行为让“我”内心很生气,但“我”从没有表现出来。故 anger生气,符合语境。9

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