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1、1完形填空提分特训(二)A阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“There is no Santa Claus,”my big sister dropped the bomb.“Even fools know that!”My Grandma was the sincere kind,and had always been.I fled to Grandma that day because I knew she would be 1 with me.Grandma was home,and her cakes were still

2、warm.Between 2 ,I told her everything.She was ready for me.“No 3 ? Ridiculous!Dont believe it.That rumor(谣言 ) has been going 4 for years.Now,put on your coat,and lets go.” “Go?Go where,Grandma?”I asked.“Where” 5 to be Kerbys General Store.As we walked through its doors,Grandma 6 me ten dollars.That

3、was a bundle(一大笔钱) in 7 days.“Take this money,”she said,“and buy 8 for someone who needs it.Ill wait for you in the car.”Then she 9 and walked out of Kerbys. I thought of Bobby Decker.He sat 10 behind me in Mrs.Pollocks grade-two class.Bobby Decker didnt have a 11 .I knew that because during the win

4、ter he 12 went out for recess(课间休息).With growing excitement I 13 the ten-dollar bill.I would buy Bobby Decker a coat!I 14 on a red one. That evening,Grandma helped me wrap the coat in 15 paper and ribbons and wrote,“To Bobby, 16 Santa Claus”on it.Then she drove me over to Bobby Deckers house,announc

5、ing as we went that I was now and forever 17 one of Santas helpers. Grandma parked down the street from Bobbys house.I took a deep breath, 18 for his front door,threw the present down on his 19 ,pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety of the bushes and Grandma.Finally the door opened,and th

6、ere stood Bobby. That night,I realized that Santa was 20 and well.We were on his team. 21.A.crazy B.pleased C.angry D.straight2.A.bites B.meals C.talks D.chairs3.A.Christmas gift B.Santa ClausC.cakes D.rumors4.A.over B.ahead C.forward D.around5.A.happened B.turned outC.seemed D.came up6.A.lent B.fou

7、nd C.handed D.left7.A.our B.their C.her D.those8.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing9.A.turned B.hesitated C.jumped D.laughed10.A.still B.down C.right D.alone11.A.friend C.cap D.coat12.A.never B.alwaysC.sometimes D.frequently13.A.remembered B.fingeredC.noticed D.possessed14.A.wo

8、rked B.stepped C.queued D.settled15.A.Christmas B.ThanksgivingC.Halloween D.Easter16.A.For B.From C.With D.Of17.A.frankly B.hopefullyC.officially D.gratefully18.A.dashed B.walked C.searched D.reached19.A.wall B.balcony C.roof D.step20.A.kind B.aliveC.thoughtful D.true语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。有一天,作者的姐姐说世界上并没有圣诞

9、老人,于是作者去找奶奶求证。最终,奶奶帮助作者弄清楚了世上到底有没有圣诞老人这一问题。答案及剖析:31.D A 项意为“疯狂的”;B 项意为“高兴的”;C 项意为“生气的”;D 项意为“坦诚的” 。根据上文“My Grandma was the sincere kind”及语境可知,作者认为奶奶一直待人真诚,他来找奶奶是向她求证世上是否有圣诞老人,他认为奶奶是不会对自己说谎话的。故选 D。2.A A 项意为“咬”;B 项意为“饭”;C 项意为“谈话”;D 项意为“椅子” 。根据上文“her cakes were still warm”以及文章逻辑关系可判断出,在吃蛋糕的时候,作者将自己的疑惑告

10、知了奶奶。故选 A。3.B A 项意为“圣诞礼物”;B 项意为“圣诞老人”;C 项意为“蛋糕”;D 项意为“谣言” 。上文提到,作者的姐姐说世界上并没有圣诞老人,于是作者来找奶奶求证。故选 B。4.D 动词 go 和选项中的词均可构成固定短语:go over 意为“仔细检查”;go ahead 意为“前进”;go forward 意为“往前走”;go around 意为“流传” 。句意:那个谣言已经流传很多年了。故选 D。5.B A 项意为“发生”;B 项意为“结果是”;C 项意为“似乎”;D 项意为“走近,发生,升起” 。语境表示,结果作者发现奶奶要带自己去的地方是一家商店。故选 B。6.C

11、 A 项意为“借出”;B 项意为“发现”;C 项意为“递给”;D 项意为“离开,留下” 。根据下文中的“Take this money”并结合语境可判断出,奶奶给了作者 10 美元。故选 C。7.D 语境表示,在那些日子里,10 美元是一笔不小的钱,这里并没有特指是谁的时光。故 选 D。8.B 根据空格后的“for someone who needs it”可判断出,奶奶让作者用那 10 美元为某个有需要的人买件东西,此处表示某样东西。故选 B。9.A A 项意为“转身”;B 项意为“犹豫”;C 项意为“跳起”;D 项意为“笑” 。根据上文“Ill wait for you in the ca

12、r.”和下文“walked out of Kerbys”可判断出,此处表示奶奶转身离开了那家商店,让作者自己决定买什么物品。故选 A。10.C A 项意为“仍然”;B 项意为“向下”;C 项意为“正好”;D 项意为“独自” 。语境表示,在班里,Bobby Decker 就坐在作者后面。故选 C。11.D 根据下文 I would buy Bobby Decker a coat!可判断出 ,Bobby Decker 没有外套。故选 D。12.A A 项意为“从不”;B 项意为“总是”;C 项意为“有时”;D 项意为“频繁地” 。语境表示,作者知道 Bobby Decker 没有外套,因为冬天天冷

13、时,他课间从不出去。故选 A。13.B A 项意为“记住”;B 项意为“用手指触摸”;C 项意为“注意到”;D 项意为“拥有” 。语境表示,作者手里拿着奶奶给的 10 美元,心里越来越兴奋,最后作者决定给 Bobby Decker4买件外套。故选 B。14.D A 项意为“工作”;B 项意为“迈步”;C 项意为“排队”;D 项意为“决定,解决”,settle on 是固定短语 ,意为“决定” 。根据下文作者和奶奶给 Bobby Decker 送外套可判断出,作者最后决定给 Bobby Decker 买一件红色的外套。故选 D。15.A A 项意为“圣诞节”;B 项意为“感恩节”;C 项意为“万

14、圣节前夕”;D 项意为“复活节” 。根据下文“To Bobby, 16 Santa Claus”可判断出,奶奶是用圣诞节包装纸包装那件外套的。故选 A。 16.B 根据邮寄物件的常识并结合语境可知,此处表示来自圣诞老人,应用介词 from,与空格前的“To Bobby”相对应。故选 B。17.C A 项意为“诚恳地,坦诚地”;B 项意为“充满希望地”;C 项意为“正式地”;D 项意为“感激地” 。语境表示,奶奶宣布从现在开始,作者正式并永远地成为了圣诞老人的助手。故选 C。18.A A 项意为“急冲,飞奔”;B 项意为“散步”;C 项意为“搜寻”;D 项意为“到达” 。根据下文“threw t

15、he present”和“flew back to”并结合语境可判断出,作者不想让Bobby Decker 发现自己,因此做什么都很快,此处表示作者飞奔到 Bobby Decker 的家门前。故选 A。19.D A 项意为“墙”;B 项意为“阳台”;C 项意为“屋顶”;D 项意为“台阶” 。根据下文作者按门铃以提醒 Bobby 发现并接收礼物可知,礼物应是被放在了显眼的地方,Bobby 一开门就能看到。因此作者应是将礼物放在了 Bobby Decker 家门前的台阶上。故选 D。20.B A 项意为“善良的”;B 项意为“在世的”;C 项意为“沉思的”;D 项意为“正确的,真实的” 。语境表示

16、,作者在那天晚上意识到了圣诞老人是存在的,这与文章开头作者想弄清楚圣诞老人是否存在相照应。故选 B。【长难句分析】Then she drove me over to Bobby Deckers house,announcing as we went that I was now and forever officially one of Santas helpers.本句是一个复合句。 “announcing”是非谓语动词,在此作伴随状语,与句子主语“she”之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系;as 引导时间状语从句;that 引导的宾语从句作“announcing”的宾语。然后她开车送我去 Bobby

17、 Decker 的家,在去的路上,奶奶宣布我从现在起正式并永远地成为了圣诞老人的助手。5B阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix,Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season.The first two 1 there were for persons requiring help in taking

18、 care of themselves. We sang 2 for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them. As we were 3 on the third floor for old people with Alzheimers (阿尔茨海默病),most of them 4 at the walls or floor. However,one lady 5 my eye. She was sitting by the door,in a wheelchair,singing son

19、gs to herself. They werent the songs that we were singing,at least they didnt 6 like that. As we got 7 with each festive song,she did as well. The louder we got,the louder she got. 8 she was singing,she was also 9 out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her,but I th

20、ought that my 10 were to my students. People who worked at the care center could 11 to her,I thought. Just when I stopped feeling 12 about not giving her the attention she needed,one of my students,Justin,showed me what the holiday season is really about. Justin also 13 the same lady. The difference

21、 between us is that he 14 on her needs,but I didnt. During the last song,“Silent Night,” Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in the 15 and with his actions said,“You are important,and I will take my 16 to let you know that.” This tired,elderly lady stopped singing a

22、nd held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with 17 hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No 18 can completely describe that touching moment. It 19 a boy to teach me,a man,about kindness and love. Justins example of a complete,selfless attitude toward another was a 20 that I will never forget. H

23、e was the teacher that day,and I consider myself lucky to have 6witnessed his lesson. 1.A.buildings B.rooms C.floors D.groups2.A.shyly B.bravelyC.madly D.beautifully3.A.meeting B.dancing C.gathering D.singing4.A.shut B.stared C.paid D.glared5.A.caught B.looked C.escaped D.hurt6.A.appear B.hear C.sou

24、nd D.feel7.A.louder B.nearer C.faster D.higher8.A.Because B.As C.Since D.Though9.A.moving B.reaching C.coming D.spreading10.A.interests B.abilitiesC.feelings D.responsibilities11.A.speak B.object D.attend12.A.afraid B.sure C.scary D.guilty13.A.feared B.avoided C.noticed D.helped14.A.called

25、 B.acted C.kept D.insisted15.A.tears B.hands C.face D.eyes16.A.time B.flower C.body D.cheek17.A.another B.his C.the other D.herself18.A.words B.poemsC.expressions D.songs19.A.took B.wasted C.caused D.made20.A.message B.lesson C.activity D.class语篇解读:本篇是夹叙夹议文。在假期作者带领班里的学生去位于菲尼克斯的 Chris 护理中心看望那里的老人。演唱歌

26、曲时,有一位老奶奶随着他们一起歌唱,并做出有可能影响自身安全的肢体动作。细心的 Justin 走上前握住老奶奶的手,向老奶奶表达了无私的爱意。而这正是作者想做却没有做的事情。作者认为 Justin 给自己上了很有意义的一课。答案及剖析:1.C 考查名词辨析。由下文的“As we were.on the third floor”可知,在一、二层7(floors)住的是基本能够自理的人。故选 C。2.D 考查副词辨析。根据下文“They loved our sweet songs”可知我们的歌声很动听,老人们很喜欢我们唱的歌。故 D 项符合题意。3.D 考查动词辨析。由下文的“They weren

27、t the songs that we were singing”可知,作者和他的学生在三楼给患有阿尔茨海默病的老人唱歌。故选 D。4.B 考查动词辨析。患有阿尔茨海默病的大部分老人都是盯着墙壁或地板,shut“关闭”;stare“盯着看,凝视”;pay“支付”;glare“怒视” 。 5.A 考查动词辨析。固定搭配:catch ones eye“吸引某人的注意” 。由语境可知,此处指有一个老奶奶引起了作者的注意。故选 A。6.C 考查动词辨析。由语境可知,老奶奶也在唱歌。但唱的不是“我们”的歌,至少听起来不像是。sound“听起来”,故选 C。7.A 考查形容词辨析。由下文“The loud

28、er we got,the louder she got.”可知,“我们”唱得声越大,她的声也越大。故选 A。8.B 考查连词辨析。由语境可知,老奶奶在唱歌的同时还,此处用引导时间状语从句的引导词。because“因为”;as“随着;当时”;since“自从”;though“虽然” 。故 B 正确。9.B 考查动词辨析。老奶奶边唱歌边向我们伸手,身体也向着我们挪动。reach out“伸出(手)”,故选 B。10.D 考查名词辨析。由上文 I knew that I should have gone over to her 可知,作者本想走向那个老奶奶,但作者认为自己的职责(responsib

29、ilities)在学生身上,故选 D。11.D 考查动词辨析。作者认为护理中心的工作人员会照顾那个老奶奶。固定搭配:attend to“照顾,照料” 。故选 D。12.D 考查形容词辨析。作者因为未能给那个老奶奶及时的照料而感到内疚。afraid“害怕的”;sure“确定的”;scary“恐怖的”;guilty“内疚的” 。故选 D。13.C 考查动词辨析。Justin 也注意到了那个老奶奶。fear“畏惧”;avoid“避免”;notice“注意”;help“帮助” 。故选 C。14.B 考查动词辨析。Justin 和作者不同的地方在于,Justin 根据老奶奶的需要行事,而作者没有。act

30、 on 根据行事。故选 B。15.D 考查名词辨析。Justin 望着老奶奶的眼睛,即与老奶奶对视,以表示真诚。固定搭配:look sb. in the eyes“正视某人”,故选 D。816.A 考查名词辨析。由语境可知,你是重要的,时间能证明一切。故选 A。17.C 前文说了老奶奶用一只手抓住了 Justin 的手,自然摸他脸颊的是另一只手。两者当中说了前者再说后者就需要用 the other。故选 C。18.A 考查名词辨析。老奶奶感动落泪,什么语言(words)都不足以形容那个感人的时刻。故选 A。19.A 考查动词辨析。Justin 已不仅仅是一个男孩,此刻他更是一个顶天立地的男人,

31、是他教会了我善良和爱心。take 在此意为“需要”,相当于 need。20.B 考查名词辨析。根据下文提示 I consider myself lucky to have witnessed his lesson 可知,Justin 全心全意对待他人的态度给我好好上了一课(lesson)。【疑难词汇解读】1.festive adj.欢乐的;节日的;喜庆的Christmas is often called the festive season.圣诞节常被称作欢乐的时节。2.witness vt.目击;证明;为作证I can witness that he wasnt at the scene o

32、f the crime.我可以证明他不在案发现场。Is there anyone who witnessed the robbery?有人目击这次抢劫吗?【长难句子分析】Just when I stopped feeling guilty about not giving her the attention she needed,one of my students,Justin,showed me what the holiday season is really about.这是个复合句。when 引导时间状语从句,she needed 是定语从句修饰 the attention;one of my students,Justin,showed me what the holiday season is really about 是主句,what 引导宾语从句作 showed 的直接宾语;Justin 是 one of my students 的同位语。正当我停止自责没给她所需要的照料时,我的一个学生,Justin,让我领略了这个假期的真正含义是什么。9

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